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May 19, 1921 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-19

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rNNAfBriIG an?&zitg


big inning wasa
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Pln d acing 01YWF Pi Delta Epsilo
Special decorations have been se= REIGNSIN MINGOF Pi Delta Epsilon, honorary journaO THE TWENTY- EIGHTH ANIIIAL
mcured for the evening party of the istic fraternity, initiated nine men yes-
.. jnorltclass which is to be held tTDfrdayIP afternoon. Theywr:Fr-
from 8 to 12 o'clock Saturday night, d Il V JI iIIJI cis M. Smith, '22, F. Morrison Heath,
May21,in arbur yI'asim. 22, ,Robert _______,_'__,_T____
Unique decorative effects-will conceal Truss, '22, Sydney Sarasohn, '22, Ar-
I ATTAC the steel-raftered ceiling and an in- SHERIFF OF COUNTY EXPECTS thur Stock Jr., '22E, Byron Darnton, T ORAIiHT'S CONCERT FEA
A N A genious system of lighting is being TROUBLE TODAY, '28, Jack Kely, '22E, Milton Goetz, ORATORIO "ELIJA" BY
arranged to bring out the full beauty HOWEVER '22E. George Reindel, '22, was elected NOTABLE CAST
of the decorative scheme. to the fraternity but was unable to
E Refreshments will be served UNION CHIEF PROMISES be initiated as he is on the tour with CHICAGO SYMPHONY
VS IN FIELD throughout the evening and "Nobe"t Oennsteam.atPERA TENOR APP
Wtherbee promises spechi. - music MEN WILLr KEEP PEACE The speakers at the initiation ban-____
Ird Base Haudl- from his eight piece two-piano orches- quet were Prof. Morris P. Tilley of a.. \
aiees With- tra. Efforts are being made to secure Few Scattered Shots Wednesday Show the English department, lames I. Me- Dr. Stanley's "Chor s Triomp]
li the Spotlight quartette in addition to Miners Are Still in Clintock, '21L, Brewster P. Campbell, with Orchestra and Chorus
the orchestra entertainers. Arms '22, C. Maurice Atkinson, '22, and By- Is Climax
all that Michigan The chaperones will be Prof. J. W. Darton,
rday to hang the Bradshaw and Mrs. Bradshaw, Prof. W, 18.-PeaceS B. B C)
season on Notre W. R. Humphreys and Mrs. Humph- imsonaW. Vag, May 1.eace n Ann Arbor's twenty-eighth. a
frame, the sixth,' rysand George A.Kuyper, instruct- reigns aantruhu h nie ~.
fre hit , and Egli . West Virginia-Kentucky border zone BDITO* . . May Festival, under the directi
ned fye hits and .Tickets at $2 a couple may. be pro- along the Tug river in the Mingo re-a43r. A. A.Stanley;oPned last nig
uns. overcoming cured :at Wahr's and both of Gra- gion. Ail.auitoiumwannnnuicrt
f two counters, a/booktor. TSheriffA. C.' Pinson, of Mingo IIl I.l iwc
hams' k~oe.They also will be SerffA.RELIL U IIUIMUI O ChcaoSyphnyochstaF
"vgi the game' on sale from 9 until 3:30 o'clock to- county,said he had verified reports
g list of Maize day in the booth in University hall. that there had been a few scattered Ick Stock and Dr. Stanley c ndui
°_shots during the afternon in the Ken- Managing Editors-elect and Business Orville Hrold, teor ith the
s Rally tucky hills opposite Merrimac, W. Managers-elect Will Represent FLORENCE HNKLE WO TAKS rpoliton pera cmpany, appea
chigan had har- Va. None of the show struck in that Conference Paper Leading Soprano Role in Oratorio' at soloist.
The, sheif ,andde Capt.w J.y FRstval Tnight It. was the Tchaikowsy Sym
rof the year by UI1 of the state police, cnferred at length N ESIYMD ESP ER-.
