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ron Addresses Assembl
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ilar Convo-
e Held
ton will be
e initial as-
dents 4which
>'clock this
. The meet-
tudents and
ho desire to
cial interest
.ng the Uni-
as it gives
r to hear an
of the Uni-
Upperclassmen are likely to be de-
prived of their privilege of having aft-
ernoons and Saturdays free from class-
es, according to Prof. Louis C. Kar-
pinski, professor in the mathematics
department, who is' in charge of the
dispositions of classes. Large upper
classes coupled with a shortage in
classrooms and the usual difficulty
connected with the almost unlimited
elective system allowed upperclassmen
in contrast to the restricted subjects
open to freshmen are given as reasons
for this condition. -
The shortage in classrooms has been
alleviated somewhat by calling into
service the seminary rooms in the
Library, which can be used for small
classes, and by the opening of three
classrooms and a large lecture room
in Newberry hall.
All Departments Benefited by Men
Put on Staffs Jhis
Fall '
As a result of the increase in tht
mill tax granted last spring to the'
University by the state legislature,
Michigan will be able this year to im-
prove the quality of instruction by the
addition of several professors of
prominence and a large namber of in
structors to the faculty. Nearly every
department will have at least ohe
new member added to the regular list.
Increase Is lecessaryI
Every great movement has its slogan. Political parties win because
they condense mighty truths into telling phrases. We need a slogan for our
University. It must gather up and focus our highest hopes and deepest pur-
poses'. It must be something that every one of us can share regardless of his
particular interests or affiliations. It must rise above colleges, schools, fra-
ternities, organizations, and activities of all types and descriptions. Rather it
must saturate these activities with new meaning and blend them all into
a richly diversified and splendidly harmonious whole. I suggest as our slogan
"The Greater Michigan."
I do not mean that the past has been at fault. I propose rather that we
honor that past by real progress and solid growth. In fact that past alone
makes possible the Greater Michigan of which we dream.
Nor do I mean necessarily a bigger Michigan. The question of size is aft-
er all a superficial one. Apparently, whether we ,like1 it or not, we are
destined to be a large university with the constant possibility of growing
larger. It is just this fact which compels us to aim at a Greater Michigan.N
Moreover, the University is about to undergo unusual physical expan-
sion. We may become slaves to brick and mortar and sufferers from megalo-
mania. If so, we shall have sold our birthright for a mess of pottage. The
last legislature provided over five millions of dollars for new buildings and
equipment. In all probability, we shall have eight to ten new' buildings
under construction next Spring. Your University during this year and next
will expend for all purposes approximately thirteen million dollars. These
facts create serious responsibilities. They utter a challenge. Can we meet
it? I am confident that we can and that out of .the struggle will come
"The Greater Michigan."
By . a Greater Michigan, I mean a finer Michigan. I am thinking of
quality in spite of quantity, or if you prefer, because of it. I mean a Univer-
sity which actually gathers up and presonifies the highest aspirations and
loftiest purp~oses of a free people. It compels us to root out every .vestige
of evil. It demands high standards in student life. It calls for intellectual
integrity1 It suggests a place where culture and good taste may thrive. It
hopes that here thefinest things in Art and Music, in Literature and Science
will find a home. It dreams of the day when real learning will flourish, when
true scholarship will be honored by all, and when excellence in every form
will be idealized. Above all, it calls for men of staunch character and true
vision sensible to the demands of democracy..
ich is the first of
en attempted here,
President Burton
in touch with a
e student body as
His address will
ite message to the
ling students, and
v and special fea-
year's work.
desires to explain
point out what is
.iversity men and
nbly was placed
sity calendar with
Ionight being the
e officia apening
ected that most of
in Ann Arbor and
fraternities, sororities, house clubs,
dormitories and league houses, must
be received in the Students' Directory
office in the Press building, by Sept.
29 to insure publication.
All oraginzations which have form-
erly been listed under the head of
"Campus Societies," "Sectional Clubs,"
or "Miscellaneous Organizations,"
should send in to the Directory office
by Sept. 29 t'he name, address, and,
phone number of the person to whom
communications should be addressed.
All students who did not put down
an Ann Arbor address or telephone
number when registering may call or
mail this data to the Students' Direct,
tqry, Press building, until Oct. 1. This
also applies to changes in address,
and telephone.
Long Service in Economies Dept.
