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January 27, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-27

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ATHLETIC BOARD0 1 Preacher .Faces
Heresy Charges


Prof. William D. Henderson, of the
extension department, at Howell yes-
.erday gave the first of a series of
twelve lectures to be given in* the
state during the next two weeks. Prof.
Henderson spoke on "The Re-Discov-
ery of America", He will also speakj
on the same subject at Fremont, Lud-
ington, Alba, Mancelona, Big Rapids,
Arcadia, Frankfort, Benzonla, and Mc-
Bain. 'At Scottville and Honor, Prof.,
Aenderson will speak on "Dollars and
Sense in Education".
Will Meet Ohio State Men Tonight at
7:30 For Last Game of Se-

Lombard Made Emeritus Professor;
Three Faculty Men Get Leave.
Decision to advance tuition fees in
all colleges of the University, an,
four appointments to the faculty of
the new University high school which
will be completed in September as the
first unit in the structure contem-1
plated for the School of Education,

Supplementary announcements for
the literary college are out and may
be secured in the office of the regis-
Changes and additions to the regu-
lar announcement issued in Septem-
ber will be noted in the supplement
as well as any additional courses.
Information as to the making of elec-
tions for the second semester and de-
definitions of class status are also in-
cluded in the pamphlet.


Investigators State Complaints by
Daily Magazine Writer Are With-
out Grounds
That tickets for the major football
games this fall were properly distrib-
uted under the rules of the Athletio
association is the finding of a com.
mittee of the Board in Control of Ath-
letics whose report has just been
made public. The committee was com-
posed of Charles B. DuCharme, alum-
ni member, Paul Goebel, '23E, student
member, Fielding H. Yost, director of
intercollegiate athletic. and Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the ath-
letic board.
Criticism and complaint against the
system used by the Athletic associa-
tion and against alleged violations of
preference rights were published Dec.
3 n the Daily Magazine under the
name of D. Byron Ayers, '23, who en-
titled his article "Ticket Sale by Pref-
erence--Our Faulty Distribution Sys-
tem". The committee from the athletic
board was appointed shortly after the
article appeared and has since been
Investigating the charges made.
Complete Satisfaction Impossible
Attention is first called to the fact
that at. the larger football games
where 37,000 or more are in attend-
ance, more than half the spectators
must sitbeyond the goal lines. In ad-
dition thousands are refused tickets,
as was the case for the Wisconsin
game last fall. In the light of these
facts the committee realizes that it
is impossible to eliminate complaints
Under the present system, the com-
mittee poits out, flie blocks are re-
serve d t OGsats being taken . L:ei-
ther the north or south sides of the
field and 2000 in the west stand. The
blocks which are reserved are for the
visiting institution, for those entitled
to complimentary privileges, for mem-
bers of the "MI'" club and members
of the team, for the faculty, and for
the block "M". The block for the vis-
iting schools vary, seats being given
from the center of the field toward one
end. Complimentaries totaled 550 at*
the Wisconsin game, and "M" club
seats were of like number, both
groups being near the center of the
Five hundred and fifty-seven seatj
reserved'for players were on the 50
yard line. Faculty members were
placed between the 25 and 35 yard
line, their seats totalling 878. The
block "M" reserved in the west stand
seated 1978. Remaining seats were
given out to students and alumni ac-
cordikig to time and class preference
as announced on application forms.
Board Sees No )iscrim ination
The criticism published attempted
to show that the preferences were
personal and unfair. The writer'l'
charges were grouped under three
heads; that groups of alumni are giv-
en preference in payment for some:
services; fhat menibers of the tean I
are allowed. unfai privileges in buy I
ing tickets; that tWe class preference
system for student tickets was not ob-,I
served, and some students, prticular
ly in certain frater"ities, were given
favored allotments.
The committee reports the first two
charges to be utterly without founda
tion. Alumni allotments were declar-;
ed strictly in accordance with th,
printed rules of the association. On
group, from Detroit, who although not
alumni, put in application early and
under the rules were entitled to seats
on the 40 yard line, were refused seats
(Continued on Page Two)

Reparations Commission Unable'
Effect French, German Com-


Above, Bisho! Maning ef N
CityI and Pr, Percy Stieki
The Rev. Percy Stickney Gi
tor of' the Church of the A
New York, has neither reca
resigned as domanrded by Bis
ning following a sermon i
Rev;. Grant de:ied the divinit
us Christ. As a result he fa
on a heresy charge.

