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April 01, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-01

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It i!:. a. fa~r cry from the beginning of the Christ:an era to
this -Eastvr Suniday 1,923 ,ye.,rs later. F"1,pires .hbave risen to
heights of splendor and powrer an(d have later fallen into rI.-11
ud dceca. during that. Clue. Kings andt prines, 'saint-s and-
5in11'ers, literally billions of hunman beingshave come and gone
in the ~Interim. Yet, this astonishing .fact still remains: the
single yoice that called dfown from the Cros that first Good
Friday saying, "rathier forgive them for they knowr not -what


Prof. Pallas ILore Sarpq Populjlr Poet,
llill Discuss "Education for. Dc-



- - - -... ,.


Berlin, March 21.--Dogs in-
crease in Berlin at an amazing1
rate, in spite of higher taxes and1
the comic paper jokes about sau-}
sages. -Virtually every Amzeri-
can officer, soldier, nurse, andI
wnar-worker, took. a German Do-
lice dlot home. Every steamer
which sails fromi Hamburg for
the United States carries maney of
thee cdogs.
But the German (log crop nev-I
er falls in spite of the food short-
age. Dachshunads, deerhounds,
airedales, bull dogs, Pekinese and j
'all sorts of lap dogs abound.
Berlin has increases the annua~l
tax' from. 1,500 to 12,000 marks
in an effort to abate the nuisance.
There are, at 'present, 170,7i45
dlogs' in the city .which pay tax-
es, and .dog homes, are overflow-
ing with untaggedl animals.

