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April 28, 1923 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-28

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j irr irrrrrMsar. ,. , 7 1.






4 67?8 9 1411 12





WISCONSINO0 1 20 0 0 0 0 a' 0 X K XK 3 0 0
MICHIGAN 4, A3,0 00 40 DXX X 10 0




To LeadI

He Contributed
A Circuit Cioutj


,y Lil



I licligaltn
FUtteritz, s~s, Asd1
Haggerty, 21).
Kipke, c.f.
Ash, 1jt.
Slaeckleford, 1.. Cc
Paper, 3b .
> 3ott, c.;
Kniode, ]l).I

fnedp ii:
enbrenrier, c;.r
Tebell, 31).
1ilaim, lb.j
Dug an, r..
c>1 ba42kei', s .



Jolhnsonl, Ip.
Servatius, L..
flecker, c.
lEllinigson, 2,1).


Wood G~iven . Leave of Absencem to'
Trake Expedition
to China
Appointment:.of Zenas C. Dickinson,
of the TTniversity of 'Minnesota,. as
associate professor- of economics in
the University, was announced by the
Board of Regents at their monthly ses-
sion yesterday. Professor Dickinson1
is a graduate of the University of Ne- '
bra ska and received his Ph.D. degree
from Harvard. He is an authority on
lab~or problems and has published sev-
eral notable hooks in this field.
The resignation of associate pro-
fessor Carl 0. Sauer, of the geography
,department, was, accepted by the Re-
gents. Dr. Sauer is leaving at the
end of the current University year to
assume charge of the _department of
geography in the University of Cali-

First Inning 'madeapefctho toPertl
Shackleford came through with a third.atho toPert
pretty triple when th~e bases were full. Sixth 11iig
It was a well-placed clout. Paper, unaided, stopped what seem-
Uteritz added to his stolen base rec-; ed to be the beginning of a Badger orn-
ord with a pretty slid~e to third. slaught when, with two men on base
Secod Iningand n~obody out, he check~ed a line
Liverance retired the side in the see-die completing a double play by
ond, on three strikeouts, fanning Te-! nipping Johnson at first. Becker's foul
bell, C~mbickerandJohnon.to Blott retired the side, and the Cart
Michigan continued getting to .John-! dinals took the field again, with no-
sand came through with three mr usadd
runs on as many hits. oern e. Sixth Inninug
Uteritz's home run at the sixth wasj
Fourth Innling a beauty, going down the left field.
Knode made a nice play in the base line. A fe~w mompents later Shac-
fourth frame when he doubled Dugan' kleford came through again, seniding;
athird,.lie was forced to go to h~s ;.one down the same place for two
knees in putting out Combacker. but I bases.






. l E

)mped away
victory here
of the Badg-
lefeated Wis-
gn, gave Liv-
making all
ie Wolverine
dlanger. The
a high qu1-1
vs going for
if hour be-
~was heard,
and in the
id hundreds~

Today's teasel
n ,added one
contests whic
laed in . the
isconsin was

(Photo by Calkins-JJletcher)
Irwvin. C. Vterlirz
Michigan's captain lifted one of the
frst pitched 'balls in the sixth inning
for a 'clean home run down the third
base line. No men~ were on base at;

r the day. The sun1
and there wats littlej Fifth [niti
Wisconsin: Decker walked. Elling-I
infield went throughI sots popped out to Haggerty. Asehen-'
e before the gase,.I
:he Varsity band ap- Ibr'enner sage at first on Paper'; wi!d
ess unniform and pa- throw to Knode. Asehenbrenner tak-
laying "The Victors." iug second, and Becker third. Tebell j
the stands and ren-. foued out to Blott. Holm hit by pitchi-I
tsin," winie the crowjd
h' bared heads, er. Aschenbrenner forced out at third
namie, inning by in- by Pape unassisted,. No runs, nio hits,
oue error.
- ~jMichigan: Knode flied out to Hlm.
t. Iuit'Ash out, Ellingson to Hlm. Pap)er
Live rance to Knode.
17, to Knode. Elling- ;safe on Holm's muff to Tebell's throw.
Liverance. No runs. 'Paper stole second and took third on

