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April 01, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-01

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(Continued fromh Page One)
n this quarter Haprtz tore thrOug
ie Carson City defense time aind
gain, despite 'the fact that his bril-
ant wvork in the preliminary con-
sts made himt a marked mhan. Speedy.
nid with a remarkable change-hand.
ribble, hie squirmed and fought hi:,
ay through1 his opponents with the
bility of a veteran.
Lamb and Waldo Eifective
The fuorth quarter was a repetition
f the third, 'with the exception that
Valdo, the' elo~ngated center of 'the
inners, and Lamb, the star gui«rrd
laved the important role in the of-
nse. The former scored three doublie-
eckers while the latter accounted for,
ve field goals.
Gage, althfough unable to score fiel1
oafs as he did in the early gmes,
layed a fine floor gamie for the los"-
The lineup.
Folly lCaraon ('it
ackey ...........F...........Ga Pgef
artz ... .......F.....Gardner
aldo ..........C ........Hallet

of Almna and Vogelsand of Niles.Th operate with the UJnion in the cele-] Patterson, Prof. L. A. Strauss and
latter does not measure up to the phy s bration. They mayd ob epn r.SrasPo.hretKno
ica~l~ requirements of a guard, but in touch with the committee is Truch and M_'rs. Kenyon, Prof. 0. J. Camp-
makes up in what he lacks in lie rhtl as possible, and by r seportin-g 40t it bell and Mrs. Campbell, and Don ald
by his speed and aggressiveness, h nme1o1ahesithssce-Hamilton Haines and Mrs. IHaines. a
Harz, oll str, s pace asforKled to cone, and the nature of thel Thedtickets for the performance will
q cuintet. Ae l clever dribbler fast a ~uobservation it is planniing to carry' cost 50 cents -eachi, and will be one
1 ddsoad~edtee~nrut. sale at the Union. They may be secur-
I ____e ed now by; mail, or by 'telephone on
e dobt s tothi chice.Gai C:the days of, presentation.
of Carson City received the other for- Y silanti Players ' ____-
w ,T aet. inhintnLawton Iv
ot ~ ~ ~ ~ . magistecne oiino lan Vaied Bill, DETROIT EDITOR
the honorary five. 'Lamb, Holly, and ___,I T SEA T Y~TA~
Wtagner, Dearborn,' are picked as::j~~J1.
iuards. Yslat.laeswil-esn hre1
_______ 'one-actplays1ofe their lts raai
season at Ypsilanti, on tomorrow anu hrI . cemroro e
TO110 DE SCUSS PLANS° Tuesday evenings at the Mimes thea-, troit, has been secured to give a
'®$ ' FATHERS'DA ter, This is to be, the first public ap- talk at' the next: meeting ;or the Stu-
peaance of the Players Here: denhts' Press club which will be held
"The Camberley 'Triangle" by A. A.' at 0;15 o'clock Tuesday eventing at the
Puithr plan's 'for t he celebration i Milne, "Two Slatterns and a King", Chinese 'Gardens, 106 south Main
cof Fathcr's Day, which will be ob- by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and "Anyj street., At the present time Mr. Scher-
se rved under the direction of the Day", a play in which there are four!I merhorn is the editor of the column
Unifon, MayAIi andl 12, were made yes3-1, anifestations by two characters injcled"U erteSoig",<nth
tcrday; at the mIeeting of the Union i fur episodes, are the plays wvhichth' Detroit News.
comte ncageo h eer- actors will present here .
tion.I The patrons and patronesses select- Rhods''cheta ikt will befunse 'b Td
,..;ed for'the dramatic presentation hereRhds'oceta Tikswllb
Arranzjc:e.~I to bring notice 'of 'r:PeietMrin! utn'c on sale at the University of Michigan
the d ,Y cth lo attention of as many IMrs. Burton, President emeritus wa zrryI League, booth in University hall un-
Nterf, as possible in the most ef- Burns Hutchins and 'Mrs. Hutchin1~s til Tuesday noon.
{ ;, i' e ay <e,'e nmade. Regent Junius E. Deal and M1rs.teal,
p eilefort has been made by the Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs. 13ates. If you. don't knoiw where you lost
ccrnn fteo to have the fraterniities, o- Dean George W. Patterson and Mrs. the article, never mind, a "Daily Clas-


