T J.i. CHIGAN DAILY .. ..,.....e .... / Irll l/ IIIF I I ' ll /1! /I/I/II r Be It Resolved; That the Unive- ity of Michigan club of Detroit urge wyNT IEDxOU E Ian(1 recommend to the Board in Con- =n ~~~tro of AthI tcs at 'te ni r iy o* i Mihigan tat the nwv field hope bl NED~fU YOSTnamed after Fielding 1.Yost, uch p: 0 ##" j YO S Yost 1+icd ous, Yost 'Athlet~c Hall ;or in sone sim~lar praing o which -radualevls tvirogout (Country S-u4 the4' j name Yost is a part; and lintetters of 1'ralso aiid yEu- lacIt Ru lved; That the pr pe z tlr }!eiet }steps ad prparatios e mle "Ito have fitting dedication cremoiolns at DE~r~rnTAIJ~lNI U~AWuv ; the Ohbio "tate game next fall, or at I{ES11rONS tiQN p'ONPTU1IJV( some other suitaho date; and lie It Rsolved;'t'hat the secretary Mihgan ahptnni associatons in all 1 fti ll r ni these rsolutios tO the said BPOard. '1'hO Michigan Daily parts, of the country arc; - fdn if mth6 Alumni magazine, 'Va'rious almui -letters of praise and ernorsement, of l asso iatos thrughdnit the country =the plan to nr'nie the nesyfBld houso# lPresidet Maron L. Burton ad to after Coach rielding . 'Yost. such oter Utnversity lidies a s ix r- In the one week since the Student pei r under the circum tanes. couincil Opened the caipaign to fimnn obit whlat the stidenat anid aiini opin Ii:d was n'the plifl-ject 0'cr ;oi, e _P.,c 'lishave Been receivedI, all rasinfj IVtfl iS PlAS the par~oect So far, alumni groups i: ichigan, Ohio, ndiaua, llinis, lredl that, outie o the group re- ter Co6ach A. A. Stagg, Dudley fild of evlnopfrnchdben iv Vand rbilt University after DirectorI ailt. of Athletics Dudiley, Northrup field of Ai, to the chzage .thiproer dis- the( Gnlversity otf Minnesota afti .rininat ioni4 were made in 'fvor or s Presidlet Northrup, Tappan hall a1 against stuets or groups of su- -Michgan after President Tappan. dents, the committee found no evi-. ll3arbopur g ymtnasiuml at Michigan after l'ence' of suh dsc iriiation. Ayers. LeVi' . 3Byhour,an~i so on thralig vwo was called before the comittee, xinnum~ierable exanplc ; andI claimed that lie had 'names of student} ' ss tat siihli for Bhilldhlg who had received special fa vor, but Wh Iereas; :the new field "house wa re fused to give them to the commiittee onceived bxly r} 'st, and ade pgo - even nuder pledge that they wov'i sible~ by his financing and executiv(o eue o nyproe zet1 ability, and the drawving power of hij investigation. The comittee declar-,j teazxaiwandi own personality; there: htecag narnelbcuc RELIGI6OU S S CH.OL Tfl nr n.imiiirnr Walpo'le Urges Books As day at Pasadena. He leaves widovw and a son, who now live Akron, 0. al at ' Cure STEAMSHIPAGENCY ALL T RInCIP"Al1OCEAN L1 Fs IReservitiliow; ics 1kets, Tours, OIrises f C. F. 1KUEBLE R 301. Fast, Huron Phone 1381- i You Will Learn M~ore Rapidly in a Few PRIVATE LESSONS H IALSTY'S DAN,-CE STUJDIOS REEFNTS InEA iIDFTRnI JI r' 'i .K ,; II OV1. '134117lL I..1110 ".AaN(Continued fromicpage {One) ' C'1l NALL COLLEGES1 ' 1 itl ayoung sckiool companion who alwayi1 __ ____Sceiled~ to" know just what was thc (Continued from Page One) right looki to read. I (Continued from Page One() 1Litaro is ('401Illetingt Lnk I Approval was also given to the of- prpIos.e,' therefore, by private enido~c, ' 7le novelist then showed that mod- fer of F. A. Winslow of tBeaulicn-sur- sient andt] under the direction of ni riliterature is just a connecxting linliMoe, Francea, to bear the expenrse of indeopendent hoard1 of trustees, to miake between all thie ages of book.;. "If one sending the University cikratox' f iol-. it osibe or ~h srients f hething had bieen changedl," he statedl, luck, to, study the mnethods of classi- I tT';.,l to akerelgios