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March 04, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-04

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TUESDAY,> MARCH 4, 1.924


rse Prince
iVisit America

Van T fie Gitu Letters From Japan4
* Traveller it Defence Of 'Book' T

Editor of The Daily:
You lent your columns yesterday to
gr an Indian student who wished 'to as-
sail my 'book "India in Ferment," and
SI assu~me that in fairness you wvill give
t-me space to reply. It "would ill, be-
come me to defend my book by assert-
ions counter to those of may critic, andl
I therefore submit instead a letter
witten to me by the manager of the
t adwin locomotive works after tray-
ilng 18 "idftts-there. -After reading
S feet agreement wvith it, as 1 believe
. most Amej aniNs q~ild if tht~ -Coli'd°
se th u l. ci a ~ t er' . ' h letter is as follo wvs:
y Dear Sir:
K ~Jut lstef c °. iihn roliBombay., I.
s picked up at "The Taj" 1bookstall your
book, "India in Ferment." I hwve
read t''t with. the greatest interest mnd
:; am taking the liberty of expressing-to

of the new snb v-1il1 he "a .. r

coop'', few of tho ruilhers who lha 'I
t~aining in the la t ;w: ibj y a ro'r'
turned1. You c, n reei, Oo ofi e
this. All t he iha 4 work i-;,' , ,)
be done over 'again withb evwln -Or'
material. At in esca t Iii e p ri 11 ci 'si I
talk ip)oy-(ott andI of her ruilWs,
TIhe Sikh situ,,ition 1as not imlpr{V-1,
b)ut I (1o not fear ahy tMiT; seilou'
resulting, as the Lahore governmenft
is now waking up.
Your friend the 'Maharaj-1 f Al'
war dis tinguishorl himself at the con-
ference, bt I .fear lhe has gort a ith
to tame in _Finuts. After ill. Aliar's
speeclf was- just. what many lPahus in
the Bazs'r could have, saidl, I ;ht ve
heard them speak in the most pi. rfect;
1'ngsh ; the Indian is a, fluent but far,
front convincing speaker. Supru 'vid
Sastri have I think brokeni "their
picks" and will have littlo inf'IUentC(
inl the future.
I «nm returning to America after zin


You have the authority of doc'
tors and dentists for th is statement.
Your own experienice will prove
it, if You will =use WXVRIYS
atrevery mea.
The following quotations from a recent work
on'teeth and health-x ;#r worth remembering:
"Dentists have found ;that the exercise of gum
chewving-brings abouit a better nutrition of the
teeth ...
"The cleansing action of the gum between the
teeth helps to keep them free from the particles
which lodge in the crevices and cause decay."
The busy man-or woman either---rarely
has time to clean the teeth after eating. Yet
they should be cleaned, and

you some of my views on the sub~ject, absence of four years of travel and cran
at the same time congratulating you ' say that my outstanding obser atiom
on te vry ompehenivestuy yu ,is the groat influence for good th1tf
mao te e ry zic omprluiehensime.. ud yuGreat Britain has exercisedl over' the
madein sch limtedtime ~ world ,and at the same tilde 1W '.V litt le
'. I have, during the' past 18 months, ! u w ra n elh onr
traele soe 0,00mies verInda,;concerns itself with world a [fa .rs. 1.._fo heAgaIodr oCyo n
rrmteAga odrt elnadmealize that we (10 not have thcr~t'~h l a ttsi Cpz? a e te rnx-
aah ote hnsae nU per l~anwent suitable for1' Catflshilng
, Bu ltrmxa. OfQ c > s ~ym1 i~usines , ha ourselves "overseas" bat I1(do)thin](k
been study the railway operation and that we should at least support. Greet
to interest the management in the pur- Britain in her endeavor to make ti,
chase of America~n types of 10C011o- world safe to' live in.° If eve.n ouzr'
~.tives YJ'fzx's'v tavl and op-;great commercial ineterests al:)pree(e
portunity of meeting people hia given what the stability, of the Empire,
me a very inimiate insight into the un- ineans to us: as a m~arket for our
* precedented pc]~cl> }eaa 'i goods I believe our Governnment cc uln
is now finder V. y ani as -you say' be made to act. It Ihas been nmy «oherx
must attract the attention of all think-} vation that even in a time whICmriT x
ing people, however remote from the land is suffering fronitlhe powt tis-'
*r si~ s s As a 'bait rotni f r zx f < n n ' ptjudice egain t an y Ar e .ri um fi pro-
jwpi'essions of a British governed I duct having reccgnxized quli ty.
c,)utryI hve" fra ect ftesie L' n conclusion I can only say that Ii
ci n tryIemv B ritish extnsivly hone every inteligent Am erican v;hos
i~th BitshEpire and lived in scpbeffriganoiine
South Africa "or several years sup worpld af fomang ad vauic ,,r
p.lenmenting this by travels in atbok n Ia __e lsxtyurx4:,
:!frica, inclu,1h) - Kenya which is as fela gotda fstsato
I gire'atdtisltime.satlikeayoocameit
1 ~u know "the fat in the fire" in In- having made such an accurate anal-
dia t tis ime.I, ikeyoucam tUy.'is of the greatest problem that fac-
:India with-the conviction that if a sub ' es the world to-dlay.I
sect race has to be governed they'ey l'yus
Very truly-yours,-


