t.r. t tt t Daily
Published every morning except Monday during the Univer-
sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
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"What's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock
on the evening preceding insertion.
Telephone 2414
News Editor*...... ...............Chesser M. Campbell
Night. Eitos-AdamsH. W. Hitchcock
- J. I. Dakin J. E. McManis
Renaud Sherwood T. W. Sargent, Jr s
Sunday Editor............ . . .... .... ..... J, A. Bernstein
City Editor ..... . .B. P. Campbell
Editorials.... . ..Lee Woodruff, L. -A. Kern, T.. Whinery
Sports .. ......... ............Robert Angel]
Women's Editor.................-.-..-...- .-...-.ary D. Lane
[elegraph ... ,..................... .""""".... "..Thomas Dewe
relescope ......-..........................Jack W. Kelly
Josephine Waldo Prank H. McPike Sidney B. doates
Paul G. Weber J. A. Bacon C. T. Pennoyer
Elizabeth Vickery W. W. Ottaway Marion B. Stahl
G. E. Clark Paul Watzel Lowell S. Kerr
George Reindel * Byron Darnton Marion Koch
H~arry B. Grundy M. A Klaver Dorothy Whipple
prances Oberholtzer E. R. Meiss Gerald P. Overton
Robert E. Adam Walter Donnelly Edward Lambrecht
Wallace P. Elliott Beata Hasley Sara Waller
Hughston McEan Kathrine Montgomery H. E. Howlett
Telephone 960
dvertising..... ......................D P. Joyce
Classifieds ............................... ....S. Kunstadter°
Publication .... .............. .. .. . M. Heat
Accounts. ... ..........................E. R. Priehs
Circulation................. .....","", ".V. F.Hillery
" " ,, " +Assistants
R. W. Lambrecht M. M. Moule . H. C. Hunt
J. J. Hamel, Jr. N. W: Robertson M. S. Goldring
P. H. Hutchinson Thos. 14%Rice H. W. Heidbreder
F. A. Cross R. G. Burchell W. Cooley
Robt. L. Davis A. J. Parker
Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for any
ssue of The Daily should ae the b ight editor, who has full charge
of all news to-be printed that night. ____________
More than two years have passed since the armis-
tice was signed, surely a sufficient time for some fit-
ting memorial to have been raised. Two years ago
it was suggested that a campanile or bell-tower be
erected in which to place the library chimes which
many agree are not at present fittingly housed.
Surely, there could be no better memorial to the
dead than this; that four times each hour, the
chimes would ring out for those men who gave "the
last full measure of devotion" for us who were left
behind. Whether or not it can be shown that the
time is unripe for a memorial campaign, we must
not forget that the obligation to Michigan's dead i
still unpaid, at least in a sense worthy of the I n
ver sity.
Michigan had a visitation last week-end of that
ideal athletic spirit which ought to distinguish ii
intercollegiate competition.
Perhaps it was simply our friendship for Cor
nell, perfected during years of athletic rivalry in
which neither school has found anything with which
to reproach the other ; perhaps it was the memory
of Ithaca's hospitality last year; and no doubt tb
nature of the event - track meets always call forth
the sportsman's instinct - had much to do with is
but at any rate Michigan was at her best Saturday
night. The applause which greeted the good work
of the opponents was from the heart both on or
side and on that of the loyal Cornell section ; uni-
versally, the desire to render "honor to whom
honor is due," whether his jersey bore the "M" oi-
the big red "C", was in evidence. The brief enter-
tainment permitted by the Ithacans' early departure
was a pleasant climax in which Michigan's appre-
ciation of the high sportsmanlike qualities of the
Cornellians was permitted a fuller and more per-
sonal expression.
May the same spirit continue to link the Maize
and Blue with the Red and White; and may it be-
fore long come to symbolize Michigan's relation;s
with all of her opponents.
Even though a "Weakly" endeavor was made by
the Gargoyle staff in behalf of the Union Opera,
and unfortunately failed, it does not seem altogether
fitting and proper that they should do the Sour
Grapes Act.
The Telseope
In Effect Nov. 2, 1920
Bel een
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
t Eastern Standard Time)
fimited and Express cars leave for
Detroit at 6:05 a. m., '7:05 a. m.,
8:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
,iin Ieds to Jakson at 8:48 a. m. and3
every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex-
presses at 9:48 a. m. and e' ery two
hours to 9:48 p. m. -
I seals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. m.,
Ials6 11:00 p. mn.'To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.m., 12:15 a.m., and 1:15 a.m.
Loc als to Jackson-7:50 u. m., and
1::1--p.-- .--
IRAQ[ MAf R RG 4..
"Here They
1 2 :3 4 6
S8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Aten: Last season's hats turn-
ed inside out, refinished and re-
blocked with all new trimmings
look just like new, wear just as
long and saves you five to ten
dollars. We d only high class
work. Factory lHatStore, 617
Packard St. Phone 1792.
Black or Brown Scotch Grain
Exactly like the cut A soft, pliable,
cool stock. , Plump, sturdy sole for
hard wear. Especially notice the price-
Law, edical
Dental Books
Bought, Sold or
SWalk-mOver Boot Shop
TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1921.
