--.-.-,........... .- ....,-
_a . _ ..THE. MICHIG~AN tDAILY..
0 .TO YALE H(tE EXTT Yle, Capturing IITI uii U~~~~w DAS
r h fl ".. - inneapols, Mlnftli, arch 4.- t x tiiiGnie T u ll P A MF&X16T E lid S pzrings, Ark., lar. O, e U tr x iy f ~ u e n a la B b u hS t a.ymp -g V e eli u e a e t ei s o fi Li
,AanBawketball MOdinNDwoo
TO-If tIUiPLR EA c iinedY'Ito eide' the ena- RgSerid Ia Fa or tefiat e asketbadtheIne- three days at his present, rate of
leauecron urutsShwiw lijr Sd mpoveen, D. . . Wotsf
Amfong BigTen Thiket ": Iie Gophiers yeserdayvn.rillflk n teo:1bovo onl.Tl+ (ipoeet r .T ~ae
g FourowrthCrnel. Th JatiiiaEyWith9u .eUg I
Shooters titr~e hlaimpinslip Of the lestrn resi thas onon thEye Suceceding - jhnoonstoday, as hescam
- - cOnferetce.-" - lniecto Iulrn t a a ste 94 ttb horrsUncthain ou(o thlsat ln's rooms at I
8 ALIJIW RWR, iirlYlaumrtessigtlg HAM lWPa4 KET 'y defeating Yale, 23 to 19, while ou- th aechre
PRI PEBC E ;TTQ F mr1th ttl gnrsw'Aih oud eI , l g gPiceton t.was suffering a defeat at IFIELI) PRACTIE ".ESCE1WELE1)
______ Vtpt yed naoitw(eksa the hands of Dartmouth, 36 to 34. Al- OSATT N"E VEI ________
An__ though they ave two games to play,'____
Spradlin g, 7Pum~rduie orward, assuml- IiNew d Iaven.but tw weks t Steve: 1arrel's Varsity track -team t1Ihcu~aebyn teraho
dthlednthiniiulsoigIheld a light workout yesterday after- thelth als. rebeonThe rndin of the Coach Ray Fisher's baseball squad i
____________________ onfollowing, their strenuous .trip tasndhetmsorgrcrd;wnt back to work with renewed e-
in the Conference race after the games icm n h emsoigrcrs
last week-end when they attended the Temo 1 t.OPs rgy yesterday afternoon after the
last week-end. Cunningham, frmerTem.L.Ps Pt ts
leader, failed to score from the field l iA INS AIQ IIRI llnos elys Drig helate prtCrnell...... S9212*7 'layof of Saturday which was recess-; T NSv1
fL'U tU of this week they will resume strenu- #Cf/
against the Gophers, thereby relin- U I U I II Uo s tani g fr u id p o f r i ........ 4. 4 179 161 .500 tate d by the erection of bleachers for IX
triisliing the honorary postion. enceour ftmlfliIT nrivforto"behedook rComnextDartmouth ...,...A4 4185 190 .500 Saturday night's basketball garme.
GereHgetWleiemrk- bVrLIII I lLJ Saturday. ne riceon....3 4 15 ISS .4291 The candidates for the Varsity nine! Fight teams surived the second
man, is in fourth place but has two ( Penn. ........ "..3 5 153 179 .375, are showing plenty of pepper and round of the fraternity howling tourn-
____ One of the fastest meets in the hit-IYle.. ......ms t ly hresCnnn-2 5 152 176 .286 ; Fisher is worrying for fear that some auent which closed last Friday and
more game to playwhereas unning-dry of the Midsle-West took place at Yl. ________fothtir
ham and 'Miner, who are in third and Uan, Illinois, Mar. 3.-Paul W. Ubn atStra feno n of the excess vim will lead to sore will cmpetefr places urvihed
second place respectively, have but JTones, a diminutive athlete from De- evening when over 900 athltes -met ffin t~rI aims on the part of his pitchers. He! round. Theeih whichsrie will
one more to play, while Haggerty will! .eunvesty cptre irt on teanin rlas 4PT R pent the greater part of yesterday roll tomorrow at the Union and are
play in two more contests. au uneriycatrdfrto-thanaleas.riN.L"IE.I{J afternoon keeping a standing guard as follows: Acacia, Ci-Phi, Delta Phi.