qew Yurl:
oy Grant.
rant, plas-
nted nor
hop Man-
n which
.y of Jes-
aces trial

Proceedings in the process of con-
dening the lands whichthe Univer-
sity is seeking to purchase went on
today in the court with simple crossl
examination of various witnesses. A
number of local real estate dealerq
who had been asked by the University
to appraise the property were examin.
ed by the attorneys.
Dean Henry M. Bates of the lawi
school occupied the stand for a short
time this afternoon, answering ques-
tions as to the enrollment and possi,
bilities of his school, for which the
University wishes to buy the land.
Prof. James Glover, of the mathe1
matics department, has accepted an
invitation to deliver a lecture at John


OVER BUCKEYES IN CONTEST were the outstanding announcements
._made following the monthly session of
Michigan's Varsity basketball team11the Board of Regents yesterday.
gm In pursuance of the policy of many
will face the Ohio State five at 7:30 of the country's large educational in-
o'clock tonight in Waterman gymnas- stitutions the Regents agreed upon a
ium for the last game this semester considerable increase in University tu-
ition fees to become effective in Sep-
and the fifth game this season for!
Mather's men. tember. Under the adopted sched
Announcement from the trainers ule, the tuition in the literary college
that Cappon will probably be in con- will be $85, $80, $110, and $125 for
dition to start at his regular guard resident men and resident women,
position has caused a rise in the hopes non-resident men and non-resident
of Michigan fans. Captain Ely's con- women respectively. The same fees
dition is still doubtful, and while there will obtain In the graduate school and
is a possibility that he may start, the in the School of Education.
i coach Intends to take no chances with In the engineering school, the
his lanky center. In the case the vet- schedule will require fees of $100, $95,
eran pivot man does not start, either $125, and $120 for the four groups
Rice or Birks will substitute for him. named. .The College of Pharmacy fees
Birks has been recuperating from will be the same as these. In the law
illness and has jest been declaredfit, school, $110, $105, $130, and $125 will
a fact which means much for this be charged, while the Colleges of Med-
player has had experience at every icine and Dental Surgery fees will b>
position and 'makes an admirable cog $180, $175, $260, and $255.
in the Maize and Blue machine. Schorling Named Prinelple
Records so far this season give Prof. Raleigh Schorling, '11A, prin-
Michigan the advantage, but the cam- cipal of the Lincoln school of Colum-
pus will remember how the Buckeye bla University Teachers' college, was
outfit has upset all sorts of dope in appointed principal and head of the
past years. In the four games played mathematics department in the new
by ,Ohio State this season, they have institution. Professor Schorling has
lost all by fairly large scores. This had extensive experience as an edu-
fact may have some bearing on ;the catlnAl adiitistratr is a- ath-
result t onfght, buit when the records enatician of note, being co-author t
show that the Scarlet and Grey ha Schorling and Reeves "General Math-
12 wins over Michigan and that the ematics". Three other voltuies, of.
Maize and Blue has but eight wins which he is the author are now ready
over the Columbus live, the wholo for the press. The. English depart-
thing is seen in a different light. ment in the school will be headed by
In their games this season, the 0. Prof. Charles C. Fries of the nglish
S. U. quintette has displayed its great- department of the University. Mrs
est weakness in defense. This, coupl- Vera Barbour received a position as
ed with the loss of Dudley, star for- instructor in French and -Miss Alma
ward who is out with a broken leg, Penrose as librarian.
has been, the despair of Coach Olsen, 'lje resignation of Prof. Filibert
but a hurry call sent out for candi- Roth of the forestry department was
dates brought a number of excepton- accepted with regret and will take
ally good men to strengthen te team effect in June.
play. Prof. Warren P. Lombard of the
Coach Mather will start Miller and physiology department, whose resig-
Haggerty at the forward berths with nation will take effect at the end of
Cappon and Paper at guard, with the current University year, was made
Kipke almost certain to relieve the emeritus professor of physiology by
latter in the course of the game. The the Regents.
center job is not settled yet and noth- Temporary Leave Granted
ing definite will be known until the Prof. W. L. Badger of the depart-
time for starting. The Varsity mentor ment of chemical engineering was
has been devoting much of the pra granted a leave of absence for the
tice to the second string men, for it is second semester of this year and Prof.
imperative 'that a strong reserve list Ralph Hayward was appointed to his
must be present in order to insure a lace.
successful season. Of the substitutes, Prof. E. C. Goddard of the law
McWood,-Henderson, Rice, Piper, and school was granted a leave of absence
regor, with Kipke and Birks lead-Ifortheseconde esverfanc.
ing, there is a chance that any of these H. t. W iseo smthe, and Prof.
men~~~~~~~~ mihIeijetdiIhecus . W. Williams of the physics depart-
men mightofeijected i the course ment will be absent for the same rea-
Coachof the Bson during the University year of 19-
Coach Olsen, of the Buckeyes, plans 23-24. :
to start Blair and Matusoff at the forIt was decreed that, upon comple-
ward posts with Miner held in reserve. tion of the new building to be used
At te gardstaion thre re ob-for engineering shops and laborator-
inson and Klein, with Davis likely to ies i eenso ad astoE-
be seen in action also. The coach hasgie, ildnodisthegEist
not named a center as yet, but he has gineering building to distinguish it
tw pssbiite in Talrad'l from the present Engineering build-
two possibilities i Taylor and Wil- ing, which shall be known as the WestE
s Engineering building.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols of Palo
- t Alto, California, former residents of .
Ann Arbor, and donors of the ground
Books A s Curf: now occupied by the University ar-I
Boo rsf I e boretum were honoed by the decision
f Aliodern i fe to change the name of the botanical
garden to the Nichols arboretum. - ;
Contributions Acknowledged
much as if we had read the original I Grateful acknowledgement was
manuscript". made of the contributions of Theo-
Tells Value of Books dore and Lawrence Buhl of Detroit
SuggeAting a means by which thq for sustaining the Buhl Classical fel-
greatest gratification may .come tq lowships.
the reader, Mr. Walpole asserted that (Oontinued on Page Two)
a book purchased has twice the value
of one borrowed from a friend ou ROOMS
library. He told how some booksR
are m4isplaced in some dark corner of There are lots of rooms
a library and allotted to remain there
until some day when they may prob- for rent for the second se-
ably be read. He advocated a close mester, but there are also lots
association with, and knowledge of, of students, both old and
the books in a person's private lib-
rary. ,new, who are going to want
The first step toward seeing the these rooms. If you want to
light in literature in his own life was be sure of a good one, act
attributed by Mr. Walpole to the dis-t
covery one day that a book which he quickly, advertise in the

