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September 26, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-09-26

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to ti
or not
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ard Stree

avezrge is uman iiue aUvic ancU nep '-om those
who have been freshmen before him; any [ichigan
man realizes that, if our traditions, customss, and
ITY ideals are to last, the new men must be irnpressed
he Univer. with their importance. It is, therefore, up to a" of
>ns. us who "know the ropes" to get behind this ne v ad-
visory scheme and push it to the limit.
le use for The first meeting of the Uppercl Advisory
it otherwise
rein. committee this year is to be held t 7:15 o'clock,
Thursday evening, in the Michian Union. At this
as second
time every prospective advis r is expected to be
et. present to learn the plan sfor the year. At this
meeting also will appl ' ns for places as mentors
d, the sig- be accepted from 'rthwhile upperclassmen.
vidence of
aily at the Big iers are needed; the classes of '22 and '23
No man- - ust be combed, voluntarily and by their members,
tuner ex- for the right kind of .mentors. Real men are need-
r o'clock ed for the job of putting this thing across; men
who know what they want and can stick to a job
once started. But, as has been said before, "the
shifter, the half-interested back-tracker, and the but-
terfly idol need not apply."

Girls Attention: Rainwater sham-
poos, hairdressing, marcel-waving.
Face and scalp treatment. Wigs for
I rent. Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski, 1110 S.
University Ave., side entrance. Phone
696-W.-A dv.
Law text books, new and second
hand, at Wahr's, 316 State St.-Adv.
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(HaStCri[1 Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6.o5 a.
n.' 7:o a. m., 8:1o a. m. and hourly to 9:10
Jackson Express Cars (local stops of Ann
Arbor), 9:48 a. mn. and every two hours to
9 :48 p. In.
Local Cars East Bound-5:55 a.m., 7:00 a.
"and every two hours to 9 :oo p. m., 1:oo
p. m_. To Ypsilanti only-n 4 :o0 P.Mi., 12.25
To Salie, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7q:so a. m., 2*:4o p.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars:
8:48, .10:44'a. mi., 12:48, 2:48, 4:48,
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited: 8:48
P. -.

i .

3oo worOs, if signe
print, but as an c
published in The D
or mnailo~d to Trhe D;
e no cnsideration.
writer ihieloses posta edls h et
n endose the dser
not b'e received afte

New FallI

There's beauty in the new creations which are being
Here are the smartest hats of the season, ready for yot
ing. Our showing includes charming models for ev
and preference.
EmmA B.Fogerty 's



.....Hugh W. Hitchcock
.E. P. Lovejoy, Jr..
U. P. Overton
Hughston McBain
Edward Lambrecht

vhinery, L. A. Kern, S. T. Beach, E. R.. Meiss
s ................ T. S. Sargent, T.' H. Adams
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... George Reindel
. Elizabeth Vickery
.............................. E R. M eiss
ndy John Dawson Ben H. Lee, Jr.
liott Sidney B. Coates JulianHMack
Lowell S. Kerr Howard Donahue
41y H. EZ Howlett Arnold Fleig
Telephone 960
AGER ............. VERNON F. HILLERYt
..................... M. Heath, A. J. Parker
....................... .Nathan W . Robertson
.John J. H amels, Jr.
... Herold C. Hunt
Heidbreder Tyler Stevens"
Scherer Martin Goldring'
ey L. B. Parks
rg to secure information concerning news for
Daily should see the night editor, who has full
to be printed that night.
[DAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1921
ight Editor-M. B. STAHL
have begun 'turning, and with the"
University tomorrow there will come
our midst countless men and women
name of Michigan is new. It is to
t members of our little community
I cordial greetings.
also offer suggestions to them, how-
ons that they endeavor to learn of
t we, in recent years, have learned of
) have seen undergraduate life in the
covered a fact which has ultimately
home to all other sons and daughters
sity-that Michigan is not merely an
ution,but that she is a living, pulsating
ver, we have learned that we-all of
:at duty to her. We have found that
efforts of every man and woman on
nd not merely on the few, that the
chigan depends. This we would also
e, we wvould call their attention to
customs of the University. The ideals
yalty, co-operation, and good-sports-
everyone who claims any right to call
chigan man lives up to them. The
h we are in the habit of calling tra-
any in number. The first year man
hem from his freshman "Bible". Get
nan, and read it! Ponder it! And
s not rest entirely upon the shoulders
gs, by a long shot, however. Every
pperclassman, and old-timer on the
en more responsible than the new-
character of Michigan. It is up to
ood example. If he fails to do so, he
lt. After all, it is upon the character
udents that Michigan bases her claim

