UUUIL I WILL IIUIIUJIII (Continued fromh Page One) n this quarter Haprtz tore thrOug ie Carson City defense time aind gain, despite 'the fact that his bril- ant wvork in the preliminary con- sts made himt a marked mhan. Speedy. nid with a remarkable change-hand. ribble, hie squirmed and fought hi:, ay through1 his opponents with the bility of a veteran. Lamb and Waldo Eifective The fuorth quarter was a repetition f the third, 'with the exception that Valdo, the' elo~ngated center of 'the inners, and Lamb, the star gui«rrd laved the important role in the of- nse. The former scored three doublie- eckers while the latter accounted for, ve field goals. Gage, althfough unable to score fiel1 oafs as he did in the early gmes, layed a fine floor gamie for the los"- The lineup. Folly lCaraon ('it ackey ...........F...........Ga Pgef artz ... .......F.....Gardner aldo ..........C ........Hallet of Almna and Vogelsand of Niles.Th operate with the UJnion in the cele-] Patterson, Prof. L. A. Strauss and latter does not measure up to the phy s bration. They mayd ob epn r.SrasPo.hretKno ica~l~ requirements of a guard, but in touch with the committee is Truch and M_'rs. Kenyon, Prof. 0. J. Camp- makes up in what he lacks in lie rhtl as possible, and by r seportin-g 40t it bell and Mrs. Campbell, and Don ald by his speed and aggressiveness, h nme1o1ahesithssce-Hamilton Haines and Mrs. IHaines. a Harz, oll str, s pace asforKled to cone, and the nature of thel Thedtickets for the performance will q cuintet. Ae l clever dribbler fast a ~uobservation it is planniing to carry' cost 50 cents -eachi, and will be one 1 ddsoad~edtee~nrut. sale at the Union. They may be secur- I ____e ed now by; mail, or by 'telephone on e dobt s tothi chice.Gai C:the days of, presentation. of Carson City received the other for- Y silanti Players ' ____- w ,T aet. inhintnLawton Iv ot ~ ~ ~ ~ . magistecne oiino lan Vaied Bill, DETROIT EDITOR the honorary five. 'Lamb, Holly, and ___,I T SEA T Y~TA~ Wtagner, Dearborn,' are picked as::j~~J1. iuards. Yslat.laeswil-esn hre1 _______ 'one-actplays1ofe their lts raai season at Ypsilanti, on tomorrow anu hrI . cemroro e TO110 DE SCUSS PLANS° Tuesday evenings at the Mimes thea-, troit, has been secured to give a '®$ ' FATHERS'DA ter, This is to be, the first public ap- talk at' the next: meeting ;or the Stu- peaance of the Players Here: denhts' Press club which will be held "The Camberley 'Triangle" by A. A.' at 0;15 o'clock Tuesday eventing at the Puithr plan's 'for t he celebration i Milne, "Two Slatterns and a King", Chinese 'Gardens, 106 south Main cof Fathcr's Day, which will be ob- by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and "Anyj street., At the present time Mr. Scher- se rved under the direction of the Day", a play in which there are four!I merhorn is the editor of the column Unifon, MayAIi andl 12, were made yes3-1, anifestations by two characters injcled"U erteSoig",