Des Moines, la., April 2S.-
Michigan'S, tWO' mile relaiy team
weon its event in the time of 7:57.
Adltonai reports will be carried
in tomorow' issue of Thel(, Daily.
Laqst of 41hinmsies' Course To Ile triven
~est riday
Speaking under the combined aus-
pices of the American association of
University wom1en and Whim~sies,
I-faifii (-1anhf 6vo Ui nowi i 'wel-'
st, will give a lecture ait 8 o'clock,
Friday, May 4, in Hill auditorium, Heie
will talk on "Mleetings With Famous
SAmerican Authors."
Mr. Garland's enviable reputation as
a novelist is based l ciefly on his por-
trayal of our western civilization of
the last century. He is- the author
of many novels, some of the most pop-
ular of which are "plain Traveiied
Roads," "Captain of the Gray Horse
Troop," andl "Son of The M\iddle Bior-
The lecture is the third, anal last,
in the series. Admission is by course
tickets, or by ticket to this lecture
only. The price is 50 cents for gener-I
al admission, and 75, cents for admlis-
sionix. n the reserved section. The
tickets may be obta ned at Walir's
and Graham's bookstores in Ann Ar-
bor, and Stanley's and Zwergel's in'

ndic4If ionls Point Torwar'd strumggle
Over Weight Neasure
* il ouse i

Says Present Methtods of Education runs
Are Enormous Waite of vals.


z walked. Kipke
went to first on an
Phree nmen on bases,
ford trilpled to deep
teritz, -Klpke, land
eford came homeI
e when Kn ode hit
. Knode out steal-:
walked. Ash stole
ealing third. Paper
:ole second. Blott
ed out at second on
shortstop. Four
ienbrennar -walked.1
le second. Tebell
singled to center,
finer. Dugan hit by
zstole third. Coin-
[ugan went to sec-j
11. Johnson fanned

IEllingson's error. Blott fanned, end-
ing the inning. Ao0 YUUs, Ito hits, two0
1 Sixth Inning
Wisconsin: Combacker singled to
right. Johnson knocked a< Texas Leif-
,Ltei,, over second. Servatius knocked
into a double play, Paper taking his
line drive and doubling Johnson at
first. Becker fouled out to Blott.',N
runs. two lits, no errors.
'Michigan: Liverance struck out.
N44erite knocked it home ruin down left
field base line. Kipke walked. Hlag-
,gerty singled to right, taking second
on the attempt to catch Kipke at third.
Shackleford doubled, scoring Kipke
and Haggerty. Knode singled, scor-
ig Shackleford. Knode was _caught
I between first and second. Ash doubled.
to left Paper flied out to Servatius.
Four runs, five its, no errors.
Seventh Inning
Wisconsin: Ellingson out, Liver-
since to Knode. Aschenbrenner flied
put to Shackleford. Tebell out,' Paper'
to Knode. iNo runs, no bits, no ,errors.l
Michigan: Radke now pitching for
Wisconsin, Blott out, Combacker to
HEolm.~ Liverance out, Radke to Holmn.,
Uiteritz flied out to Becker. No runis,
no hits, no errors.
Wisconsin: Holm flied out to Uter-
itz. Dugan out, Knode to Liverance .
Combacker singled through' Paper.
Radke flied out to Blott. -No rOnS,,no
htts, 110 errors.
SMichigan. Kipke walked. 1{agger-I

game was in it;
which represent
was nothing mm
nicked up on ti

Cor-nell First Eastern Rival CE
Cornell was the first large. univen;
s it y of the East that was engaged in a
game of baseball by the Wolverines.
This w-as in .1890. Incidentally the
score, 2-1,' in Michigan's favor, was
the first close score since the incep-
tion of 'the sport.
Cleaxns Up Wtth
All Bases Fullj

