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March 29, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-03-29

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VOL. XXXI. No. 124.


Princeton, March 28.-Stanley Keck, To learn more of the conditions of
AMERICANS; .5 rictoMacl2sStleyK Ck, ONFER H R N tesnadsasAtuLekr N U L M IC
football team tackle and captain of it suct ansaArhrLBek,
the Princeton university football team, instructor in physics, is making a se-
l i aided by other students, saved the life rESies of investigations in photograph-
of a fireman overcome in the Tower mg light spectrums.
club fire, Thursday night. This was By means of passing a 40,000 volt
- the third fire in university buildings current through a minute wire, suffi-
STATE DEPARTMENT IS MAKING at Princeton within a year. WEEK TO BE OCCUPIED WITH cient heat is created to be comparable
EVERY EFFORT IN THEIR The fire was discovered in the Tow- MEETINGS OF DIFFERENT to that of any of the hottest heavenly I TRACK NOTICE
BEHALF er club building, built in 1917, at 10 CONVENTIONS bodies. As the minute wire explodes,
o'clock Thursday night. How it start- it is photographed and then compared Following men be at Ferry
ed is uncertain, but firemen and police PROMINENT LECTURERS with the photographs of the stars. By field between 12:45 and 2:45
Y REPORTEDDETAISND believe it was caused by a stove in WILL ADDRESS GROUPS means of these comparisons, further o'clock tomorrow if poksible, for
BY SOVIET; 8 IN PRISON the kitchen of the club. knowledge of the temperature and action pictures: Butler, Wetzel,
-The loss is estimated at $30,000. The Short-Term Institute, Schoolmasters' conditions of the sun and the differ- Losch, Wesbrook, Kelly, Cruik-
Former Red Cross Agent Said to Be flames swept through to the roof and Club, and Academy of Science ent stars is obtained. shank, VanOrden, Stipe, Dunne,
Sentenced td 20 Years' the interior was entirely wrecked. Assemble The plan which Mr. Becker is using Burns, Forbes, Jacobs, Tidy,
imprisonment ' Most of the furniture, war relics, and was devised by Dr. Anderson of the Simmons and Swift. Bring "M"
war library was 4aved by the students. Three distinct educational conven- Mt. Wilson solar observatory, sweaters or jersie, if possible.
(By Associated Press) Emil Redwaller is the fireman who tions will be held in Ann Arbor this S. J. FARRELL.
Washington, March 28.--Efforts to owes his life to Keck and the other week, with large numbers of state --
release about 50 Americans held in students. He was in the Tower club teachers and educators in attendance.
soviet Russia are being made by the bidn at the head of, the' stairway The program of the Association of
state department, according tohnfor- turning the hose on the flames. Keck State Adniinistrative Officials, held
station giventodayccoSenator infer rushed into the burning building and yesterday under its own auspices, willlI
of Alabama, who has made inquiries dragged the fireman to safety. The be continued today as the short-term
in behalf of Emmet Kilpatrick, said to Tower club was organized in 1902. institute, under the auspices of theT CQ
have been sentenced to 20 years' im- state. It will be followed by the en- $3,000,000 Brought into Michigan by
Of the 50 Amiericans held by the VVVII LI masters' club and the Michigan Acad- Each Year
formed,. about six or eight, including day, and Friday. SAID TO FORM VITAL PART California
Kilpatrick, are reported in prison. The VUIRI M EET Admission Free at Institute OF ANN ARBOR COLLEGE LIFE
others were said to be under detention Superintendents, principals, and sup-
in various towns. Kilpatrick is a for- ervisors from over the state will meet BASEBALL GAME AND BOAT
mer Red Cross agent and a native of Carl H. Smith Takes Second Place; in the seventh short-term state insti- o th n ae o i-RACE WILL PRECEDE MEET
Uniontown, Ala. Lbtute at Lane hall today, tomorrow, and tshi
Senator Heflin said that the state Leon E. Grubaugh,'22, Given Thursday. This institute is being con- gan each year by non-resident stu- Plans for a rousing send-off for the
department, while making every po- Honorable Mention ducted jointly under the auspices of dents of the University, according to
thestaerdparmentofpulicinsrucamnivrsiygulltindeaingwitsth Varsity track team, which leaves for
sible effort to effect the release of the the state department of public Instruc- a University bulletin dealing with theCalifornia at 11:42 o'clock (University
Americans, was not In a position to VICTOR MICHIGAN'S SPEAKER tion and the department of education problem of the out-of-state student.Ctifrdiga1,2crk(neit-
disclose the agencies which are being IN COMING LEAGUE CONTET of the University. No admission fee Under present prices, referring to the ted
"used. is charged at any session. figures of the bulletin, the average "ated.
ue."Everything Tescn ofrneo h ueusuetsed 90aya.Wt p tth possible is being done
Oscar A. Brown, '21, won first place Th second conference of the bur s te s $900 a yea th ap- at the present time to insure a send-
of tests and measurements of the Un- proximately 3,500 in attendance this
VNILET i T inthe University oratorical contest iversity will be held in connection year from other states and foreign off of which every man on the Mich-
held in Sarah Caswell Angell hall last with the other meetings. At 7 o'clock countries, the state will profit to the Igan team will be proud," said Robert
SERVIC' night. The contestants gave an exhi- tonight in room 203, Tappan hall, there sum of $3,150,000 from their pres- In charge of arrangements.
of oratory declared to be one will be a symposium in which repre- ence.
sentatives of all Michigan Icities will Complete Figures Not Available Cheers and Music Planned
report what they are doing with re- Complete figures on the non-resi- Al Cuthbert, '21E, Varsity cheer
MARY BARTELME, ASSISTANT TO University in recent years. The pro- spect to "The Classification of Pupils dent enrollment for this year are not leader, will be at the Michigan Central
JUDGE OF CHICAGO COURT, gram as a whole far surpassed that on the Basis of Intelligence Tests." yet available, but the estimate is bas- station to lead the cheering and the
