__________________ ___THE MICHIGAN DAILY
4 t i 'Where is the ,Jules Verne who l tli
y,_________-____- paint the future of the wireles~s tole- , E ROLL V S
!XILNWPR O H is Hardly too bold to say, we believe, PRIZ'
tIL N W P P R F - H h na knoncv e tt e ro s t hept i ost I L IS
IN Y i t' O C I AN t a no ev n t e m s opi i t c t e N> St blished every morning except Monday !oilst h~as predicted or realized the un -AI OITCLE IINT
tg the University year by the Board in,
rot of Student Publications, 1conquered fields thbtt await the hand,
ofte'cinit It has often been said of us by our
embhers of Western Conference Editorial ftesinit
cfat on. ?c Five years ago there were a scant ; admirers that we found and made
________-handful of broadcasting stations in famous the word BIM. Whether this
i toited cfo epbiato o l news t his country. A year or two later ev- i flattering statement is ;true or not, it
Itce eitaend t eoanootewse e ryonle was talking. radio, although }is certainly true that we have. used
itdi thi.aerad h.tu -~a a e claimed for .it' any status more; the word -with a consistency ta a
d ___there_____itatha
dignified than that of "fad." been surprising even to ourself
here! lo the postoffice at Ann Arbo.. Bt~o vntecnc'amtta Well (up there is the introductor
itgan,. as second clapS matter. Special rate Bd 1 e~itee31e'a~i ht;r
Dsag g~ncdb~Tir AisanPotradio is not only here to stay, but that paragrapih.-you always have to have
bacriptio n by carrier, $3.50' by moil, it, has the possibilities of a big factor! 'em for a contest) our friends thnki
lic-s: Ann Arbor Press Building., May- in the. future life. of the country is time we had a new word for him.
St1 set . .I
toms: Ectditorial, 24:4 and 176* i1 Bust Today. people who never. in their We complied with the idea, and sug-
960. lives. would have been able to hear gested the new and half-new 'words
~ne c~siuncaton. nt xcedi ~ more than most commonplace jazz and b.at the collegers are using-bag and
fne omnctoanoexdn os, will be published in Tle faily at 1an occasional good phonograph rec-1 pig and monkey.
discretion of the Editor. Upon request, IT
identity of communicants will be -. Ord, can daily listen to the greatest of I hose, said our friends as one man,
d as confidential artists executing the masterpieces of are good, but there must (they agreed)
_______________ Isymphonic and operatic composition.' he something better. Why not have a
EDITORIAL STAFF Grand opera-once the pleasure and contest?
Telephones,.2414 and 176-M refinement of the select few-has he- We objected, quite properly, on the
---- come the joy of the whole. nation. ground that with a salary of 18 smack-
A ANAGING EDITOR There is no village so small, and no ers and seventy-five centimes the
:TARRY D. HOQEY outpost so distant, whose 'occupants inmonth it ,would be hard to conjure up
sEditor ............Robt. B. 1,r can not now come under the elevating a prize to lure the bright persons on
oriel Board Chairman...it. 1L. Moria~ty influence of the finest thin gs of audi- the campus into the competition.
Editotr.......J. C.Carighouse-
tory' art. Whereupon the little group of which
Night Editors Whtabo totehusns f Cowl esy Wowlesy is the bright and
i. Ailes , A. IR. Connk ateWhtabo tohehusnsf'
A. 40ilingrOn T. 1E. I'i le cripples, the aged and feeble! Those shining center shouted: "WE'LL
,y C. Clark P. M. Wagner
is Eaditor..........Ralph N. Bjiers whe could not even join in weekly rev- -11U APRS
'n's Editvr........... .W~i-ona Hibbard erence- to the Lord are now relieved And make up a purse they .did-so
lay Magazine Editor.......F. L.li'rwden the. prize is FIVE DOLLARS, smack-
ic Editor..........Ruth A howell in their misery. Radio has been more
tant C'itv Edtnit.-"..1Kenneth C .Kell" than a scientific invention, oa r s, iron men, fish, what you will, for
ctrMichigan News Bureau'..R. G. Ramnsay,.ra great
tor~~~~~~ I ...- , .. . 'the hest iword oshrnitt- o t.+,, t he~
E'Iitorial Board
-na Bickn
nan hoxe
garet Bou
u - tbrowi
iadette Co
V. Da lie
od Ehrliq;
. Henry
fy ine
wing Ilous
ittiy Kant
is Kendall
ph Krt i~.