E Wood (granted -Absence1
Norman A. Wood, 'curator of birds ; AYI LEAVE STATE WITIIOT OUT''['T S PSSto
in the University muem was grant- HiGIiViWAY FINANC'E PIO(4IAM 'UT0 TEACII XA\ V SUJECT$ td
edl a year's leave of absence to co-
operate with Ginling college of Nan- L.ansing,. April 27--(Bly A. P)--In -- Agetae on
kin, China, in ani expediti~p whichi willj dications- of a bitter fight in the house I ra many thingsargon '
ex~plore little-known regions of China! on the Sm~ith weight tax measure was' badly ip American- education," said !ev
in search of scientific information. 'seen tonight in the announcement thatP rof.' Theodore de Laguna, of the iw
Prof. Thomas Reed, of the political I philosophy department of Bryn Mawr t«
science department, was named headthtrnptaincm teeowih college, yesterday afternoon in his y
of the bureau of government records Ih ilhsbe ~ere ilpoa lecture oni the su.bject of "The Mar- h
torpaePo.RoetT rn fbly not report to the house until the in fWsei d ain.A-
torpaePo.Rbr I.Cae~Imiddle of next week. gin fWsei dcto" lii
resigned from the bureau director-! With the end of the session set for tbuhpealn cniin nA e
thesam - epatmet wo rce~tly Iscan education are not commenda-
whip.M~ 5 it is not certain' -that the house
Th eet none h sa-will act on the measure before ad-! ble, Professor de Laguna admitted
lishment of ..a $5~00 loan fund in mnem- journment, in which case the state thahecudofrn-ostciv
woul bewitouta hghwy fnaningmeans of betterment.
ory of :Maian Sarah Parker, '95E, for, ol ewtotahiha iafig ihe
the benefit of women in~ the engineer-:I programn for the next bien~nial meas- Professor de Laguna went on to Cc
ing college.,tire. eay, "Education stands in the same IM,
Law Bv ooky Donated - Speaker Weslch said, "The subject position as the other great depart- tei
The gift of over 100 valuable law n atter of the bill gave the preference ments of hunian activity. The waste tli
books to the law library by Roland on- it to the transportation commit- of energy is undoubtedly enormous. : 9-
P. Wh1itm1an, .'97L, of Chicago, wa~s tee. The committee of general taxa- A new Socrates 'would have ample te
gratefully acknowledged by the Re- tion hadt considered a similar bill and excuse for maintaining that virtue ga
tints. The Detroit Edison company I told thew chairman I was going to cannot be taught; and, an equally P1.
don ted a motor generator to the de- refer the bill, to his committee. The strong case could be made out for te
partitent of' electrical engineering.I chairman has repeatedly deplored his the thesis that good taste cannot 'be th
The geological museum was, given a inability to get a majority present at taught, and that experipientation and cc
Ford truck by Henry Ford. Dr. W .I f lt t a t e bil+ou d Ihistorical criticism cannot be taught. 1 a s h udiE e c m f D t ot m d it em ei g . l irot c m o mt e h r e h x e dt r f c r n f
to te< ublcaton fnd f teU i- there would be a 'minimum- delay in fort in the attempt to teach these
versity .-museum. f getting it. back totehos. thingsisbyn all coceti"
Prof. K. F. Weuckebach, of Vienna, towh i ~oi
will be invited to deliver ameia In accordance with Professor de: etrlnAnAbrnx eia
IlcuenAnAronetmonth, ac- I Lagunia's tpe of philosophy, many] thntrsig!codgtohe eiinofhe[Tfas, elng iety
1 cording t h eiino h e d ~IMIH i~itrsig fcs eln iety
gents.' asano cdthtUlIII were specified wastes in eduicationI or
Itwsas none htDean tnrInawereaurngiven. Latin is one of these'no
Jean Hamilton will give, a series of flHU01LU FRST SMOKE wastes, according to Professor de 'tic
lectures to the new women of the 1 Lag~una. Concerning this. he said, "I ' tu;
UJniversity on campus 'organizations, Mebr of tespooeltrr am' eprfectly willing to admit that
Memberssthtsophomorsliterarythousands of boys and girls'- spend
Univrsit idels, tc.class will hold 'their first smoker of'
The degree of bachelor of science in j the year on Wednesday night, May 2, I years in the study of Latin without
.lvil engineering was gran ted N. A.:,nteUio.Anme oioe n deriving any marked benefit fromt it,
Martinez, '22E, the degree of Bache- ttimnsaebigpandb h apart from a certain moral benefit -
oroscecinelectrical engineer-, cmitei that may come from, the regular' per-I tal
Ion of science~ommtte in charge of the. affair, in-fo acefan lotdtsk
:ng to Frank M. Reed and the degree chiding student speakers and a repre- Pornofeo ana eded is Icag
of bachelor of science in chemistry" srotasoiveefromnatheed'faculty.9
to Lynn S. Gordon,'2. As this is the first smoker that the i ture in saiying, "We must count on: la.
sophomore class has ever held, a waste in education.- We must count tb
large amount °of business is to be on a =generous proportion of gradu- !b
SLLING POSITIONS fE! transacted as well as the matters of ates who are no particular credit to or
SI OPEN entertainment. A program for the us. Of. vastly greater moment is the ;QO
- future of the class will be mapped 'question, what has been done for the
Insuinee Agent Will Ibid Third Conn.: out at the time. rest? Have they breathed with us ibe
tanltatlon the pure air of intellectual free- mi
Prof. Edinunds to Addre s Convention ! dom ?" Iha
John C. B. Parker, '17, of the Na- 1 Prof. Charles W . Edmunds of the.
tional life, insurance company of Chi'- College of Pharmacy, will leave to-
cago, who was in the office of the' morrow for Atlantic City where he VASTBE EN WIN h
Dean of Students yesterday interview-; will address the annual meeting of j [ n tdns ilhl"atidcn:teAscaino mrcnPyt
sultation at 10 o'clock this morning. [ clans on 'iy ecnesday . His topic will15 lI l.IEIfLlmII
It was Mr. Pre'aim to se all be "The Pathological Physiolog of 1, 115 ILl IIFROM flLBOLBJ:
those students -who might be Interest- Botulinus Poisoning.'
ed in selling positions and break' them (Seia oTh aiy!
in on the large field work of the or- Ask Relo'rt From Cali Davi"s en T Lansing, April- 27.--I1ichigan's ,
ganization which-he represents. It Civil engineering students who ex-.Varsity tennis team defeated the Ag-I
will be an opportunity for all those ;Pect to leave for Camp ,Davis on -June igies 6-0 here 'today makting a clean!
who are vitally interested 'in the in-j 2 have been asked to report the names -
surance business to gain experience, of all of their instructors to the See- sej naltemths
Bot unergadate an mmbes: etryy oficeintheengnerin l )iNumber one doubles was the only
Bothundrgrduats ad mmber1 rtar's ofic Inthe ~gieerng atch to go three sets. Chuck Mer-i
of the 1923 graduating classes are in- school before May 1, plyn ubroefrIci
___________________ kel,plyn nubroefrMc-
vited to see Mr. Parker.!
_______________ ~ I* n~'~~11 ~ Igan, defeated C"roll. Aggies 6-1, 6-2.;'-