Uteritz, first up, U . H The sheriff and Capt. J. R. Brockus, UNVRIYADNWPPRN. 2 in C minor, opuis 17, that
ond. Van Boven M sI ErmThomson,?4 M EN 1UTChicago orchestra. The umt
rifed, puttinger late yeS at a o PROBLEMS TO BE DISCUSSED MTed the excellence o Th k
on second and server, sent to report on the situation. Representatives from publications U NCAP'Sfull of the Russian atmospher
arpus and Dunn, School of Music Man Nauned President All declined to discuss the conference. in the Conference will assemble in hs an qotional scfe extending
ass'on, each ma~n of stage Orgaization For Sheriff Pinson reiterated his appre- Ann Arbor tomorrow morning for a peace and qufetl>'o frezied excte
lsthon, eachaofSaeOgiztnFr hension of serious trouble today, In the second movement the con
thrown. With Next Year rtwo day convention. The delegates er uses a march theme taken fro
d Dunn ou see- --_ the Anniversary of the Matewan bat-
1, bunwassran d ns-.. ..tle, but refused to describe the "dras, in most cases will be the managing Changes Made in Customary Songs for wedding scene in his opera "Un
k 'when Vickand CONVENTION WELL AT'T'ENDED; tic" steps he said he was taking to editors-elect and business managers- This Year's Cap Night It Is effective In its simpiityti
PRO6RA S.AR ATRACIVE resrve eac. last quiet vibration of t a kettle d
ect. The hitting PROGRAMS ABE ATTRACTIVE preserve peace. elect for next year on the various Festivities In this number as well as in at
e ,through with . school papers and magazines. All 9. others by the'orchestra, the bi
most opportune Prof. Earl V. Moore, of the School U L "U Eschools in the Conference have been DETAILS OF LINE OF MARCH showed the result of careful de
ote Mic, Mus ecers iton he inited by the University publications BY CLASSES ARE ANNOUNCED ment.
Stms ihgn uicTahr'asctinET nn to send representatives .. tanley's Work is Clsnlx
d again In the to succeed Charles F., Morse, of De- r uivan hniit sn ersnaie. .SalysWr sCia
d. aaiprin t at , u sinedCes .m eing oIfDe --LThis is the first conference of its All classes of the University will The climax of the evening's
single aio th rsoitation which was held yesterday skind and its purpose is to foster a gather on the campus tomorrow formailce came with the ren
ingended the morinin Hill aditoriu yTerdcyn - C.A.Dfriendship of understanding and com- night at 7 o'clock, to begin the march of Dr. Stanley's "Chorus Triomp
gan endedthe in in Hill auditorium The con- S. C. A. DEPARTMENT UNDER UN mn ain among the universities of to Sleepy Holo, where the trai- for orchestra, chous, and
If of this inning vention which started Monday morn- VERSITY CHARGE AFTER the Conference, and to provide for tional Cap night ceremonies will be With the appearance of this coi
.e on a fieers ing terminated last night with the con- JULY 1 yearly conventions of managing edi- held. The classes will fall in behind or-composeyr the whole audiene
n Sacklefrd's cet rendered by O0rvile Harold "and-
n secod'sthe Chicago Symphony orchestra on n n tors of student publications by whom the Varsity band in order, and follow to pay him tribute. After the
o lan second.C g y hy hstr Announcement was made yesterday campus and journalistic problems the line of march which leads west was finished, the burst of ap
lual Sr the May Festival program. by J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students, may be discussed and common deci- on North University avenue, north on demonstrated the merit of the c
ued in the fine Children Take Part that the employment bureau of the sions arrived at. State street to Ann, east on Ann sitio.
Ohio State vic- The program for Wednesday open- Student Christian association will be Among the questions to be discuss- street to Sleepy Hollow. Red lights The three arias sung by C
in the hero role. ed with a concert by the Girls' Glee taken over by the University author- ed will be the eligibility of athletes will mark the way from Hill audi- Harold and th encores foll
ker gave one of club iihd the orchestra of Ann Arbor ities about July 1. The bureau will playing professional baseball. This torium along the line of march to the them gave proof of the quality C
)ltiOns ever seen high school given in Hill auditorium be under the general supervision of question has received much attention scene of the festivities. artist. His singing is dramatic:
ig seven difficult under the direction of George Oscar Dean Burslef, and a director of the in Conference and metropolitan news- J eeting places will be as follows: ture but with a sustained q
p, and getting a Bowen. This was followed by the final service will be appointed later. papers. Another matter which will be Band in front of Hill auditorium, Sen- throughout. In the aria from
id sixth. Gene- rehearsal of the children's chorus of The bureau will continue. to take brought up will be the Intercollegiate iors east of Natural Science building Donizetti opera he creates an a
olics of two ex- the May Festival for the Friday after- care of employment for undergradu- News service, in which an attempt in court. Juniors on Ingalls street phere verging on pathos by n
long running noon concert. Included in this was ates during the college year and the will be made to get a more efficient just east of Hill auditorium. Sopho- of the mellow tones obtained co
'age Eight) the first performance of a contata "The summer vacation. No attempt is to service on news between uni'ersi- mores between Law building and Nat- ed with deep expression.
