s. ;
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Ured To Comet'
10 C6 M Pde tart on Fairo? Uio en F aa" r' li.o f eboths tlia wll eck fedaostFidyol.
O OM L EPQ JTo U i n F iraW(coimt of the act-that they 7:00lre= 4
l Yebyilil 2:30 Po hefiet n airadiesainsfirlmost
Iwhich John Biris coe, '2:3E, general a i 3,Ifyu rin- the peg in one 7:30 Circus per'formiance .on,
EF'()i, LT' F, MS C: 1 4 1 IAl4N chairmanl, nIer"s the question that ,of y(:ur tlhree' trials 'a reward in can- d (ance. floor..
C' has bee)botheringcertantofth11WO I y Is given; .a lbox for the tall peg. 7:41 Dancing at Fa ir starts.
IEtI WHL Y i en students of the University. {ptlt)tI1 2; Fair commlnittee Bfead- 1 0:30 Circus performance re-I
Th 1odn fte no ari h "We not only welcome w~omen~ to the lu.rters. A member of the Fair comn- peated.
tiiitl step in the canipaign started this'Fi u eaetkn pca en mittee will 1w icth booth at all 1:45 Dancing resumed.
byteUintocmltrh to attract them there," Briscoe stated. times during the evening to handle all 12:00 Fair closes.I
S'ari teUno bidig "Although the Fair is being given by l1I ine. that womes till. Enter the field house through
simmning polite nonbulin. the Union, we feel that it would not l 0 reat f :grecysiizii herej the main or the State street can-r
E"very effort of Union officials and be complete without the women of the Booths 3 and 4: 'Theta Chi---The trance. Ani adlmission Iprice ofjj
tiose connected with the club has been school there. We want to welcomaeatErsu.Te'orbena- 1 etil ecagd
d~()ed(lrigth pstyer othe! all that can/ possibly come." m ral that has startled the scientific
~raising of the money necessary to' In addition to issuingafrlwe- old ilesonat hs)ot.I -- _3
wol completehon thehispool.h
Thmpefiste i the drvethslea come to women to come to the Fair. After a thrilling airplane trip from.
Th is se nth rv ti erseveral booths have been provided tha~t Arcweei wsc urd h may ride their own horses anti winl a
wstkniacapaign sonsre will have as their purpose conmpeti- Great Egressuin is in Ann Arbor and prize.
byChimues, campus ,opinion monthly, tion2 among sororities,.ed osokteoloeswt SportsmnuCalled
an h no.Pegswr ind One fraternity has installed a boohis rtsunes 10th ;i24; h im ap-il
ty stuents pledging five: dollars to[vvwhere the members of the various~ Booth 5: Delta Chi-T'he Plastic Gallery. A chance. is offered here to 1
the fund 'unler the c~onditioni that the sororities will be allowed to engage in j4ge. A revelation of the progress in the sportsmen onl the campus. Tar-
necssay mne 1~ ~ied y he nd omptiionto etemie wichisthe imystic events_ of the ancient days, gets of every sort, with rifles ,tjiat. are
of the( year. The pledge entitled the the best. Placards with girls rep- The present day r'evelation of the an- true alnd that shoot straight will bel
ownuer to 20 swims in the completed resenting the different sororities willI cient arts will be shown. usedl. P-rizes will be presentedl.