v they (1," today s Ieverberati
SOL IE S ILLr IEgreater learnes, deper Ogn
jtan at any time sine the w
WOUND MRE THAN 3Q0i,,°,a~eov
- thisday a* the acas ion for rej
' nluvader's Version eof A a Stt. and God rse .upo the third
Ther V.40 eerxi en udandnothing mre. Thir faith i s
t adly Injore 1lorating they nia care to do ii
But whxat of thoe others,
rese; ,,Germa ny, Mrch 31-(By A. 'wh look up~b the dcl a o
P.-lashes betweeI Freinch. sldiers fcn o teyar hs r
axnd ,German workmn a heIrup
plant ,here today resulted in thie i 'temnadno ecido
death of 5 or d of the Germans axial she i : .hn theeemjiizatioPi
the woiunding of'abouit 30. I hs sevr tried :,to e4nxllt a.Aid
According to the lrenlch verskm 01 ,j;why sh Id muen w. orry tod
the alffair a. 1 eutenant and 11%soldiers ;is,,calioarIi?-I tho mnire it
who° went to the wrkcs for the pur f with sick cievenetts as the
pose of requsitioninig automobileal since, canb say in stpite of altk
were set uon by a mob variouly s V iito thy aa c ome d iy
imated to 'nu mber bTetween 2,000 and tions xto his caus, Wt m att
3,00, 'which was called toet her by Gad? Gds ertalnly mot G
the factory sren . r and actsonxs an lies"of .lis p
Miob ttack Sioldiers
The mnob showered Stones upon the1
soldiers, .the French say, while -many'
of thxe worktmen 'armed wt-h rgvlyers L .J tu or O f ir1
,Erred.. The soldiers returned the fire,
%shooting' Over theU heads of the niob, Nort JPole L
at first, but when ";thwe workmen re=,(.
fused to isburse, finally aimed to I - --
Wh2en 'thxe sirmxilxwas: at ts "A network of ar tiasportation andi
height, an .4automorble bearing two Coullnerce'o ver Ithe joith le IS no
French civilin engn lens caine along, a dream bVti ll,' ith ot,~ a doubt, be
and the, fury of the" wvorkmen wras
slufted to them. Thxey were attacked, omnocrrc ntena u
badly beaten andi severely woundted tre,' said V4ilhahur ~tefanssgn,
The F'Prench , also assert that' the ellknown' Arctic etpidler in an'ilu
watches, wallts and "passports of the terv'ew here 'Fiday.," would nt
engineers were stolen.''vnuet set an exWet date for such
Tile'autombile as smhedhnd' to come about, but ;Itwould
the chauffeu r ,took ref uge° ~among the thing
little group o~ soldiers'' The enineert4 guess, that it will e within 41st or 20
weretakenito the Kirupp'wor ks and:1 years ".:.'
severely handle d. Dr.GS efanss~on'eentn , to expInn
Srench Sid ThukS ' '. the 'coiib:tka~s th ~r l~bl Ftor air
Theo French millitary. comlxand U, ; t
Esseninf~rned f th r~ot~ig, s'porion and said , ".the' firt
-s4 aredcas ndtak. thero ting, s t pe a ±the .very fact A thtet . i' s
the appearance of these.mcie ndidhgttee'n h's'nnr
eaused the workcmen to retreat behU, i11san eaye edlinl rfavordiable coiltion
the wYalls. Te tanks rescued the en- forraeial naviation."tee oijted Aut
, inoers and them. stood', by while tho that therb are ;e0, bds i -b6ning over
x, eutena, tand hxis detachment wentmay idys- tat' the "sun is.hiningx .
'on with the wrkt ordered. ~ .6F ' h de a ed "re~uttusi illy low
"The retreat of£ the German work' 1 n thxis x .ind airplanes are in
mnen 'in the face of ,the ~French reinix o dnger of becoiinlo i st iese
drexut and t e 'suced' in gca r ,,Egs ,If they'Ktravel at a reasotnably
dertln te 'ua~edrlIn arying high attud e'" Te expl~rer men-
their dead" and wounsded .into the miain . tloned :the "fact that .thre are many
yard of the plat. sill is ands in the'.oar regfns onz,
De+aclare lt Cwreula reted wvhich safe lanlns could e easil
The French anniounced tonig"t that mzade.
they are postive °a; premreditated and Yo'1le
cncerted' effort was brought" to . n reard to the t~eiperaurce, he
bring thtir ' old ere and thes ermnan said, "Thxe teroetr in July, 10
wvorlskmen ito collision. They de- °fet over thie Nortlt ple'-egiters
daredl thYos respionsible ere form' I~ eaetly the nsame as.'that ,overFrance
ihen'hxers of thre erman secrity po- fin April and' lso thxis ould rvei
li,]ce .who had been, disarmed by the 1 to be no barrier to 'such an under-
Frenichi.The esponsibrility ofthe -,aking.:
.r1App mnagement, they claim;is 5 "a.m2pi-n,-aeil aigto
Weo gravely involved through te :bome" over the North pole wril begin aml
Jug of .the iren aAlarm which stn- tau nonsy ith :transaatatie air cor-
xlaened the wrkmlen to assemile. so- 'nerce," said Ir.,litefasson. lieten
vcre pcnmalties willbe inflicted, the n" jtold of °a diri ible iow -.'bai g adel
t'Mre; of whlich has not yet been an- iwhic .is to attempt a .trip nrth"- in
nxouncead. . April, 124, and a rpress hmsef 'to
No, German version of the aair Sbleetati ol e .ce~fl
was avilablex tonight. blee hti'wudb u e~fl
As soon as the dirigile is comatplete,
it wivill bee a iiiented *tihand
Poe T Sp aktrial voyages, will be taken efore ithe
On3"VJewVers" y e"thee F'ar hNrth.ii under-'
- , , Will Sll4xrte1) ceau rvl
Alfred Kreyaborg,, poet and play- f ttis;4ret-ork can. be brought
Wright, will speak tan thew"New Verse" about . ar ommer"ce 'from, .England
in drill auditorium next Thursday will be enabled t6o.go ovr the Polar
rIght, under the auspices of Wi-' regins ito Japan and' thouands - of"
sies and the local (Collegiate alumnae. iles of' ocean tavl can befixdone
xreymborg enjorys 4uninternational I aay with. aASa m iattear -of 'tt,'i
reputation as a poet and wrter of thxe ..unuer time,' an airpan a or d-
short playns, enacted by 'dolorqtyr igilemoin a T e le~..rt o
'character or puppts. see'ogschmahies coutld leave
"Vte.the Newax M"~oon", one,f his oegla such;andariein Japaynd with
fantastic plays,° will be presenxted4 as yxln n riezxJia. yt
a part of the nprogramn by a. group -ofI y
the Dodo ,players, directed, by" Mrs. .
'Jdson GrIenl. Several .members of i
the faculrty are incluldexd in the cast.S 1
All banks of the city will be closed HER

tomorrow, April 2, on account of the!
rglrejection.I Announcement has been made of the
regular __________________ organization of, a student chapter of
the American Society of Civil Engl-
- ' neers in' the. utniversity. Twenty
Ou'To unch junior and senior students in the civ-
11 engineering department are on the
'roster of charter members.
- The organization is declared to have
D'ja ever stop to- figure ho'w a definite puirp6se-"to further the
inany customners and good pros- education of 'the men who have

