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January 27, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-27

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T J.i.


.. ..,.....e

.... / Irll l/ IIIF I I ' ll /1! /I/I/II r

Be It Resolved; That the Unive-
ity of Michigan club of Detroit urge
wyNT IEDxOU E Ian(1 recommend to the Board in Con-
=n ~~~tro of AthI tcs at 'te ni r iy o*
i Mihigan tat the nwv field hope bl
NED~fU YOSTnamed after Fielding 1.Yost, uch p:
0 ##" j YO S Yost 1+icd ous, Yost 'Athlet~c Hall
;or in sone sim~lar praing o which
-radualevls tvirogout (Country S-u4 the4' j name Yost is a part; and
lintetters of 1'ralso aiid yEu- lacIt Ru lved; That the pr pe z
tlr }!eiet }steps ad prparatios e mle "Ito
have fitting dedication cremoiolns at
DE~r~rnTAIJ~lNI U~AWuv ; the Ohbio "tate game next fall, or at
I{ES11rONS tiQN p'ONPTU1IJV( some other suitaho date; and
lie It Rsolved;'t'hat the secretary
Mihgan ahptnni associatons in all 1 fti ll r ni these rsolutios
tO the said BPOard. '1'hO Michigan Daily
parts, of the country arc; - fdn if mth6 Alumni magazine, 'Va'rious almui
-letters of praise and ernorsement, of l asso iatos thrughdnit the country
=the plan to nr'nie the nesyfBld houso# lPresidet Maron L. Burton ad to
after Coach rielding . 'Yost. such oter Utnversity lidies a s ix r-
In the one week since the Student pei r under the circum tanes.
couincil Opened the caipaign to fimnn
obit whlat the stidenat anid aiini opin
Ii:d was n'the plifl-ject 0'cr ;oi, e _P.,c
'lishave Been receivedI, all rasinfj IVtfl iS PlAS
the par~oect So far, alumni groups i:
ichigan, Ohio, ndiaua, llinis, <i( I mall AudienceI
aja Srwest as ebaska ,have bfeen
herdfrO,! Wlithin the next week it
is expected that replies fronmni , P'atrons* oftheir drama were given a
nore sections -of the "couitry will ,novIl bit of entertainment last nigh,
nom in. when the Mimes repertore comay
* Detroit Alumni l'ass 1e~olitiis rsne TeClitraFe
Thfe Deroit alumni at a'metiupjrentd"ThClstr a rncs
held° Thursday noon at the hotel TI* drana by Eminle Verharen Onlya
W er passed a set, of resoltions x-ismall audience greeted'th perform-
piressing that body's enitire support o01 ers but tey were unstinting in1 their
the plan as; set foarth by tho tudent praise of Vii cast whose atng was ot
Vcouncil, wvith 'the reconmendatioi only iised, but savored /)f profes-
that the Board in Control of 'Athletiacl sionaisni.
take the- noeesary steps for its execu- i "The Cloister" is novel in that it
ti1161. Su 'gge sions were also set forth depends for its effect on the finished
as to .a suitable dediation of the new acting of the cast. The scenery, rep-
liguse, to take place at the 0,hio State' resenting in alternating acts firt
game next fall, or at some other(dataJ convent garden through the cloister
when it -could be made an Iimmews'e andl the chpter house, added not a lit-
Michigan 'gathrering;. te to the appreciation of the pay.;
The name "Yost Field H-ouse" and Buring incense, and singin by s tltcI~l'wr hs u-rcou o ok f h
"Yos Atletc Hll"wer thse ug-chous f "onk oftheCloister" 'o
gesteId in the resolutions, as appropri- the "ies h"ae Dies Ilia, and "Agnus
at ,.for the new bulding. Copies O le" lent an atmosphere of religious
thel resolutions arle eing mriailed tc devotionl that .was in ham~ony with
ofter alumh ni associations in order to! the setting o;' the monastery.