euis "in the live of fovrmer authlors like Lying and studlying miollusks its the Thackeray, Stev'enson. anid others,'Biihmsu, n'h uemo t thue scihorl ,W1ilei, Iniii ccoriranc ,hr sn asrnetaiy~ Vu Natural History at Paris, and in. the wvitht l~rteauiei t lreadly es-tablished, lnMile to readltthe mmoden book whichkM'eum Oeeano ,rapiue acirtManaco. wsfth (utto~r:rd the iir gralhiation. you read today." Cr'edit towTard the degree+ oi' bache-j "A uilingisreiluired as a center' n referring to the incentives which E for of arts in1 education will hcrc< 1i lzi and oene.owit - t ~sli vscompl3ete several cours~~' at the YpSi- 1onsuitationroois.irher professors brillia1t ]anti Normnal school left unlinislmed by andc i std n fry come intchosre liar- wiigM.Wapl ss-t j' hedahofPo. obn s;iifil -touch. -Tis building shouhrl b : commtienced to write recipes of how ethovrf.rrin nea th nier>iryart buldig i writing should be dlone anil give them it iE; to hieirf1iit the grieaites5tsrie to eager inqjuirers. The, more lie wrmot'l Itahlbi Wclie to Addrtss ('ongregation for the llain wndergradjuates. Op)tions recipes, the louder :the clamiour be- "WhoAIre the Ed;cuc ated?" is th~te are alreadv becing scuried for f 1vcdra- came for more- of them, until lie finallyi subject oif the address which Rabbi - ble. stas on, theedg;e di .tetpiesntJit-ilaiblFORMER PROFESSOR M)EN j which will enable then to prepam-e for'T)-MW~T rnrmm Imported and DOme11stic m m ininin iit Gay New Sweaters JustArrived rlid ..lni ? religious f!-rvice as mdiCl oragriceulturalh missin'rie 4,and r'.- 1i ious e 3- 3 Boliv ia.AceekP.itrey finvitation Santiago, Jfan. 26-(B3y A.P.)-Boliv- la loi'mally acce pted Chile's bid to the March P.an-American CbnferencO -OF- THE UNIO SEATS.NOW ONSALE - ALL RESERVED -N J-HOP NOTICE All fraternities, organizations or groups having booths at the { J-1op are re~quested to mail, as soon as possib.le, a complete list of their gu'ests to the J-flop editor, Michigan Daily. of the fact that evidence of discrimn- ination Nvs lacking. The committee emlphasized the fact that the system Which is now in op-- eration is not the prodluct of the dis-- tributing office, but is the plan ap-E proved by the Board in Control of- Athletics after acting under advice ffurnished by representatives of both alumni and students. Patronize Daily Advertisei's.-Adv.. NOTE I '' -7t an antiquated ,mod~els, but the latest styles s, t'uxedo Suits, and the proper accessories. Suits ...........$37.50 'to. $70.00 LIjis........................ $70.00- csts.............. $6.00 to $ 7.50- ,iiris.............. $3.00 to $ 4.50 Come and see T HE NEW CORONA C OMPARE, this new portable type- writer with any other writing machine: 1. Completeness: It is really ail office typewriter in port- able formr. ,2. Convenzen'cc. Weighs less, than 7 pounds. Fold it up, take it with you, typewrite any- where. 3. torahility: Half a million in use;. -more than all other portables combined -sixteen years of satisfactory service. 4. Speed: Has the Standard Portable Keyboard -sim- plest and easiest to leaorn 'for an= O*ttr This Is The Most ;complete Student Theater in America AND OIJER1ATED BY STUDE~NTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENTr Timese Performances are for the General Public as well ais for -members of the University fr~i:afTIE MIM'-ES REPERTME ~COMPANY PRESENT , We'don't me 'in Dress Stilts, A Play, in Four Acts-By EMILE~ VERTIAEREN Tuxedo Dre-ssS Dress \v Dress Si, Same Excellent Acting Company -- and Massive Production The Most Talked AbotDaai Offering of the Day" EXCELLEN'TCAST '/ .. 8 ir e -= ----INCLUDES--- f+-1ALT. f!T T4TY'" f~TlnlT fX1'V -?At-A Cl T.ATTICIV,- T x- r ~i-r' - TImr, 'Cr , I I i