\~-~ 115
> South Main Street
.._..,__r ..
The editorial staff and tryouts will meet at 5
o'clock today, the upper staff at 4:30.
According to the latest decisions of the Board of
Regents, the student body of the University is to
have more direct representation on the Board in
Control of Athletics than has been the case in for-
mer years. Under the new arrangement the three
student members will be chosen by all the male
students at the annual spring. elections, from a list
nominated by the board of directors, with such ad-
ditions as may be made by petition. Formerly the
directors chose the student members of the Board
in Control, and the Regents ratified.
In 1910 a petition put before the 'Regents asked
thpt this very change be adopted, but no action was
taken at that time. The complaint heretofore has
been that tht students as a.whole did not have suf-
ficient power in the workings of the Athletic asso-
ciation: and that the method of choosing represen-
tatives was not fair in that these men were not the
choice of the students themselves. Certainly the
charge was justified, and it is noteworthy that the
governing body of the University has seen the wis-
dom of taking action to remove the difficulty.
It should be hardly necessary to remind the stu-
dents of the importance of this power now put into
their hands, and to urge a twofold duty: first, to see
to it that the right men occupy the student chairs
on the Board, using if necessary the valuable right
of nomination by petition; and second, to cast a
full and therefore representative vote at every elec-
tion. There will be no effectiveness in the new
voice thus given us unless we make it heard.
The United States in general, and the University-
of Michigan in particular, is very successfully at-
tempting to forget that the years 1917 and 1918 saw
our country plunged into one of the greatest wars
of history. Back in the routine of every-day life,
it is so easy to forget those dark days when the lists
of the dead, the wounded and the missing were a
living part of each issue of the daily papers.
But there are some who will never forget. There
are mothers whose sons are still lying "in Flanders
fields"; there are men, hundreds of them, who will
carry to the end the scars of a conflict which they
waged that those of us who could not go with them
might be saved from the horrors which were the
lot of the European countries lying before the on-,
ward sweep of the armies of Germany and Aus-
When the war came, Michigan remembered the
duty which she owed to. her country, but we are
very quickly forgetting those who died. True, we
have dedicated a flag pole to their memory - but
is it in truth a fitting memorial to the men who gave
their lives for each one of us?
Universities throughout the United States are
feeling their duty and are doing it - Illinois is to
dedicate a new stadium to her sons who fell -
Princeton has built a campanile, but Michigan has
done nothing so far which can express in any ade-
quate measure the sacrifice made by those men who
gave their lives for their country.
My Bonnie peered into the gas tank
Its contents for to see
My Bonnie lighted a match -
Oh, bring back *iy Bonnie to me.'
Inks & Pastes
Typewriting Paper
Fountain Pens
Metal Pencils
.1 b i
Biddle's Book Store
A Subtle Distinction
Two connecting, well-furnished bedrooms,-steam-
heated; suitable for two gentlemen or four univer-
sity students - ad. in Salt Lake Tribune.
Dear Noah:
Is there any truth in the old saying, "We become
what we eat ?" Curious.
Not at all. If this were so most of the baby girls
of the country would grow up into milk maids.
''That picture (meaning ours) in all its totem
pole glory stow graces the walls of 99 and 44-100
per cent of the rooms in the various women's dor-
mitories, it is claimed." - from the story "In the
Spring" in Sunday's Supplement.
We feel at this time that it would be futile to
deny this allegation in its entirety. The author of
the above is a member of the Old Guard (those
,trying to guard Michigan against the insidious in-
fluence of co-education) and hence is in a position
to know whereof he speaks by actual observation.
We shall grant, therefore, that his opportunity for
so viewing our editorial likeness in the different
women's houses is much more extensive than our
own. In short, he speaks from personal observa-
tion; our denial would be based on hearsay.
Despite any inferences which might be drawn
from the story in Sunday's supplement we want it
distinctly understood that we are an admirer of the
author; in all respects he is a regular fellow -
parts his hair squarely in the center, eats ham and
treats his folks well. Neither do we intend to re-
sort to the short and ugly word and so shall chival-
rously refrain from calling him - a "fusser." We
want it further understood that we like Bryon, al-
though we must admit that we have often been
called rather simple in our tastes.
In all fairness we also want to apologize to him.
It will be remembered that it was his story about
"the U. S. should retain California" which wecom-
mented on rather unfavorably some time back. We
have since learned that he knew better than this, that
he had meant to use restrain instead of retain. And
if the proof readers aren't also mind readers we
feel that our'budding Frederick Palmer should not
be held accountable.
We trust that nothing we have so far said will
in any way be interpreted as a reflection upon the
ability of our co-worker.
To Say It's Wrong Is Right
"Have you the correct time ?"
"No, I've set my watch according to the campus
Famous Closing Lines
"A hare in the butter," he murmured as he saw
the goat devouring the rabbit.
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During Spring Vacation
You Can't Mistake-
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Write Box "Brushes"
Care Michigan Daily
Miss Mary F. Minuis, Chiropodist,
will be at the Saunder's Hair Shop to-
day. Phone 2673-M for appointments.
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