Voyage of Aron" by Profepsor Moore, be made to extend the scope of the ties. ural Science building. Freshmen in
ELECTS and solos by Chase B. Sikes, baritone, service to obtaining positions for The headquarters of the conven- front of Library on siewalks. Mendelssohn's "Elijah" will be
In the afternoon a concert by Mich- graduates of the University. tion will be at the Union. A banquet Features This Year as the second concert of the
CAPT AIN igan musicians was given at 2 o'clock Whie under the management of the will be given for the delegates Satur- An innovation has been made in Festival at 8 o'clock this eveni
at the anion. At 4 o'clock a reception Student Christian association, the day night. the program this year by the substi- Hill auditorium. The University
3, was unani- and tea was given by i the Matinee bureau has, aided, many students in tution of the singing of the "Vitdors" al union, the Chicago Symphox
in of the 1922 Musicale of Ann.Arbor for members of secring positions in Ann Arbor nrrnnr for "Goodbye Dear Old State Street", chestra, and a notable cast of
t night at the ' a portion of their expenses without FALLS
meeting of the the association, through which they' were able to earn Miill l L [UIL which has ben sung for years. This Ists. will take part under' the
Meeting Successfulx, will be the first time that the "Vic- tion of Dr. Stanley.
ceed George M. being put at a disadvantage in their Hnl Sn Tfi .
the aggregation In commenting upon the convention school work. The bureau has also r" s nsnIIrTH 1T1
President-elect Moore stated that ih this size. Florence Hinkle will sing the
lglly successful PeieteetMoesae hti handled a large "number of- applic- ' A the marchers enter the Hollow ingsoprano role in this oratoi
was one of the best attended and most tions for summer positions each-As
note one dissent- successful ones the association had year.i'(By Bob Angell) . the classes will seat -themselves in is justly famous for her work
ction comes as ever held. The next convention will The Student Christian association Staff Correspondent, order, the seniors at the' northern- great festivals throughout the co
us stellar work be held in Battle Crek. will be in charge of all applications New Haven, Conn., May 18. - Yale most section and the freshmen at the where she has shown her abil:
e led the lyear the remainder of the school year and defeated Michigan in tennis. here to- far eastern side. LeGrand A. Gaines, an oratorio singer to the best
shoran year, and PARTY OF 25f T O ' unti fi arrangements are made day by winning four matches to Mich- '21E,master of "eremonies, will in- age. Another soprano role, ti
redmn yebraryn A TiFg5 Outl i~ rageet r ade wo trduce Albert C. Jacobs, 21, student the youth, will be sung by Mrs.
tSEE PRpATnTODAYWesbrook defeated Williams 6-3, 6- speaker; William M. Heston, '04L, Johnson-Konold of the faculty
td int F erY reau to begi its service. 3. Bundy beat Munz 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. alumni speaker, and Prof. Lewis M. Schoof Music. Merle Alcock, a
ation that in the Final arrangements have been com- OIL PAINTING COLLECTIONS Wheeler beat Angell 6 love, 6-3. Moss Gram, faculty speaker, who will also ist well known in the festival
1 head the most pleted for the Del Pratt day celebra- NOW IN ALUMNI HALL beat Merkel 9-7, 6-4. Wesbrook and present the M blankets to the Varsity and on the concert stage, is t
that has repre- tion at Navin field, Detroit, thi after-Munz beat Williams and Bundy 6-3, athletes. At the conclusion of the the, contralto parts,
tht asrere to ~ Nvi fel, erotths ftr-.6-4. Wheeler and Moss beat Angell speeches the "Yellow and Blue" will 1w'l Soloists .