Dusseldorf, Jan. 26-(By A.P.)
--What practically amounts to
- martial lave has been declared lin
the occupied area.
All cafes, hotels, theaters, and
cabarets were closed at 10 o'clock
tonight, German time, which Is
nine o'lock French time.
The French tonight were con-.
tinuing to make arrests in con-
nection with Thursday's roting.
About 20 nationalist leaders were
placed In prison during the even-
Paris, Jan. 26-(By A.P.)-The pos,
sibility of the reparations commissior;j'
becoming a medium for compromise;
in the present difficulties' betweer
France and Germany virtually ended
this afternoon, so far as the iinmedi-
ate future is concerned.
By deciding that it would be futile
to discuss the question of a morator.
ium with conditions as they are in thq
Ruhr, and declaring Germany in gen-
eral default of all her reparation obli-
gations to France and Belgium, that
'omnmission placed itself outside o'
the problem.
The decision has the effect, of pro-/
Tiding for future default by Germanyr
in reparation deliveries, either in cash
or time, and saved the commission the
trouble of declaring a new default ev
ery time one occurs.
The memorandum prepared by the
American unofficial representative,
Roilnd W. Boyden, about which there
has been so much discussiof, now be-
comes in effect buried, since It was
only to see the light of day when 'And
if the French moratorium plan comes
up for consideration.
The likelihood of the Boyden memo)
orandum ever being seriously dis,
cussed by the commission now is most
remote. It is said, however, that Mr.
Boyden has no intention of withdraw-
ing his memorandum unless instruc-
tions to this effect are received fron'
Secretary of State Hughes.
I Medical examinations which are re-
quired every year of all men in theE
University are now completed for the I
men of the medical and dental schools,
and the engineers are now being ex-
amined. Schedules for engineers' ex-'