i'ii (' l~ry:ri'il P'r~nce 'l'aikaznat s '
bhirdi sonl of the la. llpercr of .ialparl,
will be an Amieric~an Visitor slhortlg.
7r(w <<;1 (rai m aarom te Inai ptria]
.,oVial A.Czul(onmay 1n ne, and will visit
Pacific poifts of the I Tmit ed Sta eas Nvit~s
t~rairliug suad. -


u boumu-be happy. to no under Lthe Brit.(Signed) Jno. R. Rogers.
ish Raj. 1 say this after making ob- C. HI. Van'Iyne.
Sservationri of colonies of inost every
'other nation.
Duritig my travels it). ,Jnia I have: ~rT m MI
-visited a number ofi <.bil-gabLUII(JU VI L
Pand inycviewed tnt '1 ~l1iiT;own (lo-, f IIfI~~fm
? inniorn , and n~t4irder tb'e, influecI VU'V^fl~ FLS
of Deljit~ntl Sin I 11a v ialk~d NithTe'7J t , a~ u~ ed~ - --
far iuii1T7i'1~ti xvot ~ti7 4' gaii g Pi~c~azcs tk h ltan ofte
but tI'nu jt sathlii"I iC' in a' 1(3- lerall ctie J) I]layinSce:,
wrNith ;you with r iet t tilur i i N ; y'l a o.w
concer inp hoeL i~Ei :a tdA~b b. _ .$'i h heyalon'y 14.IL r-
'' } tY i i) I)( st1 n£? .'II I Cl t at cilpmy, 1 lider tilt' iaus-
,a .tc l f yIf lio , f thF Ar.1 l '11$ Int itltlte- ;"
,,. v E~eotical hengi e rs ait 4x 30 o'clock -
T len s 8AndGeneral Nj't- of 10-a lls'idt.,Intonin Na .tural Sc '",,. aild
vays, most of whoia- lii\'e rpent theiritiif.ovewllsmwtewrka
-I,;ves in India building +" , the greatitibencardoaswl 1th
arteries for the (distribution of food i sutuenofcathed oasTell asd~e j
gil' d carrying India wealth to the isrcueo h ln.Te il0a
port. Iha~etaled? nd idde onespecially with the testing depart Ai'nt.L
engneswit tie .IHindi "driver' of
theSoth,'R fW & hieBld Pathan, of ' DAILY +CLAkSSIFIEDS BRING
" 'the~ Frontier. At Delhi I have attend- BIG RESULTS-
eil many sessions of the Assembly ON LITTLE INVESTMENT
-iand had the opportunity to hear'
the debate on the Indianization
of the Army, and the Railway Bill,
the latter the greatest farce ever pro- Europe, Orient, Etc.'
posed. I told a friend, one of the; To got the batter reservations, it will be very
necessary that you arrange your plans soon. }
-ome Members, tlmazt I rathecr see the BOOK EAR ysaling List Rates; est.,
fomr si ol onbe over, buit 2d Cabin or 3rd Class
formhercase iftheoulaterth eole ALL STEAMSHIP LINES, TOURS AND CRUISES
in te cs~f te atr te po l A small dpst secures space. DcI~ay no !onyeir j
wvould betotuedto dea'th. Can you i. G. FRJF R 601 E. Huron St., Ph. 1384
oe ~ ~. 30U ~. P Ann Arbor, Mich.
pilcture a Mohanmadan General Man- Licensed and Bonded steamship and Insurance Agent
ager employing Hindus or vice-versa. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE
Of coulre, if it were not for "thle Tom-
my" they -would soon all be good Mo-
haniadans. r
J. ,.Ava, .. lieyou, Imi veled "-at. the .:
tolerance of such men as Sir Freder-. IRVINOi WARMtO[1S, D. S. C.j
ifs White and Sir~ Malcolm Halley, Chiropodist and
The whole affair seemed like a Heath Orthopedist
-~~~~~~~ T)~i.:s~~,-ltteesae-7~ 7AI rthi U i1.rt rPhone 2652
m Wen "treated the Indian Members as ________________
though-, it were -a kindergarten class. --
'I r is~i"°you 'caiTd °ive=-heard 'a Ben1 --
Sgall Babu orate on the Government=If
ownership of all the Indian Railways. WA TCH YOUUR STEP
The debate resulted in a division and'E
vote to at once take overthe (l!I. P. or the
*and EastIndiaji P" 3.--representing
a mileage equivalent to the Union
Pacific. -
Eight regiments of the army are to CLARION
bhe Indianized immediately, yet the bill
-was passed without any inquiry of, reporters will get you-
-the personel effected. Now all In-
dian Officers are refusing to transfer if you don't watch out !
to the Indianized regiments, as they
prefer to be under a "Sahib" who will
give them justice, and not be influ-
encedI by cast or religion. You will
recall that even in the days of the
1loguls most of the victorious armies-
, ore led by Europeans; The policy "
i~ s doomed to fail from the beginning. E astm an
As you probably know, there has
- In 't been a general election with the I . an(
result that 'a miniumum of 60 percentj-

