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May 29, 1921 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-29

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i)minutive Ships'
Race With Time



In Boat Aquarium
Few students realize that the University possesses an experimental ship
tank and that this tank is the second one in the country, the only one of its
kind to be used in connection with an educational institution. The tank is
located in the basement of the east wing of the Engineering building and is
300 feet long, 22 feet wide and 10 feet deep. The length is the least that can
be used in order to allow time for starting, obtaining uniform speed and
The primary object of this tank is to perform experiments on various
kinds of ships and to determine the resistence to motion of these forms to
all speeds. By experiments with the model of any ship the department of
marine engineering can ascertain the resistance to motion that this ship
will have at all speeds.
Spanning the tank is a traveling truck which runs on rails at either side.
The truck is driven by a 25 H. P. motor whose speed can be so regulated]
as to allow a speed of from 10 feet per minute to 800 feet per minute to the,
truck. It is essential that the speed of the truck should be uniform at any
point between these limits so that the resistance of the model may be deter-
mined accurately. The models which are attached to the truck by means'
of rods are run at a series of different speeds and a curve of resistance in

t .y LN

Michigan Number
Many Inventor
(By R. E. Adams. Jr.)
Michigan alumni in the field of invention during the past half
have been making an enviable reputation both for themselves an
Alma Mater. Graduates of the various departments of the engineer
lege have entered the professional field of industry and as consult
gineers and chief engineers for large corporations they have taken
numerable patents besides contributing invaluable aid in the devel
of theories brought out by other men of the profession.
No official record of the original work of the alumni has been kE
the information fir a review of the work has been gathered from inst
and profsessors of the various engineering departments. Such a tat
is made especially difficult because of the fact that in associating then
with large corporations the Michigan graduates have taken out their
with the concerns for which they were working and no.official notice
work was made.
Probably the most note worthy invention ever made by a grad
the University was the perfecting of the "Bruch System of Street Arcl
ing" in 1878 by Charles F. Brush, of the class of 69, Mr. Brush i
his Ph. D. from Western Reserve in 1880, honorary M. S. from Mict
1899, and LL. D. from Western Reserve in 1900 and from Kenyon
in 1903.

terms of speed is obtained upon a re-
volving drum located on the truck.
Upon this drum are two pens one of
which is connected to a clock and reg-
isters every half second, the other is
connected with contacts along the side
of the tank and registers every 10 feet,
consequently the feet per second are
Models Need Attention
The preparation of models for the
experiments is of great importance
and requires a great amount of atten-
tion. The models are made of par-
affine with a mixture of about four'
per cent bees wax. This material is
used almost universally in laborator-
ies of this kind for the reason that it
is very easy to handle, very easily cut,
and it makes possible a uniform sur-
face for all models.
Before casting a model a mould is
.prepared of ordinary modelling clay.
Sections of the vessel are first cut out
of wood and placed in the clay which
is moulded to conform to the proper
shape. Core is then made. Thesel
woden sections r' forms are connected
by thin wooden strips and covered
with canvass so that the core forms
a type of canvass canoe which is sus-
pended inside the clay mould. Then
the paraffine is melted in a tank pro-
vided for the purpose and poured into
the space between the core and the
clay mould. As a considerable con-
traction occures it is necessary to add
small quantities of wax from time to
time. At the same time water is pour-
ed into the core to aid in cooling.
"It Floats"
After the paraffine has cooled the
core is removed and the model is float-
ed from its bed by interjecting water
between the sides of the clay mould
and the model. Then the model is
ready to be cut. On a special machine
it is cut down to the desired ,size.
After the rough spots are rounded out
and it has been given its final burnish-
ing, ballast is placed in it and the
model is ready for use.
The models used are from ten to'
twelve feet long and may represent'
vesels of any size. Submarines are
often used in the experiments but on
account of the differene conditions un-,
der which they are tested and experi-
mented on, they are usually made of
The department of naval engineer-
ing and architecture has accomplish-
ed many remarkable and wonderful
experiments thru this tank.
Helped During War
In addition to the general research
work which consists of systematic in-
vestigations to determine the most
economical form of vessel for any
specific service, special problems from
ship owners and builders are solved
(Continued on Page Two)

