which must be repaid with complete
some time not far distant.
success at
during the Wnivftlity
tied t* the use or
a it orsot .wwise
iblIshed tkaois.
Yisktu ".-s546m#
Ass Arbor.
srn~yau4 Street
eomie. UnsXZr5I
LVmanuscript wil
.sentiments expressed
Telephone 2414
or............................-.JosephA. Bernstein
.r...................... -...... .....James B. Young
. dams G. P. Overton
a P. Dawson. M. B. Stahl
Iward Lambrecht Paul Watzel
ank MckPike
Bard Chairman................... L. Armstrong Kern
o Hershdorfter L R. Meist
.T. Andrews
agazine Zitor.... .... hornton W. Sargent, Jr.
Editor...........................George E. Sloan
to .......................Sidney B. Coates
*iti ................. ......... .George Reindel
ditor.......................Zlizabeth Vickery
itor ..........-...........---.---.-...--.... R. Mi
e Berman H. A. Donakue Marion Koch
Briscoe Dorothy G. Geltz J. B. Mack
Butler H. B. Grunldy athrine Montgomery
ryer Winona A. Hibbard R. C. Moriarty
lrkHarry D. Hoey Lillian Scher
C. Clark H. R. Howlett R. B. Tarr
J. Coughlin Marion Kerr Virginia Tryon
Victor Klein
Telephone 960
S MANAGER ......-........V NON F. HILLERY
Albert J. Parker
g.... .... -............ ........John J. Hamel, Jr.
I ... . ....- ..--.-- .. . ... . .N athan W . R obertson
.................. ........ Walter C. Scherer
i ........... ......................Herold C. .Haut
Members of the 1922 graduating class appeared
arrayed in caps and gowns for the first time at the
annual Swing-out ceremony yesterday. This event
was significant in the lives of the seniors as mark-
ing the beginning of the end, after which the long
years spent at college will be relegated to the realm
of memories. But within the few short weeks that
follow Swing-out are embodied many of Michigan's
oldest traditions, one of the most impressive of
which is the wearing of the cap and gown and
cane on the designated days.
In past years the custom of wearing the cap and
gown on the campus on Tuesdays and Fridays has
been well observed. Only at times has the tendency
to hold back and seek encouragement from the
bolder members of the class cropped out, and then
only on the part of a few seniors. Consequently,.
this game of "follow the leader" has never gained
much headway, and the pride which the senior pos-
sesses inwardly in his garments of senior distinction
has always sought outward expression.
What has been said of the cap and gown applies
also to the carrying of the senior cane. The first
canfe day was well observed, and the familiar tap tap
of the senior stick was everywhere in evidence dur-
ing the past week end. HoweVer, there are still a
few seniors who, though they glance with pride
upon their canes as lasting souvenirs of college
achievements, are waiting more .,encouragement
from the rest of the class before wearing them.
One effective way in which to make sure that
this game of "follow the leader" will gain no head-
way is for every 'senior to appear on the campus
next Friday in cap and gown and to carry a cane
on the next cane day. If this is done then the
further maintenance of this custom for the present
year will be insured, and Swing-out will remain the
starter for a final month of living up to tradition.
Future editors of college year books elsewhere
will probably note with interest the new style em-
ployed by this year's Michiganensian, the first two
hundred and fifty copies of which were distributed
Monday. The larger size dimensions which the ed-
itors have employed, together with the new designs
for feature sections and the several additions in
the form of new and interesting departments, make
the 1922 book a decided novelty. ;
The few pages containing intimate pictures of,
various prominent faculty men, President Marion
L. Burton, Robert Frost, and others; the use of'
"Do You Remember Way Back When -" instead
of the hackneyed "B. M. 0. C."; the' excellently
wrought department designs; the colored photo-
graphic prints preceding several of the depart-
ments; the .many individual photographs; the ex-
ceptionally attractive cover; all prove that the edi-
tors this year deserve enthusiastic congratulations
on their product.
We are pleased to-note that the movie stars, with
their smiles and jolly little notes of publicity greet-
ing, have been omitted from the advertising col-
umns. And, incidentally, this is about the first year
that the 'Ensian has ever been out on time.