pool, it -being thlepa to charge -this. be'displayed and darts will be sold to iBoh6 xt Booths 25" and2; Psi Upsilon-~
amount' for 'swiin~ x +'o rdei, to meet throw at them. To each one scoring1 Booth 7: Simt h-oi:Cur h ra ayrnh h ni
the expez r'.of , p~r Ling >tlie pool.successfully in hitting the girls a of Injustice. Those who enter the sport of the kings of distant Greece
The campaign 'telsev thusand4 prize will be givejn, and as each sor- field houise with any intention of vio- will be revived:. There are twenty I
dollars sot at te anpui~t necessary ority is hit a vote will beh given it in lating the laws laid down by the Fair ways to get into the labyrinth anud
aned it be allle Ilcesair ,o ,abndon the popularity contest. A pr'ize wil l Police ordinances will suffer the con- only one way to get ouit. Mysterious
thie whole' idcsa. rlee de have be given the sorority having the high-{ sequences. The police court will op- passages wind thlrojigh wierd scenes
been destroyed and no attempt will be cst number of vote., at the end (A the !crate through the crowd, arresting any a-nd those who wander through themc~
Made to collect them in the future. two nights of the Fair. wb violate any of the rules~ that will will be given thrills galore.
If the Fair is successful in raising Another feature of the Fair in which Iepseadmn htwl o b ots2 n 8 ap im
the amounat expectefi, the pool will be women wllpla ' '. osted. king Tut's Tom-b. After several
)PEN TONIGHT SPecialNITent To 9j
Co nn 22 Wild 11
-- r B Ir R*m a
{ it
i }
a {
'. I
assu red and work will be begun upon
it immediately, It should be ready
for use before school closes this se-
nmester, or, if some delay is experi-
enced, by the opening of school next
Thie completion of the swimming
pool of the Union will mark the final
Ftep in the building-of the Union build-
ing. At presecnt there are twvo rooms
that ares n41 'shed, the swiiiin pool
and the rBp -om. A douation of
,$15,000 lin l t year for the treiding
room all hv.lis to be completed.
l4ork oilfn t roonm will start as soon
'S the (IoU6' returns from a tripl to
An' eton sale at which articles
of lrnerchaudis-e doniated by Anli ,Arbor
lbu~s m~inen wvill be sold to the high-
ct Ttdtr «will be one of the features
of ti"n Fair. The auction will be an-
nounced y b eii'- of a bell and a
loxies U.Qncy a $25 sweater, two l
hoe table Coliunbia phonographs, men's!
cloth]ing, sport goods, a portable type-
writer, and dozens of other articles
Imave -been contributed and will be auc-
Thie list of donations and articles
that wrill be sold follows: Goldman
Cleztiiers and Dyers-trade checks;
Eeu-,y Ross shop--boxes of candy;
IBligty-boxes of candy; George ;.
Mroe--sport goods;' Guy Woolfolk_--
cilhing; 0. D. Morrill--typewriter;;
Miss Alclregor Photo Shop--pictuire ;
Speddig studio s-a sitting; Arthur~
Mlarc iwdt-knickers; J. I. lWanzeck-
a s eter; C. Cai-o f candy,
"]utes. lunch-oxof.c .4 ~Dunn
and Prtt--soccer bal. _4oster's Teal
rooi %somne worl .of. art," Arnod-ma-
hogd y.clock; 1 Rider-fountain pen;
Campuis Bootery-~two pairs of shoes;
Mallet Fuller-jewelry; Mac~eeland
-five pounds of coffee; Greenwood
acnd4(-lgore-sweater; Wadhams-tw o
Englisll caps; Waters-brief cases,;)
caIl instr'ument; Kyer-clothing ;.Wildl
and Co-sweater; Wagner and Co.-
leather hat case; and G. E. Stone-
box of candy.
dancing. 'he entire basketballifloor
with accommiodlations for more than
204 couples, will he dlevoted to thisa
formn of entertainment. The dancing
will not b~e carrie.d on in the forum of
a continuous dance, but the floor will
be cleared and tickets taken after each
Circs A c ts To0
Display' Campus'
Athletic Powersi
IEmperor l+lavio and Empress F lay:
ions, sup~reme rulers of ancient Ronke~
'ryill ~witness the trials of their slaives,
n too0 at empn ttat they N"Mvii ae t4'
9 a : 11 ivO5 by leyfi )Igs
1u Alpleat of strei r skill in-
t'he circus piageant .t theFir
Thie sirenus will be given twice dunr
lil t Me Blliard Bal
Booth 8; Phi Delta Theta-Get-It.
