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March 29, 1921 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-03-29

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Unexpected Performances by Maize
and Blue Men Boost Hopes
for Michigan
Michigan showed to great advantage
In the meet last Saturday against Cor-
nell, thus reviving the hopes for the
rest of the season which have been
at a low ebb following the Conference
indoor contest at Evanston. Unexpect-
ed performances on the part of many
of the members of the team make
Michigan seem stronger than has been
The great surprise of the smeet was
Burns' sensational sprint in the 880
which enabled him to put this event,
conceded to the Red runners, into the
Michigan win column. Up to that time
the score had been tied and would
probably have been so until the meet
was decided by the relay, but Burns
turned the tide toward the Wolver-
ines, and Cruikshank and Swift fin-
ished it by winning a most satisfac-
tory first and second in the low hur-
Cruikshank Wins
Cruiksh'ank's' misfortune in the
high sticks, his tripping on the fourth
flight, when he had a short lead, made
his victory in the low event highly
popular with the crowd. Swift prov-
ed one' of the dark horses of the meet
by winning his heat in easy manner,
and then following Cruikshank over
the line in the finals.
Cal Wetzel added to the sensations
of the evening by passing Captain
Butler on the final sprint of the 440,
winning by a stride in the extremely
fast time of 42 1- seconds. This show-
ing upholds Michigan's claim of pos-
sessing the best quarter milers. in the
Middle West, and these two runners
should take two places for the -Maize
and Blue in every meet this season.
With Forbes added when necessary,
Michigan can be assured of the most
dormidable middle distance men, and
also one of the best, mile relay teams
in the country. Butler and Wetzel
should give Hendrixson, the California
star quarter miler, a close race when
Michigan goes to the coast this spring.

Exceptionally Good Times Made By
California, yCinder Squad In Dual
Mieet With Olympic Club Of C'risco

18 SCHOOLSENTERs richigan BEeast
COURT TO U RNEY State Champion

University of California's track
team, whom the Wolverines meet on
California soil April 9, defeated the
Olympic club team by a score of 88 to
45, in a dual meet a week ago.
Some exceptionally good times were
made in this meet, and the results
prove the Golden Bears to be a formid-
able foe. The two mile was won by
Door, of California, in 9 minutes, 48
and 4-5 seconds. This time is six sec-
onds faster than the California-Stan-
ford record. The mile was won by
Captain Sprott, of California, in the
fast time of 4:27. Hutchinson show-
ed good form in the sprints, winning
the 100 yard in 10 seconds and the 220
in 21:3-5.
The summary of events follows:
100-yard dash-Won by Hutchinson,
(C); Arkley, (C), second; Calden, (C),
third. Time, 10 seconds.
220-yard dash-Won by Hutchinson,
(C); Newhoff, (O), second; Arkley,
(C), third. Time, 21 3-5.
440-yard dash-Won by Hendrixson,
(C); Saxby ,(C), second; Waltz, (C),
third. Time, 50 4-5.
880-yard run-Won by Saunders,
(C); Farmer, (O), second; Waltz, (C),
third. Time, 1:58 4-5.

One mile

run-Won by Sprott, (C);

Mejia, (C), second; Forward, (O),
third. Time, 4:27.
Two mile run-Wen by Dorr, (C) ;
Hunter, (O),second; Denton, (C),
third. Time, 9:48 4-5.
120 high hurdles-Won by Norton,
(0); Henry, (C), second; Bassett, (C),
third. Time, :15 3-5. .
220 low hurdles-Won by Norton,
(O); Henderson, (C), second; Drew,
(C), third. Time, :25.
Pole vault.-Won by Norris, (C);
Peterson, (O), second; Fish, (C), third.
Height, 11 ft., 9 in.
High jump-Won by Muller, (C);
Howell, (O), second; Dalton, (C),
third. Height, 5 ft., 11 1-2 in.
Broad jump-Won by Muller, (C);
Burgess, (C), second; Kelly, (O),
third. Distance, 22 ft., 4 in.
Shot put-Won by Dooling, (0);
Majors, (C), second; Matthews, (C),
third. Distance, 41 ft., 9 in.
Javelin-Won by Snedigar, (0);
Sorrenti, (C), 'second; Peterson, (C),
third. > Distance, 164 ft., 10 in.
Discus throw-Won by Snedigar,
(O); .Muller, (C), second; Berkey,
(C), third. Distance, 128 ft.
Mile relay-Won by California. Time,

