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February 17, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-17

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r Y ; s ather a bizarre arnd in:i ii 11
to solve one of the mos5t mrnei o
-problems which is now confro,,1 i I
OFFI~I LNWPPR0V 't RE the newspapers and indirectly th-
INIVERS6iTY 1O MWII WAY publc." Not considering for the To-
P~i~e~e4-y nohigexep ,nday mel~tthe difficulty of any on Eoar i
dugtii. bdzrsin7. aic, yte 4 rd i or group of boards to superv,,e ermnr<t-
inal news in papers throug-'o t. the
Meibo o ~ese~Cooein~ 1d~oraicountry the plan has two distinct fal- '
Asgociation. lacies which make it impracticable;
The Associated Press N Fexc nasively en- -the author of the plan does not seem,
rttled to the '-St. fox retpublicatloi: of all to realize that a change in the treat-
news dispatches credited to. it or root other-'
Wise credited in this ;,ndthetoa ment of criminal news is needed rath-
"urws ,r i~bsed t.herein er than suppression of the news, and
H ner~iatth pstuofictea tttabr that the initiative for betterment must
A4ichigan, as second clay r jarter.' come from within the newspaper office =
Subscription by carrier o; mail,. "so and not fr~om a board of fanatics on
Offices: Ann Arbo Plr sBuilding, Maiy
card Street. the outside.
Phones: Editorial, - a 4 16x t ~ t stu t~ an esppr
Ies (J60 ti reta aynwppr
serve as handbooks of crime, that by,
Communxcatxonj not to exceed 300 words devoting a large amount of space td By tl
if signed, the signature not necessarily to
appear in print, but a" an evidence of faith, lewd and sordid accounts of mutrdert An tl
and aotices of events will be published in they make crime attractive and hence Waft(
1 he Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
kftt at or mailed tc Th,_IDaily office Un- axre in this connection anything' but '
signed communications will receive no c~on- oeflfcosfr odI hi h
sideration. No manuscript will be returned poeflfcosfr odiIhi h
uless the writer encloses postage, The Daily communities. B~ut rather than, sub-' Knoc
doe,6 not neessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the conmmunications jecting criminal news to a profuse And
amount of blue penciling at the hands; Tries
EDITORIAL STAFF of psychologists, why not by general Ah, .
Telephones 241l4 and 176-H agreement merely curtail the amount ; Is bu
E.. of space devoted to the announce-
MANAGING EDITOR ments of grime, and concentrate on an
MARION B. STAHL explanation of the punishmrent? There-
-^ 'by , the newspaper might educate the
,%w- ~itor ...... '.. ;... Paul Watzeli
it~y Eit r . . ........Jamies B.. Young; people to see the futility of crime and
Editor ial Board Cairan.,> ... E. R. Melsssthe surety of retribution.I
Night E ditrs-- The impediment to a realization of
Ralph 3yers Harry Hoci' this object is that people have become
1 .a. hlrfrR.C oiryJahue J. L. Macki so accustomed to the reading of de-'
lort~ dlor . ..,. ;..._,H. McPike tailed accounts of the actual crime 1 D
cWome's Edito.....,. Marion Koch
V ~'~ iditi. I. \Itnaiiue that any onet newspaper would suf-r
Pictorial Editor............... Robert Tarr frfnnilytrni.sc nim-s«
E~hortl P~'diate change in policy. The quiestion' E's"
F t-' ~ p in this connection is .are we to en-

. ..

umw, +." "e ni+ v +e. Trw+ +.w + .+. w J ri ..wsr+.rrr.



Editor, The -ichigan D11ly:
In reading todays h il', I

., ..,L_ E. . ,_ O F ... .... .... .,

'h r" ;Vv




LI C . .i. t i n~ii Ii i '

Al -4

the sound

' The y' re a'diggin'
up the campus I
Down in front of
old 'U hail ;
And the, smoke of
the steam shovel
Hangs 'round it like
a pall.

Logic classes
of crashing trees


the South Wing's full of cinders
.ed in upon the breeze.
physics excavation
ks, you for a row of goals
the natural science fishpond
s rich esthetic souls.
.our rare and fancy campus
gt a flock of' holes!