Oat;t. A game of :kill and skill alone,
To Op' person that can knock the
billiard balIl out fronm under the quar-
ter and :se-nd the quarter out of the
circle a prize will be given.
Booth J9; Entrance.
Booth 10; Exit.
Booth 11l; Beta Phi° Delta-la~l
Inferno liable Cafe.. The lurild at-
imosphere of a' Paris cafe, French
drinks will be advertised for sale, Fnd
~real -Ameripan dritik~s will, bo sold:
~French damsels wvait. on customers and
D'rench Apaclis will sulk in corniers
;Intent on mnurderouis deeds.
Booth t2; tSiina Aloha p1o--
For Aa Olr. ,?omen aredenied
-A7itl~rn'tte 1) th is "I hill. tlt 'will
-~how the men what the ,n; 11 LliingwT
oiean in life an how, without thtese
Kupposed unimportant things, a man'
in the evening of each- nigt- of th woul011d lose his reputa-tion and become
Fair, once at 7:30 and again -at 10 :3- -- - ~ :ft iSccet.
o'cl,)c,. -It will be held on the dancef Othter ('tres- For Ills-
floor of the field house and will be in-; Booth 13; Tan Epsilon Pi-Medi-
eluldedl in the general adm-ission. i1ne Show. All ills and. dij~ases will
As the hour zfor ttme pageant draws be cured thrloughz the medicine that
near the ]P.niperor and.hils follodwing wi11lJ -sold -fromnt this booth. They
w4il eter, led by a clown band of 2G{ gt ante to cure evrtha fromn
pieces.. T le,(,Emperor aind the hEnl- corn-s to love sickness,:
1press will come next, followed by thel Booth 14; Freshmen--Cryst.,0 Gaz-cnettshodinhasndhelngTePrptofteO zt ht
animals, roaring furiously. The ani- mysterious ancient wvho hras peered
nmals will be taken immediately tol into the future and forseen great'
strong cages at one end of the floorI things, will i'ead. the futuire of those
while the 'Emperor andl Empress wil11, at the Fair.
seta themselves on their thrown. I Booth 15; Architectural society---
The slaves who are to perform willj Burlesque on Bohemzian Life. Those
be le din one by one. A tight rope1'uuitcsuet fteBhma
walker will defy death in his feats,; life will see themselves as others see1
six tumblers will throw each other te
about; a boning match will be staged; ilell Portrayed
and saber fencers will slash anatomies Boh1 n,1;ApaTuO
to little bits. Boohe16Witand 17; sAlarTeubont-
One of the events that promises to ealel ihnti ag ot
Iwill be pictured what is really a hell
be the most thrilling will be a Piu- of a place. Prominent cam~pus char-
isU act presented by two leading ex- ~tiswl -esona hywl p
perts of this Japanese sport on the1har ~i tlule.ona hywl p
campus, S. Sutgiyama and another~ ermft~ ie
whom he has chosen to assist him. Booth 38; DIelta Sigma Phii-Chain-
Th aot.,- wil ttemipt, to show thel her,-of if orrors. ,A fantastic and hor-
value of this means of self defense for rible exhibition will be' shown.. It
a small moan against a large one. i reoe'n lo-udig e
As the slaves appear before the Em- fascinating. An additional Lovejoy
peror and do their deeds, he will judgeatrcinwl be offered.-
th1e act by indicating ".thumbs uj"~ or Booth 10; Delta Theta Ph1i-=Freak1
"thumzbs dIown." If his, opinion :is n- Musein. Gathered in this booth will
favorable, the victims will be thrown be an assortmentof the most remnark-
to te rarig bast inther cgesable freaks ever shown in America.
tod thevorin The collection is directly from Paris
and evouedwhere it shocked even the niembers,
of the chorus of the Folies Bergere.
