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May 17, 1922 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-17

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s Useful Career 7

-ted A / Yea r A go In Ilystery

>out this time last year quizzical
tuent and inquiry were darting
:t the campus, seeking to discover
source of the now literary sheet,
lmsics," 'which was , appearing
ymously, at irregular intervalS.
ruck off on a mimeograph, and
ibuted to a mIted list, the first
of Whimsies attracted consider-
notice. Favorable, even launda-(
comiment, was voired abqut; and
warmly hailed the sprightly-
azine" sent out its second ise
doubled list. .
t where from? Myrio c
Ellusive printIng office!
unwonted agitation be to str
r~nrfan ni hfsi so nn' Ii'vr

Whimsies has already greatly for-
wardied the literary movement at
Michigan, and gives promise of a most
useful career. Its editors have, in the
p-st few months, rendercd a conspic-
:o.s service to Michigan in bringing
sev ral modern Anerican poets to
nn Arbor, to lecture uncer the spon-
sorep of the American Association
f University Women. But this is re-
<ent history-and Whimsies itself, we
re Iold, in its forthcoming May issue
cr 1 £I ;snt an inlmate account oft
and especially of its fruit-
iY drg the present col-

Perhips in no other realm of human Feet imperfections in turn injure, in
follies does fashion reign more per- many ways, the general health. Faults
emptorily than in that which decreesDin posture develop. Thetelastic
four footwear. It has already left its springy step so es sen~;tiaItolthe com-
irreparably injurious imprints on the fort and health of many organs is only
feet of the majority of students. As- too frequently obviated by the mis-
suredly it is a sad commentary bn shaped shoe.
our own civilization to state that the
average American knows not how to National C. of C. Meets
walk, and consequently seldom ex- (By the Associated Press)
periences the pleasant salutary reac-j Washington, May 16.-Several thou- H
tions which accompany and follow a sand business men, representing
hng walk in the open. more than a thousand commercial and:
T''he badly shaped shoe-absurdly industrial organizations of the coun-
high heels or the one which is too try me t today in the tenth annual con-
short or too narrow especially at the vention of the Chamber of Commerce
to -ha deformed the vast majority of the Uniter States. The primary
of our feet. Corns, callosities, jam- object of the convention, it was an-
ming and clubbing of toes, ingrowing nounced, was to consider European
i hamm er toes, over-riding toes, conditions and their effect on Amer-
ro«d1ing of toes toward the middle ican business.
oot line, flat feet, chilblains, are ex-
f reely'-prevalent defects. Daily. AAant Ads Pay.-Adv.

)o You Need Extra Cour
Send for catalog describing over 400 courses in History, English,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics,
Philosophy, Sociology, etc., given by correspondence. Inquire
how credits earned may be applied on present college program.
.A Cl'ear Minrd
What you can do with your mind depends to su<
degree on what you have done to your stomach that


u . ..w. :c, va , +,;ra":aajrta. xtG ie:6t ',r

t i

sea. The hearts of would poe
throbbed with a new hope, which was
answered when te third issue of
Whimsies fluttered out of the blue, an-
nouncing a poetry contest.
The results of this contest were so
plentiful and so rich, that the rodest
but happy editors were persuaded to
attempt a real, printing-press bli-
,cation. Encouraged by two faculty
members of the rhetoric dartment
and aided by Mr. Geoge Wahr, local
publisher, Whimsies made its formal
bow to the public in Oune, 1921, its
first printed issue consisting entirely
of poetiy.
The mystery of Whimses gas end-
ed. , The magazine's pulic appear-i
ance, however, was not wiely her-
alded, and owing to the laene-s of
the season no extensive subscrintion
campaign was undertaken, Of the five
women litera-rv students who ushered
the magazneo into existence, three re-
turned to Pirry it forward-w.h the
aid of recruits from the stronger sex
--duringiits second year. While avoid
in aggresive advertisin n thod s~.th(
iperiodhcal has enjoyed considral
ponulrity upon its hian lh a
pe acso h sps

r me y r v l n d f c - -D l-- - - - - -

The army has given us many valu-
We lesons on matters of health.
rhaps no more valuable lesson is
e learnedi from ourinfantry than
hat which teaches us the use and
care of our feet.-
In war time the chief aim of the
rmanding genral is to occupy ad-
una_ eos positions with the, great-
et number of men in the shortest
os ible time. This is largely gov-
ennod by the marching capacity of its
me, which in turn depends upon the
et and footwear.
It was observed aarlY in the recent
t'roe: war that more than 15 per cent
S e French infantry men had their
et eriously injured or incapacitated
-illfitting shoes.
As early as 18 Von Lindan stated
that 60,0f0 conscripts in Germany
ver annually exempted from serv-
2e on account of diisability produced
otwar. The number of rejec-
n our own arry on account of
tyes an malformed feet was
n'7 7ing

Step into either of our offices and look over our
Safety Deposit Vault Equipment
You will feel at ease knowing your vablables are
safely deposited in your individual box behind
those massive doors


cannot afford to be indifferent to what you eat.