tng' throughout the world with
ificance, and more subtle power Prof. Dallas Loret Sharp, of Boston
irdswereul trel.University, who ,is to speak in Pat-
t ci Chrst'sdiviity ock ponengill auditorium, at 8 ,o'clock tomor-
of hrit'sdivnit lok uonrow night, on '"1ducation. for Democ-
joicing in the fact that their Lor4' I racy," is not only an authority upont
day front the dead. They naed ediucational matters, but is als'o.
ufficient justification for any cole- well known and popular author. HisI
tpon this day. most recent work is ""The H~ope of a
who have, not this faith and yet Nation." One or heis b'est known 'vlob'
to of the most wholesomely sig-tieis"hrIolsheOgn.
the people who see in the Christ. Wreside s Extei~ve' -
the God. They are the ones who ITises his poetry~, Professor Sharp
! steauthor of ,,a series of nature
of the highest ideals the world 'F study books. His' writings -upon edu-,
I herein lies their justification. c ational problems are extensiv e. .I
lay because the divinity of Christ1 It is Dr. Sharp's con tention* that

May Be Canada's
First Ambassador
I To United States


Niles Captures Three
3Iytlcal Ifilo

, ,


fast iainsiJ
41fy wo-n1tile
a stle basket bal
defeating Noil
Detroit 36 to


Ge*,prize lic cry Murrav

ta atra short life crownedj every child ;should lie required' to at- 1 11 U IAL11 U1UJ1L1I W U George Henry Murray, premier and
world has not known' before or tend the public schools.,I i p-rovincial secretary of Nova-Scti, s Nies,- class B, and Hllyc
LO, suffering' he endured, "Father, pctdtahitaktmro ngtAf i rC LIIL II expected to be appointed Canadian Iwere crowned interschoalastic
spirit," and can hilly whole na- wl eadicsino teefso pi A J I UU IF ambassador to "Washington. Hie is a pions, of their; respetive clas
t -whether hie be called man or mae-chos ember of the Liberal party in Can- -taking Alma and :Carson it
adwe h'ITickets, on Sale at Rookstores Iadla,; 61, and a native of Nova Scotia. camp in contests which bristl
~dwe elvsi h huhs-Tickets for the lecture, which is ' America's Ace of Aces Will Review! action from whistle ,to wit
opeasIsdeonEedy. undler the auspices of the Annl Arbor Euiropean Situation and P'u- n !!(((...;;;iina night in Waterman gym nasiunz
f Parent-Teachier's association, are o actre Aviation IL~LIIL h li isplaying god puffs-worxk
- sale at Graham's and W lar's book-.JL ILIJ i UIotpangherooetsn
o {stores, at 50 cents. of utlyig theop Ne ile
; Over ~t vOUS VIATOR I11i'lYE~idepartment .f gh ame,Ilb
Professois and DMrs. Sharpe are be- ,FAM GRM.SFAVI.IT9'SI) N D I'Aunn rl; Cnr cured the class B title' for thei
*k l I15 ea sing entertainedi by Prof., 9. W. Dow. ~ GRA LNSli ~IIIIH b lfb eri ucsin eetn
*1 5 Ye r and Mrs. Dow during their stay in LlqU1 0 9834-s.Y a lma ouwes ighean
IAnn Arbor. iAfter a speaking tour of the rin-349 E m °otegd&u
STFNSN iEeplcities of the country, Captaint ently beaten from the start,-
STEAddN I ie iknaal mrc'sAeo United S~ates lIDstrict Court Brings! gamely throughout the battle.
Acsa~fn SedieatiokalbackeaAmerica's Ace1o
jl 51 l~ l Aes-, will- speak in Hill auditorium ICI4~a ra oCoe'oesand Sars for Nil
-'rst.onl e .ght in the idraligte{ Tesday night under the auspices, of1 in Indiartplis Grabbing thle ball after thx
"tre"n.t ierns would be maen the dalihtIIATth -Egineering, society. In, everyjI tipoff, ;Vogelsand, . Nies' -pcd
Y h onJ t~~dbjutime edarkns o e Jo n as Y1~ lIfh~ place- he has lectured,: the.famous av- EJT DGTF, PROSECUTORtS ANT) minutive gaurddribled the°a
HOU thn wud ejstbfoeJpa asIIUIUI1UJ U I~T'LI iator has been received with great a-; SHERIF S AMONG IOLATORS of the court and caed a prettr tfnsn onedot3cam n i, iw fteErpa
that - It =hall been, the dream" of the 6 ' from the side..'Scharumpf, Andi