SECURED of last year. Other organizations meeting in con- ed on the figures for the academic Varsity hand has been asked to be
Oration Good (Continued on Page Eight) year of 1919-1920. That year from a present. While no definite answer was
-mwtotal enrollment of 9,401, there were received from the band representative
Miss Mary M. Bartelme, assistant to Brown, who spoke on The Lati 5,793 students, or 61.6 per cent of the last night, there is every reason to be-
the judge of the juvenile court of Cook Outpost of Civilization," delivered an total, from Michigan. Other states and lieve the band will be playing "The
county, Illinois, will make the princi- oration which compared favorably territories contributed 3,352 students, Victors" as the train pulls out of the
pal address at the next Union serv- with the first place oration of last News of the Day while foreign countries, including station carrying the ,team to the far
ices, to be held at 7:30 o'clock Sunday year. The latter was conceded to be Canada, showed an enrollmentof 256. west.
evening in Hill auditorium. Her sub- the best address ever delivered in the IN BRIEF n s o e a ro t of The Varsity is to compete against
ject has not yet been announced. Northern Oratorical league contest. As University during the past few years,. the University of California at Berk-
Is Member of Illinois Bar winner of first place, he was awarded the percentage of non-resident stu- eley on Saturday, April 9. The meet
Miss Bartlme is a graduate of the the Gray testimonial of $100 and the Philadelphia, March 28. - the Uni- dents is on the decline. In the year will be held at 3:30 o'clock In the aft-
law department of Northwesternuni Chicago Alumni medal. This medal versity of ennsylvania will 1870-71, the first year for which data ernoon. A baseball game between
versity and a member of the Illinois. was designed by the engraver at the as a private institution and ret as to the residence of students are Leland Stanford, Jr., University and
bar. She was appointed by every gov- mint at Washington in his spare hours legal status under its charter of 1791, available, the non-residents comprised the University of California will be
ernor for 16 yars as public guardian and the die for it cost $1,350. Brown the board of trustees so announced 54 per cent of the entire student body. staged at 1:30 o'clock, while the Uni-
of Cook county, until she resigned in will go to Iowa City May 6 to rep- tonight in making public its declara- In the year 1880-81 non-residents com- versity of Washington will be Califor-
1913 to go into juvenile court work. resent the University in the Northern tionsidera n for re thabeen under prised 56 per cent of the enrollment. nia's opponent in a boat race at 9:30
In this year she was appointed by Oratorical league contest there. Tonsderation o oe tateacrn That year represented the highest o'clock that morning.
Judge Pinckney to be assistantCarl H. Smith, '23, took second T a at e te percentage the proportion of non-res- Meet Program Complete
laudged wainwakedyteto berotassistanttattoerthe on-
judge of the juvenile court, since un- place and was awarded the Gray tes- ty but says th der the idents ever reached, and the propor- According to athletic authorities,
der the Illinois constitution a woman timonial of $50. He won special sity charter it is the duty of the leg- tion has gradually decreased since, the day's program will be the biggest
cannot become a judge of circuit court, commendation because he filled the support to contribute to the financial for 1919-1920 the non-residents of its kind ever attempted by any far
Her special work is connected with the hardest place on the program as first comprised 38.4 per cent of the total. western university and mnay be fav-
heasings of the cases of delinquent speaker. His speech was entitled "The Constantinople, March 28. - The Wisconsin Fees Higher orably compared to the big'fild days
girls. Miss Bartelme investigates each Golden Age". Leon E. Grubaugh, '22, town of Kutaiahasbeen2evacuated A comparison by the bulletin of the of the eastern institutions.
case carefully and makes a recommen- speaking on "The Call for Leader- by the Turks and the Greeks are nw yearly average of the fees paid by
dation, which is reviewed by the ship" was given honorable mention. masters of the Bagdad raieway and are non-resident students at various state Prof. Immel Gives Extension Lecture
judge and passed upon according to Two Others on Program mastersiof th adad tiward are universities reveals the fact that Prof. R. K. Immel, of the public
itsmerts.Shehashead mre han Other speakers and their subjects continuing to advance towards Ango-
its merits. She has heard more than wer Brswndt1,o "Dec- ra. The Turkish communication an- Michigan stands near the top in all speaking department, delivered a lec-
4,000 cases of this kind.S were F. W. Brown, '21, on "Demo unces the withdrawal of the Otto- departments. The Michigan fees for ture recital on "The Merchant of Ven-
Dr. Tatk to Read Scripture racy versus Bolshevism and E. man forces to new positions. The plan literary, engineering and law students ice," last night at Romeo. Professor
Dr. Henry Tatlock, rector of St. An- Miles, 22, on "Emancipator and Amer- apparently is to keep the army intact are excelled only by the University of Immel conducted a story hour for the
lean aparenly s t kee th arm inactWisconsin,
drew's Episcopal church, will read the lan". and retreat into the depths of Anato- while the University of children of Romeo in the afternoon.
scriptures and offer the prayer. ha, drawing the Greeks after them. Minnesota fees in medicine and den- This lecture was given under the au-
George 0. Brophy, '22L, will preside. Widow of George Pullman Dies -_dwgt Grk__ (Continued on Page Eight) spices of the University extension-lec-
No special music has been provided. Pasadena, Calif., March 28.- Mrs. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WILL ture service.
PLANS FOR SWING-OUT TO 1ventor of the Pullman car, died here POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 21 Kentucky Pro'fessor Visiting Here

