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May 19, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-19

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in mind; the editorial side goes out to make the
staff, and eventually to reach the position of manag-
ing editor. And above all there is a real pride in
The Daily, - a pride of teamwork. With an en-
dowed and supervised newspaper, there would be,
no really responsible positions open to students, and
competition would disappear. Under such condi-
tions ,The Daily would become in essence a faulty
bulletin, instead of a student administrated newspa-
per. Is not this spirit of competition, this oppor-
tunity for real executive training, this pride of
achievement worth keeping?

!"f \ J!"l a




AT -

usively entitled to the use for
credited to it or not otherwise
I news published therein.
nn Arbor, Michigan, as second
iding, Maynard Street.
ial, 24r4.
*** words, if signed, the sig-
n print, but as an evidence of
published in The Daily at the
or mailed to The Daily office.
ive no consideration. No man-
writer incloses postage.
ly endorse the sentiments ex-
1 not be received after 8 o'clock.


OditOr ...........................Chesser M. Campbell
Editorial Board.....................Lee Woodrff
i orslam H. W. Hitcbcock
S-H. Dakim IecMani
ead Shrwood .W. Sarrnt Jr
dito ..... ...........I.......A. Bernstein
ito k M .. i4 r ~1MP. . ,Caabell
is..........T. 3. Whinery,'L.. kern, STab each
, . e4. ... .... .. ....". ..R- bert A ngell
S.dir.'.................................Mary D. ane
..... .... ......,........T M as Dewey
- Asistants
a. Waldo Frank H. MePike Sidney B. Coates
Weber 3. A. Bacon C. T. Pennoyer
h Vickery W. W. Ottaway Marion B. Stahl
rei rde Paul WaaLLowell S. err
~.Grnd yron Darao Marion Koch
Obllerhltaer M:. A. Kaver Dorothy "Whipple
. Adam e Walter Donnelly Gerald P. Ovrton
F. Eliott Beata Haley dwvard ~ambrecht
n MeBain Kathrine Montgomery Sara Wauler
H. R.. Howlett
a Telephone 90,
sing .................... ..............D. P. Joyce
;d ...................................S. unstadter
ion ...........1......... *.....M. Ha
t .Y~.............w............. ......Z.R. Pries
3on .'...........'...........'...............V. F. Hillery ,
- Assistants.
Lambrecht M. M Moule H. C. Hunt
Hamel, Jr. N. W. Robertson M. S. Golding
Hutchinson Thos. L. Rice H. W.aHeidbreder
Cross R. G. Burchell W. Cooley
L. Das J. Parker
ions wishing to secure information concerning news for any
The Daily should tae the night editor, who has full charge
e~s to be pinted' that niht.,
THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1921.
Night Edtor-M. B. STAHL
imon to a certain class of college men every-
is a notion of the young instructor which, if
natural, is certainly rather humorous upon
supposition is summed up in the'sentence,
i't imagine how a he-man could go in for
ort of thing." The very frequent appear-
f an instructor who is obviously "he" does not
to shake the .student conviction. Something
ust be the matter in such an instance - some-
a little too complex for the amateur oh-.
but there nevertheless.
course this prejudice is largely misunder-
ng, plus a failure to reason out the why of
specializations. The instructor appears, to
students, in the role of a sort of mind-your-
l-q's pedant. Most of us have come from
chools where the schoolma'am has been the
teacher type and has. naturally put all peda-
s into skirts in our private conception of the
;. Men as teachers were quite a shock to a
nany of us - that is, any below the celestial
>f professor. That the professor had to,
through a pupa stage of his own had not
ed to us.
bably the instructor wouldn't want anyone to
.p a defense of him. He is pretty well set in
ing for his own vocation. He neither cares
ce nor should make any apologies. The argu-
that men take to instructing because they
't make good anywhere else is patently Void -
>of and, even where true, would be in no
derogatory. The world has its full quota of
ss men, lawyers, doctors, artists, musicians,
hat not, who would be shining failures out-
heir own element-. .
instructor's natural bent is teaching - quite
nce, as "a matter, of fact. Some instructors
e lazy; others may be cads ofone sort and
r. We have a perfect right to judge them
lually as men, by the standards of all men;
lumped condemnation of the entire class has
is but ignorance. In the broadest sense the
:tor is among the most important of the
specialists in our system n. for education, his
s the trainer of all other specialists.
financial report of the Board in Control of
it Publications estimates the net profits for
ar from the publications of the campus, at
20. This represents a substantial earning

>lished entirely by publications under the ad-
ation of students.
-e have been some suggestions recently in
of the creation of endowment funds for The
an Daily in order that the paper may, be
without advertising, and "perfected" by
of the direct control of specially appointed
The factor which more than any other goes
:e The Daily a successful institution is the
ivalry between the students working on it.
usiness side competes to get the greatest

