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March 09, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-09

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1 H E. IV


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qtriitian Ui
every morning except Monday during the Univer.
e Board in Control of Student Publications.
dated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
fall news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
spaper and the local news published therein
the nostoffie at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second

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s, if sighed, the sig.
at as an evidence of
in The Daily at the
to The Dailyr office
icloses postage.
the sentiments ex-

Telephone 2414
IG EDITOR ................HARRY M. CARRY
Mark XK. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice
C. M. Campbel 1seph A. Bernstein
George Brophy Hugh Hitchcock
Paul A. Shinknman
......... ...H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. ;Woodruff
.........Renaud Sherwood
atant .... ............. ...John I. Dakin
tant............................Brev~ter Camipbell
. .. .................Robert C. Angell
Department............. ..Margurite Clak
......... .Thomn" Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr.

erment. Of the 70 odd ex-soldier students, not
a single man failed to come up to fitst semester re-
quirements and it is reported that a number of them
have to their c&redit unusually good records.
That these men should do so well is especially
interesting in view of the fact that -a number of
aem are not in the best of health due to tlhcir serv-
ice in the army; furthermore, every man had been
out of the swing of study for a considerable period
jbefore his entering the, University.
The explanation for such success doubtless lies in
the fact that their avowed purpose in taking advan-
tage of the government's offer was for study alone,
while the average undergraduate has more diversi-
fied interests. Also, the average ward probably has
a keener appreciation of the advantages 'openi to
him than most students.
Michigan's campus, like every cosmopolitan com-
munity, harbors a certain number of those who are
living in the shadows of yesterday. For these,
progress has gone so far, and stopped. They seem
to have found satisfaction.
It is true that we are reaching what, a few dec-
ades ago, 'would have been an ideal. But it is also.
true that progress, by its very mature, depends for
its existence upon reaching for things that ever
remain a little higher than we can attain.
Those who are living in the shadow have ceased
to look forward.. They have not realized that, as
the impossibilities of yesterday are the actualities of
today, so may the impossibilities of today be the
actualities of tomorrow. In short, they have at-'
ready achieved.
Everyday builds Michigan and brings i4 more
more thoroughly toward a nation-wide reputation.
It is the enthusiast, the idealist, the believer in the
future who has been responsible for. every 'con-
structive measure 'in the* University as well as else-
where. Less than a' century ago the University 'of
Michigan consisted of Mason hall and seven stu-
dents. What may not another' century bring forth?
Success for the individual or the institution can
only come from the enthusiasm of those who live
in the present and look forward to the future. It is
is a dlay when the tendency toward reconstruction
and' expansion is everywhere being expressed. It is
a time when true Americans and trute Michgan men
cannot afford to live ir the shadows.





DETROIT UNITED ;LINES f lt1!1#I#r##r!1!Ir1ri#lll~rl~ltltll11l1111ltltl#I~1l
Between Detroit. Ann Arbor and Jackson I C E ~ D -
(Eastern Standard Time) ~ JU ST RC I E
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:iaa.4.
mn., and hourly to 9 :to p. mn..:
a.a.,adevyhort 94 p u (x IjGLOG SLIDE RULLES
Jackson Limited aad Express Care-48LO
"pessmake foca stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound--6 :oS a. m., 9 :05 a. ."
nu ndevey wohous o 9oSp.in. 1:50F' -Have you, seen -the."Rust" Lettering Scale?
p. n. and e psiry t o nlyrt :05pi., 1:10O,
a. to... "d to Saline, change atY psilanti. 5NA Great Time Saver.
Ypsilanti. ,
Local Cars Wwst Bound-1:4sa . in. and S $1 1 i
(on conetd it heJnieriyWpIRSBOOKSTORES 1
.editor'sa Nte- Everydayfour per- W A
eithesuensrrpr f studesnts ak llrrl#I!or profe!1!rlllltitlltsor111liil,1r arellltllt1ask-1111H
ed at random their opinion of some { II -}--
nuu. rreua .nipu f... alue 44 A L £ A tofl-..


G. E. Clarke
Thomas J. Wihinery
R. W. Wrobleski
George Reindel
Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt

Winfred' Biethan
Robert D. Sage
E. P. Lovejoy
Marion Nichols
Frances Oberholtzer


Telephone 900
...LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark S. Covel
Classified Ads ....................airy Whiting
*..... .....:. ..............risier;Rdrd Pivabs

4 .

F. M. Heath
Sigmund Kunstadter
Harold Lindsay

D. P. Joyce
Robt. Sommnerville
Arthur L.. Glazer

wishing to secure information concerning news for arty
Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge
:o be printed that night.
;ht - editors for this week will be : Monday
agarn L. Rice; Tuesday night,. George Bro-
dlnesday night,. Mark Ehibert; 'T'hursday
igh Hitchcock; Friday night, Chester
Satu~rday night, Joseph A. Bernstein.
TUESDAY, MARCHl 9, 1920.
will be a meeting of the entire editorial
tryouts at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.