iheth Liel
Herman Wise
Andrew 1Proppet
:r k S. Matisid
wel F. C. M~t k
er, erena Moran
ine l arold Moore
Carl Oimachter
LtO 1lyde Perce
Regina Reic nian.,
:b Edmarie Schrauder
C. A. Stevens
W. I ~ ISioneitian
seworth H. 12Stone
en; M darie Reed
IN. .)Val
t W~. ). Waltliour
Conuveniencue, or luxury to them; it has LLULI VW1 UI11~MLUL~ u
been an instrument of deliveranc-. place of th~e now much shopworn BlIM.
A New York radio station will ask There you are. Come one, come 'all.
$10 a mninute for political campaign
speeches during the presidential flght, j -R ver 1ioyi-' Vengeance 'No. 6
comes the report from the eat. Be- ? "Must, misfortune ever, dog our
hind 'this announcement lurks a hugeJ footsteps?' gritted Dick as he watched
promise for the future, whether for their prized dirigible, the Canary Il,_
th h4-, itro fh -- 1.n".--+'. . rdwindle to a small speck in the i~ -& azureLl~O [LJ 11LU111111I- ''~-~..--
Telephone. 960
"dvertistng ................ DIunne
Advertising ................Perry M1. Hayden
Adi evti5ing ..... . 1(u<oeaer,
Advertisipg.......'..... v F Scherer
Accounts ...... ..................lH. L. Hale
Circulation .......................C. IPurdy'
'tublicat ton ...........L j rti~Ce1'iect
Pa. W. Camupbell )VI. L. Ireland
dennie (aa~n WIIa;oid A. Marko
Chas. Clianiyion liyro n Pa'rke.
nlynp' (nlin. 11. ". Rose
Louis. M. Dexter A. J. Seidman
i6seih 'J. l!in-n (c K A.Strack(2
David . FoEx W111 Wei~ie -
iiiuren Haight C. V. White
N.~ E. Hohiariri R. C. inter
FRIDAY, MARCflI 7, 1924
Nright Editor-THOMAS E. FISKE
These indefatigable humorists will
e the death of Smythe yet.' They be-
in by throwing stones, mud and
'wise-cracks" at articles, editorials,
end policies; and finally end up by
ondemining all newspapermen as
narrow-minded, bigoted,' and one-
ided." Smythe has always tried to
;iv-e every indication of possessing a
ense of humor but he now rises to
,ay that far from being "narrow-mined-s
'4, bigoted, and one-sided" in their{
pinions, newspapermen are just the
"everse. It is 'one of their greatest
is another question.' sky. Silas Marner, with the fiendish
Several New York, Chicago and aid of his crony Luke Warm, had again
other big city papers care already balked the carefully laid plans of the
broadcasting daily news. What will; intrepid Rovers.
happen if this practice becomes na- Courage," spoke up the runt Sam.