.Following Is the individual records ors in the all-round championship All of the ponts ganed by, the1 l y;ini~ rTo hshi'es n ann Delta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, Phli
Maize and Blue. performers were earn aeiishr3r;an1arigthei to
of all the players competition of tio University of If Ii-edi.tefeofsffc ptton IIHlIH II N h I let dow n whenever their eagerness to Mu Alpha, Phi Sigma Kappa, and
1M F. TPts. . . --- :c-r - III Bl!UULLLUIUIIL .Ini LLheI'Sigma Chi. The four highest of these
S radling, Purdlue .....44 25 113.os ea aui-lSa~tdy bal~ h Michigan athletes took a first anda push thic ball past the batters assui- taswl opt o h ia
MieOi tt...4 7 -out a field oT nine .contestants with a a fourth place in the relays, two first'I ed dangerous proportions.ITusa ih t h no les
Cuning~Lm Oh -Sate 3636 08total of 5.136 points scored in the places, two second places, a third place! ew orls, ar. 3.-University of Pitches Get6uxg IntloShape ___
Cunnin40h21m'01seven eStnte G - 36 In and a fourth in the individual events. Pennsylvania Saturday night captured The moundsmen ae starting to EnreaesiWbngecvdfo
eggOne of thle nmst brilliant p'erform- the eastern intercollegiate track an ond into f rm and it iks, them to
Pesek, Minnesota.......46 7 9-Jones, a dlark horse in the ompeti- rudom the annual class bowling tournament
Jn{~ana35 6 ~ tin boke he ig~ju~ rpordforances made by a Michigan man was field championship for the second see their offerings maced too freely
Logan, athat....W...3 iii 86 lion y wbich starit' this'rweekdatohe inon
l#kund, lvlnnesota . . . 31 24 k t -M-fun17rft w tha -leap > of-th t of Les W ttma , the d miut e straight; y artriumphing over abi-l- 'by the bt-sw igrs who are also.alys T
tI~clwehl,lloj... 34 6 46-fe inh.liwoahatf dashnan, who led the field in the 9a5 I liant field of 22 rivals- in the third an- finding their sea-legs rapidly. Captain .}r r ofaoiesti
obb APrdu* 29 19 7. 5 yrd cash tok th poe vultyard dash, breasting the string in nual 1, C. A. A A A. meet at the Jack IBottwvas particularly vehement' era the pirlis ast yearamin
3.. a 1Prdu9 _. :07 1 7. "a7-y4. ash tokmhepolovult:0he54poste ofpheonotipomnentTentwecontamos.ewooasernInhimohttig.e Twoy, ndCoahtern__
Jaxnse ; Iowa... ......26 !" 79wereadeatheprsseniorsikn ilitsihofin last year.d Cac
ti , 8 7 ae ninrsie s5ig i speeddemons in the West were among Intercollegiate records were shattered,,Fisher sneaed u r ou sever'ai pitchers] tdnswows opriiaei
Shaw, 'Ohio State .. ....32 8803 yiton casevntth astoftc the cofinatfollesWt.ani a thir-d established and another tied. who were overambitious to tie the big.
ettoclasnattefnl, the event. Pnslai eandistteatrXcvrn the annual All-Campus foul shooting
De~rtHubar bok th dor(1' Pnnylvni rtaiedit tileafer olernepilot into knots. tournament w'ill 1 given another
Buarin,Purduae...... 29140 72i heamaondofwisconsi,04fpinse, e r ubr rk h ol' sirn atewt aeadPic- Prospects for ichigan'sta hs~J
areCiao...2 30 7intealaonwih504p Indoor record in the broad J.um with -, chance to compete in the qualifying
Dickson, , Chicago......34 1 69 )while Johnson of Pittsburg univer- a1epo?4fet7nhs P~ ton, the Quakers rolling, up 21 1- sprig.ae no brrighter than they were!run
a poiea, wile24eirehitfrivalntieds, the ag.lYeterda's#w rou d by reporting on the floor at
Sponsler, Indiana ....29 10 8 sity was third with 4,807. The others being 23 feet 11 3-4 inches. H-ubbard f~rscn lc ih2 points, whrougtteiolehin, rnvoutftelderweektagtonight.This wrkulaemng nsilbeth ast0 chace.