Shredk1ed W

you have the assurance that you are eating a food I
provides strength for body and mind with little digest
effort and a food that is a distinct help in the eliminat
of other foods. - It is 100 per cent. whole wheat, stea
ed and baked to a delicious flavor, and ready to e
Shredded Wheat is on the training table of
nearly every school and college n this country,
Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N. I

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880 South State Street
(NcesArcad ee

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t'7 i.. ' 4 _..Y s a ra. f ar"Y
Mfi.TeYnx: sx's rv. :-. .c'x:c< " _ '+cca .-..-tiei ve vc .avy1-:S-L-NZ IC._ J

F .a F ''
.tea:- ' ... - { .k":


Benjamin G. Lamme

HOUSANDS of smokers
give the verdict to you-
Of all the other tobaccos
-none can approach the finest
r cigarettes--

have proved it-and now
NATURE has produced
varieties of pure Turkish

None has the delicious FLAVOR of the finest Turkish-
None gives the ENJOYMENT of the finest Turkish-
None will SATISFY you as will the finest Turkish--
None bi the highest grade and personally selected
Turkish tobaccos is used in MURAD.


To enjoy 100% pure
Turkish af its VERY
BEST-to reach the'
PEAK of Cigarette
Quality-you have but
to smoke MURAD---

I TISITORS at the' Chicago World's Fair, in
S 1893, saw the first extensive use of alternat-'
ing current ever undertaken, when Westinghouse
lighted the entire grounds with this type of our-
rent. This achievement marked the beginning of
thecommercialdevelopment ofalternatingcurrent
for power purposes, and brought the induction
motor into a prominence which it has never since
relinquished. Great and 'rapid have been the de-
velopments since that day, but the most impres-
sive aspect of this progress is not to be found in
the spectacular evidences that are visible to'
everyone, but rather, in the vision and funda-
Imental soundness and determination that have
been quietly at work blazing andelearingthetrails
which the electrical art has followed.
There is, for instance, the synchronous con-
verter. This machine is the most efficient and
economical means for changing alternating to
direct current, which the operation of most
street railway systems and many other processes
require. Without it, the development of alter-
nating current to its present universal usefulness
would have been tremendously retarded.
The synchronoussconverter, in its present per-
fection, is but one of the great contributions to
electrical progress that have been made by Ben-
jamin G. Lamme, Chief Engineer of the Westing-
house Electric & Manufacturing Company. Mr.
Lamme, in 1891 when he was Chief Designer,
conceived and developed the converter, which,
first used commercially in connection with the

great Niagara power plan, has since come to be
indispensible to large producers of power.
When a man has played; so vital a part in elec-
trical :progress that his knowledge and vision
have contributed to , practically every forward'
engineering step, it is perhaps misleading to at-
tempt to identify him particularly with any one
development. His work on the induction motor,
the turbo generator, the single-phase railway
, motor, and the synchronous converter is but
typical of the constructive ability which Mr.
Lamme has brpught to bear on practically every
phase of electrical development.
A man of foresight, visioning the alternatives
in a problem as well as its hoped-for results. A
mangy. whose mind combines great power of analy-
sis with the gift of imagination. Aproliflctechpical
writer, whose style is unequalled in clearness and
simplicity of expression. Few engineers so
thoroughly predetermine the results they actu-
ally achieve. Few men capitalize their experiences
so completely. And few indeed have at once his
thorough technical equipment, his commercial
understanding, and his broad human interests.
An institution which has builded its success
largely on engineering achievement pays Benja.
min G. Lamme affectionate loyalty and respect.
The, young engineer on his first job ,as well as the
most seasoned co-worker, finds in him under-
standing, sympathy, wise counsel, and a con-
science; to all of which his associates, in prepar-
ing this article, are proud to bear witness.


day and
"Judge for









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Westin house

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