Gifts for
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Carsz-'6:00, 7:00 a. n., 8:oo a. m., 9:00 a. M. and
hourly to 9:0 p. in.
Jackson Express cars (local stops of Ann
Arbor)-9:47 a. m. and every two hours to
9:47 p. in.
Local Cars, EastBound-5 5, 7:00
a. tni. and every two 'hours to 9 :oo p.,im.;
ii :oo p. m. To Ypsilanti only-' :40 p. in.,
12 :25 a. nm., is5a. In,
To Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars, West Bound-7:so a.'in., 2:4o
p. in.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited; cars:
8:47, 10:47, a. m.; 12:47,. 2:47, 4:47 p. m.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited: 8:47
Cyr. am and Washington
Capital $300,000 S
Resources $4,000,004
T. H. Wolfe
Paul Blunm
Stanley Monroe
William Graulich
D. C. Maltby
Harvey Reed
George Rockwood
E. D. Armantrout'
Edward Conlin
Lawrence Favrot
C. D. Malloch
'Wallace Flower '
Charles R. Richards
Richard G. Burchell
C17, 1922.
is with an increased admiration for the ability,,
iality, and perseverance, of the women of the
ersity that the men have watched their persist-
nd ingenious efforts during the past year to-
s raising money for a Women's league build-
imilar in nature aid function to the men's
igan Union.
ky have grasped every opportunity within the
s of the law to swell the funds for this pur-
The presenting ofplays has not required too
i ime from them, shining shoes has not been
indignified, giving up dances has not involved
treat a sacrifice, in their continued efforts to
how earnestly Michigan women believe in the
sity of a center for their activities. Flower
shoe sales, rummage sales, lawn fetes, tea
es, candy booths, all these may be numbered
ig the enterprises they have undertaken.
t no matter with what good intentions they are
A, when small sums are laid away to make up
:omparatively. immense sum, a long time is re-
d to consummate the accomplishment. The
en have realized this fact and have devised
- plans whereby larger amounts 'of money
t be obtained. One of these has already been
ght forth in the form of a drive for life mem-
in the league. But the campaigi was too
, and as a result the number of subscriptions
ted was not as great as it should have been.
Michigan Union has employed this method of
ng financial aid in a very effective manner, and
is no apparent reason why the conducting of
and and perhaps more thorough campaign for
membership subscriptions in the Women's
te should not enable the organization to realize
bstantial fund from, the undertaking.
the present time, another considerable source
come to the Michigan Union is the six dollar
:ription fee which each enrolling student must
with his tuition, provided he is already a life
ber of the organization. The women of the
ersity pay only one dollar annually for the
leges of their organization. If say five dollars
ad of one were attached to the tuition of the
en, it would make proportionately little differ-
in the size of the tuition fee, and yet would
' for additional dollars from approximately
housand students, or eight thousand dollars per
extra for the building fund coffers.
e campaign for the Women's league building
iot yet to any marked degree been carried to
lumnae of the University, with the exception
fe membership requests. But after the sterl-
xample of earnestness, perseverance, and loy-
o a cause which the present women students of
igan have displayed, surely the past genera-
of women students cannot help answering.the
isiasm of'their colleagues when the call comes.
e activities of the University's women have
For perhaps the first time in the history of the
British empire a Prince of Wales has been crowned
while his father, the king, still reigns. In this case,
however, the coronation was accomplished by a
polo ball. The injuries were not serious.
'lie Teleope
No Fair
I know a boy, who finds much joy,
In fussing day and night;
The girls complain, they're all the same,
He holds them too darn tight.
Quite a Job
We have a corps of noted men at work twenty-
four hours a day in an effort to compile a. method
to remove the crane from the Clements library. We
hope that we shall be able to publish their decision
in tomorow's irsue of The Daily, but if it does not
appear, please be patient and remember what an
important problem is to be solved.
Cursery Rimes
Straw hats are coming,
Hooray! Hooray!
The wind will blow them,.
Away ! Away!
It must have been a rather embarrassing situation
for the Dean when a co-ed demanded .that he re-
turn to her part of the entrance fee because two of
her instructors were sick and had not been to class
for a whole week.