LLUJ I UIIL L jIU 1 V HIL I coK 1111sc~ou i L yjf .l~llr, . 1t t
in,, uminni, "Eldorado" will be given, by Profes- departmentIof public h srIii1o Mo d y pi ,a h a h at et r bfr
.Norway high school. The "Devil's Dis- IParent-Teachers' associ,
SPEAERS O gVE 2 TALS ~ copies" will be given the same day at cial Hygiene for High
S~hiES TOGIVI 6 TAK INVulcan. The latter subject will again'
SPRING VACATIONbe given at Iron Mountain on Tues-AtFipotPrf en
TRIPS day. dress the Parent-Teache
Iron River on Itinerary lAt Three Oaks, Prof
Two lecture. trips will feature the Shull, of thie departmei
i Iron River, on Wednesday will also. will address the Hist
program of the University extension hear the "Devil's Disciple" given. The
We;n s a n <Ylrdea t e t i hc 6 l c u e r a eday "Eldorado", will be given at W d Ia. o " e e
depatmet i whih 2 leture ar sae 1Supply."
scheduled to be given during springi the Stambaugh high school. The high Dr. R. W. McClain, of
vacation. Prof. Marion C. Wier, of theshos fBon ram aefed public health educa
rhetricdepatmet, nd Pof.Raywill hear the "Devil's Disciple" given , healthl' ecture Thursi
rhetric deprtmnt,_andPro. Ra. o Thusda. -Te final lectures will a
K. Immel, of the public speaking de--osTursaakTin g bot "The
be given ~on Friday when both YEhio- ;Mnse n .Tahr
parmen wil ech elier inelec rao" nd heDevil's Disciple" will' Justr cal 96Taheir
tures on theleahdlvrne c ir trip through the State. be agiveni at Ironwood.~~l96,we
E ~~Wier to Speak' In addition, the other lectures listed want.Av
Professor Wier will give his "Cello( to be "given" include the last of the I.Av
Lecture Recital" Monday, April 9, at i series of ten lectures on "The Socio-; "Daily Classiffds"v
the Baraga high school and the, L'anse logy Course"s to be given Mlonda y,,
township schools. Tuesday the same, April 9 by Dr. Nellie Perkin~s of the'
program~ will be given at the Calumet sociology department., The same day' lla~'Ytr
Lions club, the Calumet high school,. Prof. William D. Henders~on, ofthfoa
and before the Lake Linden high, extension department will speak to'
school. The high schools of Dollar the Lakeside club at Manistee. 1 QE A~'
Bay and Painesdale will hear the Tuesday, Prof. Leroy Watermah, of; befor'e ex.amns, then
Recital on Wednesday. The last two 'the' Semitics department will talk athveael
lectures of the set will be given the Grand Rapids pu~blic library about

I LrrINr TMhIN 1111il


amb .... ,.... ..G.........Sith g1 '
Summaries. Field goals: Hartz 8
aldo 3, Lamb 5, Gage 1, Hallett 1
mth 1. Free throws: Martz 5aot
f , Gage {2, ~Hallett 1.n
Allfo'irncy ea is icked {STARTI G TO~A
I-mmediately after the g:-3~ia Coac
'dwin_ 3. Mather of the Maize anus
lue,- andi the officials picked the all-
mrnament class B and C teamis.
C imbers and Schrumpf, both for-
ads of the Niles team, are picke a
inning mates on the all-tournament,
iais B teams. Both are lightning;
s:ndfine shots, Schrumnpf nnaesp ecia l-
r possess;ing uncanny ability in cagr-
g both goals from7 the floor and free
rows. The center poz!it'on goes to
l ;a s tar of the Alma quintet. Hle
sa clever floor man, a to-we,,o
r;ength on the defense and posses e~
fine eye. The guards, are Ander-,on

("s lp A)

t e f



Truly a Joyous Time~, for It Brings a Much Awaited
the Modern Stage's Greatest Hit!

Photoplay of

That it wifll prove very popular with MAJESTIC Patrons. is a fore-
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May this




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Into Every Life
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All at

- Br Ify, Critics Hve Employed the Adjectives- .
That "Peg"''Will Delight qnd P"lease You Today.

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'Phone 308

In Y'our Wildest Dreams..
011 levell saw anything thAtbeit, _ Buster Keaton astihe boy 'who
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Thomas HInPce's


of ' jealousy


Pola Negri in "13eladoma"

Harold Lloyd in. "Safety Last


Mason-Dixon ,.leven,



Stdrtii gSuniday for das Qty-JOHN LOWELLin



{ '-"'

}, ' 'I



~ ,

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