ALUMNI SERRYM IS Booth 20; Delta Tau Delta--Mod-
iste Shop. A review of the fashions
of today and tomorrow shown by
CHSLB EN IER charming girls. The beautiful dam-
sels will parade before those in the
Irwin E. Stegmeler, '24E, was named both displaying clothes that are stun-
alumni secretary by the senior engi- ning in their originality and daring.
neering class at their miceting yester-1I Booth 21; Theta Xi-Motordrome.
day ornng n rom 48,EngneeingTwo motorcycle riders,, daredevil per-
day ~ I monngi room 4, Engineering formers, will ride in a circular motor-
building.' .P'oby 2Fwa rme They ride at a crazy speed
chosen class poet, Henry Hubbard, that would mean certain death if a
l'24E, class historian, C. A. Campbell, mishap occurred.
'24E, class orator, amid John W. Kearns, Booth- 22; Delta Upsilon-The
°24E, class prophet. House of Skill. Sororities may proveE
Stegmeier, who' will serve as secere- which is the most popular among the
Lary for two years after graduation, combined men-and women of the Uni-
until the first class reunion, when an- versity. All at the Fair may throwr
ote election will be held, was also darts at a fair damsel representing
put in charge of collecting the $2 different sonorities. Prizes will be
blankt suscrition or te givens to the ones scoring in their
blanet ubsripion or he lumusandi the sorority that is hit the most
official organ of the Alumni associa- will receive an additional prize.
tion, from members of the class. It Booth 23; Phi Kappa Sigma-Ken-
was voted at the meeting yesterday tacky Derby. Such famous horses as
to subscribe in this manner. Ma--War. Zev, In Memorian, and
months of difficult traveling, the an-
cient sarcophagi f'on King Tjit's
tomb have been brought to this coun-
try. With the s ..rcophagi come the
Daughter's of King 'Tut, lively treat-
tires that have had new life put into
their -veins with tjite 1Ein atien Goat
Gland process.
Booth 29; Tau Beta Phi--Physical
Phenomena. The engineers in this
society will preset ta serious , and
highly cutertaininf; distpay of SonIe
qf- t me sm ore , sp rctac u l r fr m :; ofti tph n n e a _ ro l c ,1 i ) H e p li
laboratories. -{'
r L o e l 1 - 1 - l s I b ooth 30?:: K app a P hi S u l~n w U r. i
Tom Lt vrhl. The oh;iy ~liv1intg iu6111l+>mt
of time "laic:;F~our", iitIdrn9 ' W1sh1i1--
ton ' 1 ncolnr, a mm'Roo: evolt,- wiql "1 ea
on siirerri topics including- 'I}voluiiopn,
The Fon ii IiDimnniomn, The- Ali aing
Link ,and Perpetuatli lAlotiorn. In -ad-
dlitibn the Doctor xwil ,Solv-inQpsov-
era.Lrccrntiete lerctur'e:, t';p_(,urlidnt
of : ,,,hich camne firsit, the hcn or the'
Booi 31 don(l 1 ;)Club-Fags
forj Field Goals. Toss thne -balls. at
the baskets and w vin (i ,reottes. Three
balls succe~sfttlly t~sseel 'ins atk-
aof eaciretstwa w eofC,('mls" or Lucky Strikes; and one'
nothing at all.
Booth 32; Stairway.
Booth .33; leta Beta fTu-Pictur~e
Ca~llem'y. A chance to have your pic-
ture taken at a minimum price with
the best satisfaction. Expert photo--
graphers will take the pictures of' any
andl all at the Fair.
(Booth 34; Phi Gamma D)elta- -- Red'
I0'Toole's Bar. Drinks wiill be :erved
in this booth in the atmosphere of at
real western saloon. The bartender
is the kind that used to shoot out the
lights w'hen the guns eaine into p~lay.
Booth T rheta Delta Ch1,i--Coch_
(Fight. Two of the~ finest b)alitamt
Iccsfo.tesalsotw dent of Mexico have been securetha<nd
will stage their battles for the crow-md.