Class B Basketball Interscholastic to
Be Held in Waterman Chym
This Week-end
Ten high schools have thus far sig-
nified their intention of competing inS
the Interscholastic basketball tourna-.
ment that is to be held in Waterman
gymnasium this week-end. This tour-
nament is limited to class "B" schools,
having an enrollment of 200 or less.
Those that have accepted are: Brit-
on, Lake Linden, Carson City, Stan-
bugh, Charlevoix, Harbor Springs,
East Jordan, Farmington, Midland,
and Northfield. Lake Linden and
Stanbugh will journey from the Upper
peninsula in order to compete.
David Forbes,,'21, is arranging for
a banquet to be given Thursday even-
ing at the Union in honor of the visit-
ing athletes. The entertainment of
these men will be taken care of by
various fraternities on the campus.
In past years a fast brand of basket-
ball has been displayed in this tourna-
ment, and the followers of the game
are looking forward to some fast
games this Friday and Saturday.
Nearly 440,000 own a Corona type-
writer. Price $50.00. Easy terms if
desired. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Ar-,
Daily advertising will spell prosper-
ity for you.-Adv.

Months of faithful training at a
swimming stroke new. to him culmin-
ated Saturday night at the Detroit
Athletic club when G. Warren Hyde,
'23, won the much sought for title of
state breast stroke champion from
Paul Roberts, captain of the Detroit
Athletic club team. Two Wolverine
entries had qualified in the afternoon,
Henry L. Parker, '21, swimming un-
attached, having won his heat by a
narrow margin from Norman R. Han-
son, '23, and two entries from other
parts of the state, while Hyde was al-
so copping qualifying honors. The
four finalists were Hyde, Parker, Rob-
erts, and Pete Lisberg, National A. A.

U. junior champion. Roberts took the
lead at the start, setting a pace that
was aimed to tire the Michigan star.
That his attempt was a failure was
evinced as the last half of the dis-
tance commenced and Hyde forged to
the lead. Lisberg, coming-fast, had
passed Roberts on the down stretch,
and Parker, by a wonderful spurt,
caught and passed the D. A. C. crack,
failing by a narrow margin to swim
home ahead of Lisberg, who took
Michigan Well Represented
In the other events on the pro-
gram the Wolverines also showed
well. Lyle -Hubbard won third place
in the state championship backstroke
event, and two more Maize and Blue
(Continued on Page Eight)
All goods sold on the basis o Re-
placement Costs at the Schultz Gro-
cery, 314 South State.-Adv.



' 1


At ,ho-m'e, at r work or play.


I as yet untried. Miller of Purdue is a
contender for the honors-in the javelin


. i


Every day since it has been
enough for the track men to get
doors, the weight men of the
have been working on Ferry

out of

Y. N. Y.




- r

Dash Men Do Well
The dash men again vindicated them-
selves in a most satisfactory manner.
Losch and Burke had little difficulty in
winning from the Cornell entrants in]
the first heat, and Kelly and Simmons
turned the same trick a little later.
With the four Michigan men in the
finals, the only interest lay in the or-
der they would place.
VanOrden continues to improve in
the shot put, and by the time of the
ITipiois dual meet he should be a riv-
al of Weiss, the IllinI heaver, who won
the indoor Conference meet, With
Michigan to contest this place which
was conceded to Weiss on the gradua-
tion of Higgins of Chicago, and Baker
of Michigan,' the Illinois score at the
outdoor Big Ten meet hoUld not be
as high as has been figured.
The Michigan relay team proved to
be all that its fondest advocates hop-
ed by lowering the Waterman record
by one and four-fifths seconds, for
the eight laps. Butler's brilliant
sprint, which wound up an exciting
meet in a happy manner, was a fitting
climax to a great victory over a great
and dangerous foe,