tional. If all the. big stories reach who in this hour of need had subtly
the public by radio before the es-! 'Mit surely acquired the unflaggig
papers can rush to press, what of the hope of truest steel. H-is sinewy body,
newspap~ers? This was illuastrate 1- '-uonze l to swarthiness by vigorous
cently. Former President Woodrolv E outdoc:' life with his inseparable comn-
Wilson died shortly before noon on panions, stood erect with the knowl-
Sun day. Before the first' palper w s edge of new power,'"levy' steadfastness,
prined 'Iod~y plrning nImore tblan'1 tempered, Eby kwe'rwh~lning nisfor--
100 radio broad'casting' stations ha!? tune. '.a
spareadl the news not, only to.,W: tour Meainwhile.,t let us follow the advP.n-
C~rhers of thea country,'bu iT "fthe lturest of Prof, Snodgrass, who was
gerdin thue leading coll ii.j of the iameaiiB of tra~nsfprring his 'bodly wit
! ntio'sdaiiesth netinornie.. iiItttransference. Despite the: ex-{
Ths"paragraphs, only 4give- ,ai sug. penditure .of evory effort,- the Profess-'
gestion of the- problems and" possibili- ')r was tunable to, cope with the-" tre-
ties that confront thke world .of. radio! nendous speed of the Canhry Ili which
today. .- the Rover boys had- only too urnwit-
-- - tingly liberally equipped in this re-
The ,Germans deserve some credit. =spect, acid vas"forced 'to own himself.
I They are going to bring b~udeudorif to I beaten. crestfallen, hie turned' his
trial,. fo £otsteps back to the Rover boys, and
f ----" tresently caused his: appearance
limong them.
a ~ ',~."L et, us," he suggested, "retire for
'Vi~h 'VC AI , ir's ufull night's repos ;andl resume con-
Ago At Mkichigan temnplation" of our problem with re-
freshed mentality tomorrow, when
Fr~- oursqfth U full powers may be exerted to
Fro th Fies f te U' o 31 Dalyturn to our 'own advantage this dead-
Teresa Carreno, the world's great- I'the boys clearly saw i the chanaeo
est wmnpait ilb heard in a this move. "At least," interposed
recital tonigh~t in University hall. Toin, "we still have the parchment
map of the lost Aztec diamond mines
The Varsity championship Handball which father found in, the "Rover Boys
singles was won by W. J. McNeal, ,3u1mer~ged."
while in the doubles tourney the sem- A sickening pallor spread its way
ester finals will be played off this com- Teer Dick's unhappy face. "Alas," he
-n audy sadly replied, "the -fateful map at this
Prf.FanisKl y sinNeior oment reposes in the pocket of the
attendiFngi mee i tew oarkofby ynow gloating Marner."
attndig aInetin oftheboad o But one more' blow to their hopes
en. o o th Am rc nsh o;a Ali;did not utterly blast the dauntless de-
eps. termination" of the three boys, and
I'h wmn'c o rn-n.-. t. .--'- they slowly turned to the house to
To the Editor:
I read with interest but with 110
surprise the editorial criticism in ye-
terday's Daily of the Motion Piture j
Religious Service in the Congregation
al church. Whet this editor said might
conceivably be sadl by other s oth on
and off the Campus. And they are o
course free to their opinion, but ther
opinion is not our opinion.1
Your objecton to 'our 'making reg
ion interesting was not seconded, I1
am sure, by the seven hundred per-
sons, who quietly and reverently sat
In the pews, joined in the prayer, par-
ticipated in the hymns, helped read
the Scripture 'and caught the lesson
of the uplifting film-parable. And we
run that service,'-let me say frankly,
for those that want it and are helped
by it, and not to satisfy any tradition-
al, nmoss-grown, ivy-covered, decaying
notion of what a churchl theoretically
ought to be.
The prime question is this: shall the
message of the Kingdom of God be of-
fered the world only in the one way-
the traditional way of a formal, mysti-'
cal and to many people not very inter-
esting service" of public worship; or
shall it be offered through any vehi-
cle for the transmission of ideas that
a progressive scientific age can invent?
. If -we limit ourselves to te former
policy, the church can keel) on feeding!
is already captured and converted
Saints to the end of time. But it will
scarcely, add to Its prestige in the
world. We grievously mistake if we1
assume, as your editor dloes, that the.
main business of the church is tofurn-
sh worship.- No, the task of the
Ichurch is to build character, to in-
crease goodness, to teach service aftr
the fashion of Jesus. And worship i'
only one method though it is a very
:aluable method of bringing these
ends to pass.