Booth 36; - Pi Sigma. Del t,---The
Sultan. A rmystic imindi read:;Ag-,act
In which the Sultan, inpor ted froni-
India, will read through paper blind-
folded and tell. you ; your past. ta-d
future. Greater, than Beatrice Fair-
fax, lie predicted the women's ; tyle
right a year ago.
Booths 37 and 33; Phi Beta -Pb-
Babinski's Ten Wonders of the World.
A chance to gaze upon the wonders
of Hypae, the mermaid; Madame Hy-
pertrichosis; The Bearded Lady* A.
N. Emia; The Cigarette Fiend; Violet
1Adiposa; The Six Hlundred Pound
Flapper; and Monsieur D'Ystrophicus.
Other attra tions include Tumor Hly-
pophysis, the -cromegalic giant,
dancing* girls, snake charmers, and
Claribel iWill 1)ancee
Booth 39; hlermitage Fraternity-
Dancing Claribel. A dancer.. that
can't be resistedi will,-shimmny-.and
shake her way into the hearts of the
multitude. After a. trig) from Florida,
the warm southern girl, endowed with
ffhe passionate powers' of the south,
sea maidens, will give a typical hula
+ ibiticus of paint ever shown in toureas s k n ies tl I lJI ~lL~
Aror has ,been sec ured for this both. q I. UISI ~l
1'he twierd futuristic (lecorationtS wxilL I1 1 I IIl ~
sturitle ahdi delight. - t animal show at which wddl~
3imive llouse of horror s j beasts gat he r'ed-lfrom everiy corner of A ''nttrl; (lowim x, Bm11141;" an d.Bo hti; Fln-i --1l e h u e h l b ~l e p acie n x i i:}o "( g rit n Cit n 1o oias. A l _t a sti~ d 1 il b n f h f a u e 'o' he -ir p n n
that is strange, all that willI curle Tie show xii be held in ao special; --- -
strong men's blood and mnake thenti g ent on tiebacn of tie field house.'1l::("):IvEt 'If1 r .
woant protectiom is in this booth. The Twxenty t'wo of the mast fer ocious I INCllAI4xE OF A11 ANGE3IENTS
mysterious aspect of dripping Mlood j and the most entert~a iii immg- anmials ev- ____
id horrible sights that people like ;r created will bie shownm in this (tntnednt. Pge1
to see, yet shudder when they do see ' Mofst Of 1the }b~yrsts have beeni con- (otne in ae1
Booth 421; Sigmna Nn--Balloonis'trihsuted by frateritiies and orfgiiz- The Fair will be officialy opened 1by
will bie sold; those passionately (c0-I atioxis. ;alparade that will leave the Yost field
i ored balloons that every circus mnust 1 Two snakes will be kept behind ; housei at 2:30) o'clock this afternoon
hav-e. Red and white and blue ball- ;c(loseliy barred cages and presented -;Flats aind indlividual performers
oans to blend with time decorations. to the view of the spectators. One ij fronm most of the orgaiizations having
Yelow n(Ii~linei~hlons or eep 1an'impomted African Python of gigan- j bahs at the rair will be used.
sakes. ,i tic size, and with a remarkable appet- h aadbvl g
I~ot 4; arole-Mxi Mxi.ite for human flesh. The other is a I haowie ip State to Packard, down-
That. luxurious drink reated for I less imposing snake hut showing a. Packard to Main, up Main to Huron,
kings and deans will be sold by mcmi- remarkable coloring that has mradeI up Huron to State, circle the campuls
biers of the Gargoyle staff. Gargoyle Ihii a scientific: wonder. and ieturn down State to the fil
'iN the only puli~lcatioii on the campus l1 The, missing link that will prove ! house..
that is helping the' Union sw'mming 1Pr. Toni Lovell's theory of evolution -y THbd lHeads Parte
t pol y avig aboth t te air iwill be in another cage. Three hoses Heading the parade willi bethe V~
Boortht 45;1 Engineering society-( will be confined to captivity; Spark Isay band in its full strenxth.
