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January 18, 1921 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-01-18

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' ". n'3 " 1. wC

Four-Teams Remain Undefeated, Illi-
nos Meets Maroons Tonight
at Urbana
Won Lost age
Indiana.............2 0 1.000
Purdue.. .........1 0 1000
Minnesota.........1 0 1.000
Chicago.... .......1 0 1.000
Northwestern........1 1 .500,
Ohio.........-...1 1 .5001
Wisconsin........1 2 .333
Iowa . . . ...0 1 .000
Michigan. ....0 3 .000
Illinois ..0 0 .000
Eight games have been played thus
far in the Conference basketball race,
all but one of the Tig Ten schools
*having swung into action. Indiana
leads withtwo victories in as many
games, but Purdue, Minnesota, and
Chicago all have clean slates.
Michigan Now Last
Michigan has the unenviable record
of being the only team to lose three
games, by virtue of which fact she is
holding down the cellar position. Il-
linois, the only quintet that has not
played a Conference game, will meet
Chicago tonight at Urbana.
Indiana, Purdue, and Chicago are
likely to be title contenders this seas-
on according to the scores thus far.
Easy victories over Ohio and Michigan
furnish the Hoosiers their credentials,
while decisive defeatsof Wisconsin
and Northwestern indicate that Chica-
go and Purdue, respectively, are rep-
resented by strong quintets.
Gophers Win Indeterminate
Minnesota's victory over Iowa, 24
to 19, indicates little, since almost
nothing is known about the strength
of either team. Ohio appears to have
aislight edge on Wisconsin and North-
western, who seem to be of about equal
power. Ohio establishes its claim to
superiority by reason of the fact that
she beat Michigan harder than did
The games this week will do much
to make the situation clearer. Games
between Illinois and Wisconsin, Chi-
cago and Illinois, Northwestern and
Indiana, Iowa and Chicago, Indiana
and Minnesota, Iowa and Michigan,
,urdue and Ohio, and Michigan and
Northwestern should serve to separate1
the cream of the Big Ten basketball
teams, .
Prof. Patterson Called Away
Prof.: G. .W. Patterson, of the Me-
-chanical Engineering department, was
called to New Jersey late Saturday,
to attend the funeral of his daughter-
in-law, Mrs. G. W. Patterson, Jr. Her
.death resulted from pneumonia, fol-
lowing a minor operation.

Following is the intramural
basketball schedule for Tuesday
evening: 8:45 o'clock - Mt.
Clements club vs. Scalp and
Blade; Detroit club vs. Grand
Rapids club; Alpha Nu vs. Bay-
onne club; Michigan Union vs.
Les Voyageurs. 9:15 o'clock
-Alpha Sigma Chi vs. Acacia;
Alpha Beta Phi vs. Sigma Chi;
Nu Sigma Nu vs. winner of
Alpha Sigma vs. Kappa Sigma
game which was played last
Giving Credit
Where It Is Due
The average spectator at a basket-
ball contest is hopelessly ignorant of
the fine points of the game. This ap-
plies to sport writers almost as much
as anyone else. All of us are too apt
to laud the man who does the spectac-
ular, who is constantly in the public

Hockey was officially opened for the
1921 season when members of the :920
Varsity and a number of new asp'rants
held the first workout at the Coliseum
yesterday. The major part of the ses-
sion was devoted to regaining ice legs
and little effort was m ,.de to begin
real work. Most of the time left be-
fore the opening game must be devot-
ed to rounding the squad into playing
condition, as the inability to get on
the ice earlier in the year has ser-
iously hampered the men in this re-
Several Good Forwards'
As the men lined up yesterday the
forward positions seem to be well
taken care of with Barkell and Kerr
back in competition and ady, with
a few days practice, to duplicate their
performances of last year. Barkell