State Lantern Entitled "Gym---A Pleas-
ure" which offers an antidote for the
present unpopular system of co iUpu
sory gymasiun2 training as it is con-
ducted here and at many' other uni-
versities. Commenting upon the comn-
parative interest shown by the Stu-
dents under the, old system and the
new plan of elective athletic training,
the writer shows how effectively the
latter plan has worked at Ohio, and
the great degree of enthusiasm which
the freshmen now display toward their
physical training.
At' Michigan the old system of uni-
form gymnastic training for all fresh,
men is still maintained, much to the
displeasure of those who are subject-
ed to the work. It is entered into
with great indifference. The disin-
terested freshman' cuts his 4 :15 gymz
;'4;jron with considerable frequency
^ nd then to?-es contemptuous pride In
posting the department's first, sec-
and, third and fourth final warning
notices in his room.
Gym ha~s come to the stage where itj
is little more than a farce on the
Michigan campus. If the athletic de-
partment wishes to maintain a sys-
tem which will insure real training for,
first year students at the University,
some plan to make the work attractive

._...,..,_.,_...,....i ._.A.. ......,.,.. .

Re ad the Want .Ads
Alin :bor and Jackson
t .astrerni Standard 'Time?
Detroit Limated and .xpres. n. Cv
b:oo a.mn., 7 :oo a.ni.,8 :oo -,o., uq=
a.m. and hourly to 9:o5 p.ni.
Jackson Express Cars (lota) stops
west of Anti Arbor)-9 :47 a.m., anti
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.t
Local Cars East Bound--7 :o(o a'ii
atd every two hour,, to 9 .oo p. m.,'
xi :oo p.m. Tn Ypsilanti -3dy-1 4
To Saline--Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West B.ad-7 :5c a.mi..
To Jackson and lKalaznazoo--Limn
ited cars 8:47, :0:47 a.111., t=2:47, 2;47.
4:47 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-=-liited at
Q'<7 t 11

One Hour Service
Carl F. Bay

IReservations, Tickets, Tours, Cruises
80O1 East Huron Phone 13844J




* * *

Send for our catalovg
on Bodies and Speed
Power Equipment.

31D you go to the Hop?"


Beech Mt4,DELPilI, UND).

Why I knew a guy that got three,' must be

pursued. Authorities


* * *

Thelma Andrew.
Stanley M. Bak Lte
Dorothy Benneti f
Sidney Bielfteld
R. A. Billingtuu--
:. ..' i -I' t P

Ronald Halgrirr
Franklin D Hlepburn
Winona A. Hibbard
Edward J. Higgins
1- .,.,', o I'..,'i r
Elizabeth Liebermann
j ohn McGinnis
M, 11l. Pryor
W. B. Rafferty
Robert (G.,Ramsay
Campbell Robertson
%' V.'Zuwtch
-nli V'. 5chtitz

Adet.,n .... .... T A J iaviet, Jr.
Adveti~u............ ait N. Sherer
' ,Asaistants
n neth SFeick Atlan S. iMorton
WO~d J~im A.Dryer
iiry ~. Is aydeu Wi I.Good
;uigene ' . Duzine Cl'r.'d ,L Hagerman
Li, Gratilich, .}r.. Henry Freud
John C. Haslci'i Herbert P. Bostick I
C. L. 1'utnam D.) L. Pierce
1E. D. Arnmantr it Clayton Purdy
1 i'bertX oipr A" . B. San zenbacher
Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts
Ralph tLewright
Harold L. THale Philip Newall
Wmn. 0.Roesser'____
- .\T flTk ' FLITARY17,' 1923

trust the newspaper to a group of
psychologists to attain the desire,, re-
sults or adopt some suggesti1on made'E
such as one by Walter T.ippm ann, for'
the creation. of honor courts among
editors. It is quite conceivable that
most psychologists know little or
nothin~g abouzt the inner working of
newspapers. To give them any meas-
u zre oft control would be merely the
(drafting of impracticability from 'Aine
ouitside in recognition that the prob-
lem could not he settled from within.
Through Lippmann's plan, the crc-'
ation of Honor Courts. the edlitors, of
the country would be Joined fogethber
in one organization with power to cn-'
act legislation in an effort to so>'C'~
this and other news'paper problem i.
Also they would be able to blackb7!all
and place beyond the pale an, editors
who violatled these enactments. Thuzs
the conscientious editors of the coun-
try could afford to give up mnany of'
the practices now mnane necessary
through the damaging efforts of fhe'
yellow press, and the problem might
b®, solved from within without theY
evils of censorship from the outside,
whether it be by the ,good psycholo-
gists or otherwise.