Stairway to - engineering exhibit- I Plug, Yo Ho, and Man of War. They chairmn of the commnittees ,ththlavke
This will be one of . the few strictly Iwill probably he' taken from their had charge' of the arrangements for
serious exhibits of the Fair. It is aI cages and the long sought questiemi of the Far will follow tie band dn horsi-
revival of the, engineering exhtiait their supremacy decided 'dring the back, after which will 'coe the re-.
held each year bay the, Engineering Fair., manler of the parade.
I society. Remnarkable feats of engin- j Amongr the scientific freaks that will Seven ands will be 41mong;, die
I eering 'skill will be 'portrayed, and be . guardled carefully in the ,show things that wil[' atract atWtiutlom*o
strange phenomfena conimon to phy- will be a iMichizalio, a yellow and blue the parade. I'eiie the Varity ad
I ~ cal -experinm ets show n.'I stripaped Mehra ca pt red in -M exico Ithere ,is a 20 pie ce clow n badd', c's1 o t 6 l h i m . P t} n ir d a t r M c i a e a s o a t s *a d b i d o t i u e ty arr -
Cekng. Members of this group will its color;, a flea that is a monsros ty ganizations. A steai caliope =wll
take care of a checking service for having outgrown any of its compan-f bring up the s cam' of the processiou,.
all at the Fair. ions; a remnarkable cow, a long haired Floats :itimg at the things that
Booth 47; Stairway to AnimaltirteanthDuk ilePayp. will be shown in the booths at the
show. -several birds will he shown with air will be contributed by faternbi
B Eooth 48; Beta Theta Phi-Auction Iteaias n ftee h oftics., One of these will show the three
Isale. Articles of value contributed Oof bird, has start led sane men intowy fgtigtruhclee n
by Ann Arbor's leading merchants will insanity through its alprarance;an-wy oharof gttngta a giant hot dog''telling of the
be auctioned to the highest bidder. other is a man sized ostrich. possility of buying these things rat
Articles ranging up to 501 dollars in The other animals and bleasts that the Fair. Clowns and bareback riders
value will be sold for whatever price will be on exhibition are: a frog, a will be in theprcsin
thney will bring,. ralo, agraff, a wild man, an Iy beralinI nihinnls W IlII Mri
" - - F .1)og "Served elephanit, and. a pig. -- Animals of every sort 'ai~deac.0p
I eoth, Q# : ">eta1P+jsi- Iot doe and «bi i
coffee.-'TIie captains of the footb~l 1 r esorS r q tb se 'it parade."I'iih at
4an baseball teams will -serve trot11, gesu 'staemamItt';-
dogs anid coffee., I'T e C q io 1 d ' dyetr day from South" A'i s ,
F Poth ,tr;, Delta Kappa Epsilon-'-C]j ill be ol a-r pcl float Guards
Vainge e Wih a''Cht'ow ' c~~iirra / j heavily aztmd, s WtI Intarhlrp n "etler
go vri oI'ertad her e f ~titewit'toe the gat (keast ihoild startft lb r
itfPtmlltiembers who gave the-mn thhaE ; ;Two pu-bilieattan omm C etemiclwiRlthe l' throau m' tie, wtv~Jls tlat'wutlti-la " h~It
porest~rir as3 semesr.t Boy I Alarratigetnets foi1hte Ail'i'r~e
-those- had~on theFain' amd addingfireh f Inds made: in been unmtd ihdo1' the te'v
ba~cfsia sballs lmnIer dh t thfe genW ilo Apid~cds'of Jcjhm 1). i ricoe, '2#G, general air-
at tilee cors cara. - c.
13othm 52r; w Delta Tan r ri ir- he Fair', will appear' today. %' °1e Iman .theco, e nchrg.j.