Cologne, Jan. 26-(By A.P.)-
In consequence of a rumor that
a Rhinelhnd republic had been
proclaimed at Coblenz, a crowd
last night stormed the offices of{
the newspaper Rhinelander;
{ which is controlled byDr. H. A.{
Dorten, the Separatist leader.
{ The crowd smashed windows{
{ and threw furniture, documents,
and appliances into the street.
{ This morning another attack was
m ade and further destruction
j done.-
Lausanne, Jan. 26-(By A.P.)-
Failure of the Near Eastern confer-.
ence is certain, according to a state-
ment made to the Associated Press to-
night by Riza Nur, one of the mem-
bers of the Turkish delegation.
Notwithstanding this pessimistic
view of Riza Nur, who is the most
radical of the Turkish plenipotentar-
les, hope is expressed in other res-
ponsible conference quarters that
things may arrange themselves at the
last moment.
Ismet Pasha, chief of the Turkish
delegation, called on Richard Wash-
burn Childs, the American observer
this afternoon, and went over with
Mr. Childs at great length the exist-
ing delicate situation in all its as-
pects. Mr. Childs later declined t
discuss what he termed a private con
versation, but in American delegation,
circles the impression prevailed that
the Turks will seek settlement at Lau-
sanne; if one is possible.
The time apparently is not yet rip
for active American mediation, bu
the Americans stand ready to help in
securing a permanent peace for the
Near East . The Mosul controversy
remains thorniest before the confer-
Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 26-(By A.P.)
-There is no likelihood that the 18th
amendment ever can be enforced, "no,
matter at what expenditure of mone-
or effort," Dr. Nicholas Murray But-1
ler, president of Columbia university
declared in an address today at the
annual mid-winter meeting of the Ohiq
State bar association.3
He linked the prohibition amend-
ment with the 15th addition to the con
stitution of the United States, which
was proclaimed in 1870, and granted
the negro suffrage, "two important
law-made influences which now are a
making and seem likely long to make
for lawlessness in American life." The
subject of his address was: "Law and i
He asserted that "methods of Czar-1
ist Russian and of the Spanish inquis-
ition" are being used to enforce one

Proposition 1wackled by !Body Inde-
pendent of University; Has
Alumni Support
Special to The Daily
Detroit, Jan. 26.-The University of
Michigan has been chosen by the na-
tional council on Schools of Religion
as the location for a non-denomina-
tional School of Religion which shall
act as the model for similar schools
in connection with the great univer-
sities of the middle west. This an-
nouncement was made by Prof.
Charles Foster Kent, Wolsey prfes-
sor of biblical terature aYale -
versity and director of this council,
at a banquet given at the Statler ho-
tel tonight by the board of trustees in
Michigan who are organizing the
state for the movement.
Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip, of New
York City, one of the organizers of
the scheme, spoke on "The Trend in
Modern ivilization," and President
WMarion. L. Burton of the University of
Michigan also keenly interested in tie
plan, talked on "The ap in Modern
Kent Gives Histo ryof Plan
In his talk on "The Newa Schoolof
Religion" Professor Kent gave at br1ief
history of the movement and' the na-
tional organization which is sponsor-
ing it, and outlined at length the ideals
and purposes of the proposed school,
and the plans already -under way
which will bring the dream to real-
"After a careful survey of the re-
ligious resources of several of the
larger state universities in the mid-
dle west," he declarod% cthe ftcerw of
the council decided that;Ann Aro
was by far the most favOable center
at which to co-operate n biling a
great state school of r eligion 'at
would be a model for those to be es-
tablished later in connection with
other state universities. he central.
pcirtion of the state of Michigan also
means that any important movement
inaugurated here will extend east,
south, and, west.
The reasons why Ann Arbor was
chosen were multiple.
"The first was the preeminent
standing of the University and the
emphasis which it has always placed
on the training for broad' citizenship.
Chief among the many reasons was
the interest shown iby the president,
faculty, and graduates in establishing
such a school. As is well known to. some
of you, for 'more than a year a com-
mittee of thirty under the chairman-
ship of Prof. Horace L. Wilgus of the
Michigan Law school, have'been per-
fecting plans for the Michigan School
of Religion. It was primarily to co-
operate with this and eimilar com-
mittees that the Council of Schools of
Religion was formed."
Alumni Support Movement
He stated that the response of grad-
uates and friends of the Universjty
to the plan has been unusually warm,
there being more than 100 men and
women in the state of Michigan and
in the leading cities of the middle
west who are actively working for the
establishment of this school.
"The plans of the school of relig-
ion," he continued, "accept the legis-
lation which makes it unwise, if not
impossible to put a department of re-
ligion within the University. They
(Continued on Page Two)

