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April 28, 1923 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-28

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the Board in
nce Editorial

resis exclusivelyr en-
eteiblicatiofl of all news
to it or not otherwise
t and the local news pub-
>ostoffice at Ann Arbor,
class matter.
trier or mail, $3.50.
or cress Building, May-


1 76-M; Bpjsi-

to advantage in a number of ways,i
but perhaps its chief value wouldE
rest in its benefits tt the extension (
service in that it would facilitate theiI
work, of tha~t department by cutting'
down on the expense of the lecture
tours now in1 voguie. Not that the ra-
ilo would in any way usurp the work
of the extension services1 but it would
certainly aid in carrying out the
program of the departmenit. Moreover,
approximately fifty thousand people,K
living in widely scattered sections of
the United States, would have the op-
jportunity of profiting by the lecture
There may be some skepticism as
to the practicability of constructing"
a broad casting station, but this
should be dispelled by a glance at the
facts which reveals that there are a
flarge number of universities "'and
small colleges operatin~g radio out-
fits successfully. The radio has al-
ready comimanded so much attention~
that a National Conference to discuss
the question wasi recentl~y held in.1
Washington at the invitation of Sec-
retary of Commerce Hoover. In view
of thes6 facts the officials who are em-
powered to release finances for Uni-
versity improvements should be far
sighted enough to see that Michigan
will be greatly handicapped if she
fdoes not possess her own broad cast-
s!ing station.

incations not to exceed 30o words
1the signature not necessarily to
iprint, but as an evidence of faithi,
csof events will be published in
y at the discretion of the Vditor. If
r' mailed to The Daily office. Un-
omnmnnications will receive no con-
i./ No manuscript will be returned
e writer encloses postage. The Daily
necessarily endorse the sentiments
in the communications.
lephones 2414 and 176-31
litor ..... . . .. . . . Paul NWatzel
tor ............. James B~. Young
City Editor ........J. A. Biacon
Board Chairmnan ......I. R. Mciss

s Marrty Hocy
dorfer R. C. Moriarty
adiue J, I;, Mvack
Wallacc V. Elliott
itor...........'Marion :Koch
zinle Editor ...I. A. Donahue
S . . . . ... . .E. II. Ailes
......Buckley C. RobbJins
Maurice Berman {
IEugene Carmichael

7~ranlin D. Hjepburn
Winona A. Hibbard
Edward 3. lHggin.s
Kenneth C. Kellar
E lizabeth ILieberinn
John McGinnis
Samuel AMoore
AM. I. Pryor
W. B. Rafferty
Robert G. Ram~say
f. W. l Iit-h
Soll J. Schnitz
Philip M. Wagnei,

J10ne 960


J. Ilamel, Jr.j
r Kti. Scherer
Ord F. Conlin
3.M. Park~
nid II. Wolfe
umont Parks
i. Good
I,. Hagerman

,TURDAY, APRIL 28, 11523
eyes of Michigan men all over
untry are focused upon the two
elay (cial ciin which the Uni-
is Compcwting today. Braving
)ssibilities of defeat by at-
ng to achieve the fame of un-
rable tracksters in both east
est simultaneously, when com-
victory in either one of the
would 'be almost assured, the
r team" is the center of ath-
he face of numerous protests
ichigan inexcusably ignored the
f athletic renown amnog east-.
'l men have, been, sent to
(nt the University in~ the an-
en~n Relay Carnival, the great-
maia event in the interest of
teams throughout the country.
vho have long wished to sce
klma M~ater represented in con-
feld in the. East will have the
unity to. witness two of her
phenomenal stars in recent
perform in Philadelphia, today.I
others farther weist can witnes
maider f the team~ at the
mleet, tusn spreading the athi-
:ompetitionv in two opposite di-j
that the impetus has been
for *geater expansion in
.iortsmalike com~petition, the
h supporters0 of Michigan look
Ai to the steady increase of par-
ion in e astern affairs that this
"sity can be fairly judged in
c muerit by the individuals who
uctant to' accede the West~ the
Ition in any sport.
radio situation at Michigan re-
unchanged. While other ulii-
es are making decided ad-
In this field, no action has as
fen takn by the Board of Re-
towards the release of the!
necessary to establish a broad;
Sstation of amzple power here