"THIAT class is full"
111 can't go out new I'm brokie. f
* * f
~"'MY dear, you don't mean she did."f
"HAVE you got your application for
thye FOtrom?"]
[ i'noct Ialk to the Dean?"
-yY m), di god a cod."
'"i N . io' . i b t'1 :I i' z.v'ragc.
'WII'I to -be Snph'Prom Nwith
you ?"
"TOO b~d we lost to Wisza'i)a'
Joec.4! ll i'

Ohio, Cornell and California have all I
found the remedy in allowing theirj
students to elect one particular'
branch of athletic training in which
ttiey were most vitally interested and
then allowing them to devote all of
their time during physical train-n
hou.rs to development in this one
field. This plan could well be folb
lowed. at Michigan and wou'ld un-
dou'b/el produce the desired result.
p J. P. Ft.

Pd23 EBRUttART 1923
1 2 3
41 5 6 7 8 9 14)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
iS1 1 20 21 22 23 24
, r 27 27 28
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at
lowe prices for HIGH CLASS
j 17 lPaekard Street Phone 1792 1
! SI4U t ER T [41ghts, 5 0 -7 5 S 1 .00rVi . T P P M t . ue ,
,r Thurs. and Sat.,
25c and 50c
The em mnseIle Company
+t s +iWicis's. Eviier4t Ccnuty Cri Im
"L dy 'indemere's Fan"I
inicp, "Plot, Epigrami
i' ',I ^t Interes.t



Living on earth is like stopping at a 'hotel.
The longer you stay,
fi The more you pay.
However, you can- cut it down considerably by eating
Willets 50c Lunch and 60c Dinner.
The best home cooking found- anywhere. Prepared by
Mr. and Mrs. Willets.
Twerztp-tw years at N. W. Corner of Campus.
Private Banquet Hall
t Light Lunches and Short Orders
'PHONE 173 315 S. STATE ST.'

At Wisconsin they do
tling! A "Society for tb

' ;. ~dT7 rRLH .DER aeStudents" i e
dit r - AL H . YE S al i there to influence men ii
+ TAXI RESPONSIBILITY sity against choosing a wv
Unfortunately the function of a taxi 1 for a wife.' The pressi
company,. serving as a semn-public 1 such a society lies in the
ut'lity, seems to be misunderstood by organizers that women
the management of the concerns I not make good wives bu
which perform this 'service in Ann after "careers". Less
Arbor. At the present time no one more "home-builders"~ is
is complaining against the rate sched- the organization, trulya
ule now in effect but a considerable commendable one. But
amount of feeling has arisen against; college graduates the
the quality of service being rendered. "lhome-builders"? This
Unquestionably, the most essential malicious attack at the
characteristic every such utility must college education! Will
mx,.aint,i~n is that of unvarying depend- storm?
ability. Herein .lies the violation It would :seem that ti
which either the taxi drivers or 'the thing fundamentally wro:
oompanios themselves are constantly son for the urgent need(
committing. It 'is not an infrequent ciety. In the first plan
occurrence that after a call has been sire for higher learnin,
paut in for a cab, it falls to arrive.j imply the ambition of
Still more often requests for ma- Women cannot but uni
chines are answered anywhere fromf the field of high achieve
twengty minutes to an hour late, cans- reers" is comparatively
ihig all s orts of inconveniencea. Manly one; that few even can
have missed train connections and above the mass in a wor
failed to beep important appoint- are the recognized comrI
ments for just these reasons. With endurance race for high:
such a s1tt of T.--,iir no one Caqn safe- Feminine "careers" r
ly depend upon receiving prompt serv- without exception, be we
ice and conrequecntly patronsi will laurels of the arts;' trai:
have to find some other nxeans of iIs not to be found In
tratnsportation, even if it be the slow schools.
but regular %, reet cars w-h ich amble And in the second pa
along the campus every- so often. j newly fotinded socic'tya
The rapid transit carp to Detroitf that, since woman coll
and return are no exception to this are the converse of "la
brand of service. They cannot be de- the ideal in a wife is a
pended on for promptness. andi in cer- proxiniatinig zero, one wv
tail cases have failed to a rr ive alto- "E" in the modern-day
gether after prospective patrons ;, It would rather seem
lot the last interurban pass by n'jt of the Wisconsin socie'
the expectation of using the tran~il. prime reason of edu.cal
The whole situation seems to D'esalt en--that divorces may
from the fact that Ann Arbor t axi by making the wife th
companies fail to realize an obliga- equal of the husband.
tion which they owe to the cornmuni2 3--
in which they operate. In n-early A dainty Swiss actres<
every case the individual who calls at ed to find that all Amei
taxi does so because he' wants to go millionaires. A simil
someplace and get there as quickly a:5 took place last summer
hoe can. If the cab service cannot de- ist in Switzerland was4
pendably fulfill this function, then pa- all the natives were, not
trons might as well stop using taxis in cheese.,
and resort to the street car or walk. -