Michigan College of Mines games
which will be played at Houghton and
Calumet, Michigan, Jan. 27 and 28, the
team will be slightly handicapped by
lack of practice. The Miners ha've
already played several games and are
I scheduled to meet Wisconsin this week
in two games which should give Mich-
igan supporters a chance to get a de-
finite idea on the two teams which will
be seen here this season. It is plan-
ned to bring the fastest independent'
teams in Detroit here for three games
before the squad leaves for Houghton
a week from today. These games will
"determine the men who are to take
the first trip.
Places Won By
Varsity Swimmers
Four medals, three of them silver
and one of them bronze, on the ob-
verse side the insignia of the Detroit
Athletic club, and on the reverse the
words "State Championship" fell to
the lot of Michigan swimmers in the
All-state meet at the D. A. C. Satur-
day night.
Winners of the silver were Warren
Hyde, '23, and Lyle Hubbard, '23,
swimming under the Maize and Blue,
and Don Nixon, '24, swimming unat-
tached, while the bronze prize went
to Otto P. Dollavo, '23. The prettiest
race of the evening was in the 50
yard free style in which Hyde and
Dollavo cornered their medals.
The two Michigan men, Paul Rob-
erts, D. A. C. captain, and Johnny Gil-
breath of the D. A. C. qualified for the
finals. Roberts was admittedly the
favorite ;as they went on- their marks
and at the start of the race it looked
like an easy win for the D. A. C.

crack. Back in 1914 when Roberts
was. captain of the Yale swimming
team he went the 50 yards in 25 4-5
seconds. Never since then, until Sat
urday night, had he equalled this rec-
ord. Then, with Hyde the barest
fraction of an inch behind him he con-
trived to tie his collegiate mark. The
Wolverine swimmer lost a trifle on
the first lap, but on the home stretch,
he cut 'down Roberts' lead so much
that, to some, it looked like victory for
Michigan. Not only was Hyde close
behind Roberts, but another small
margin was all that separated him
from Dollavo, winner of third place.
Gilbreath never had a chance, finish-
ing a poor fourth.
Hubbard fought hard to defeat Dave
Nixon of the D. A. C. in the 500 yard
event, but failed by several seconds.
The third entrant, Jeffries of the De-
troit Y. M. C. A. was no match for
either of the leaders. Don Nixon, '24,
former D. A. C. star, swam unattached
and captured a good second in the
220 yard swim,, Ehrlich of the D. A
C. winning.
The result of the relay was a disap-
pointment, Michigan men being forced
to be content with second place. Al-'
though the D. A. C. did'not complete-
ly outclass the Wolverines they pick-
ed up a sufficient lead in the third
lap to enable them to win handily.
A dual meet with the D. A. C. has
been announced for Friday evening,
Feb. 18, at the Detroit pool, and on
Saturday, Feb. 19, Detroit Junior col-
lege will furnish the opposition at the
pool of the Detroit Y. M. C. A.
Creole pralines (original) from New
Orlean's at Tice's Drug Store, 117 So.
Main St.-Adv.
Paronize Daily Advertlers.-Adv.

Tickets for the Willie Hoppe-
Charles Peterson billiard exhibitions
are still available at the desk of the
Union. Nearlyfall the seats for this
evening's performance were sold out
last week. The committee in charge
announces that there are still some
100 tickets on hand for the afternoon
and these will be kept on sale up to
the time of the match.
Seating capacity for each exhibition
will be in the neighborhood of 500.
Special stands have been erected in
the reading room and the tournament
table will be used for the contests.
Special lighting has been installed
and all arrangements are complete for
the greatest billiard exhibition that
has ever been held in the Union or
Ann Arbor.
Hoppe and Peterson come straight
from Detroit, where they have been
paying for the last week. Hoppe in
his 250 point matches in balk line
(Continued on Page Eight)
Frank Birch, of Earlham, referee of
the Illinois-Ohio football game and
umpire of the California-Ohio battle,
will not officiate in any basketball
games in which Illinois participates,
according to Coach Winters. Birch
has always been one of the mos pop-
ular referees in the mid-west but has
been in disfavor with the Indians since
the Ohio-Illinois scrap for the football
title. Winter's decision has made it
necessary to secure a new referee for
the game with Chicago in which Birch
was to officiate.

eye, forgetting all about the men who was probably the most consistently
keep plugging away, obeying instruc- strong player on last year's squad, not
tions, trying to employ team work in- the highest scorer, but always in the
stead of attempting to play the whole play, and his opportune passes gave
game themselves. i his team mates many excellent chan-

