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December 15, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-12-15

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Published every morning except Monday during the Unie r
sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use to'
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published therein.
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second
class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, 3.30.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street.
Phones: Business. 960; Editorial. 2414.
Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
nature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
faith, and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the
discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Dail y office.
Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No man-
uscript will be returned "unless the writer incloses postage.
The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex-
pressed in the communications.
Telephone 2414
Assistant Managing Editor...............Hugh W. Hitchcock
City Editor.................................E. P. Lovejoy, Jr.
Night Editors--
R. E. Adams G. P. Overton
Edward Lambrecht M B. Stahl
Hughston McBain Paul Watzel
Editorial Board Chairman.....................T. J. Whinery
S. T. Beach E.R. Meiss
L. A. Kern Leo Hershdorfer
Sunday Magazine Editor................Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.
Exchange Editor............................George E. Sloan
Music Editor............... ..............Sidney B. Coates
Sporting, Editor............ ................. George Reindel
Women's Editor...........................Elizabeth Vickery
Humor Editor................................. E R. Meiss
*R. N.,yrers ,." L. Fenwick B. H. Lee
W. B:~ Butler II. B. Grundy j E. M ack
A. D. Clark Agnes f lolquist Kathrine Montgomery
Harry C Clark H. E. Howlett R. C. Moriarity
jP . Comstock Marion Kerr R. B. Tarr
W P. Dlsott L.Maon er Virgini Tron
H A Dnahe . AgKave oroth hpple

cation. In certain sections in the south the condi-
tions are worse than those described above.
If the present investigation will accomplish any-
thing in the manner of spreading propaganda to
raise the salaries of country teachers and demand-
ing special training of those who instruct in the
rural school it will be time and effort well spent.
Unless the entire system of rural education in this
country is revolutionized by some means -all other
efforts for the betterment of American life will be
seriously handicapped.
At the beginning of the war the United States
was confronted with the serious problem of sup-
plying a sufficient number of officers to train the
new army of citizenry. Hundreds of untrained men
clamored for the chance to serve their country but
due to the lack of officers it was some time before
these men received a sufficient amount of training
to be of aid in the great conflict.
At this time the R. O. T. C. was in its infancy
but nevertheless the few number of schools and
colleges who already had units installed responded
and were in a position to offer men trained in the
rudiments of war and also able to impart their
knowledge to recruits.
It is a self evident fact that a great deal more
time and training is necessary in order to prepare
an officer for battle than the training requisite for
a private, and proceeding upon this the war de-
partment has steadily given more attention to the
drilling of officers.-
The R. O. T. C. has as its aim and its real excuse
for existence the training of men who will be avail-
able in the time of war as officers. But secondarily
its purpose is to make better citizens.
As was shown-in the recent struggle there is not
a great deal of difference in regard to preparation
necessary for the army and that for civil life. The
army is a great organization which needs every
class of trained men found in times of peace and it
was upon this theory men were assigned their du-
ties. It is only mere mechanical training that is
needed to convert men from the pursuits of peace
to those of war.
It is this gap between the two branches that the
R. O. T. C. undertakes to fill. One of the funda-
mental practices of the government in regard to the
conduction of the R. O. T. C. units in the colleges
throughout the country is to disturb the ordinary
life of the collegian as little as possible and still
equip him to lead a group of men in time of war.
Certainly there is no better class to which the gov-
ernment could look for fut'ure officers than college
men and the increased interest evidenced in the va-
rious units of this organization throughout the coun-
try fully justifies the faith placed in university un-
dergraduates. A knowledge of the ways and work-
ings of the army is beneficial to every one, no mat-
ter what his life work may be. and there is no man-
ner in which it is better possible to attain this than
through taking part in an organization of this na-

Narcissus Bulbs with Bowls at
Voth Ends of the Diagonal Walk
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Ea-stern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited ad Express Cars-6.os a.
7:05 a. m., 8:io a. m. and hourly to 9:10
p. m.
Ja.kson Express Cars (local stops of Ann
Arbor), 9:48 a. m. and every two hours to
0:48 p. m.
Local Cars East Bound-5:55 a.m., 7:0 a.
m, and every two h .urs to g:oo p. m., i1 :oo
. tn.. To Ypslant only-i p. i., 1.25
To Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound- :s0 a. rm., 2:40 p.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars
Tom csnan 8. in Jewelry
8:48, 10:45r a. in., 1:48. 2:;48, :48.
To 4co andLansing-L mitedA: 8:48nav
,, An exceptionally complete nislav of

.. ',A



lv* -1 --.

