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January 05, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-01-05

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Published every morning except Monday during the Univer.
r year by the Uoard in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
-ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this paper and the local news published therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-
ss matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices : Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street.
Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414.
Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
ure not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
:h, and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the
cretion oi the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office.
isigned communications will receive no consideration. No man-
:ript will be returned unless the writer incloses postage.
The Dailydoesnot necessarily endorse the sentimentsex-
:ssed in the cornmunications.
"What's hoing On notices will not be received after 8 o'clock
the evening preceding insertion.
Telephone 2414
ws Editor ...........................Chesser M. Campbell
ght Editors-
T. H. Adam H. W. Hitchcock
B. P. Campbell J. E. McManis
J. I. Dakin T. W. Sargent, Jr.
Renaud SherwoodJ r
day Editor .... ... ...........J. A. Bernstein
torials........... Lee oodruff,RobertSage, T. J. Whinery
istant News .......... ........... ....... E. P. Lovejoy Jr.
rts .....................................Robert Angell
men's~ Editor..... ..........Mary D. Lane
legraph............... ...............West Gallogly
escope................................... Jack W. Kelly

tet than for every single student to get his ticket
to the games he is entitled to, thereby showing the
basketeers that all Michigan will be actively behind
thiem and appreciates.their efforts.
* (New York Times)
The question what college students read has per-
ennial interest. One undergraduate of an Eastern
university sorrowfully answered an inquirer: "They
don't read .tt all." He was ruling out, of course,
the prescribed reading-which seems to provoke
many students to an incurable hatred of litera-
ture - and also the skimming of newspapers and
periodicals, which all do more or less. It is with
the latter that a recent survey of 453 students in
the political science courses of the University of
Michigan concerned itself. The results are sum-
marized by Professor Kirldpatrick in School and
It appears that nearly every one of these devotees
of political science reads a daily paper. Their own
university publication, The Michigan Daily, leads
all the rest. Serious weekly reviews have only
twenty readers out of the 453. In magazines the
taste shown is very like that of the homes from
which these young men came. There are thirty-two
readers of The Atlantic Monthly. But of The
Saturday Evening Post there are 270.
All this, of course, is only a feeble glimmer of
light on a dark problem. No one expects to find
many mighty readers in college. But there ought
always to be at least a few in each class. It is their
golden opportunity. And there are many who hold,
in the midst of the endless discussions of the higher
education, that the one thing which colleges may
yet do is to teach the boys to read. An old pro-
fessor, whose chair was described in the catalogue
as that of Comparative Philology, or some other
heathen title, once put all the flummery aside and-
said: "No, I am simply a teacher of reading."
Can it be taught except by example, or by turn-
ing a youth loose in a library? The most athletic
readers in college usually teach themselves. When
Charles Snmner's light was observed to burn late
every night in the Harvard Yard, it was no pro-
fessor, we may be sure, but an inward impulse and
appetite that drove him to his long and delightful
intercourse with the master spirits of literature.
A proposition to have an extra last two days of
compulsory vacation in Ann Arbor, with classes
but no lessons, would probably meet with the uni-
versal support of the home town society lions who
always need to rest up from the holidays.

Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk

Waldo Byron Darnton
W *eber Thomas E. Dewey
Carlow Wallace F. Elliott
Vickery Leo J. Hershdorfer
rk L. Armstrong Kern
eindel Hughston McBain
onfort, Frank H. McPike
Grundy JA. Bacon
berholtzer W. W. Ottaway
Adams Paul Watzel
. Damon J. W. Hume, Jr.

H. E. Howlett
M. A. Klaver
E. R. Meiss
Walter Donnelly
Beata Hasley
Kathrine Montgoiinery
Gerald P. Overton
Edward Lambrecht
William H. Riley Jr.
Sara Waller

In Effect Nov. 2, 1920
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Limited and Express cars leave for
Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. m.,
8:10 a. in., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. in. and
every two hours to 8:48 p. in. Ex-
presses at 9:48 a. m. and e; ery two
hours to 9:48 p. m.
Locals to Detroit-5 : 55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. in.,
also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m.
Locals to Jackson-7:50 a. in., and
12:10 p.m.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 '24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Men: Last geason's hats turn-
ed inside out, refinished and re-
blocked with all new trimmings
look just like new, wear just as
long and saves you five to ten
dollars. We do only high class,
work. Factory flat Store,617
Packard St, Phone 1792.
T 3±gm '. ,-.-'
LL A " °



A Dodge Car
and Dodge
S)jenough said -,





Telephone 960
rtising ... ................................-.D. P. Joyce
aifieds. ........... .... ,..........Robt. 0. Kerr
ication ...... ................F. M. Heath
unts....... ... .................... R. Priehs
iation. ............. .. . ....................V. F. Hillery
V. Lambrecht P. H Hutchinson N. W. Robertson
. Gower F. A. Cross R. C. Stearnes
.und Kunstadter Robt. L. Davis Thos. L.aRice
er W. Millard M. M. Moule D. G. Slawson
Hamel Jr. D. S. Watterworth R. G. Burchell