2nf~rence title.
faize' and Blue a
yam in two gain
e Varsity could
8, 6-7, in two of
sted games- ever
an nine. The fir
ayed on Ferry
en inning affair a
lie sky began to
ontest, played at
shard fought an,
ar'dinal nine.
Each Won
Last season the
tvo rather unevi
an taking the fir
e second 4-1. IN
ad a kanck of spj
rds and the stro
ow existing betw
ons is built ona
ial respect.
Positively no n
iken by George N
aps and gowns
owns 'that are1
st few days 'w
ae rest previous?
eready for del
r5, but will be of
iut, May 1,0.
No last minute
een evinced and
lost of the senior
ave given their o;

de. RolmI
rolns, twvo

out, Johnson to
fanned. ljteritz,
'No runs, no hilts,
tilis flied out to I
Becker singled
line. Ellingson'
Iner singled to
On the throw in,
to catch Elling-

- r

L 7T
Leo J.

mnuffed anrd El-jI ty sacrificed, Kipke to second. Shac-
mbrenner tool: kleford flied out to Dugan, Kipke tak-'
lng third. Knode out, Radke to lloglm.
fouled out to' No runs, no lifts, no errors.
over the third Ninth Inning -
Derty beat out! Wisconsin: Servatius' struck out.
leford walked.! Pollock batting for Becker. Pollock
se unassisted, out. Gibson (batting for Ellingson.
i:_gled through, Gibson struck out. At rttns, no hits,
.y and Shackle-' no errors,
on. the throw
errors. WOLVERINES; :33.1 IN 1866~

John Gar
Philip AN,
Robert 1.
Alfred B.
Ray A.I
John S.I


a o-

a , -.

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