« The World's
(By G. D. E.)
A book which seems to have put all
the critics in a paralyzed state is "The
World's Illusions," (Harcourt, Brace
and Howe, two volumes) by Jacob
Wassermann, translated from the Ger-
man by Ludwig Lewisohn. To this
date I have seen no comprehensive re-
view of it, and I am not so blatant as
to think that I can do any better. But
this makes the book none the less
worthy of your attention. Wherefore
I review it.
The story is nearly as unfathomable
as life itself. It must have been a
tremendous task to have written it.
One wonders how Wassermann was
able to tell it all. But because he did
tell it all, the reader associates the
author very closely with the story;
they are, in fact, inseparable. And yet
there is no character in 'the book who
is Wassermann himself.
Keen observations have been put re-
lentlessly into words. There is the
same implacable registering of facts
that is to be found in the novels of
Theodore Dreiser, and the same won-
dering at the complexities which shape
the lives of men.
But if Wassermann is like Dreiser
in this respect, he differs in another.
He is far more versatile than the lat-
ter in his sociology. Compare the
aristocracy in Wassermann's book
with Dreiser's "cultured" class. Al-
lowing for a commerical foundation
of America's upper stratum, still we
must wonder somewhat at Dreiser's
portrayals. The speech of his upper
class is coarse; its witticisms consist
of banalities, "kidding,' and punning.
Even a professional ball player is
more careful of his speech. Wasser-
mann's aristocracy is admirable. For
all the characters' human failings they
are a meticulous set.
True On All Scores
But Wassermann's pictures are so
true on all scores concerning the var-
ious layers of society that I am look-
ing ahead with tremendous interest to
his autobiography which is shortly to
be introduced in this country. If any-
thing gives the secret of his versatility,
his life history surely will. "The
World's Illusions" leads me to believe
that there are few lives richer in ex-
perience than Wassermann's.
(Continued on Page Three) f

Some of the members of the cast for "The Importance of Being
Earnest." Upper left-Christine Mnrkett. Upper right-Joyce Me-
Curdy. Center-Mildred Trick. Lower left-Mary Ives. Lower right
-Isabel Kemp.
flasques To Present Play
At The Whitney This Year

(By Frances Oberholtzer)
Masques is making a new venture
this spring. Each year they have pro.-
duced a play before a limited audience
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Such
dr mas as "Quality Street," "The Am-
azons," and 'The New Lady Bancock"
have been given and praised highly by,
critics both from faculty and student
body. Such, success encouraged the
pro-ducers' desire for "wider fields to
So ,at 815 o'colck, Wednesday, June:
1, "The Importance of Being Earnest"
will be given at the Whitney, theatre,
with special scenery, a cast well se-
lected and well trained by Prof. J.
Raleigh Nelson, and a multitude, of
well-wishers on the campus to back
The pliy from the pen of Oscar
Wilde, is characterized as " a trivial
comedy for serious people" and is
recognized as a brilliant farce. The
cast, entirely composed of women of

the organization, has some talent
which has been highly praised in other
productions. John Worthing, J. P., will
be played by Isabel Kemp, '22; Alger-
non Moncrieff, by Christine Murkett,
'22; Rev. Canon Chasuble, D. D. by
Leslie Gaylord, '23; Merriman by Mar-
guerite Reineke, '23; Lane by Isabel
Swan, '22; Lady Bracknell by Mildred
Trick, '22; Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax by
Mary Ives, '23; Cicily Cardew by Joyce
McCurdy, '22; and Miss Prism by
Jeanne McPherson, '21.
Three sets of scenery are being pre-~
pared by 0. S. Davis, of Detroit, ac-
cording to latest modern methods of
scene painting, from designs by Pro-
fessor Nelson. A sample of Davis'
work will be remembered in the kirk
scene in "Bunty Pulls the Strings"
which was produced under the same
Tickets for the play are on sale at
Grahams. The production will be open
to both men and women.