The death this summer of Prof. Henry Carter
Adams and the appointment of Prof. David Friday
to the presidency of M. A. C. mean a loss to the Un-
iversity of two of its greatest economists, both well
knwon throughout the country. It is with cincere
regret that Michigan witnesses the passing of these
two who have been so closely associated with the
growth of economics in the University.
Professor Adams was founder of the department.
His thirty-four years of service have seen it grow
from an insignificant rank to the position' of the
most important divisions of the University and one
of the largest business schools in the country. His
work, however, was not confined entirely to the
department. He did a great deal in involving the
system of railway accounting now in general use;
he served 'for a time as associate editor of the In-
ternational Journal of Ethics and as president of
the American Economics association, was for six
years statistician of the interstate commerce com-
mission, and the author of several books.
Professor Friday, although he came to the Uni-
versity much later, has also added some notable con-
tributions to the study of political economy. He
wa a moan who enjoyed a wide-reaching reputation.
We prophesy a very successful career for him as the
head of M. A. C., for he combined a wide knowl-
edge of present day affairs with a forceful person-
ality and an active interest in his work which should
make him an ideal executive.
The memory of Professor Adams will always be
of a man who has done his share well, while to Pro-
fessor Friday we wish the greatest success in his
new position.
When the Board of Regents last month appointed
Dr. John Sundwall as head of the newly created
department of students' physical welfare, it filled
a want that has long been felt at Michigan. For
years the addition of such a curriculum, which in-
cludes courses in industrial hygiene, child welfare,
and community health, has been the cause of much
discussion and agitation, so that it was not with-
out care and premeditation that the Board finally
granted its sanction to this department. Not only
will this new branch of study offer courses in phys-
ical education, but it will also undertake research
work in the promotion of health and perevention of
disease, thus equipping students in that department
with a thorough and valuable knowledge of sanita-
tion, hygiene and physical culture.
In Dr. Sundwall, director of the department, we
find a man who is in every way fitted to the needs
of the position which he undertakes this year. His
record at the University of Minnesota, where he
held a similar office, was one of energy and service.
With such a man co-operating with Coach Fielding
H. Y'ost, director of intercollegiate athletics, who
will personally teach and supervise a school for
coaches, the University can surely hope for great
things from this new department. Its installation
marks another step, forward in educational progress,
and places Michigan on an even more equal footing
with the other great universities of Americathan
ever before.
When, during the past summer, six Michigan
men lost their lives in the waters of surrounding
lakes, and last week two fell victims to an automo-
bile accident, a distinct loss was felt by the entire
student body. Many of us, especially, will experi-
ence a sadder feeling than others, as we realize that
some true comrade will no longer be with us.
These were men of high standing on the campus,
known to all, and every one of them was a faithful
son of Michigan. It is not so much the manner of
their deaths that affects us as the fact that such
a group of men, whom we could always call true
friends, should be forever lost to us.
Today may be blue Monday, but tomorrow will
surely be grey Tuesday for quite a few of us.

As the freshman said when the landlady named
her price for a room, "I only want to rent the
room, not the house."
According to advance newspaper dope, there
should be ten Conference champions at the end of
the football season this year.

,. ,,
:: <.

' .
-, ,
pro ,
. .' -

Do you like
your new room?
F it's not exactly what you
' want, make it so. A single
piece of furniture may alter it
entirely to your liking. That
single piece is here, marked at
a price you'll want to pay.
Complete sets, too, that appeal
particularly to fraternities and

Greetings !
The fact that dozens of
others are saying the
same thing doesn't de-
tract in the least from
our hope that you'll en-
joy Ann Arbor and the
University this year.

Your room is your home;
male it comfortable!


112 East Liberty Street


1 0'

IITE lay it down as an axiom, that
a man should neither consider
quality to the exclusion of price, nor
price to the exclusion of quality.
The man who approaches our Hickey-
Freeman Clothes in that spirit, will find
satisfaction at both ends of the proposi-
tion. They are as high as they can be in
quality, but not as high as they might be
in price.

the failure of the upperclass advis-
ast year was due both to an infer-
and a lack of effort on the part of
still being willing to give us of last
e the benefit of the doubt, the of-
:higan Union have seen fit this fall
the plan.
vever, a new system is to be used;
r are to go to the advisers, and not
ie freshmen. Such an arrangement
uld facilitate the operation of the
ngs at best are hard to locate, but
system they will not only be im-"
need for the help they will get, but
appreciate the. assistance more if
have to exert a bit of energy.
re of the experiment last year was


we choose them oursehes. What everybody wants Is
not what we want or you want. Look them over and
see how well we've chosen in your behalf!


& Co.

For Men

Since 1848


up a

The Union tempor-

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