BE DISCUSSED THURSDAY today after a brief illness. She was Members of the Chamber of Com- Prof. GranvilleTerrell, of the phil-
82 years of age. Her son-in-law and merce will meet in a banquet at the "International Society and Interna- osophy department of the University
daughter, former Gov. and Mrs. Frank Armory at 6:15 o'clock Wednesday tional Law," the lecture which was to of Kentucky, is the guest of Prof.
Presidents of all graduating classes . Lowden, of Illinois, were with her evening, March 30, to discuss the pro- have been delivered by Prof. Jesse S. Campbell Bonner, of the language de-
will meet with the Swing-out commit-
teel ofet i the Sncnilat ock when death came. posed city charter pro and con. Dr. Reeves, of the political science de- partment of the University. Dean A.
Thursda ftherntonilomt30 o'ftheAlway, commander of the Graf O'Hara partment, on the evening of March 31 H. Lloyd, of the Graduate school, gave
TUni nteadofo 'cLieutenant oo to Talk Tpost of the V. F. W., will speak upon has been postponed until April 21 e- a luncheon in honor of Professor Ter-
the soldiers' bonus. C. . Freeman cause of the fact that the original date rell Monday noon at the Union.
afternoon as was previously announc- "Radio" is the subject of the lecture will explain the proposed $20,000 bond conflicts with the Schoolmasters' con-
ed. At this time plans for Swing-out to be given by Lieutenant Hoorn of issue which is to be used in securing vention being held here this week. Spanish Society Postpones Meeting
will be discussed and the program the army signal corps, at 7:30 o'clock a title to the Burns race-track for the The address is one of a series being On account of the Union opera, the
which will be given in Hill auditorium tonight in room 243, Engineering city. George Burke will be toastmas- presented this year under the auspic- 'regular meeting of La Sociedad His-
will be arranged. building. ter. es of the Graduate club. panica will be postponed this week.


A Free Lecture on


by Bliss Knapp, C.



Tuesday Evening, March 29,1921,8:00 O'clock

of Brookline,, Massachusetts

The Public is Cordially Invited

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