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October 10, 1920 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-10-10

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Majestic-"Right to Love,"
with Mae Murray and David
Powell. Topics; Orchestra;
Bnro pnn n"n ek"

(Continued from Page 1)

(Continued from Page 1) 1 .usL .L n in
Arcade-"Going Some," by
found Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, who Rex Beach. Christie comedy.
has just returned from abroad where Wuerth-William Farnum in
he has been engaged in archiological "If I Were King."
research. Wednesday-Thursday
Among the leading philosophers of Majestic-King Vidor pro-
the day is to be found Prof. Robert M. duction, "The Jack-Knife Man,"
Wenley, whose courses in beginning by Ellis Parker Butler. Pathe
philosophy have started many a stu- News; Paramount Magazine.
dent thnking. In a closely allied field Arcade-Ethel Clayton in
Michigan has the services of Prof. "Crooked Streets." Comedy
Charles H. Cooley, head of the soci- and novelty reel. *
ology department. Friday-Saturday
In chemistiy the student has such Majestic - Sennett Comedy,
teachers as Edward D. Campbell, "Sheriff Nell's Tussle." Pathe
Moses Gomberg, professor of organic News; Paramount Burton
chemistry, and Prof. A. E. White, who Holmes Travelogue. Elsie Fer-
had charge of the extraction of nitro- guson in "Lady Rose's Daugh-
gen from the air for the government ter."
during the war, to chose from. An- Arcade-Jack Pickford in
other well known man in the field of "The Man Who Had Every-
science is Jacob E. Reighard, profes- thing." Special comedy and
sor of zoology and director of the Bray Pictograph.
zoological laboratory and the zoologi- Wuerth-Dustin Farnum in
cal museum, who has made an exten- "Big Happiness."
sive study of fish and fish habits. Wil- Orpheum-Jack Pickford in
liam H., Hobbs, professor of geology, "In Wrong."
and director of the geological labora-
tory and geological museum, is an-
other man who has made a national teachers as Prof. Ralph W. Aigler and
name for himself. Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, is recog-
Michigan has on her faculty perhaps ; nized as one of the best in the country.
ene of the best known men in the field The College of Engineering and Ar-
of insurance, James W. Glover, pro- chitecture also has a high national
fessor of insurance and mathematics. standing. In it are to be found Dean
Another well known man In this de- Mortimer Cooley, professor of mechan-
partment is Professor Louis C. Kar-I ical engineering; Emil Lorch, profes-
pinski. sor of architecture, and Herbert Sad-
Headed by Prof. Henry C. Adams, a! ler, professor of naval architecture
recognized specialist in public finance, and marine engineering.
the economics department has grown Heading the Rhetoric department,
rapidly during the past years. David the University has Professor Fred N.
Friday, who, during the war, advised Scott, who has just returned from Paris
the government on tax legislation, is where he represented Michigan at an
also a member of Michigan's teaching Anglo-American conference of teach-
staff in this subject. ers of English. To William W. Bishop,
In the history department are to be librarian, who came here from the
found Arthur L. Cross, Hudson profes- library of congress, belongs much of
sor of European history, and Prof. the credit for the efficient manner in
Claud H. Van Tyne, while in Political which Michigan's new library is con-
Science is to be found Professor Jesse ducted.
S. Reeves. Many other names could be included
The law school, headed by Dean in the list but this is not possible due
Harry M. Bates, and including such to lack of space.


The Winter Garden Eighth

States. These men represented many
different states, but had all secured
their preliminary training in Ann Ar-
bor. Some of these men are: Sena-
tors Ashurst of Nevada, Hitchcock of
Nebraska, and our own Senator Town-
send. In addition to being a member
of the Fifty-eighth, Sixtieth and Six-
ty-first Congresse, Senator Hitchcock
is also publisher of the Omaha
I World-Herald.
As a representative in the United
States Supreme Court, Michigan has
the Hon. William R. Day, who grad-
uated from the Law school in 1898.
Another newspaper man is Edwin F.
Gay, of the class of 1890, who is n,,n-
aging editor of the N'ew York Even-
ing Post and a member of the United
States shipping board. Major General
John Biddle, '77, who made an en-
%1iable record overseas, was for a time
commanding officer at Camp Custer.
Paul Scott Mowrer, one of the most
able of campus journalists in his time,
was overseas, and known as a leader
in the ranks of war correspondents.
Donal Hamilton Haines, author of
three Union operas, is writing regu-
'arly for several magazines.
From these few citations, the activ-
ity of Michigan graduates can be seen.
Michigan men have been leaders in
every line, politics, law, education,
and literature. Former athletes, as
well as those that were prominent in
other lines, are doing no small share
to make American history. The two
Hammonds, Harry and Tom, once
Michigan football stars, are now with
Indiana steel companies, and have
been active in sending good athletic
prospects to Ann Arbor.
(Continued from Page One)
21,000 members, and it is finding new
things to do every day. The program
for the present year embraces several
activities that the big men's organ-
ization has not covered in the past.
The corporation is growing.
As the Union grows it must develop
students who are capable of growing
with it. It must train its own execu-
tives, and, if it is to continue its suc-
cess, it must train them well. To this
end, more emphasis is to be placed
on the merit system than has, hitherto
been the case. A record is kept of
every man who participates in Union
activities. Each committee chairman
covers the work of each of his sub-
ordinates in his final report. A check
system .is provided to prevent-recom-
mendation of men who have not dem-
onstrated ability, and such recom-
mendations will reflect oii the record
of the chairman making them.
Men in Demand
Men who are familiar with Union
work are constantly in demand. The
institution is too big a thing to learn
in a year so, to provide material for
executives four years from now, it is
planned to . select a number of fresh-
men who are best fitted for this work.
These freshmen will be urged to
learn everything they can about the
organization, and' they will be taught
the necessity of continuous service.
They will be men who will stay in
Union work throughout their Univer-
sity careers, and they will be given
every opportunity to grow with the
Among the new activities of the or-
ganization this year, one of the most
important is the series of Sunday aft-
ernoon talks planned for the mem-
bers. With the exception of the stu-
dents in the professional colleges,

few men of the University have defi-
nite plans as to what occupation they
will follow. John Doe, who is taking
business adminitsration, will enter
"business." That covers everything
from directing the General Motors
Corporation to selling ice cream
cones. The Union hopes to help these
John Does make their decisions by
bringing men here who can tell them
just what problems they will meet in
whatever specific line they may fol-
low. Men of many businesses and
professions will be listed for these
talks, which will be entirely informal,
according to Maynard Newton, '22,
who is handling this program.
Begins in December
The series will begin in December
and last until February. Announce-
ment of the speakers will be made
as soon as the list is complete.
This survey shows one thing at
least. They are working and think-
ing and planning at the Union. It
looks like a big year.



OF 1919

An Anglo-American Musical Revue
By Glen MacDonough and E. Ray Goetz
Staged by Geo. Marion and Julian Alfred




First Appearance in this Country by Ar-
MORRIS HARVEY rangement with C B. Cochrane of the London

" r

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