Looking back over the three Confer-
ence games played by Michigan this
season,' it seems evident that twoI
men, Whitlock and Rea, have not re-
ceived their due share of credit. Both
of these men have followed the in-
structions given them by Coach Math-
er. They have given up chances to
do the startling and dangerous in or-'
der that the whole team might be ben-
efited. They have sunk all thought of
personal glory in their desire to make
a smoother running quintet.
The hissing which was in evidence
at one of the earlier games was dis-
graceful and unworthy of university
students. It is small wonder if it
took some of the spirit out of the
team. It showed that the whole stu-
dent body 'was not behind its quintet
as it should have been.
We should exercise our judgment
just as much at a basketball game.
as in a philosophy quiz, and attempt
to see things in their true proportions.
We should give credit where it is due,
censure if necessary, but never hiss.
Lafayette, Jan. 17.-Championship
hopes in basketball received a severe
jolt last Tuesday when Wabash col-
lege took the long end of a 42 to 22
tilt with the Boilermaker quintet atl
Lafayette. The Little Giants outplay-'
ed Purdue from the start and took an-
other fall out of the Big Ten. Wabash
is only one of a number of small col-
leges which has triumphed over Con-
ference teams in early games. Purdue
showed none of the class which char-E
acterized its team last year.
Read The Daily for Campus News

ces for open shots. Kerr captained
last year's aggregation and from his
' position at left wing was responsible
for a large proportion of the teams
points. He is a close checker, plays
his man hard and has a wicked shot,
the smooth combination play so not-
iceable last year was largely due to
Kerr's presence of mind and good
judgment of the proper time to pass.
The loss of Anderson from the right
wing position will weaken the team a
little in the first few games but it is
expected that some member of the
squad will be developed to hold down
this position satisfactorily, Cannon
being the most prom"=sing man on the
On the defense, the squad shows a
wealth of material with Kahn, Mac-
Duff, and Follis, all of the 1920 team
back in school and eligible for play.
These men presented a wall that was
hard for opponents to pass last seas-
on, as the low total of points scored
against the Wolverines will attest.
The goal position has been the weak
spot of the team in looking over pos-
sible material and it will be impossi-
ble to decide on a man until just be-
fore the team plays the first intercol-
legiate game. Genebach donned the
pads and chest protector for the first
time yesterday and gave promise of
developing into a creditable goal tend-
Many Ineligibles
Several men who showed up for the
first practice, and were especially
good, are ineligible for competition
because of being in their first year of
residence. This will deprive the team
of some valuable men, but will give
it the chance for some stiff opposition
in daily -practice.
With just a week to prepare for the





"-Makes Jack a Dull Boy!"
Jack and Tom and Harry get
to be very dull chaps, indeed, if
they believe in all work and no
Men who want to keep their
minds keen and. their wits
sharp, know that they must play
to keep fit for the terrific strain
of modern life.
If your "prof" is wise he will
heartily approve of your play-
ing an occasional game of bil-
liards. Come in tonight-get a
good cue in your hands again-
and see how soon your former
skill comes back to you.


Pocket and Carom Billiards.
Soft Drinks and Light Lunches.
Cigars and Candies, Cigarettes
and Pipes.
"We Try to Treat You Right"

8 N


iickels Arcade




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The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction
113 South Main Street

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r ir

Mrs. Fox was bragging one day
-about the large number of her
"NHowmany cubs do you bring
into the world at one time?" she
asked the LIONESS
"Only ONE,"replied the Lioness
-'butit's a LION !"
MUR A DS would .be lower
pticed if we left out all or part of
the'100/ Turkish tobaccos of the
purest and best varieties grown -
or-if wesubstituted iniferior grades
of Turkish tobacco.
But they wouldn't be MURADS
-they'd only be Foxes!
"Judge for Yourself-!"
We call special attention
to Murad 20s in Tin Boxes
Mfakers of the . hg r|rur ish
* . "and Eoption C9av*5 ir lh4aIAI

I F you knew the perfect na-
ture of the plumbing work we
have done for others in this
community we feel quite cer-
tain that you would have em-
ployed us long ere this. But
you needn't put it off any long-
3r. Send for us and get ac-
quainted with the p e r f e c t
plumbing we do.
Phone 2452

At The
The Season is Short so t
TODAY-From 2 ti
NOTICE: We have a few pairs
cost including Spaulding, BE
,- ah o
####1II1l11l#1IIIII H 1111111111IEI 11II11##ltllKIIl U


Come While We Have Ice

o 5 and 7 to 19 p. m.

of skates left that
arney & Berry's, etc.

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