Terminated by Resignation,
Prof. Henry Carter Adams, founder
and for 33 years head of the depart-
ment of political economy of the Uni-
versity, died at his home here on
Thursday, Aug. 11, after an illness ex-
tending over many months. He had
retired from active charge of his de-
partment last June, when poor health
compelled him to submit his resigna-
tion to the Board of Regents.
Professor Adams was born in Dav-
enport, Iowa, Dec. 31, 1851. He mar-
ried Miss Bertha Wright, of Port Hu-
ron, in 1890, and is survived by her
and three sons, Henry Carter Adams,
Jr., with the mercantine marine, New
York city; Dr. Theodore Adams, mem-
ber of the staff of the Peterson hos-
pital here; and Thomas H. Adams, a
senior in the University.
After receiving the degree of Doc-
tor of Philosophy at John Hopkins
university in 1878, Professor Adams
went abroad to study at Heidelberg,
Berlin and Paris. Upon his return he
was honored with the degree of Doc-
tor of Laws from the University of
Iowa, the University of Wisconsin,
and John Hopkins university. From
1883' to 1887 he was associate profes-
sor of political science at Cornell.
(Continued on Page Ten)
Numbers Steadily Incre
of Opening of Classe
Early estimates of th
at the University, based
plete figures obtainable
the schools and colleges,
usual 10 per cent increz
year will again be shove
complete figures are com
With such an increasE
ment would be close to
year the total enrollmen
and if the figures this yea
upon that figure plus the
crease a total of more
would be obtained.
Estimates IUp1
This estimate, which w
lier in the year by officia
iversity, seems to be uj
registration during the p
turns for Friday and Satu
unobtainable, due to the
registration during these
much- heavier than in th
the week..
This, it was pointed on
is a normal condition a
trast to the exceedingly
ment the first day of h
the gradual tapering of
close of the registration
year the first day brougl
1,000 and since that tin
who have presented the
increased daily. It is bel
latter part of the week
heaviest registration that
Late Entries R
It is upon this fact, 1
steadily increased as the
to a close, that is based ti
the usual per cent increa
Complete figures on th
will not be available u
dle of next month, due tc
late entries that are exp
ever, a reliable estimate
coming within a short ti:
figures of Friday and E
be totaled with the SOM
figures of the Ifore part of
Typewritten lists of members of all
thre President
st December or
ureate address
to avail them-
afforded them
not supersede
n, which will
,have beenI
the rooming
>r of the Un-
started last
oximately an
re still avail-
of these are
to be in de-!
students will
h rooms was
as, '23, chair-
le rooms are
y has taken
st University
lodged 50
The change is made necessary, ac-
cording sto Registrar Arthur G. Hall,
by the size of this year's junior class,
which entered as the large freshman
class the year after the war and for
which instructors of the highest qual-
ity must be secured. The expansion
that has been taking place regularly
since the fall of 1919 will now reach
its highest point, necessitating this
addition of high grade men.
The comparison of the maintenance
funds, which are for faculty salaries,
at eastern schools with that at Mich-
igan, according to Registrar Hall,
shows that the University is in a
more favorable position. The $3,000,-
000 that are provided for this year's
maintenance by the legislature would,
if capitalized at 5 per cent, amount
to $60,000,000, as opposed to the $40,-
000,000 endowment of Harvard, which
has the 'largest fund of any eastern
English Faculty Strengthened
The department in the literary col-
lege that will undergo the greatest
expansion during the coming year is
the English department, which will,
have two new professors and one in-
structor. Prof. James Holly Han-
ford, of the University of North Car-
olina, and Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, of
the University of Wisconsin, notified
the department of their acceptance
of positions last spring. During the
summer Dr. L. I. Bredvold, of the
University of Illinois, was secured as
an additional member of the English
(Continued on Page Eleven)
Enumerating what he considers the
three most vital points in the policy of
the newly created department of stu-
dents' physical welfare, Dr. John
Sundwall, who last month accepted the
directorship of this branch of educa-
tion new to the University, declared
yesterday that the interests of his de-
partment would be equally divided be-
tween preparedness, reconstruction,
and reclamation of the general health'
of the student body.
Good Results Expected
"We intend to combine all the var-
ious healga anid hygiene offices, such
as the University Health service and
similar organizations, so that the un-
ion of these agencies may bring about
better and more harmonious results,"
he declared.
"The department is especially inter-
ested in every activity which has for
its object the improvement of the
physical welfare of the student body,
aiming more at the positive side of
health rather than at the negative, de-
voting just as much attention to the
healthy, well developed student as to
the student whose general physical
condition demands our immediate at-
By following out this policy, said
Dr. Sundwall, the department hopes to
achieve beneficial results along lines
of hygiene, health and academic work.