Nvyikos, Indiana .......28 10 66 finished as follows:. sIto ecnflaebhidB ook- Teofirstareordthpo aeint theogthe Colbteasqad s outofret
Alyea, Chicago.......28 3 59 Graham, Kansas; fourth, 4,584 ins of Iowa in the low hurdles. htpurstwrenoralphoI-all,Preincte t evenldyt. oemqasnosthogeattoqaiyfor this season's tourney.
Gibson, Wisconsin....21 17 59 points; Wildman, Iliois; fifth 4,395 Brooking, holder of the world's record .httt hnRlhHls rneo sizvnyt:Clnhshe mak-1 All entrants must make a score of 15.
Potter, Illinois.........26 7 59 1-2 points; Rhodes, Nrebraska, sixth,inte20yrlwsascslyo- giant, battered his own indoor inter-1igofa excellent gade.mitne nPg -vn
Lorber, Ind I ana .......22 9 53 4298 points; Schildhaues, Illinois,loebyteWvrieathfns. collegiate mark; with a heave of 46 feet onthe roster all last season, but did' ___-___
Laude, Iowa..........16 15 47 seventh, 44110; - chjoll, Minnesota, Hulse, the second hurdler to represent (34 inch. I not quite find himself. He has ability, Itsrieefcny oueDal
Kpke, Michigan . ......177 16 40 ighth,' 4,09; Elkins, Haskill nineth, Mcia ntelwto orhpae Verne Booth, Johns I-okins, dis- and'will be f use this sesonsifDheldis
Gxha, tawtei-x ity441gg, -3 ' t . . - -*in the race. t ance star and cross country chain-ply iauftodatg.CasledAv-
amrn Oi tte...3 ,r 3j ~ ~ ~ mrair - .rieRt- ws gane,4 by Brokerwho. kept ate, record for the to' ile run. Tle showing =fETor y n the wVOrk . - -."
eman,ONortwetern.. .1 x -5 ., ,31iVIItIULllovviig, Prepwnel 'of .-Illinois, until Pnnsylvania . '...... -.21 .2out yesterday aftertoorn--was -lo en
-e,lar ed the bmkrier at 12 feet 10 a-$8ae2'' cuaig Ip cre ohv x
]son, Wisconsin ....,x,10 f.2,rVIII hejuinigdm1lewe he ae...........2 orgn.} & 4ii~t aee
l" pi4g6 niahes.weThehePrinceton.....:.........i...20"- -e leit cn~r&1whh i srither 4iu pfs .