ROAT TL PCELast Thursday .in England midst a
considerable amount of ostentatious
display and ceramAy, Albert, Duke
of York and secondjspt of the king
and queen, was marrei to Lady Eliz-
abeth Bowe s-Lyon. Perlp"~s the mot
significant incident coneriniithe4af-
fair from the point of view of an
American Is that thousands of Brit-
ons stayed tip most of the night before
in rainy weather in ordr to gain a
place of vantage from which to see
the royal couple in the nro ping.
And tis in spite of the fact that the
r cical, press ' ,ad abor leaders
sought to tkrn the minds of the po-
pie, agaist the wedding through
hurling invectives at the expense it
Perhaps, the king di spend;too
much, money in his effots to se to
it that his son was tendered a mar-
riage ceremoony eftting lis station.
For centuries the , propensities of
English sovereigns have tendedl, to-
wardsiroyal display and it is difficult
to wipe out;t'such a,backgrund even
though the ecoizomic. cppoitons of the
time do call <for odratIon and econ-
But the fact remains that in re-
mam ainodurate -to the d<stres sing
pleas' of, the radicas the English peo-
ple again showed their 'Inherent re-
~spect for royalty and their love for
the king..1Even in the eris which
resulted in the execio n of Charles
the frst, when REglr4 was suering
keenly under the yle of, more than
a centur'y of despotism, it took all o
th*e subterfuge of the most cmpetent
men of the time to suppress all dan-,
gerous outward manifestation of re
gard on the part of "the people for
their king. That this spirit of re-
spect ?or rank should still be no-
ticeable at a time when the democrat-
ic ideal is at Its height is significant,
if not praiseworth~y.
It is not our province to attempt to
discredit any 'of the statements made
by English: radicals in their enun-
ciations of the gross etravagsnce
involved in tthe royal wedding, Un-
doubtedly their pgsitioxh was Justified
by the econiomic ;depravity o the
time. But for the maJorty btf the
peoople to turn a deaf'ear to tleco-
gent prognostigations' of thentire
liberal element that famine or reva,-
lution would result if the wedding
were not shorn of all ,of the elaborate
display which actually characterized
it, is-a pretty good sigh that King
George Is firmly seated on his throne,
arnd that, onditions in England will
be a great deal blacker than they are
now before his position will be in any
~Vanity of vanitie; all' is vanity"
So said Ecclesiastes thousands of
years ago..And, late developments in
collegate circles seem to prove that
he was right.
An announcement that a beaut con-
test for men being conducted at th
University of Oklahoma is being en-
thusiastically supported comes rigt
on the heels of the published fact
that at a certain neighbor university
where an investigation was conduct-
ed, men 'were found to belar a o-
sumie's of beauty clays, cold creams
1and complexion powders.
"At the university where the beauty
contest is being conducted, the mai
declared the best looking is'-to re-
ceive a mirror autographed by Ru-
doiph Valentino. Such a pze. wil
indeed be a treasure worth owig
In fact the winner of the mirror In~
all probability would refuse to trad
it for a Varsity letter.