At Hick's Crossing
Station agent: Going away for a rest, I suppose.-
Ex-cashier: Nope, going to avoid arrest.
Playing Safe
After a woman has passed a certain age, she no
longer objects to getting married on Friday.
One to Think Over
Does it take a blind, man to make window-
- t - T iT T 't 4 kA kTT
(Adrian Daily Telegram)
A tempest in a teapot has been
raging over 'at Ann Arbor, growing
out of the efforts of the students to
make a certain silly boy conform to
student customs . . . . It is a tradi-
tion at Ann Arbor that freshmen have
'to wear a certain little cap, which
they all burn up with much ceremony
at the end of their first year. It is a
rather jolly little custom, wholesome,
harmless, and not even disagreeable
to the normal boy. But this Chicago
boy had a huge bump of solemn and
obstinate conceit, and decided he
wouldn't get into step with his fel-
lows. The student committee th4
deals with underclass conduct asked
the authorities to compel him to con-
form to the tradition. That step hav-
ing failed, various students applied
that ancient remedy known to all stu-
dents as hazing....
Of course hazing is wrong, legally. If
it were committed among supervisors,
judges, or church wardens, it would
be serious. It would be called by dark
and sinisternames, likeassault and
battery, abduction, false Imprison-
ment, conspiracy, and the like. But
we have to forget such solemn ideas
when dealing with boys and boys'
play. It we don't, we make i joke of
Traditions and customs are a part
of the life of every student body, and
a very normal and healthful part of it
at that. They are an expression of
perfectly normal feeling and spirit.
They are accepted in 99 cases out of
100 by common consent, for 99 out of
100 boys. want to "play the ,game"
They ,don't imagine they are bigger,
better or different from their fellows
and they don't want to be. Once in
a while there is an exception-some
glum spoilsport or some cocky kid that
elects to buck the current disagree-'
ably instead of swimming with it
pleasantly. Again in 99 cases out of
100 his fellow students take care of
his case some of the
mild forms of hazing, and the result
is that the refractory student is much
wiser, happier, more popular and
more of a' normal man than he was
before . .
The problem under discussion is an
old, old, old pne-met and solved
thousands pf times in all the univer-
sities and military acedemies in the
world. It has been solved very suc-
cessfully on the whole at Ann Arbor,
through the Student council and com-
meittees, which only yesterday=show-
ed how wisely and effectively. they
can act in matters of self-government.
Hazing is not officially tolerated and
never will be. 'If a bad case should
occasionally occur the offenders would
be expelled. But mild instances of stu-
dent "discipline" will always take
place, ....'.and no body will be the
worse for it.
Such episodes amount to nothing of
themselves, and they would loom very
small in public estimation if It were
not for the antics of sensational news-
papers that magnify them to absurd
proportions. Like society divorce
cases, petty disturbances in student
bodies are dished up to the public by
the column. It must be exasperat-
ing and discouraging to educators who
know their business and are doing it
excellently well. But while the 'pub-
lid readsit all, thetpublic does not
take it seriously. The average sensi-
ble man or woman has the measure
of the whole business in such cases.
We were all young once.
Today is the last day of sale at or-
iginal prices of lots in Calkins' Pack-
ard Street Subdivision, opened last
Saturday. Select your's before 10
o'clock tonight, and save money on a
well restricted 60 foot lot. Shade
trees, gravel streets, sidewalks and
storm sewer included in price. Phone
2849-M for information. A. A. Home
Builders',Association. 408. First Na-
Sport 0
All goods must be sold regardless
golf and.
$1.35 EACH
108 S. Main St.
Good Will
Good Will is the greatest asset of any firm
that great friendly 'interest and loyalty which a c
feels after repeated evidence of fair dealing an
petent Service. It is founded on confidence and effi
Good Will makes possible success under th
adverse circumstances. It increases business beca
customer takes pleasure in recommending the firm
friends. No advertising is half so effective as p
endorsements of satisfied customers.
We greatly value the Good Will of our cu
and by constantly studying their requirements and
ing our Service to fully meet their needs, we are
to merit the endorsements which we regularly rece
Edwards Bros