opknIllnoft62oII!,Fy as ,similar.:- to. 1hat held - ast r Georgetown...... ...l1ug' ~ l~ertes h V
e;,. 9 25... r xpp n Q c trll;:>el4 wheniBrookr IBoston college........:.....17' ,caron. is~ c~ ve a , raking nice-
-bvi_...,,'- yt 25 3. .Th lior jis victgriousi opponent to' Dartmouth.'......:....... . ..4 1.2 ~,llie _as : i cte .wi t he we
amp. '<2 ere. trn~eb .-T T,?7 f_;.,itl nataintercollegiate mrc- ornell" . . .. ....4 :29 adyttoerokisme.Soe-icoBeelaZni4''efr. -Iir
rn yw isconsin .. . .. - 9 25 " n rm l d i a v r o k h s m t s l dOlym pic g mn es co m Ji e s has nb ' ,r. ; M .c lyen of 1Vlchiga g- pla ceed i In Pet tenn State ....... . . ..4. . . 10o e -asig al ho or n he rnihr61h-ao~ ihow ed--toa Jo nsodinsv~ntem this P
sai, ude.....-4-3 3 f-iCi;r,"Wa"iCst.I ,. 7fte hga elytam yacs -~ 7--to -begettln into "forniY. --;
~yisChcao....., as:8 5 ..2f ea fhirna k ared ell in their,events, the.two H-arvard.s.....r *....:..:.-6 19 Tefrsofnxwekil-in-th5cB Y FO DFR
7,.el- vet-era:n - .ic. Cifiornian acl o .te...wi emaig ls hl h ou ilas..... . . .4- -VThletfisst ofinexaft e, find ~te on
S3 "n, "cao.....6 7 9 nof ennslvaing oIlflok Ifer ooka fst rce wayfromNorh-_
ugn,8 iego...a.fo7 1 Lafayette.......... ......... .1 1-9, the. basketball floor. The court squad
offmart,'Northwestern 5 9 19afethtrcmnwilQrsiof western and Ohio State w ho finished lBowdoin.................... 1 will wind up their activities Friday
a, aer, Illinois......... 7 4 18 wiltai h wCholbyha odete ieben :0 5. ......................... 1 aftenoon, as they leave for the I-- =i1lE "'' 1;r F
e1psNorhwstenowe49r7s and field men. Both men: The four mile team composed of Bow- linos tilt that night. However, the
e ckso, Iowa:. 5 7 171wildtrietepsonlfth en, Rearick, Reinke, and Davis was University of ichigan club will( Union Failr -Wil neee iate leaving-
irahs, ortwstra. 5 raktem whc wl1rp7sn beaten out by Illinois, hoadws hold its annual banquet April 9, at the floor nta. Frld~y. and 'atudv
Cherr, Mihigan.....3 8 1 America in the games. consin, who took first, seconld and the Union. The price and speaker nights.- '--_________________
Kherste,,Nothwesten...6.3 08 12 1 Appointment of Coach Christie third. The time was comparatively for the banquet will be announced lat -__________
Ma~naNrhetr 0comes in recognition of the sterlingslw181 fa.__________________- Patronize Daily Ad ertsers.-Adv. ___
arwenn, Wisontsen...54 10 work of , the California track teams 4ISDINI
Matugsons iontae.. . 4 2 10 'under his direction. California has es Seek
Bordner, Indiana..............ee. the 1. C. A. A. 'A A. 'for the past FREHME ER
treyears and the attention of' thel -U mV t t~
cfl 3' Jet-Ron (i Talk bu
Schick, Iowa......... 9 entire country has been centered upon'I - -j Tefalimn rsln qa bu
IDulm, Iowa..... . 0 8-I Thfrsmnwetigqud4ii
Spo2r iso1i 7. the California oval and the man who!i Picked riders of Ironwood, a town ( will meet from 4-5 o'clock Main- ' Yellow Joullnaism!
1V~~oo, Mchian'..,. 2 $ 6guides the Bear's destinies on the in the Upper P'einsula, will compete} day, Tuesday Thursday, and Fri- 1 - Wait forY thef
JonoNrhetr .~2- track. agaist the Olympic. ski team whichl I day, t ,-
Seiffer, Ohio State...... 2 1 5 - la" s- anddae I represented the United States at iYBO Coach.
Wellman, Purdue....1 3 5 Endorse ls Cniae Chamonix, France, on the Ironwood Coach 1'
loaideMichigan ... 2 1 5 Richmond, Va., Mar. 3-The Gen- ski slide according to a story carried ---- {- 1JI 'I O N1
tIoQarige, Ilnis.o. ral assembly Saturday adopted a joint by the Daily Glode of Ironwood. .-i
Roettgr, Illnois......1 2s4lg
~Ttie Prue.....20 r escolution endorsing Senator Cart-' ironwood boasts of thera trt Jimmie the adtaker"sllathin
axte orhetrnatwetr r Glass of Virginia fo rie emlxrt-fly i"a slc(slide n Lue orld, a n~e t ic4, .Av.-- - I lYlO~L
-Ka~ne, ortweter .. 1 2 4I c nomination for pre~uent4,,.>r ,_1Cwdrld redo rkl for~ artificial slides being~-
,I... 1 1 3 Imd ni atSna tteana Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.