They have been putting everything in-I
to their efforts in preparation for the
outdoor season which will open in two
weeks on the Pacific coast. These men
have often practiced twice a day and
the showings that have:been made are
highly pleasing to Coach Farrell.
Fiye Men Out Daily
The squad is at present composed
of Hoffman, Dunne, Jacob, Tidy, and
Stipe. Hoffman, who last year set a
new record in the javelin throw, is
showing his old form. Although the'
attention of the men is at present be-
ing directed to getting the correct
form in their events, Hoffman has
been throwing the javelin around 160
feet, "Duke" Dunne of Olympic fame
is getting about the same distance on
his heaves. "Duke" has mastered a
new style of throwing and may be ex-
pected to outdistance the field before
the season is over. Tidy has been
consistent around 155 feet and with
warmer weather should add several
feet to his throws. Jacob is sailing
the discus in good form and should be
a point winner this season. He has
been throwing around 125 feet. Dunne
is not far behind him with several
tosses around the 126 foot mark. These
men should prove to be a valuable as-
set to the squad. Stipe and Dunne
are working out with the hammer and
are getting away with creditable
Majors Good Javelin Thrower
These men will be seen for the first
time in action when the Wolverines
meet the well balanced California
team April 9. Aided by the better
weather conditions the Bears should
be strong in these events. Waltz,
California hammer thrower, is doing
130 feet. In the discus throw Muller
is making 125 feet consistently. Ma-
jors, captain of the Bears' eleven that
defeated Ohio tate on last New Year's:
day, is a member of the discus squad'
and is at present doing about 115
feet. In the javelin throws Majors is
I equalling 173 feet, These records
show the California team to be real
contenders and the Michigan tean
will have to exert themselves to score
firsts in this meet although Hoffman,
Dunne and Jacob will be expected tc

Coach Mather has issued a call
for all freshman battery candi-
dates. Only first year pitchers
and catchers are being called at
this time. Men will report at 3
o'clock this afternoon on the
small field directly south of the
Ferry field club house. Candi-
dates should bring their own
equipment. Tryouts for other
positions will be summoned aft-
er the spring recess.



Charles Paddock, University of
Southern California, broke a world's
record last Saturday when he ran the
220-yard dash in 20 4-5 seconds. Four
watches caught him at that speed and
one at 20 3-5 seconds, Paddock placed
in two events last year in the Olympic
games. An attempt will be made to
have the Amateur Athletic union rec-
ognize the mark as official.

Nicke eIs
J WELVE o'clock, and morning class-
Ies are over. One's appetite is keen.
Can't take much time for lunch, though,
for there's a one-o'clock and lots to o
before that time.
Make it the Arcade Cafeteria, then,
or Fingerle's. There's no waiter delay.
You can serve yourself instantly, and
with a variety you won't find elsewhere.
Lines ongest fror
SW12:00 to 12:15 o'clock
3 befrth Stt 2
At the Campus Door
Yo-a ev orefisaty n
HRHHHHHR(wHih a varHIIHiety you wo~in't fHIHilsew~inhere.INH


- #i

Soccer practice will be held at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon on
Ferry field.






Applications for membership
in the Ann Arbor Golf club must
be sent in to Commander Faust,
605 Oxford road, accompanied
by a check for $10 for privileges
of the course, before April 3.
In case more than 40 students
C apply for membership selections
will be" based on the ability of1
the player. Past experience and
the club from which the appli-
cant comes should be stated in
the request.

"-Makes Jack a ]ull Boy!"
Jack and Tom and Harry get
to be very dull chaps, indeed, if
they believe in all work and no
Men who want to keep their
minds keen and their wits
sharp, know that they must play
to keep fit for the terrific strain
of modern life.
If your "prof" is wise he will.
heartily approve of your play-
ing an occasional game of bil-
liards. Come in tonight-get a
good cue in your hands again-
and see how soon your former
skill comes back to you.
Pocket and Carom Biliards.
Soft Drinks and Light Lunches.
Cigars and Candles, Cigarettes
and Pipes.
"We Try to Treat You Right"

2 South
a te Sft.

Big Ten Men Untried
The other schools in the Big Ten
are of rather unknown strength' in
these events and it Isexpected that
the weight men on the Michigan sq~uad
will be able to make a good showing
against the Big Ten schools. Most of
last year's weight stars have been
lost by graduation. The men of merit
are for the most part sophomores and

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