. epeof the Middle Ages to reach RESOLUTION ADOPTED IN4 FATVOt: situation have been accepted by crit- Indianapolis, March 31 (By A. P.) 1; star of the tournamlent,°folowe
t, the East from Europe by means ot; OF NAMING FIELD .HOUSE 'Icsitethiam One of the miost sensational trials a .field goal from "under te:,1
going north,. AFTER COACH To Discuss Commrercial Aviation - ever: held in Indianapolis since the The Alma quintet, althouigh fail
________________ Ills talk ;will. consist of a review of IVlstead at 'became effective was ;score consistently, played hard,
(Special to The'.Daily) -the continental situation and discus- brought to , a close in ,?the United ;eling their. redclad' opponenz
AUHRTIS W RKOj son of the future of commercial avia- States District court here today with I'ight for every baskets The h1al
I U, T. IT R7 ORK NS an Francisco, March' 31.-Fielding tion, being based on a comprehensive the conviction of 55 persons on a ed 16-4
H'. Yost returned here 'this' morning study ;of conditions which -he mxade cag fcnprc ovoaete i h hr ure on h
after spening esteray atLeiaxd { urizl..arcent rip t ,Euopedisps gar lg. theirayncharacteristicist
CJS[ ~~kowledge of, aviation is the result ; 1ai
NEW YORK BO B CeSEs ' ater spendin>yesterday atreland dring a' recnttripttolurope. Histquor law.!
wini.gfoobal, . ' , n1 , ' of 1!ny'ers active participatiou f najr yofF;eg Brh resveesTbh ll-to n
a" wixnng botalitea "i If00:defendants 'are all residents of 'Scrumipf, who. acutdfr
teauitomfotive ,industry, and expe i- ayan ae ony.Wie a gasan 0fulsout or.p
t . I A VNGE.LIST, Iii tISONV- 'Coach Yos pn hemrigin'ne°during the .World & ndLaecont.Whle gained;.d ,1 u., of
x'',drA,. wa gane , .--..
Hy, LIM$SKNWLEDGE F ta - Os et4h orig nene'oity f those Convicted are,.of ;for. 13, -for-Atotal,'of Vilts
. ; tiking to the high, school:' boys OfI ie in active service in the aro i
aPFrncsc ad ;n hoin, temcorps.;' ign birth, several of. the- defendants uiusual speed through out.the
Rcceies MaTny Honorsc Were men chaged wit teahoiy:Itwashr thatVolgesanid ;s'
Les,,Angeles, March 31-(By A.P.)- th pca oinpcue hth as 'ickeabacker 'first became interna- Oefreth as hy were to best :ad vantage, diribbing., p'I.,
Fdai ,IoCfficials were investigating to- wihhmo;he-Mcia fobl'tdally known by his record with the among thoe on guilty by .a- jury twid tin, fgtinzg, tt i '-ittle.
daeocnfsinalee ohveber team, 'i*~Pursuit IJti trzsquadron. lie' which began its deliberations Friday carried the ball down the cour
S cive opsalisetrsb ebr This evening he' was 'the, guest o'!downed 26 German planes,, and was evening and repo'rted its verdict° in then pzassed it to his captain to
gian pstl nsecor bHebethtle Michigan alumni at a, banquet iawarded the American. Distinguishe or hsmrig the net.
Wilson, former evangelist, mail rob- given at the St. Francis hoatel.; More .aervice medal, the French Cro4ix de' Judge Ferdinand Geiger, of Mil- . Em lasSrnetM
he lyer mlctn isl than 300 alumni were present. Sen- Guerre~ and was made a mem ber ,of ; wankee, who heard the case, said he.- Their task ho .less Alma .w
and -n American Communist, Maxi ator Boynton :presided °at the banes the French Legion of Honor, would hear, arguments on, any flit ed in th ina ur~, Etc;
I ofi h alSre xlso nquet. Talks: were given. by' several Telcuewl eoe otegn ti on ,for a new trial or in, arrest of of the tournament pivot e
l New York,.Sept. 17, 1920. alumni, among whom were Bill Bur- iral pubic. judgment on ,Aril 20. These mro- Iiitleticetofte ihtcn
SI 1' bionis said to have told the in- ;nett, who captained the Stanford tfetii ' _____-_______-tions must lie filed ithin eihttdys.ticigst lOf this lteam's
spactorslhe manufactured the bomb atl w neihdas{ yscrgllohs:tm''1 of 1900, and Bill Middleton, captain of' -plose convicted today also fmay bepons hlehitam aey-