A good normal physique, he continued,
leads to three things: First, good
health; second, personality; and third,
capacity to do better academic work.
Sound Physique Essential
"A sound physique is as fundamental
to success as certain coursesaare es-
sential to all curricula," said Dr.
Sundawli, "for instance, just as anat-
omy is necessary to medicine or chem-
istry to pharmacy."
Prof. LaRue Returns to Work Soon
Prof. George R. LaRue, of the zoo-'
logy departmeuit and director of the
biological station, was taken ill with
neuritis in the latter apart of July,
necessitating the appointment of Prof.
Paul S. Welch to, fulfill his duties dur-
ing the rest of the Summer session.
Professor LaRue is convalescing at
- Manley Kearns, '24, of Lansing, and
William F. Graver, Jr., '24, of Chicago,
were instantly killed at 11 o'clock last
Thursday night when Kearns' car
turned turtle on the Pontiac road at a
point about 11 miles from Ann Arbor.
Only Two in Car
Kearns, accompanied by his friend,
had set out for Flint, after having re-
ceived word that his mother was ser-
iously ill at that place, having under-
gone an operation for appendicitis.
The gravity of the situation caused
him to drive his car faster than usual,
and his lack of familiarity with the
road was another cause. for the acci-
The car was found lying across the
road with the wheels in the air. About
five feet away the bodies of the two
men were found, entirely free of the
car. It is thought that the men were
killed when the car rolled over the
,first time, and in the second roll their
bodies were thrown free of the car.
Meet Death at Curve
The auto had evidently taken a hill
which lay before the curve in the road,
and had come upon the curve too sud-
denly to be managed. The incline is
thought to have thrown the lights of
the car too high to allow Kerns to see
the road, and as 'he had never been
over it before he had no idea that the
curve was there. Nevertheless he con-'
trived to follow the bend without run-
ning entirely into the ditch, but when
he attempted to bring the car back into
the road it became unmanageable and
dived straight across the road.
Graver was a member of the Theta'
Delta Chi fraternity and Kearns a
pledge. The latter was a track man
who worked with the freshman team
last year. Kearns' body was taken to
Lansing for burial, and Graver's body
I shipped to Chicago after fraternal ser-,
vices at the Theta Delta Chi house last
Friday evening.
Gargoyle Staff Meets
There will be a meeting of the Gar-
goyle editorial staff at 4 o'clock this
afternoon in the Press building. All
students who wish to try out for ;the
staff are asked to attend this mee.r .
Dr. J. B. Silcox has been secured by LEAR
the Congregational church, to tem-
porarily replace Rev. Lloyd C,. Doug-
las, former pastor, Who left here last Dates for
July for Akron, Ohio, where he accept- under the
ed the pulpit of the First Congrega- the Studen
tional church. ; ing freshm
Dr. Silcox started his career in Loun The fall rec
don, where he preached for several L. Burtonv
years. lie was the pioneer Congrega- ,Wednesday
tionalist 'in Canada, having filled pul- the Union.
pits in Montreal and then in Winne- be informa
peg. He later came to the United an address
States where he held pastorates in men by th
Kansas City, Chicago, San Diego and 30, hat be.
Oakland. This annul
For' the past four years Dr. Silcox tions in Mi
has been acting in his present capacity ,; the new
of temporary supply. He was in chare Hill audito
of a pulpit in San Francisco 'or six The date
months and at Seattle for eig'h.tee n cation In I
months. Dr. Silcox has written sev- 6. Preside
eral books and is quite noted as a students of
writer and lecturer. ing, the fi:
_ - during the
Engineers leturn Fr'in Camp Davis The Mic]
Camp 1a %is, summe cam, for eng- for freshm
ineers, at Dougls: Lake, Mich., clos- come Oct.
ed its second session of the summer been held i
Saturday. Students and instructors arrangemen
are returring to the University today. coming stu
Prcf. Ciarence "T. Johnson, of the for making
r the first fou:
auspices of t
ts' council, i
nen have bee
ception for Pr:
will be he'd S
in the assen
Tbh, enteri
l a d will be
of wvelcome
e President.
en set as Tr
a1 assembly g
chigan traditi
students, w
rium that eve
for the first
as been
lure of
to no-
#as fill-
tee are
tg land-
ms are
All men and women wishing
to try out for position on The
Daily editorial staff should re-
nort to the city editor at 3 o'clock