. B. Young

1921 DECEMBERT 121
1 2 8
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 16 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
We do all kinds of high-class Hat
work at pre-wareprices. Hats turned
inside out. with all new triminigs~,
are as wood as new.
Teleplhone 1792
Buy your class toques from Daily

Telephone 960
Advertising......................F. M. Heath, A. J. Parker
Publication.............................Nathan W. Robertson
Accounts................................. John J. Hamels, Jr.
Circulation .................................. Herold C. Hunt
Burr L. Robbins Richard Cutting H. Willis Heidbreder
W. Cooley James Prentiss W. Kenneth Galbraith
L. Beaumont Parks Maurice Moule J. A. Dryer
Walter Scherer M at tin Goldring Richard Heidemann
Edw. Murane Tyler Stevens T H. Wolfe
David Park- Paul Blum


Assistant-Martin A. Klaver
Proofreaders-Ralph N. Byers
J. F. Pontius

Chop Suey
Quang Tung Lo.
613 E. Liberty

The recent death of Lieutenant Colonel Whittle-
sey, hero of "the lost battalion" and wearer of the
Congressional Medal of Honor is perhaps the very
blow needed to stir officialdom at Washington into
action. Colonel Whittlesey, who had been a victim
of shell shock, was discharged from the army as
physically fit and left free to roam as his fancy led
him. Even his friends thought that he had entirely
recovered, but circumstances proved that he had
not. Not long ago he had a mental lapse, and leav-
ing notes for his friends and business associates, he
took passage aboard the ship Toloa, and - all the
evidence points to the conclusion that he jumped
into the sea.
Other things of the same sort have happened,
nearly every person has knowledge of some veteran
who has been discharged unfit for life, or who has
been allowed to follow his own desires when he is
mentally deranged. Only the other day Scout Com-
missioner Lamb of Muskegon, who had been a ser-
geant during the war, was found in Waco, Texas,
after having dropped out of existence for more
than a week. Such cases are occurring constantly,
but the persons involved are too obscure usually to
bring the attention of the public to what is hap-
The Washington officials who are charged with
the care of these veterans must be more on the
alert, more active, more efficient. Colonel Whittle-
sey should have been examined for mental aberra-
tion when this became suspected, and so should
Sergeant Lamb. These men are deserving of care
and the best of medical treatment. It is for the gov-
ernment to see that they get it. It is up to the gov-
ernment to fulfill its obligation to the victims of the
stress and strain of service in the World War by
giving. such cases as these the best of treatment
when they are discovered. If it does not do so, it
is failing in its duty..
Evils pertaining to rural education have become
so threatening to the best interests of the country
that as a 'last resort an investigation is being con-.
dticted by the Institute of Educational Research of
Teachers College, Columbia university, with a view
of correcting them. In connection with the probe
a quaker school in New Jersey has been selected as
a laboratory in which to carry out the experiments.
In this school modern equipment has replaced
ragged books and scarred desks, and efficient teach-
ers have been secured to supersede the customary
rural "schoolmarms".
Of this country's 300,000 rural teachers it is es-
timated that about half of them have not completed
the four year high school course ; 10 per cent have
finished only seven or eight grades of the elemen-
tary school. One-third of all the rural teachers or
about 1oo,ooo have had no professional preparation
whatever, while only two per cent are normal grad-
uates and one-tenth of the number have had any
special rtral training. Country children are now
from two to three years below normal in their edu-

Apparently a few cold days did more
about a complete observance of the toque
than a great deal of urging.

to bring

The Telescope
"The Gladdest Words of Tongue or Pen"
(With apologies to Whittier)
Many the words that poets sing
That through eternity will ring.
Orators' eloquent words leap forth
And echo in south, and west and north.
Many the words that seem as fire -
Which thrill, - exalted, and inspire.
But, ah, the words that greatest please,
The words that thrill me most are these -
(As down at the station, ready to start,
The bell 'gins to clang - the train to depart)
Greater than phrases inspired by the sword
Is the brakeman's hoarse warning - "411
Aboard". -Vee Dee.
Suggestions Only
In the delicately draped window of a lingerie shop
in the Nichols Arcade we noticed a little sign, "Sug-
gestions". And as we gazed at the gauzy bits of
apparel in the window, we thought, "Suggestions, -
yes, suggestions of clothes, - bare suggestions.
Quoth Eppie Taft:
Now shed a tear
For fairest Anna;
She tried to eat
A green banana.
-Krazy Kat.

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What's an illusion?
A good meal for forty cents.
- Cicero.

Daily Bulletin
Don't forget to wear your toques home, for Christ-
mas ! It's part of your school spirit. And, besides,
hats aren't as easy to carry things in.
Famous Closing Lines
"I stole a march on them that time." chuckled the
cleptomaniac as he walked out of the music store
with a copy of Sousa's "Stars and Stripes"

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