The changes which these rather
bizarre manifestations of age old

universities may be able to rid th em"- +- 'T- h
selves of such pestiferous and wits- wa
terous forms of amusement, and get CAMPUS OPINION4 ma
back to ,good old bridge or domitnoes. __________________CIS
A~ltor, The .i4ichi~? Daily:
Sl our~ coment <regar4g t" eap-A
TAD pearax of, Ann arbor ad that th
ctiensWge hltuld keep up with the L
DRAKE I~~ytilzt, _t vith thg attitude of theRs
TO, e unverity students the beau-
rinK xoxur' Can Trouh~es 41 thji. ue, g pln0. IOP~In &iup
This question of what to do. with I wn, etc., is a discouraging im-
Senior canes when not welr *,- s ( ' T y play bll, t a r
de them in the customn ry aie r 1 a sZ sr ~~s sas. toI
becmigvery acute, <but n% a'rthlW8e, dicora s ~yatrpp t
M~n sgdftos ae ~,com } but t or >oms..It would
In fovr substitute uages. If you ayesm tht yorlg n, Enfrom 19 to 2
extremnely auch and inaily withy~ro e wud. ye somhecon-
your stick, and you probaly1are, o ste tionor the rights of other,
your ears and you may n(t some yk b ht they to not. Dne~te some of your
uabile ideas as to wihat to do wtt i s }te to, icuticat q ~decency l tb . ,
In the-future. And If y,_ have clt- ' r ax int o tie npd.o the stuets
covered some private scheme of your astd the pople her will gladly keep
own; take out a patent, and then send u thei grounds and premises.
it in to help out your befuddled and ,iearding the unpanted houses
perspiring clas-mates. aoud the campus and the poor ap-1
"I give up. "After a futile attempt p aranee of mawy of the, most, of
to~ show, off before the one and opy c iusartepoptyfth
in which I suffered a badly twsted University Very few cites keep up
sinus and a wry necgk, I hake dear tddtgin apera 'Fe of their hompe better
'Pato bore holes. in. my, cane and Pia it t an, es. Apn Artq~
like a flute." ax. AN OWNER OF A HOME NEAR
"My room mate trippedl himseltAhe . TllE CAMPUS.
Sother cday andspraled i nkl _ "
INw h's gt a real. it4sx fox, the dog ,
that bit him." Denny. 1t
"I'm 'going to bu another one, let EITQ$AL P01 IE NT I
a steau rolr run i4e thenm and ,It'-
use'm for si sfnet vjt .< -I
. *. ' (Tha, Daily Iowan)
DEAR PO I Whether it is better t be a social
Igrabel good seat iathe bleachers lion than *g smd ~etis admittedly
A cozy yet hard. little spt a perplexing (Otostfqu and one which
The sun 'was shure shinng hotly will lkly be' no nearer a solution
*~~~~~ ~~~~ snptsonrih, hog ~tey yea a hence than today. It rs-r
In te wnte whn wndsa~,e ~ since time immnemorial have unco-
In t e w n e 4 d f>rr wl W p a y;a t4 p4 c l il & t t' l-igM y h oad w as cold- I; needed a sho . L s o f the elite , w ithut trou b I n
'i'okgat' covr", tenb fietho ftrmids as to, which is te prp,
Yo a'tcvr e yj d,. dor i-. rse. I
Withathlgzyixbhe.t. Their action i ow In a 0i~e se -
With ae4 1y 1gjan six by thdes, pot
It's part of the good ol'e sd ° t-tb Uxvexsiy o ;a
Throgh which a frosh moust trot.,~wt h syi~
But, osh! Bunk, on the 9ho ,pbo1 ~o~ ~il~veyta
M1y 'days yrn through waring this tk eie s en, at aty a ote a
pt. propaline ~wltle<In coleg rather
_ htoh a a a cum Laude o4 the ol- I
The ood ittl pot}9 ch rcu£ns for more. Promp-
The good little tot c 1p snal ffelr on th cllee
4Iu lhaven you'll he "wrnby your IR fn g of th uQt sPfu1
sre. 40 tliifi pQti9 wtl. ze-
But be strong" little pot ure personal contact.
For you're sure to be, shot u 9 r h w toAnn
Into the blazing red hot Cap Night ,or Ito mlsp g in sewn 04ol suit-'
~fire. MAGSH3ANNIN. col ga trained, m ateral far bsi-
***~es situains tvarial~i prefer :tie
who $PI~ed the Ii?,ea.smap~ who 4 i'rtvpd hi~ ablity to, get.
The Relie e,~pedtioners n l tr ' j. ~ ~ ~ Lh~
over the Isand of stAWV -49:u. ,t.e hg, boA"Cstnigo
' With1 w0ilig hands, they dupad r4 , oi~ oll~w
t.saw ~ o beans over the side.Owing'toIn #the cas14h of aOMazi h i"st
the force of Gravity, the sack d=~sno n
scended. Owing tothesame Force gointo business,< it ntlte @a
to 'case of hs academic si thered
the sack burst open and spilled4 the sisters
'beans far and wide over the land.. @oy a are' qnn wo <e lrp taniE-e I
' "Now," they said, "if the ihabtants Rir4i. are, y@zy hi-i9f1 ~esin -~l
can only hold out till next August a ntstsi sunie~t t ~t
-theo bans 'will grow and they ,willth business-like, 2natta-X-et t-F
hav pent."mosphterof' the o1ffc. The prime at-
Whereupon they went away from tibutes for a colege wkman w o(
ther. * * plans to in lto, the commnerla w rh1
* * * appear to 1e an ability to cqu etrate.
ryw T'h9 on teileVieoa or R it +hd attn4 to tuia P}aaits Iruhthykfs g4uje, r
Throgh te WaJ~j~ ~a~b~ne and carofetwly, n rskn~~
There's a faulty law that does forbid T~li~l41 pbnL~,za t
1The passing out of sieba and kid u reur . frqm ; e ao FldA ..t$=
I Y4 stigatiozs aejkssts of , 5,T tl pros
Fromn a dancehall that they 'may be
' bid and ltllectuat hrines,.
From thegaze: of public srutiny.l"
Now possibly the orchestra takes a, .,tt ;.,1~e