Make your skin truly beautiful
with 'this most wonderful,
scientific discovery- There is
no excuse now for, a rough,
blotchy red skin.
Cleanses the skin, whitens the skim
and, nourishes the skin, all at one time.
______That is why it's
called ;"3 -act*m"
i ~rfraI X dutes wih ie'
simple ap~icatln.
At soft white del ,
- sra udl y ety sk~idmay tzow
lie your§ P
PE BOQNA IR, comfortable,
taiilored with the care that n
sures both sanues- and -wear,
from materials approved by ex-
clusive use. Thecomfortextenls
to the price.
(Shawl collar or notch)
$39.50 -
Manufactured and sold exclusively by
New address
' 41 Broadway N. W. Cor. 13th St:
Stuyvesant 9898 New York City
Bl anchies
231 Wst-r -St. 963 Broad St.
Exeter,. N. H. Newark. N. J.
177 Broadway, N. Y. C.

will do it. Also it will
aid dig esdtitm d fu # a
welcome rfefishiment .to
mouth and throat.
Sealed in its purity
package, bringing all its
original goodness and
flavor to you.
Get your Wrigley
benefit today !

! ?,}

*'' rr.~
0 0P~i


Our style-rnmem book will be
senlt free. on request


A tru0e sory of the wanderfaal'durability .of Corona-
as told by the master of a Jaapanese merchant vessel
in his quaint and rerr~aarkable lan~guage. .
Gentlemen; --
"1 am writting here an incident which occurec
me a few weeks ago at Bombaey.
"O)ne day my "CORONA" 3 was found missiinE
from my room. Op next day a gang (3) of thieve:
were brought up'for my identificaion, a piece o
work rarely possible in this country T..
"There were no difficulty to "do so, you know
because all of them wore something mine, such a
shoes, under shirts, uniform, etc.!I l traordinary
isn't it.
"When questioned after my tyepwritter a thie
answered to the effect that he had taken the cas4
for cash box, and dropped it on the stone quay
20 feet below, so as t' break 'the case on kjt, but ox
finding'useless, article, inttead of money, he'kicke<
the whole--into. the do ck" water r end left no trace!I
-Later 'a diver, succeeded in giving rebirth tt
the mnathine, but' in "s4 wretched and lifeless con~
dition thatnrbody thought it any use.
"Suiddehly, an i dea came accross to my xe4nd t
do the' best. I starte4,-cleaning_ apid.,overhauli
at onace, assisted by a siipmate or two.
"T'aree days' hard labc.ur, utterly changed th,
situat iRn,'the machine being fozind again in awor4
ing order to the great, surprise ana joy of all th
present. I attribute this wonderful incident solel;
to your credit in manufacturing the ma.chine."


-A new outlay-of fresh. flow-
The searchlight of publi-

-Open Sundays from l a. to 4p.m.


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