3things star-
he Welfare of
ag organized
in the univer-
'omran student
sng need for
e claim of 'the
graduates do
it instead are
divorce and
sthe object of
a notable and '
t-are women
converse ofs

(To be sung beneath a Forcfsi. v,.
BalconY a. P Ill. thelb o:tI'
10 below.)
(With guitar-he can play anyt ir.g
even a pipe organ. With him a grey
and evil-looking hound.)
Sotto voce :
Guenetta de las Islas,' hear your
tonto :
(Ter; Thum tum tum, ter-hum ho
hum, br-r-r-r ! ho!)
Comne, open up that winder, mny
Can't you see your Jack's half.
froze to death, you know?
Behold my hungry wolf-hound all
Beside his heartsick master in the
snow !
Let not thy two adoring canines
Without a word of comfort-br-r-
r-r! hum-ho!

(Puardu~e Expaonent)
We wonder iu11t what an instruictor
wouild do were he to walk( uto one of
his first classes of a new semester
and find all the front seats taken. He,
would in all probability lhe so dumT~b-'
founded and miaybe pa nic-stricke at
such' an unusnal condition that be
would take refuage in precipitate flight
thinking that some mischief must,
sulrely he afoot. A look in any of the
classrooms where seats are neat as-
sindwill reveal the fact that the
front seats rarely have the dtlt
brushed from them.. If, it is a large
rrom wvithi more than enough seats
the students will cluster along tha
back of the room, while if there is not
a suaperfluoujs number of seats the
back row is at a premium..I

btU.iAbF .iy4 .;:KASi!

\ :,: r
\, t
K-01 P f 1 t
r I il t
r r E 1 . tt S
,r r r; N ~
, 1

0 you WANT-



The cleanest, finest grade of milk
from a sanitary dairy?


The kind of Milk and Cream 'that will give
Four children rosy cheeks and 'the happiness
that comes from good health.t
If you want to be assured of these call 1269.





is the latest'
efficacy of a'

There is a reason for all thins, so'
tihere mu t'lie a reason for this. Far-,
sightedness may be advaheed as a
possible explanation, yet these same
students can be seen ocdunying a t
front row seat at 'the theater or a.
ringside seat at an -athletic contest.
Natural timitlity does not sound like a,
logical rea~son. Laziness cannot he
the reason because the 9eme condi-
tion obtains whether the entrance to
the classroom happens to be at the
front, or to the rear of the roonm Per-
hans one of the reasons why the front
rows are so unupopiilar is that voluan-s
tary occupation of them ma'kes the
cfucent Iable to a, gentle "razzing"io ftun ogta
in the course.
We nipht havea alified the fore-
ivoing sta= temonQts by saying that they




. . . .._ ,... , t , ,., .

it survive the
;ere is some-
-ng in the rea-
A for this so-
ce, does a de-'.
.g necessarily'
a Napoleon?
derstand that
ment, of "ca-,
a very narrowE
nhope to rise
rld where men
petitbrs in the
amust, almost
on through the
fning for thenm
;lae-,9 d's Vth
....v ity apja-
ho1 rot es a .filt
h3 efash'



(From the balcony. Without any
guitar. She can't play anything, ex-
cept vampire.)