$3.50 EACH
$1.50 AND $2.00
$1.25 A PAIR
Donaldson 's
711 North University Avenue

Z. 'V
B. G


_____ __ .

Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for any
Issue of The Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge
of all news to be priqted that night.
Night Editor-THOMAS H. ADAMS.
Nineteen-twenty is past and we are on the verge
of a new year, full of possibilities for both failure
and success. The question is, what are we going
to do with our chances.
With final examinations coming along very soon,
we can show very shortly what we are going to do
in one respect. The time to prepare for finals is
not the night before ; the time to prepare is long be
fore that, before they have changed from a mere
prospect to a bug-a-boo. If we -begin when the
beginning is good, our worry is going to be de-
creased, our comfort will be greater, and our
,chances for making goad in our present courses
will be swelled considerably.
But there are other means whereby we can show
that we intend to make 1921 the best year so far.
There are programs and campaigns to be boosted.
There is the budget question to be put before the
people of the state, the individual voters, in away
which will-make them realize that our request for
$8,690,000 is not an idle one at all. There is the
pool drive to be completed.
Then how about campus activities? Are the few
going to keep on running things? Are the same
small groups still to handle the problem of manag-
ing our campus institutions, or is everybody going
to get in on it to some extent? There is most im-
portant work to be done by the upperclassmen ad-
visors; who, it must be admitted, have let their
function slip more or less into the discard of late.
What is more, a new semester is coming along
shortly and it is up to each one of us to see that
he individually selects courses whereby he may be
enabled to get the most possible out of the Univer-
city work. The new year offers opportunities 'for
getting down to productive brass tacks in our stud-
ies. And is it too early to consider what we are
going to do with our vacation next summer and
begin making the necessary arrangements?
There are a thousand and one ways in which we
can all make the New Year the biggest and most
productive so far, both in our own lives and in that
of the University. Let's put them up as an end
and work toward it.
With basketball in the center of the limelight and
Michigan's quintet hitting its stride, the problem of
getting tickets to the court games again demands
attention. Last minute efforts to gain admission
have proved unsatisfactory in the past, and this
year it is essential that everyone make his arrange-
ments for seats at the court contests.
The Athletic association's plan of distribution is
designed to give every student tickets to two games.
"First come, first served" is the motto to be fol-
lowed and as the available seats at the most popu-
lar games will soon be exhausted, students having
a preference will have to act promptly to get their
first choice: The system promises to bring about a
rapid allotment of seats and offers no inducement
whatsoever for procrastination.
Every one should take immediate steps to con-
vert his coupon No. 36 into basketball currency.
Capacity attendance at every game is certain, btt
there is no better way to support Michigan's qui,

Th e Telescope
We hope we won't curdle the milk of human hap-
piness for some of these boys who imagine they're
a regular knockout with the girls by the following
litle ditty from one of the fair ones:
These Mighigan Men
Are started again,
On the job of "handing a line" -
They declare you divine,
And say, "Sweetheart be mine,"
While later on in the night,
(When perhaps a bit "tight,")
To a bunch of their cronies they'll say
"She's a pippin, all right,
But not very bright - for she swallowed
the whole blooming yarn."
(I wonder if she really did?)
We can't help wondering if it's action and not
words that the people want, why more of the hon-
orary societies don't hang up the "To Let" sign.
Dear Noah:
Can we truthfully say of a senior medic who has
just graduated from college that he is "following"
the medical profession? R. L.
Not at all. A man cannot truthfully be said to
be following the medical profession until he be-
comes a full fledged undertaker.
How To Be the Life of the Party
So many of our readers have written in asking
us how they can be witty, though natural, that we
have decided to give a regular course in the art of
repartee. Lesson I follows and will be followed at
regular intervals or oftener, if desired, by the other
lessons of the course.
To tell this joke you can either have just come
from the barber's, or else be clean shaven. Wait
patiently until the ladies have begun discussing their
ages. Then when the silence has become real pro-
nounced, observe in a conversational tone:
"I was in the Union barber shop this afternoon.
And what do you think happened?" (Pause dra-
matically and give your hearers, a you'd-never-
guess-in-a-million-years survey.) Then continue:
"And the barber, thinking I was a regular cus-
tomer, when he found out I wanted a shave asked,
'Did you bring your own mug?'"
If any of the company think this is the joke and
titter appreciatively, frown them down and when
silence has again been restored say:
"Certainly," I says to him, "whose mug did you
think I wanted shaved?"
Then try to laugh a little embarrassedly as the
salvo of applause greets your efforts.
Famous Closing Lines
"Breaking home ties," he sang gleefully as he
ripped in two the hilarious Xmas cravat.

. ... 1

i Tt
L . '

What Is V

F THE traffic policeman did not hold up his hand and control the
automobiles and wagons and people there would be collisions,
confusion, and but little progress in any direction. His business
is to direct.
The phficist who tries to obtain a vacuum that is nearly perfect
has a problem somewhat like that of the traffic policeman. Air is
composed of molecules-billions and billions of them flying about
in all directions and often colliding. The physicist's pump is designed
to make the molecules travel *in one direction -out through the
exhaust. The molecules are milch too small to be seen even with a
microscope, but the pump jogs them along and at least starts them in
the right direction.
A perfect vacuum would be one in which there is not a single free
For over forty years scientists have been trying td pump and jog
and herd more molecules out of vessels. There are still in the best
vacuum obtainable more molecules per cubic centimeter than' there
are people in the world, in other words, about two billion. Whenever
a new jogging device is invented, it becomes possible to eject a few
million more molecules.
The Research Laboratories of the General Electric Compahy have
spent years in trying to drive more and more molecules of air from
containers. The chief purpose has been to study the effects obtained,
as, for example, the boiling away of metals in a vacuum.
This investigation of high vacua had unexpected results. It
became possible to make better X - ray tubes - better because the
X - rays could be controlled; to make the electron tubes now so essen-
tial in long-range wireless communication more efficient and trust-
worthy; and to develop an entirely new type of incandescent lamp,
one which is filed with a gas and which gives more light than any of
the older lamps.
No one can foretell what will be the outcome of research in pure
science. New knowledge, new ideas inevitably are gained. And
sooner or later this new knowledge, these new ideas find a practical
application. For this reason the primary purpose of the Research
Laboratories of the General Electric Company is the broadening of
human knowledge.
General neralctri
GeerlOffice C'i ~Schenectady,N.Y.

96 7e-P

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