} rest Air gzin ering, nmoving forward
And feeling your style i~i not its best . by leaps and bouinds, is in rather -
1You, seek opportunity to letter it ani anomalous position at the momen~t.r
Perhaps by sitting outside- a bit. No enthusiast is reckless enough to
*i#ainz the air is entirely safe. Sever-,
1You're heartlessly stopped as you al tragic incidents have hbeen written
pass out the door into air history as lately as flaring ;
'And told that it isn~t done any more the past nmonth. But at the same time
So you flare right up and ask them eve are suddenly miade aware again
"what?" ,Io the fact that the plane is an ideal
Bu~t are onl~y glared at and answeed instrumewnt in services of safety and;
not. rescue missionis to obscure places
- where enmergericieg are not to be met
You drag her backas the nuic startsC by ordinary means of transportation..I
tWith your dreams brok~en iuto a, mi-i Within a week it has been demon-
lion parts strated that if a band of starving
-For you did so want to review to j\ persons had been on Fox Island in
her'! icebound Lake Michigan, a,# had been j
A -story that wouldn't he rnew to her- reore, airmen w~ould have saved4
t with gestures. their lives. It is announced' now at
Anto gv ph She~ iefride Fildthat army aviators are
But don't gv p wietees iepeaigto rescue shipwrecked mar-
theres hape, fners in the Great Lakes during the
Andyou hvent eacedthe ed o cmin smmer. Two aryctb
your rope. drplanes of tested capab~ility and a
If you want to. pass out and you HavelI capacity of five pasengers apiece, areI
r somie gin toqb held ill readinpess for insintane-
S!Just assimilatesoean you'll pass ous embarka~tion on errands of imercy.
- out IN. LAMMER. F~uel statiopas will, be established at
various points around the lakes.
1l Dear Lammer,- No army service is in a better -
Itsa little too clean for the wash- sition just now to justify its exist-
1 ing machine so I thought 'I'd rune tI ence than 'its air division. Ordinary
D'through the column. The vletrola's human reasons mak~e peapie reluct-
bursted. *** ant 'to inuvest heavilUy in researchx
r * E whose yalue is not. aprent almostj
SE Today's Nuisance Novel immediately. The army airman hasj

to popular song hit
s a bit premature.
%de its debut with

Schtdnle in Effect Octobesr 78.242
-Central' Time (Slow 'Time3
?Db. . P.M . P.M.
:45 7:45' .... Adrian .... 12:45 8:45
.is 8,15 ... Tecumseh ... 12:15 8 nS
:30, 8:30 , .. Ciinton .... 12:00 8:00
;: 9:g . Saline ... 11:15 7:15
:45 A:45 ' Ar~knn Arbort~v. 10:45 6:45
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D-Dily. X--Daily except SundaysL
ind T~nias Friday and Saturday special
)us'for studens a leaves Adrzian-1145, leaves
kAnnAbr4:'45. '
JAMES lH.,lELLIOTT. Proprietor
P'hone 46


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- N.',.


Apnn Arbor and. Jackson'
MEastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars.-
0:oo a.m., 7:oo am., 8:oo a.m.; 9ZOS
a.m. and hourly .to 9 :o5 p.m.
Jackson Express Ctrs (local stops
West of Ann Arbor)-9 :47, 'a Im., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East BSound-7 :oo a.mn.
and every two hours to 9 :00 p. in.,
ii :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti ony-11 :40
p In. :1.a.m.
~To Saline-Chanpge at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7 :50 6 .
xo:;d p.mi.
To Jackson and Ralamazoo-L~im-
ited, cars 3.:47, 10 :47 arri, 1:47, 247
4:47 P.m.'
To Jacksozqand Lansing--imitedlat,


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1928. 11

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