further 'the, work of wining a coin- The play, intensifed by a rligiou:,
'ijied sentiment of all the alumni,1s1 etting, unfolds a story of tragedly and
The resolutions are as follows: 1 human misery, portraying the conliic:
Whe.reas, Pielding H. 'Yost is Milec of a muan and his destilny. Thach onh
most piromiinent figure connected withj embodies an Ideal while the group em-
colegiteathletics' in the United i blesagn 'ecclesiastic idatat'h
States and has been of ingstiinable sparate and exclusive jurisditin.
benefit and 4service to the Ulversaty Don Bathazer in the person Of Car
of Mtichigan for the past'twety-three W Guske, grad., who came "wis
years, and 31as won the respect, -f- words crusted with proud pretnce"
fection and admiration of leibgn to the monastery, is pctured by Fath
mnen and women overyw ere; and 1Itor h n ar o ns U dr o d 21
-Would Show ppreciatiu as "a torchr tossed mdly abo)ut on the
Wyhereasc his followers long, have Cdc leof 1hum1an emotion " duke an-.
' sought goni means of showing their Thomas played in roles opposite t
allpreiaLion of his varied services each other, and considering this fro-
-t n y myinr pronmoting the atletic fhle standpoint of acting, crried th
presige of jMichigan, buzt in the far h~avy roles in pefect accord with th'
mnore important ork( of raising thei theme of the play. Guske wa s eee-
stanards 'of Organlized(i 5ciety bI [Alaly effective in Is heavy role.
p.grcac }iing year in and year out 'tc -F..T.
tens of thou sands the va lue of eani
living, nobilty of sovice, awl s ac- a
,face anil unsefsh giving, f.Mr i ayIA l1TP llt1l[I lf6
W h ros "n( na n ni l irl I I Hu o 1 1% es; Detroit alunii were the '
firt to urge that the Plroposcl fied f. I
Cleat tlex occasion 0 L ofi:1w(iain e-
irade a gathering' of Michigan mieni (Continued fromn Page One)
and women from lfar .andi near to dc unless they consented to be ;mved t
honor to Mr. Y*ost and Michigan in the1 the 25 yars line. This wyas hisrim--
greatest c ;le rtion ever hld at Anil ;nation against the group, favoring te
Arbor; and sttdents, it was shown.
' Vh coas;,the naming' of biilings N(sfurkity orFotal :ye
andt fields after college benefactors i.3 k- rtng h ~z haeo ikt
fully JustifiedI by lprecedent, as the by megabrin f the puclfaso fit'' cks etsr
naming xof Stagg field in -Chicago af- '>lredl that, outie o the group re-
ter Co6ach A. A. Stagg, Dudley fild of evlnopfrnchdben iv
Vand rbilt University after DirectorI ailt.
of Athletics Dudiley, Northrup field of Ai, to the chzage .thiproer dis-
the( Gnlversity otf Minnesota afti .rininat ioni4 were made in 'fvor or s
Presidlet Northrup, Tappan hall a1 against stuets or groups of su-
-Michgan after President Tappan. dents, the committee found no evi-.
ll3arbopur g ymtnasiuml at Michigan after l'ence' of suh dsc iriiation. Ayers.
LeVi' . 3Byhour,an~i so on thralig vwo was called before the comittee,
xinnum~ierable exanplc ; andI claimed that lie had 'names of student}
' ss tat siihli for Bhilldhlg who had received special fa vor, but
Wh Iereas; :the new field "house wa re fused to give them to the commiittee
onceived bxly r} 'st, and ade pgo - even nuder pledge that they wov'i
sible~ by his financing and executiv(o eue o nyproe zet1
ability, and the drawving power of hij investigation. The comittee declar-,j
teazxaiwandi own personality; there: htecag narnelbcuc