Hopkins university on Feb. 19. The
lecture is given under the auspiceq
of the De Lamar foundation of thatj
institution, which secures a number'
of prominent speakers every year.
Professor Glover will address the,
school of hygiene and public health!
and will give his lecture on a subject
that is related to the work of this
school. The subject that he has chos-
en is "Life Tables as Applied to Pub-
lic Health Problems".


Angora Recalls tepresentative
London, Jan. 26-(By A.P.)-A Con-
stantinople message to the exchangu
telegraph reports that the Angora
government has recalled Ferid Bey,
its representative at Paris on account,
of the turn of affairs at Lausanne.
alpole Urges.
or Trials Oi

aminations are posted outside the of- 'provision of law and said there are a
fice of the secretary on the second "dozen verboten signs in the United.
floor of the new engineering build-I States to every one that Russia carl
ing. t show".
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of sw
the University health service, states Poles Back Sikorski a
that the examinations for all tihe re- Warsaw, Jan. 26-(By A.P.)--Parli-
maining colleges will probably occu- a'ment voted Premier Sikorski confi-
py the remainder of the current years dence, 230 to 110.
Men who have failed to report at the
Health service when notified will bq;
sent warning letters. The rule re- DiZscuss Stude
quiring that .every man have an ex-
amination will be strictly enforced,

nt Government

Inviting any of those in his audit
ence who had come to his lecturez
UNION BOOK merely to satisfy curiosity and whq
did not passionately love books to re-
tire from the auditorium, Hugh Wal- I
T WO RK M O Y pole, famous English novelist, lastt
night undertook to show the relation #
Union book exchange committee between books and friendship, to the
Will conduct a book exchange during audience which filled the lower flooil
weeks of the final examinations at the of Hill auditorium.
Union, which will not sell or buy Mr. Walpole outlined the stages og
books, but will have a list of booky progress through which he had gone i
which students wish to sell, with all; in getting to the point where he learn-
information concerning them, includ) ed really to love works of artistic
ing their price. merit, and explained what he believ)t
Those who have books to sell will ed to be the difficulty with much of j
list them between 4 and 5:30 o'clock our present lay literature.
in the afternoon of any one of the "Inothe cruel rush and disastrous
final examination week days. The en- i speed with which we are living," he .
terprise will be carried out in an ef- declared, "everything human, individ- 4

states Dr. Forsythe.
Lansing, Jan. 26-(By A. P.)--
Michigan deefated M. A. C. here I
tonight in the first swimming j
meet of the year for the Wolver,
ines by a score of 48 to 20. Smith
and Patenguth starred for Michi,
gan, making 19 points of the to-
tal. I. A. C. took but one first
out of the eight events. The
Maize and Blue took first and
second in two.
PresidentD avid Fridav. of the -Mich-

Participation of the Student coun- the committees. According
cil in carrying out University rulings tentative plans, the council
was the topic of discussion at the composed of 12 or 13 mei
meeting of the Senate Council Com- to be elected by the studen
mittee on Investigation of Student the general election each
government and the Student council Three of those elected shal
committee yesterday. iors and three juniors.- Ti
At present, cases requiring discip- elected will hold office for V
line are brought to the attention of In addition to the six m
the Student Advisory committee, by the student body, three
which recommends such action as it i members will be included in
deems expedient to the Senate Com- sonnel, the president of the 1
mittee on Student affairs. This plan managing editor of The I
of double action, however, is con- the captain of the football 1
sidered to be inefficient by those who president of the council will
have been Working on the boards in ed by the council from any i
the past, and both committees at the the student body. If the stud
meeting yesterday agreed that some ed is not already a memb
method of centralizing these duties council, the personnel will t
:should be found. It was suggested ber 13.
that a committee comnosed nartly o" Nomination for memhrsh



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