Coerthe, Spot, <i'he newest andIat- 1 pUion County Clario," offcld 't az- Ihsbe sit~ Y toassisanit g al
est s) ,, c ine ,t e .,sfpill. bT rry" imowrspapr , will lbe sold onthe cudn, Jboan
* t~~e Bneroi s thiofafternoon 'aVt' th e er l "mr emens, '' o l~a,~'Ea
tIf the simnahl disk is drpppedto exact- anuI 1 is-ateno; ttepai'ade,'1Tlr- t e,'4.heads of Wte
ly cover the circle below ea- prize is In andl atteFiaoih.Thpte~ h!(o~nmtes la gecreci± for
Ig ~ n. ' -- - -po graimi, w illr be 2sO ld o th , ni h a t I c r(the lw ork t eof tth 'e Fairai c ; C a l s L -
BoothChar;ePhi - th* 4'
Bot ;PaEpsilon-Po'"pte theFair. - Iingston, '25, iidway;;Cgrwi ltpr",
< igs. -, A gamue of' Skill with a reward -4 The Clarionm i' s ca raL sheet .n'the 11 :'( omiitCttiOi ; W1ahCkiower '2,
of m'al' cigiirette' will be rang .The ti fmi iithat, is used and in t(ihlnatume'of!:PiiiiY arneDoe 2~pr
-childhood-tvainiug of running -a- pop]1 its articles. Promnment mpembers of?1 ade; Walter Scharei% '24, usnes;"
gun cam -be used in sho oting the pack-'3the faculty acid of 'the stmidemt body, John (Grylls, '25, circus; Chester Swig-
ages of cigarettes off the shelf. Yoiu leading sorority houses and fraternity ecrt, '21x; Ray Bilington, '25, Clarin
win all that you can shoot off. hou011ses, and especially tihe wommen j edito ; Arden Kirschner,' 25, Clarion iebr ftesuetbdae uiesmaae;Wle vrt~
Ringthe ucks"razzed" in a meciless nianner!i 20, sigms; anti Howard Vise, '25, dnt-
Booth 5- ; Alp~ha Delta Phi-Ring thoghase'e o.maiay es ial show.-
A uk e dcssimn stories. Tihe Va ii will be run both toright
absout in a tubl of water; large rings Thie programn will be a IiG page book-° andto moirowv might, A general ad-
that can be tossed over their necks; I letu pic printed iinaim attractive form with, i~5Oi 1cc of 50) cents will be char'-
amidthepeole x'horin geta dck.colored pictures and articles on the ed withi sepamate a dission p'cso
Booth 55; Phi Mus Alpha- Baseball F'i.I ilcnai opeels 5 andl 10 cents foi' the sideshows, The'
Bucket Game. Baseball players and Nar twl of the boths and( of the thimgs can- Pyii will b4 open fromn 7 to 12 o'clock
others experienced in this line of worktameinhm aswlasdiiol each night.
will be able to show their skill and tinormain ohe airlasadtinl
,vin prizes as a result. If the ballinomtnai hFir
X.s tossed- into the bucket properly a Chester Sxigert, _'24E,. is edtr of ([T
terga wie ayJilntM ,RZSprize re~suts.I is editor of the Clarion Arden 0A IARD PiZES FDAot BESTgn Pi--ft h
Mark and Dusk the Boy. Another "e,'5 sbsnssmngrof. the, fl
ehance'to show skll in throwing base- latter paper.'I Members of the Clarion1 VUf~
"calls. If the center- of the target is4 editorial staff are: Bernd Baeteke, '26; I ___
hit the boy on time platform is duck- H. Ross Stone, 26; and Lisle Rose -,-
ead -intoa tub of water. '25. The members of the business' Cups donated by Ann .Harbor icer-
Booith 57: Phi Kappa-Popcorn and staff are Harold Marks, '26, Wilson chants have made pssibe the givaiiw
Peauts -No fair would be complete Graff, '26; John Conlin, '26; and Le1 of prizes to booths at the Nair anid
-wvithot hobt popcorn and fresh roast- Ensel, '26. { to floats in the parade. Nine crutps
ed, peanuts. Ihave been donated for- this purpose.'