Tfl nr n.imiiirnr

Walpo'le Urges
Books As

day at Pasadena. He leaves
widovw and a son, who now live
Akron, 0.

at '


IReservitiliow; ics 1kets, Tours, OIrises f
301. Fast, Huron Phone 1381- i

You Will Learn M~ore Rapidly
in a Few



II OV1. '134117lL I..1110 ".AaN(Continued fromicpage {One) ' C'1l NALL COLLEGES1
' 1 itl ayoung sckiool companion who alwayi1 __
____Sceiled~ to" know just what was thc
(Continued from Page One) right looki to read. I (Continued from Page One()
1Litaro is ('401Illetingt Lnk I Approval was also given to the of-
prpIos.e,' therefore, by private enido~c, ' 7le novelist then showed that mod- fer of F. A. Winslow of tBeaulicn-sur-
sient andt] under the direction of ni riliterature is just a connecxting linliMoe, Francea, to bear the expenrse of
indeopendent hoard1 of trustees, to miake between all thie ages of book.;. "If one sending the University cikratox' f iol-.
it osibe or ~h srients f hething had bieen changedl," he statedl, luck, to, study the mnethods of classi- I
tT';.,l to akerelgios euis "in the live of fovrmer authlors like Lying and studlying miollusks its the
Thackeray, Stev'enson. anid others,'Biihmsu, n'h uemo
t thue scihorl ,W1ilei, Iniii ccoriranc ,hr sn asrnetaiy~ Vu Natural History at Paris, and in. the
wvitht l~rteauiei t lreadly es-tablished, lnMile to readltthe mmoden book whichkM'eum Oeeano ,rapiue acirtManaco.
wsfth (utto~r:rd the iir gralhiation. you read today." Cr'edit towTard the degree+ oi' bache-j
"A uilingisreiluired as a center' n referring to the incentives which E for of arts in1 education will hcrc<<f-
for' tlii i_;~ii:,inat~at~i~l.. t l~onptwriers"" unertketI I ter be granted for work in the s;ummier
his r.t~l:e lou ienrctio. i !iermup rteydoIrs.olundetpke of school for caces' accor~iing to the,
shouldargae arm udiene lumfs .woegethytd,'M.dacisispken
the lagi1etre nd caseathlerather modest but ;successful he' eens dcsin
v,.llcqil'oc i 1 t; t~irI-y<ild:,inigci 1. G ,Wll."Onelay Arthur fR. Carr o1 the departmentzitor
v~e-~Oqljh~i(I ~~l aintlibar :ad ontneg told M. G Wells. ne vstoo jchemical engineering was allowed to
re~asring oom and sn :ial "3" :> 1i lzi and oene.owit - t ~sli vscompl3ete several cours~~' at the YpSi-
1onsuitationroois.irher professors brillia1t ]anti Normnal school left unlinislmed by
andc i std n fry come intchosre liar- wiigM.Wapl ss-t j' hedahofPo. obn
s;iifil -touch. -Tis building shouhrl b : commtienced to write recipes of how ethovrf.rrin
nea th nier>iryart buldig i writing should be dlone anil give them
it iE; to hieirf1iit the grieaites5tsrie to eager inqjuirers. The, more lie wrmot'l Itahlbi Wclie to Addrtss ('ongregation
for the llain wndergradjuates. Op)tions recipes, the louder :the clamiour be- "WhoAIre the Ed;cuc ated?" is th~te
are alreadv becing scuried for f 1vcdra- came for more- of them, until lie finallyi subject oif the address which Rabbi
- ble. stas on, theedg;e di .te<ac ademnlc endleil ry prodlucing th e finest Iliece o j horace . Wolfe,' of Rochester, N.. Y.,
campfus, rand tbq irespionse of the, prolp- ;fiction Ii the past ten 3years, lhis iecilpe will deliver before members of the cwij;oiAnt~o ;ici tv o l itr. eihSuet'cnrgto i
Q. the fri ;lyrcetontatwllE- -o'clack tomorrow night in Lanie hail.
r e+ {':tetcholCac 11 eat i- C. C. " This .will be the last assembly of thea'
mates indicate that to build the, Micli- OFcrtganization until the co mmenemient
igain School cf :Relig~in, not laIvishly BUT LER PRESIDE"'NT' of the second semester.
reqire,;hllc)l f the W I lurwa lcedpeietrLost Something? Let a "Daily" class-
t :rk ' i i1fo llr i W Bulrwseote1peiet ified actfind it for you.-Adv.
mutely CflC!1.Iflionollhars." of the Chamber of. Commerce at' 4.
Ahis of1S(chool(Out lined meenctin gof' the directors lielThu rs- ,
-'~ - The schoo ai1 to provide for altef1ay evening at, the, Chamber of Coin-a
neel of thr 1c lditincdt t gOul)s of Phii- icceinna.,Other officers elected were:#,.
~crrittudents .129heuncler:m-nd~u- VICO l ~resdent, Alfred Fischier; tre. as- Z111a
Uf$"' Mi hom1 will devolve the r r William2 L. XWaiz; and recording;
s-rsbhmso'hm.cucad-sceay alter F. Staebtler. f
c ... to nit: "and tha nculdimu} .Ou 0111' cnttcewas appointed at thin
YT ,"-tn. ei iliza1 i.on; '' hose who 'eiter tin: to mater ins the neal- fsut ure for the y-
Ch Un~iiversity wit.).111ittion e~tI 1 P- irpo)()5, of appointing a pt-noral sec-1
paring for leadership in thv fi 4A'l 0 1etad m -fixing hi'-, Salary, :inf]de(l(ck]: n
re-I gious andm social -;ervicc,'' anl fijn-i lupon his terilm o1 office.
a'ly tllos~ who wish tct tke" graI'late -____
cerss,>tpiesntJit-ilaiblFORMER PROFESSOR M)EN j
which will enable then to prepam-e for'T)-MW~T rnrmm