In her idea of, an English accent:
Jack Percy! from your yelps anm I
to gather
That the nature of your love for me-
is true?
You're awf'lly nice, but on the whole
I'd rather
You'd hurry, if it's all the same to
Your priceless hound is rapidly con-
And though your caterwauling
thrills me through,
I trust you'll not esteem me void of
Because of my precipitate adieu!


(previou4 lanmourous accomnpni--
menl quickening to Cort of -U ;x'ii
A[,,, you: lanky walking dictionary--
And after I have braved the bores i
If.! I ' !Z .('HT. you clanking, sack
of lb )nes -RAZZ-BERRY!
l"'ie't, you Ilengthy slice of Span-
ish cheese!
Coire on, Fido Ivan virnovci >
To Bill & Merts, w'"ere he(-.rte onr
high and true!
Wt,'11 lore ourselves in wiener-wurstas
and coffee-
'7'.'-1 ' rIess now of wbvh" I do,
'T boilril, -'Owooooo!"

were generally true of the men 'stii,-
dents onlv, the co-ee'ls itsnally occupy-
inn' the front spats of their own free
wiill. Robert M. (lay, writin- In thee;
Pe? ary unniber of the Atlantic
Monthly on "The Timid Sex", ex-
'lr i ia a ntdrsl inclination of
men. He says:. "There is dleep seat-
ed in every manly breast a, determ'-
nal'ion not to he, or at lenast not to
appe ar to he interested in anything
E 'at any tea('her, 3ectuirer. or preacher
1Y1 )) sad-, )ar it is merely masculine
to r"'gsnter this obhscure imrulse in any
way short of audible groins." ThI,
may- nat hle true of college men as a
clpss' lirt the tendency to slinkm into
the lack. row is mrore thajn likelya
z r-"tU of "dBitnr^laversion.
The mere fact that men studlents
..re more inclined to come early and
axtd th rush for the hackf row, how-
eve, desnot explain W h« it is so
3:,7 rsalil' done. Whether the stu-
dlentc' of old established this custom
by taking a position far distant fronm
thsir teacher, and it, has been handed
down to uzs, we cannot say. There is
everyv reason to believe that the earn-
os+. student will. not shuin time instruct-
or by shying off to the back of the
room. It should not be necessary to
assign seats in claEsdes especially of
~n ', c' cmn,,OV Th1IAv,,' ara ren'i'n g n '

SundayI Where Cleanliness
Special Is a Habit
Brick No housewife's kitchen was
ever' more spotlessly clean than
MALL O=NUJT the factories where Connor's Ice
E r Cream is made. Modern equip-
AND merit and eternal care insure
MAPLE M USSE perfect sanitation.
Y on'11 enjoy. Connor's
r.or'a because you know
pI i h 'ltea.Ioot it is nfiade.D-
De-)str dealer and place a inandl it by name!
-' ' t Oid r.

--THE -

for all purposes?
If so :ask your grocer for
For 4' general purpose flour
it cannot be equalled.
Or perhaps you want a suit-
able flour for
-if so'-
Mimi co Pastry
is unsurpassed, for cakes and
Y'ou will 'find that our
't All-Purpose
and our -
Special Brands
are unequalled for purity
and excellence and theyr
are made right here in
Ann Arbor
Try Our New Crop


1 .

(and lbeauitf-l)

r -,N- t , 5 1 r
ricU1 n aro not

KR a

"'md h-Nsable)
(anid adorable)
(and bewitehlii)

* * *0
Coitributions, conitrIbutions.


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