When the Aquitania of the Cunar4f line left Eng-
land last week, it carried fifteen babies all under a
year old, who are to be adopted in this country.
The party was accompanied by fiv trained nurses
and occupied the finest suite on the great ocean
liner. These babies are destined for adoption
among some of the most aristocratic and influen-
' tial homes in America, and no expense has been
spared in bringing them to this country.
For many years it has been the ambition of
wealthy society workers and, would be social up-
lifters to vie with each other in attracting the great-
est attention under the pitiful guise of humanity.
For years the successful politician, on somewhat
the same principle, has spent a considerable portion
of his time in kissing babies, as years of experience
have taught him that it is as influential in pulling
votes as his past record.
The reasons given for the transportationof
these foreign infants to our shores at such great e-
pense, are the betterment of Anglo-American rela-
tions and the scarcity of healthy babies for adop-
tion in this country. That either of these reasons
are worthy of consideration is absurd. That it
should be necessary to search foreign shores for
babies suitable for adoption is certainly in direct
contradiction to all reports, -and it is believed that
these social uplifters would not have to search very
assiduously to find fifteen healthy American babies
ready for them in New York state itself. The
money spent in bringing these wards to our shores
would have placed a hundred real American ba-
bies in comfortable .homes. The old 'but still serv-
icable phrase that "charity begins .at home", was
never more applicable.,
The life of a freshman at Michigan is seventh
heaven compared to the yearlings at Louisiana state.
Just one example - the youngest class gets shaved
bald as an annual ceremony.
Awarding the Interclass games to the fresh-
men is like soothing a child with a piece of
candy after it has taken castor oil.
Forget Her when you're near the mill race.
Thne Telescope
The Illusion
While staying at the Treymore,
He lived both fast and well,
And now he thinks it tres mort,
. Down at the Allenel.
A Problem for the Forestry Department
A metropolitan paper prints the following head-
We wonder what he'll do for a living when Hol-
land runs out of trees.
Quoth Eppie Taff:
Here lies Aurelius Marcus Gaiter,
He chose the proper way to go,
He stepped into an elevator,
Standing twenty floors below.
Science has prepared a tablet to make people
grow. This revives our old childhood hope of a
real "Land of Oz" where -educational courses are
taken in the form of sugar-coated pills.
Our Latest Song Entitled:'
S"Even Cobblers Are Worthless If They Have No

rrww nY i M1M r

In Effect Nov. 2, 1920
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Limited and Express cars leave for
Detroit at 6:05 a. M., 7:05 a. im.,
8:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex.
presses at 9:48 a. m. and every two
hours to 9:48 p. m.
Locals to Detroit-5: 55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. M.,
also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti onl,
11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.mn., and 1:15 a.mn.
Locals to Jackson-7:60 a. m., and
12:10 p.m.
1921 MAY 1921
S M T W T F 8
1 5' 3 4 ,5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 24 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 81
We Clean, Bleach and Block
Panamas., -etc., into the Late
Shapes, with all new trimmings
to look just like new. We don't
use any acids and do only High
Class Work. Factory Hat Store,
617 Packard St. Phone 1792.



r ,

The Turkish C

We go 6000 miles for the
Turkish tobacco
used in Murad-Why?
Because -Turkish has a taste -Turkish has a
mildness -Turkish has a delight-far beyond all
cigarette tobaccos of all other lands-
Murad gives you real enjoyment, and true
delight such as no-Tobacco other than 100% Pure
Turkish Tobacco can give. '
Facts -Facts -FACTS-!
Tens of thousands of smokers
-tens of thousands of times-
have PROVEN this -
"Judge for Yourself-!"


Good money-making proposi-
tionN. Something any one can
do. No experience necessary.
Works unusually well.
Call D. HEETDERKS, 1170-M,
between 6:45 and 8:00 evenings
or call at 920 East Washington.

AW4da4 '.

Phone Orders
Promptly Filled

Mail Ordei
Promptly Fil

/ df o



EST. 1857
use offace powder should not be
gardedmerely as a corventzonal
arty/ce but asa means ofimprmving the
aomplxion., Giancee ace nowderaccomplishes
thispurpose without semblance ofartificiality.
ghefragrance oJS6iancde $ace powder is
delicatefy individual
i .. : ~~NATtBLLS. .

Even a saint would get .sore if he heard the
words, "Everything I have I owe to you", from the
Hips of a pauper.
Stolen Thunder
"Doctor, can't you help my husband ?
"What's the matter with him, madam ?"
"Oh, he worries so."
"About what ?"
"About his money. Can't you please do some-
thing for him, doctor ?"-
"I think I can. Send him to me. I'll relieve him
of, at least, some of his trouble."
-Yonkers Statesman.
"SWING UP". - Bay City Times.
Giving us a boost.
The reason for the thousands of divorces
Is a problem which this country has ndt parried;
But the question is a simple one to answer,
It's because so many folks have gotten married.
Pam ous Closing Lines
"The Rubaiyat", said the watcher on the shore
as Omar sailed up the bay in his new red boat.

392 9fiA9ivenUz

r 9


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