106k;,Iniana...................."Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything (interstate tournament therea heanJna -f
'Xhoad ude...11 3jquikly.Adv.' Stulich of ironwood jumped 183 feet.";7.",
.ip Iller, in ns ota .....1 1- -- ,----
-1heeler. Minnesota .... 1 V 0t 7- -o
Miaton, Iowa .......... 0 2 2: I
einces, Indiana.... .... 1 2 2
Kirks, Michigan ........ 1 0 2j
bristman, Northwestern 0 2 2 _4
Britton, Ilinois..... .... 1 0 2 °F~
Spraks, Purdue........ 1 0 2^' ta
Howell, Chicago........ 1 0 2 i
Speed, Iowa........... 0 2 2i4
Wackman, Wisconsin ... 1 0 2 Iy o
Alwiard, Illinois.........0 1 Wh'% at is your Verdict?
Lldberg, Wisconsin......0 -1
Aurstin, Texas, March 3.-The Uni- fWe o aetidWllasSaigCemyu
versity of Texas won its fifteenthI verdict will be as favorable as is your verdict about the;
Mi(tch is Fin.al Onte of year; BaIrker's
1 = I ep ?leted as 1interest
11 Sport LagS
Mid igan wrestlers will compni, t n
their last. meet of the season at 8
o'clock tonight at the Yost field touse
he"_ they goa to the mat against the
~rap~n qa fM .C
'heWolverine mat nmen hav~e failed
to come troug-h with a victory in any
-of the mneets this year and Coach Barik-
er is nA over confident of down ing>
the Farmers who have. shown con-
siderable strength (hiring the past few
6Squad Bllow' ; to I adawd
S Saturday niht at Bloomngnr, the
Iy iigi an wvrestlers lost to the 1loos-
icr squzad who have gone throughl that
seas;on und2efeed and now hold the
Confer~ence graprihing title. Rose,
- Micigan'sbest bet all seas;on, wa:
the; lone Wolverine proint getter, and(
in easily wresting a decision from
sReed, he showed himiself as one of the
b est in Conference competition. Reed
holds a victory over Dye, of Purdue, a,
former - Conference champion and a
man who defeated Rose when the
Mlichigan star was far from fit.
In the meet against Indiana Barker
was forced to forfeit one match for
lack of a suitable man to fill theas
asignment. This, lack of material, is
de.])ired by Barker.
fTonight's matches promise to be re-
l;lete in fast skillful wrestling and
Barker urges all to attend the meet.
"Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything
_1Y 'St)Difl iUNT
conference game
the 'University of.
Saturday, defeating1
Arkansas five 30-26.1
new Hinge-Cap. The heavier, faster-working Williams
I lather, the fact that Williams lubricates the skin, the fine
condition of your face after: the shave, these qualities
make men stick to Williams as faithfully as the. Hinge.
Cap, sticks to> they tube. As -regards- the Hinge~Cap, here
is an offer we make:.
E $~2501 it Prizes
For the best sentence of ten words or less on the value of the
- . --- - Williams Hinge-Cap, we offer thefollowing prizes:Ist prize $100;
d 2nd prie$50; two;3rd-zwizes, $*. each; two 4th prizes,$10 each ;
six5t pize, 5 ach. Any un~dergraduate or graduate stu4dflt
is eligible. If two.-or more persons submit. Identical slogans
deemed .worthy: o'f'prizesi the full amount of the prize will be-
{ awarded to each. Contest closes at midnight March 14, 1924.
l Winners will be announced as soon thereafter"a possible. Sub-
k mit any number of slogans but write on one side of paper only,
putting name, address, college and class, at top of each sheet.
Address letters to Contest Editor, The J. B. Williams CO.. Glas-
tonbury, Con.
New HatIs!
it~s from lIaly, lVelgium,
M Germany and E~ngland.
1eatherweight crushers, light
and medium eight hats. A
most unusual stock.
-Finchley: "What mrade the customer