t x


1he Telescope'


dom" reporter.)
Today's questions "Who, In* your
opiniona, Is the greatest mo ring pie-
ture actres oftoday?"
Prof. Arthur E. Bloakc: "I like Mary,
Pickford as well as most of the'i
world; brit LIllian Gish is my real
favorite,: for I: beleive she is truly a
great actre'0.'
Clarence J. Riley, '22L, former Gold-
wyn movng picture actor: "Nazi-
mova without doubt is' the greatest
emiotional actress in~ the world. Her
ability to portray the different emo-
tions through true aesthetic power, is
art in its highest form."
C. Stewart Baxter, '21, managing ed-
itor of the Student Directory: "I
would say that Anita Stewart appeals
to me the strongest of all present day
"mvie actresses. Her eyes are es-
pecially attractive, and the way she
fits, in the various parts she plays
with grace, ease, and skill is note-
John S. Wilson, '20, composer of
music who comes from California,,
"the movie land": "As an individual
actres's, I believe Nazimova , is the
greatest There is a doubt in my
mind whether or' trot Clara Kimball
Young is her equal, but at least she
is a close second. Out where I liv%
these two are the most popular, any-'


Phone 16C6-J

1206 Washtenaw



Private DanigLessons
By Appointment.

Mr. M. L. Mose
'20 Lit.

Miss D. Moses
Schof M.

)f indecency that is cropping out in
ered comments of Ann Arbor movie

ht matters to a point where a
care to take a woman to th~e


the expression of one observer, and many
been attending the cinema productions
him out.
an has never had the reputation 'of being
effete or a puritan institution, but neither
re to have its good name stained by such
thatn kind of action must inevitably cast
The men who lack sufficient self cqntrol
tfrom loudly uttered smutty or suggestive
in a mixed audience do not represent
Nowhere will these manifestations be,
more strongly than among true Michigan
know howr the University is hurt thereby
imation of visitors, and who have nothing
st for those who cause 'the disturbance.
od old student 'customn of shuffling the
t the operator know about dimness or
ussing is a blessing. There is no surer or
ay to express disapproval of a poor film,
the manager know that Michigan demands
it' gets results, and it relieves the soul.
irit of. rowdyism which has crept in lately
mitigated evil, with no other purpose or
a selfish' and offensive disregard of the
eems to be diversity of opinion regarding
on of the study .rooms in the Librarv.
there intending to pass a pleasant social
1e "a few" go for the purpose of 'prepar-
ni assigned work.
ether difficult, no matter how strong the
concentration, to keep one's attention on
hen twitt-ring and chattering are going on
d.-By actual obserl'ation it has, been as-
that over half the people in some of the
ms devote their time to conversation
ery annoying and distracting to the minor-
some the Library is the only place in which
the information required, and these go
purpose, of getting' out' one more day's,
e were no other meeting place for stu-
Library Would form a splendid social cen-
iasmuch as its primary function, is that of
3nature, those few who must read should


The reason, Clarice, why we so often begin this
column with an epitaph is because, according, to,
Hloyle, the epitaph should always be placed at the..
head of the deceased.
We take pleasure in announcing that thie low-
brow who persists in' giving timely advice and coun-
sel during the love scenes in the "movie" has been
admitted to full membership 'in 'the Royal Order of
Oil Cans.
Dear Noah: --
Is there anything in the. recent rumor that white
shirts are coming back. Dood.
Not as long as you patronize the same laundry
as we do.
Mazry Up' to Date
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How 'do the galoshes' go?
' With unsnapped' snaps and flapping flaps'
And clanging buckles ina row.
Osur Daily Nav tette
She stood, a sobbing, shivering, wretched little
figure in the moonlight. The cold eyes of count-
less stars looked down upon her and a far-off clock
chimed the hour of midnight. Ever and anon
(where have we heard that before) a- great blub-
bering sob shook her frail young body. "I must be
brave," she told herself. "I must 'face this thing
bravely ; I must try and live my shame down, I
must-I must-" The' last words came throuigh
tightly-compressed, bloodless lips.
A' storm of seet~hing anger tinged with venonxs,
hate swept over tier as she thought of the wrongs
she had suffered at the hands of that man. Over
and over her subconscious minid kept repeating the
words, "I don't deserve it ; I don't deserve 'it. If I
were like other girls it wouldn't seem so unjust.
But to have him 'do this to me after the way P've
tried' to please him, humoring his every whim."
,. III
And then, as though it afforded her some re-
lief, she continued her bitter soliloquy, All is lost
now, ambition, pride, honor--everything worth liv-
inig for. And after' all my work and- sacrifice what
does he care? Nothing." It was almost too much.
for her ; her own words almost choked her. "Why
did he ever give me a' B in that' bluebook when I
know I deserved ah 'A."
They' found her, the next' morning, frozen deep
fn the slush of State Street. A faint smile imparted
a look of almost heavenly calm' to her features.' In
her blue little fingers, clutched tightly to her breast
was a crumpled blue book. J. W. K.


and a good-looker

for highest possible Qualityr
vit lowest possible price.

We are beury conscientious in our policy of keeping our supply'

That's Spur: The kindest, gentlest,
most likeable cigarette g~ist ever was
bred from the world's best.
Everybody wants to move behind a.
winner. They're taking to Spirs likea
check from home.
Spur .Cigarettes, at 20 for 20e=-colors
brown }and silver-are leaving the field
01Bended -from American and Imported, to-
baccos, in a new way that brings out that good
old tobacco taste. Crimped, too--not pasted -
maing a slower-burning, easier-drawing' ciga-
rette. ;

$ U S 4p,
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Smnoke a Spur.
tot's 1r4 IWto itL

Qtthat good tobacco ness
fsy it yourself: "They win."





Fa'mou~s Closing Lines
is very low," she muttereds as she
ale in the heal of her stocking.




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