Wolfe'% request. Faulty mechanism ;the Lowell H'igh school team of theItlN O- ntn o pil2 uti s poi n, and would undoubtaely
I auedte xposv t b irdtro am yar icursofthlMoi-sivel.I toAUI U bebeltr atsmybeme. rveyageaersore 4 o
maturely, killing 39 persons and de- The motion pcue f h fh-"jgae rae~oreaf i^
stioil, thousands of dollars worth gai12 otal e-iwr aan A 1111 lv ni ay or Heady Lit -leis °rivals than hc did, i the ru
of poeth ad shown and a resolution was adopted flIbpiitLtYIIUUlie-JLsTppin the ist of thse found battles of, the two days' compj~
Alth ough 1lxi5 persons have. been a'-II recommending that the new, field Ijgit n tx.cnprc hreht~v ekndhm=
E rested at various times in connection house at Michigan be named after ;Msn io r eta which hc carries a sentence of, from one The lineup:
with the explosive, Wolfe never has CoacMhsn Dxonst.mesrawhih1 to two years or a mxaximnum fine of,- Nies4
be#-upbtd Yost has arranged to visit the Ore- i ' ela hsyas -ala !enI10000 01 both, was Roswald. Chambrs .°....F..........
Wti'lsois ssaid to have admitted mak- IgnAgiutua olee t ovli.secured to play at the Architects'JhsnmyoorGy.-Ptofhe chup.... ....at
I ng.,, thebomba i oea 58next Tuesday, and has also planned t Partyplay 1l, in Barbour gymrna- I i yand county legal officers, Citynb thi ioi a X8jMoicgiclurloy...a.Crali,..at..o.sn,.yo.f.......at.fth.elrnif..., . ". Ft
West Santa'Barbara avenue, Loas Ana stopc at the University of Montana, a*;s n Judge William~ M. Dunn andl Prose. VNelsand..G....n
geles. lIe thought it was wansted ford Missoula, before his return east: ppiaiosfr iktst hea-cuo!Dih M ide lo eeFarl....G A-.1
a criniinal job,' to ",cover up" a bank{ will be in Missoula on, Sunday, - Aprl nuWal dance will be returnc.i tonor- foundguly William H.Fda h r Srll ris-ied gal: V~
°b.ul todsryeieneatri -A r 8 and plans to reach 'Ann Arbor by Irow, either accepted or rejected. Aiz- fiff of Lake county, -'former Sheriff r8.,McCoyee2,obed oglsand 1, ° Canlib
-Wilson is said to have been an ex-I-poiatl 5 f h 0 opfia oi E ans fre onyPo- Elias 1. Free thow: c hia= ,run
pert with explosives. Frequently he( tions r'eceved have been-accepted. Ar- ecutor Clyde Hunter, Blaz A. Lucas, out of 13,- Eias 7 out'8f'9.
is. said to have been employed by bankIIf fl IITN Tl rangemients -;for- the sale of ticktets, a prominent Gary attorney, and Johxn :Hll-iniV- C
* N liii K and1safe14blowerHollyWinusinaClss "C"
robe000dsfeblwes eaue s l UI IILI T which are to cost $5.50 each, will be Bennett, treasure?' of the Republican odn thropoetst
an etcpert chemist and criminal lhe hats made as soon a osbe E r -. ciy c m ite f raso wee sol ingthefirt qurtr, Caso
la. (LI Iiblf." Mai lI.citcommitteewoof ath o ee un inallye gve frw a e .andHoly
bicomne the best manufacturer o CITY iindin, '2A, is chairman fttecmitd w of thoson ialygv.w~
"isoup", the 'liquid explosive used in LLUSIIUH t icket commnittee. - guilty were women. puldaa rmtenni
sfoboig DeuySeifCtsThe designs for the programs and,--- contest by, a" scre -o 79
and Postal, Inspector Grant said that
i Wiisd n had a large supply of chiemx- Ann Arbor voters will elect city of-; the decorations' are now being Work- Iol tasfuh aeyti
icals anld "soup" when arrested for fivers and .decide several - imprtant 0 odot -by the student architects in! p-R out the fray, the supeir all-
ther21aseA WARDnnes ff'eftH.MIITAY-ALplay, of the I-byqunetdcvi
'a Los .Angeles mail robbery of March matters when they go to the polls to- ter - classes. The inners of ih
i 3;192 clas. ontetswillbe ivenC~inlsl- _issue. Bth teams wre :a t :i
-.'morrow. The city office of mayor will 1-clasfconmsts.willebigive cointl- a
1mentary tickets,' to the dance.lC AIN O&ES,'Jfr i hersooig in.te