The arch lighting system as invented
by Mr. Brush marked an entirely new
era in this branch of the electrical field
and the Brush system came into gen-
eral use throughout the country. This
however was not the only patent taken
out by Mr. Brush for he was respon-
sible for numerous other devices es-
sential to modern electrical engineer-
ing. Mr. Brush 'is still actively inter-
ested in engineering resarch and is to-
day one of our aldest alumni.
Anti-Lighting Device
Ray P. Jackson, '02, who is associat-
ed with the Western Electric & Manu-
facturing company, has been respon-
sible for quite a few developments and
new devices for the protection of elec-
trical circuits from lightning. His work
however has consisted mainly in im-
proving and making practical the in-
ventions of other men and in this field
he has made an enviable reputation for
Another alumnus of the University
who has gained distinction as an in-
ventivegenius for a large corporation
is John H. Hunt of the class of '05EE,
concern was chiefly responsible for the'
who, while connected with the Delco
development of the starter and light-
ing apparatus for which the concern
has become world famed. Mr. Hunt is
at present head of the electrical divis-
ion of the General Motors Research
Another engineer of note who was at
one time a student at the University
is Howard E. Coffin, ex-'03, who gained
recognition for his work in develop-
ing the super six motor for the Hudson
Motor Car company.
Bailey's Ignition
Benjamin F. Bailey, '98, who has
been a professor in the engineering de-
partment since 1913, entered the field
of invention as the designer of the
Bailey electric starting and ignition
system. Professor Bailey was former-
ly chief engineer of the Fairbanks-
Morse Electric and Manufacturing
company and was later consulting en-
gineer for the same concern.
Walter M. Pratt, '10, architectua
representative of the Havermeyer Re-
enforcing Bar company, took out a
patent in October 1917 for a new two
way flat slab resign of concrete floor
construction. The new design effects
considerable saving in reenforcements
in that shorter length bars are used
so coupled as to do away with the us-
ual large number of stirrups and
blocks. This construction is now used
universally by the Havermeyer com-
Harry Tanner, of the class of 105,
was a prominent engineer with the
Sperry Gyroscope company and later
founded his own company which was
(Continued on Page Two'

'lake 'IsTo
Sen timenta
(By R D. S.)
Eunice Tietjen's efforts'have here
fore been confined to verse. "Ja]
(Boni), her first novel, shows ma
signs of her apprenticeship. The I
lowing is a fair example of her st)
as well as a summing up of her cl
'But his eyes were the most ex
pressive eyes I haye ever seer
deep gray that, darkened a(
cleared with his thoughts, and tha
could hold mirth or pain as a wel
holds water,.steadily, completel
And his big, loose-hung mouth
though it showed the weakness o
his will, showed also the tender
ness of his heart. And for all hi
homeliness everyone loved hiam
down to the waiters at the luncl
Navigation Rampart
While her poetic imagination of
adds greatly to the lucidity of her st
and to the general beauty of the b(
it not infrequently runs away w
wonderufl fainteness came aver
and the stars rushed together
or "The earth seemed to hold
After two readings of "Jake" I s
find myself unable to share theE
thusiasm of the advertisers, who co
pare the book to the works of Ha
thorne and Balzac. My impression
a rather' ordinary story elevated
poetic prose. It is true that it is V
with understanding and sympathy, 1
the sympathy persists in slopping of
into sentimentality. In short, the
thor is too much in love with Jake
treat him in an unprejudiced mant
She glosses over his faults and stre
es his few good points.
Jake Is Human
Jake is very human. He is one
those misfits who are kindly, amial
yet weak-willed to the point of he
lessness. Miss ( or is it Mrs.?) TietjE
tells the story in a retropective mo
snatching a fragment here and an e
sode there, patching them togeti
and presenting them as a picture
Jake's life-that is, the significant p
of it. Where she fails is in giving
picture of Jake, seen through part
eyes, rather than the Jake of-realit:

WeAlas Poor Christopher!"
We,, Didn 't, Recognize Him,

(By Henry 0. Lee)
If there is one word which alone can
characterize this age, this time of mar-
vels and amazing discoveries, I think
that the singles championship should
be granted to Mr. Speed. Look what
he has done. He has finally stopped
William Jennings Bryan from running
for president of everything, and the

U. S. in particular, and now the Hon-
orable "Down with Whisky" propagan-
dist has gotten his name in print again
by telling the world that what Darwin
said was, isn't.
Mr. Speed has also convinced us of
several other things: that Babe Ruth
can still knock home runs, that the pos-
(Continued on Page Two)

II Two Stores



Both Ends of Diagonl Walk

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