V'i-e 1st Prizes See . Lt Uni Parade rroday ; The follawing prizes will e given:
Boot 53;Trion-Tss te Rng. -----a- The Charles W. Graham cup for the
One hundred and fifty gorgeous prizes Aconc'THE IS ~ tessrlion cpas ecmod pritfo
will be given to the winners inr this ATT E THthA;TthSSid illr cup f orithe sid
gaeojkl.Js os itern show that is m~ost entertaining, origin-
over a peg and carry off one of the I al and poial;teCad rk
15.EI cit as second pize for' this; the
Booth 9;Delta U Phi-Roll U A cron-Today 6; Iackle eBtler cup for tm~he bet
hand and steady of eye this is an easy flasowno rpeetaini
game Rol litleball ona amoththe pa rade;, the Lamned Hardware cup
table.tolandlt tefall ian hols rAc ~" eMnLiePse i as second prize for this; the t~alkins7
tal o n ette ali ols Acd-PeMa-iePse I Fletcher cup for the best circus or
cut in the table. j BY." with ecy Marmont, auevll act presentecl; the Wahr
60 to 69; Sphinx-Ticket booths j-' bookstore cup for the best clown;
All tickets for the sideshows will be M vajestic-- Viola Dana in "The Ianth MjeicndAaethtr
sold fromi these booths. j Hear't Banidit." foI en te etr o e od
Booth , 70; Phi: Kappa Sigma- IIe pn
Shoot the Chutes. That thrilling ride I Wuerthi- Wat Fools Men Are." Ji
that only a shoot the chutes can bring - - __ Fra1 terities May (,oet Suppliesi5 d
will be offered again. A prize of a. Orpheurn--"The Wilderness of I Fatrniiti~s thiat have ordered sutp-
boxz of candy will be offered to the Youth," and Ruth Boland in F I plies for their booths; frojn the Union
Ifirst girl going 'down each' night. "ane aly"1mycl o hma '~~ oa
j'- in the ;tore room at the field house,
IWashington,, Mar. 6. - President The stomre room will be located next
Coldeinformed the Philippine' in- lto the uipper locker room. The office.
[ dependence miission recently that in-Is I Stage--Thtis Week of the ommnnittee Will be, in booth 2
opinion the time has not yet come for --- of the field'house starting this mnorn-
sprtooftePhilippln6s from the inlg. Fraternities wishing to see corn-
iteparat fes. itny audy-"h a 'itemmesmyd oati
___________I-and the Canary." f jplace all day.
S heUionParade Todayse-t. mi{ion IParade Today
Making its first local appearance)
after wiannn second place in the gleel
club competitions held reesently in Chi-
c"-go between many mid-western
schools, the University Glee eltib with
lMrs. George 1. Rhead, of the 'piano
facutlty of thie School of Music, will
give one o" the regular twilight re-
citals at 4: 15 Suniday afternoon in Hill'
The Cumb, under time direction of
Gieorge Osca'RBowen, will sing. many
of the ,,,umbers which it sang, in the
Chicago contest. Mlrs. .Rhead, well-I
kniownm to local concert goers, will
7)lay a Tc~haikowsky Sonata, and num-
hers by Liapounow and Liszt.
See. the Union P'arade Today
dance. Clad in a cos.4tumne that, was
imported froni a sou'thiern natfive vill-
age and that has never before appear-
edl before civilized eye s,she will shiv-
ver her sensuous damnce.-
Booth 40; Kappau Nu----Midget
Show. The two smallest sti~ients in
the University, a boy and a girl, will
put on the act. They amre regulamr
students here, and may be recogniz-
qd by othemrs in their' classes.