i Califo rni Colleges 'Cls be contested by Dr. Guy G. Away; '16, j Ihafwihedd - ihIo
Jlrkcley., Cal., March 31.-The Uni-i Democratic candidate, opposingthe'ie the long end.
vaity f California won a track meetI present mayor 'George E& Lewis.:CI~i nln~a~n Complete charge of decorations for " JBothi teams seemed to bnefit b
fromn the Univ. of Southern California T' otiprato h sust't
bedeiedarlheinrasngo te 7 has been turned over to George ter was replete -with- th~iling a
toddy ________"$_______ctysoaxleya0roosl-o medP. Johinson, of Detroit, to "whom the - (Cotinixod on Page _Two),
f the city charter so as to provide. for Business Schools, Ask to lon Ctl's concession was awaded
IFOOL'S DAY Olt EASTERi: a police .commnission, the'annexation of Conferences As yet no announcement has been EASTER IY THE . HTJRCUIW
CQALENDAR OFFERS BOTHE additional territor'y south and east of ____ giver: out, concernig the' orchestras
fthe city and the raising of $10,000 to - that will play at the -dance but a-i Complete prograls u3[ the sk
DeriMrh31(yAP)t build a comfort station downtown. A petition will be sent to the;le o eAl nte"DtoiMrh3-B ~')-Ci ragements arenl being made with ice o ehl n the An A
j For the first time since 1888, j Election of state cfficers and the, Schoolmasters club by the' Michigan I several prominent groups. In i re- curches today will be fond
Eser'Sunday is to be observ- ! deciding of several state issues will 'Business Schools' association, asking !cent meeting, the Military ball Coi- the first page of thhe' Secondl
I n Crsin cutis also be voted on. The most vital of ther: for admittance to the conferene- mte eie ht hr ilb o tIon.
throughout the world Ion April the state questions is the provision foi es of the club. This action was taken public saeo1iktswihwr
I I A. A t is ofth caen ar ef Ithe incoropration of ports and port dis- at the meetingyesterday, following no aled for. ickStsORhMUch were -
a gap of thirty five years sinceI tricts, to permit such districts to im- an- ad dress by Louis P. 'Jocelyn, of'BETTRS________P_____C 1
1 that coflicident' occurred last, { prove shipping facilities and to raise Ann Arbor, who is the secretary- { AND GOWN YORtDERStAT ON
'Iwhile the same thing is to hap- I-tfunds for such improvements, treasurer of the Schoolmasters' club. :OFFER. PRIZE.S TO + I
pent again In eleven more years.!e Mr. Jocelyn told of the nature of the CONeSnWNNE Ss m asu rndst edtei o
II Fixing the 'date 'for Easter'COTlb W NhESl I eaurelan t plfether_
Youndstrs &niyscdewermasnendioyntcon er __g__ers for caps and goxws at o
Sunayisdeerind y heences here for the past th-ree days. Three prizes, totaling $50, will N- at George Moe's,. 711 N. U, Inivem+
' rulndatater teschal iefirtualolt thrsekesa he meigawarded to the winners of the, prize Ity aye. Consderable time will
I Snda aterth Paehl fll- Paywere: Prof. C: C. Edmonds, of the essay contest beinig cnducted by t.I~ required to get every mrnem
-Imoon. Easter, therefore, cannot ecnmc eatet-rtet rf .A ntrolgaeZoitsoit-fte rd n
"I I be earlier in the year than March A critical audience made up of more a o e lseI echn4o onsesvie pe p aon, fteoomics department; rfUA nteroliatTeZissocietay fthee-i) rt o f clae me'-r a
222,>sitm aseonte ist -thn40tyunservicdopnsptatn fbheeoomc eprmetnUieriytTeesas a akfiiIorrsttailttete;ok
---- --- rn l'Of Havrr v rM'q ts ,pn., Prof, .3. B.Edmonson, of the- School ther side of the 7Zionistot n ' to isre that the PaowflQ will

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d elected civil engineering and to bring
I' them into more intimate touch.-Ith
men of practical science." Election to
r wembershin -will be on. the basis not

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