Blue, with the noon and some 250 students are ex- Two collections of oil paintings by
on of the crack pected t be in the party which will noted American artists have been and Reindel 6-4, 6-2. be sung followed by "Where, Oh The tenor and baritone solo
-. la AataV d t F mnl a"x

.h has 'furnished attend the game to honor the former brought here through the American be sung by Lambert Murpy an
n for the Var- Michigan baseball coach, according to Federation of Arts and will be on ex- SENIORS PLAN FOR' ,he members of e cla 24 c odore Harrison, respectively.
eturn of several the committee in charge of the event. hibition until May 30 in the lower 't roaing fe an ard teir Murphy was heard last 'seasa
igibility barred Special cars will leave over the D. U. galleries of Alumni Memorial hall.Amoretan6adp
his year. The R. at 12:10 and 1:10 o'clock today, Among these are paintings of mod-' - days. tell of one success after anothh
anned to be the arriving in the city in time for the erate size and cost'- especially suit- Accompanied by the Varsity band, ThaesAtradknowledging him -a brilliant fig
er undertaken, Tiger-Red Sox game. able for the home by contemporary the class of' 21 will hold its second Entertainment has been provided by this generation of singers. Mr.
r opponents as I/Members of the Varsity baseball artists such as Curran, Harrison, sing at 7 o'clock tonight in front of the management of the Majestic, Ar- son is considered one of the bE
use being hoped team are taking a vacation from prac- Mora, Wigand, and others. Another the Library.' The members of the cade, Wuerth, and Orpheum thea- terpreters in the baritone role :
mreral of the ag- tice to ,see their former coach in ac- group consists of pictures which have class will wear their caps and gowns ters, which will ru'n special shows jah now before the public.
'e met the Wol- tion. and Captain Van Boven will pre- been loaned by private collectors, according to established custom. beginning at 10 o'clock. None of the In addition to these soloists a
sent Patt with a gift on behalf of his painted by Melchera, Sargent, Alex- Much more interest has been evi- pictures to be shown at these free ble quartet made up of memb
team. All members of the Varsity, ander, and others equally well denced towards the second sing and it performances are on the regular bill the Choral Union will sing. Th
up to 24, will get passes at window known. The exhibitions are open to is expected that a large number of of the theaters. The committee in sonnel of this is as* follows:
T number 1 at the park and all other the public. seniors will bp on hand. W. W. Bish- charge of Cap night arrangements re- Grace. Johnson-Konold and Ma
persons hoding tickets for the game .op, University librarian, has granted quests that students will not rush the Kleyn, sopranos; Doris Howe
r,' managing will exchange them at the same win- WEB AND FLANGE INITIATE exclusive permission to the senior theaters as the performance will not Nora Crane Hunt, contraltos; (
es, managers, dow without additional charge. There 10 JUNIOR ENGINEERS TODAY class. to hold the sings on the Libra- start until after the second show Oscar B~owen and Harry G. Me
1 of are still a few tickets left for the ry steps. , crowds have left the buildings. tenors, and Robert, R. Deter]
alters-eect Rbr 3ocfnls, ass
Wtons are re- game and they will be held on sale Ten junior engineers, deft wielders . It is urged by the committee in Robert 1. McCandliss, basses.
n at Cushing's drug store 'and Huston's of the transit and level, will assem- charge of the sings that as large a Franklin K. Lane Dies at Rochester V. Moore of the University S0
o'clock this until 12 o'clock.' -0. L. Cushing, of Ann ble at 5 o'clock this afternoon under number of seniors as possible turn Rochester,' Minn., May 18.-Franklin Music will be at the organ.
Presbld- Arbor, Roert H. Clancy, '07,' of De- the engineering arch to prove their fit- out. These sings once held an im- K. Lane, former secretary of the in- "hiJah" Masterpiece
p r- trait, and R. V. Libonati, '22, are the ness to become members of Web and portant place in campus events and terior, died at a local hospital here The firstperformance of th
committee in charge of arrangements Flange, honorary senior civil engi- the committee wishes to revive the old early this morning. Death was due to jah" ws given at the Birmi

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