Our Motion Picture Service int the
Congregational church bas not Iaken
"he place of a- service "for spiritual
and intellectual mninistration." That,
'roes on as always every Sunday moa n-
ng, and your edtor who is so soli',t
Inus for its continuance is cordially in- r
fted to drop 13in. But 6utr motionl plc-
';uire service' has'taken aa'hurch adi-
toriumt that was 'still and cark and
a p y nd i es ev r Su d y n g t:ind opened i under such 'auspices as
io make It impart juoral'coui'ge an .
uplift and cheer to hlipre ls cf "foki
whoothierwise, wuld ever shee tIe'n-
side of) t a -antuary on.Sunday;,, rc
these personsiit gives. not, "nmtere rue
jtertainment;,bt worshipful and in-'
4 !spring enttertainment, -showir the mipl-,
iplication' of religion to patriotism (as
'ast Suniday eninig) , tobusiness' (as
next Sunday evening) and to individ-
ual life (as'two weeks ago). Te fact
that we are making this itCrpre'ta-~
t ion of .religion to 'practial affairs
interesting is no sin. A pill that is
"sugar coated is quite as curatiiG' as a:
pill that lacks the sugary arO '.ririig.
Please do -not let your critcal 'ili-
tor waste another evening n o!t' : rr-
vice. We want hs seat to ive fi
some person who finds that be -cul
both enjoy and actually wonrsipi i
the service which ur Congm'gti)nal
students are offering ,,mnl which thcey
believe is just as ;eU ',ois is hugl
, t were not novel.
Herb;rt A. Jump.
I &usm-wfi=- I
Limiteds : 6 a.,im., 5:10 a. m,. and
every two hours to 9:10 p. mn.
Express: 7 a.,in., 8 a. mn. and every
two hours to 8 p. mi.
Locals: 7 a. mn., 8:55 a. mn. andt
every two hours to 8:55 p. mn.,
11, p.im. To Ypsilanti only, 11:4
p. mn., 12:25 a. mn. and 1:15 a. mu.
Liiniteds: 8:47 a. mu. and every two
hours to 8: 4T p. mn.
IExpress (making local stops) : 9: 51
a. mu. and every two hours to 9:50
P. in.
Locals: 7:50 a. mn., 12':10 a. mn.
2 3~ 4 5 0, 7
9 1( 11i 12 13 14,1..i
16 17 1s 193 920:11 2"
;0 -31
617 Pai-katrd St. Phone 1W,.!
(Whe re 1D U. It. Stops at State)
Fraternities, Sororities, Dormatories
O17er 4rcade Theatre.
" Y'ua,:br6etter'immpeJJions"
Read The Dailyv " Clas sifid" xColumns
Central 'r'ime (Slown Timoe)
Leave Chamb'¢r of Commerce
Week Days Sundays
6:45 a. m-. 6:45 a.'tn.
12:45 P, m. -:45 P.mr.
J. H. ELLIOTT, Pe oprietor
''hone 92&-M Adrian, Mich.
"' 4
.. i
a -in Melacli
- Cigarettes a
cacy of flay
"'The One Cigarette Sold"' 4i
,or cf
a '
1 "
: ;
' SI
a city xwill revcal oar ling
I . , } factS in1 th
- Buy -yours'ca l!
- ;
he World Over"~
' I
II 9
IMany people prefer The Harmony because
Ipure food, properly cooked and seasoned is al-
ways served.
Then, too, the menu affords a wide
selection of appetizing food that will, meet with
you r approval.
The tendency of a newspaper man's
employnmen~t is toa familiarize him with
both sides of a subject. Even if' lie is
going to write in a very firm and pro-
nounced manner on one side of a
question, he must read and under-
stand the other side in order to write'
effectively. And the habit of inquiry
into both sides may, affect the quality
of his mind, and give him a sort of
balancing. tendency. One leadingj
journalist offers an uncomfortable
suggestion. He says that "Far from
being bigoted, it seems'that after
years of newspapering a man is likely
to become so unbigoted that he has
vacillating opinions on every subject
and convictions on none; his mind be-
comes a side order of rice pudding."