m m ininin iit

Gay New Sweaters

rlid ..lni ? religious f!-rvice as mdiCl
oragriceulturalh missin'rie 4,and r'.-
1i ious e<nginecers to .'7olve h~le pr'ob-
lemis of rural and industrial commc u-
In conclusion, Professor lent stij--
cr1 that "alreaity the trustees have
ulnder' conisideration a possible den
and =staff well (jualified to make t he
school tffe':tive in the -life of the ;Uni-
veriy anrl state. The early reahiza-
i tion of this _plan hlies with the.pople
of Michli ;an and wivth. the gradluates Of
:.tbq U Iniversity. ,Thecir interest, and
" initial response imdicate thrat the.(day
is n)ot far dlist fit vwhlen the great : nd(
ills st SoUu inver;;itv at Ann rbOr
will be a" univer~sity in fact a,-; %well as
in. nailme."
I'ro4rmicrl No)melliEter sle(]
A niong I hle 'nationally promlinentf
mnen on the national Coauncil of the-
.sciools of Relizion 03-c the follow ing'
Judzrge. henry Waide Rogers, '74,,= of
New Haven, (Conn :fidwin F'. Ga, ed-
tor. of the Nrv York Evening .Post;
Prof Jerenmiah V. Jenks. '78, of New
Yrk un tiiversitf v; .udi(, Alton ,B.lPar- -
ker of New Ytxi'l City; Frank :A.'
V,,nd(*1ip .or- New Yor , City; IEx-
pideWnt Chiarle,; W. IElliot.of Ila:-
yard university; Dr.Anison_ , Phelps
Stoks, a eduatorof in I einatibntl1
repuite; ainds Marquis Eaton of CTIri-
'si eor of t wtc iM e i Aichigani is.-headed by Yr. Alt-xis
-C. '"Angell, 'S0L, 'anid inchldies in ' its
-memnbership proinnit. business men'
froi-DUe'troit, Lansing, 'GCrand t Tp-
iris, Flint, a d ,1Bay Ci1ty, andt many
members of the facult.at the ITfltver-
sity and at M. A. C.

Charles Kin~g iMctIc,,'80, for aomrrie
years econiected, with the University
as an- a.:-stant of chemistry, aIPT~ 11
man-y, olwn einto lo this position a well knlown busri-
ness an of Ann Ar'bor, died yester"-
Final Wept-, Positively, This Season
in Detroit at
Prices: Wved. and sat int. $2'.00, 50c
Nights $2.50O to 56c-
SI#USCRT #RI4hts 50.76 -si 00
MI CH IG A-1 tts-T.,Turs. and'
In Bferth a hllIi',, Great
A Jlety of Liitens(; EutolIon

ber when the standards of
dress at leading Universitics
ra~n to corduroys acid jerseys. 'The
undergraduate today is the best
drest man -in all the coutxry.Ta'sre
in shoes, for inistanse, is most
exacting. The pattern' of the Jobn
Ward styles and the volume of
theiohn Watd business prove it.
The John Ward representativ
displays in;
FI' .5, 6, 7, and SO8t.
s ~ mr
Scsin s ~o S~oear

lw n e
7,0 y

y «


%t. Ii

..;: Py h ytU gtrh t gyIU fI k g.1 I 7l, A3. :lhI p .. .asD flIt Mfl i U taIfIEJ



SM C.ANrk~s

_w_ __s__

215----.-H--R N

PHONE .214-Fl1

,.+ 1
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Boliv ia.AceekP.itrey finvitation
Santiago, Jfan. 26-(B3y A.P.)-Boliv-
la loi'mally acce pted Chile's bid to the
March P.an-American CbnferencO



All fraternities, organizations
or groups having booths at the {
J-1op are re~quested to mail,
as soon as possib.le, a complete
list of their gu'ests to the J-flop
editor, Michigan Daily.

of the fact that evidence of discrimn-
ination Nvs lacking.
The committee emlphasized the fact
that the system Which is now in op--
eration is not the prodluct of the dis--
tributing office, but is the plan ap-E
proved by the Board in Control of-
Athletics after acting under advice
ffurnished by representatives of both
alumni and students.
Patronize Daily Advertisei's.-Adv..




an antiquated ,mod~els, but the latest styles
s, t'uxedo Suits, and the proper accessories.
Suits ...........$37.50 'to. $70.00
LIjis........................ $70.00-
csts.............. $6.00 to $ 7.50-
,iiris.............. $3.00 to $ 4.50

Come and see
C OMPARE, this new
portable type-
writer with any other
writing machine:
1. Completeness: It
is really ail office
typewriter in port-
able formr.
,2. Convenzen'cc.
Weighs less, than 7
pounds. Fold it up,
take it with you,
typewrite any-
3. torahility: Half
a million in use;.
-more than all other
portables combined
-sixteen years of
satisfactory service.
4. Speed: Has the
Standard Portable
Keyboard -sim-
plest and easiest to
leaorn 'for an= O*ttr

This Is The Most ;complete Student
Theater in America
Timese Performances are for the General Public as well ais for
-members of the University

We'don't me
'in Dress Stilts,

A Play, in Four Acts-By EMILE~ VERTIAEREN

Dress \v
Dress Si,

Same Excellent Acting Company -- and Massive Production
The Most Talked AbotDaai
Offering of the Day"


.. 8 ir e

-= ----INCLUDES---
f+-1ALT. f!T T4TY'" f~TlnlT fX1'V -?At-A Cl T.ATTICIV,- T x- r ~i-r' - TImr, 'Cr ,




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