That is probably the reason why so
many journalists fall into the deplor-
able habit of balancing their views,
thereby introducing too many ifs, huts,
and howevers. This is unfortunate for
the public likes positive and not bal-
anced articles., But the newspaper
man is honest, 'he sees that there are
other considerations thian the one' he'
has already presented, and he cannot
conscientiously refrain from noting
*Since the recent discomfiture of Me-
Adoo every Democratic club in ,the
country is probably grooming its fav-
orite ex-senator for the expected dark
horse derby at their national conven-
A pertinent question asked at ran-
-+Ii ,
j i
East William Street
in iishedI'I banaiumedishsmowry bede. Prof. Snodgrass, finding his pith After several months of unimportant!
I~ ~ benhiihdadeuipdwt oeIlelmet somewhat inadequate potec- plays and stereotyped revues, Detroit
elaborate apparatus.I-'g
I Aon against the bitter chill of the seems to be receiving all its blessing
- i north., had taken himself off at an at once in the theatre next week.
I The, University Medical Society will!ferirmmn te armr ilb tteSu
ameet at 7:30 tonight. There -wilh ale oet te arioewill be atth.hu-
"Anud tomorrow," Dick cried as he bert-Detroit in Alfred Sutro's "The
Italky by Drs. Huber, Warthin, 3pitz- _
ly, rnei, an Walacel.blew out the= candle and climbed into Laughing Lady," the Garrick will
and -. bed, "will see us resume the chase house Joseph Schildkraut s productionI
IThe annual Freshman-Sophomore with all of the zest ;and ingenuity that of "The Highwayman," and Henry
indor rac met illbe el net I1has endeared us to the hearts of a Miller will present himself, Blanche
Saturday afternoon. As has been the million readers."Bae, ,uhCatron n ohr
custom in the past, the girls of the -W11ashingtoni equally brilliant stars in "The Chang-
two classes will nmake a banner, to be Read how the Rovers balk Slbl,- clings" by Lee Wilson Dodd.
presented to the class winning the 11iariner at the lost Asphalt Lake to. I The Laughing Ilady," according to 1
Imeet. or1 w the critics, is Ethel Barrymore in her;
* * * Ibest tea-cup manner. Last season it.
Teresa Carreno, calledi the "Lioness' This, on our hook somehow, is dust prvdaG -sntohrferhed-a
I of the Piano," was given an enthus-, about time best:. astrous failures of "Rose. freud" and,
aic eto ast ngt nUivr 1st Person: Have'you got any Italian "Romeo and Juliet,"' and- brought l nr
sity hall by Ann Arbor's select nmusic- ice .cream? bc oBoawyith "else
lovingpplc.2d esn o type of play that it likes her so well*
I1st Person: You know, the kind you in. She is again the much unal igneod
Time committee in. charge of the "put on your plate and it goes r.Wop"!woawihtesdyptan te
Olnpcganstb edattePriI very shady fuxture; there is the utsual
Olypitionmeinto900 heast' thie Pa 'ea-einsnco" Te!.. brilliant sofa-chatter, and there, is
Exostin n 90-aspulihe 'e remeanhly "heGig aEthel's orange velvet gown.
preimiar schedule of events. Girl" recently played here, but we "The Higwvaym an,~ despite the
T~m bet eitin o th -can't find anyone who saw it. Why, car'eful efforts of the press agents to#
Th bet eitio oftheWmrinkle, you - ask,_ should., that bring tears to hide its identity, seemus to be by theI
campus humor magazine, which has our eyes?- aosHngra-lyrih, ao
appeared this year, came out yester-, Because, my dears, we saw it in NewfaosHnrinpyrgtLlo
Biro with his very sophisticated, con-a
day. Much fun was made of the pro- York, and want to pull a little "orig- tinental views of life and its morals.
posed five mile limit to keep saloons inal cast"' stuff with the poor fellows' The story centers around a young and
away from the vicinity of the Univer- a that only saw it here. Much bettera n~iiv od-oka nolmn
°' HrmonyCafeteria
ii <