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March 09, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-09

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I Set Aside Annual Day For
Payment of All Back Dues
and Bills
owing the 'plan instituted at
ale college several years ago, it
een suggested that Michigan'
a "Pay-Up. Day" This, carried
ong the same lines as at Hills-
but on a larger scale, would be
ay set aside each year for the
ag up of minor debts. It would
e any outstanding de'bts tc
s or organizations, and a settle-
of any back accounts 'with Jocal

Soldier-Students Meet All University
Requirements During Past
The 70 men who are wards of the
federal government under the provi-
sion for educating men wheshave been
wounded in the war, and now students
in the University, have shown in the
past few months that their scholastic
standards and abilities are as high
as their work while in theĀ° service
would indicate that they should be.
Ntone of the men failed to meet the
University requirements during the
first semester and some of them have
established very creditable recordV.
Business Courses Popular
These men are taking their work in
the'literary, engineering, Law, and
Medical schools. The greatest num-
ber have registered in the business
administration. department and are
looking forward to careers in the com-
mercial and industrial world. Every
two or three weeks there are a few,
more men sent here by the govern-
Checks Vary in Size.
Checks that approximate nearly
$5,600 are issued from the department
in charge every month. Married 1ien
receive an extra bonus, while many
others are paid $80 per month. Some
only are given their tuition and nee-
essary supplies and still others are
paid $80 in addition to their expenses.
The average amount paid to each in-
dividual is about $80.

. 1
Physical incapacity may now
mike a student ineligible to
participate in any student activ-
ity according to an addition to
the rules on eligibility adopted
by the committee on student af-
fairs at a meeting Nast Thurs-
The rule ie worded as' fol-
lows: "Students excused from
gymnasium work on account of
physical incapacity are forbid-
den to take -part in any public
activity, except by special per-
mission' of the senate committee
on student affairs. In order to
obtain such permission, a stu-
dent, may in any case be .requir-
Ied to present 'a written 'econm- .
1mendation -'from the University -
} Health service." I
1 _-r
,Proves Self A
Jttaster Leader
(By Edna Lucking Apel
Ossip Gabrilowitsch left little to be
desired in the matter of interpretation
or orchestral excellence when he con-
ducted the Detroit Symphony orches-
tra without scare in' a 'program
of familiarly representative works,
among them Wagner, last night 'in
Hill auditorium, 'thus closing the
Choral Union concert series for this
Lois Johnston-Gilchrist, Detroit so-
prano, acted as soloist, singing tw8
arias, Mozart's "Dwye Sono" from
"Don Giovanni" and Leonora's ariad
from "Le Tasse" of Godard's, whichI
gave her opportunity to display a
wide range and vocal ease of execu-
tion. A notable attribute in lherpg-
ing was in the lack of spreading tones
on the' many difficult vowels which she
was forced. to take.





txum Favorable
tioned yesterday, a num-
and women on the cam-
d themselves as being in
. a plan. Curtis Bottum.
t councilman, said:' "r
Up Day' would be a fine
ild give the students an
>f starting with a clean
>bs, '21, president of the
declared: "It would be
plan. By this methoO1
would clear off their
d1many individual debts
e cancelled."
den, '20, of the judiciary
e Women's league, said:
i seems. plausible to me
reason why it shouldn't

Millar Dissents
In the opinion of Bruce Millar, '20,
managing editor of the Alichiganen-
sian, the plan .is not feasible on ac-
count of the large attendance at Mich-
igan. "If any one O ay was set," he
said, "it would be bound to bit some
classes harder than others. For in-
stance, the senior class is under heavy
expenses for large class dues, diploma
fees, invitations, cap and gown, senior
canes, etc. I think the individual or-
ganizations and classes can set their
own dates for collection more ad-
vantageously thane one organization
couldarbitrarily set a date for all."
Students ,Mean.Well
T. C. Sedgwick, '21, said: "I think
that the majority of students mean to
pay up with the merchants, at least
the first of every month, but often
put payment off until they are dunned'
I believe that one, or better yet, two
Pay=Up Days,' one in the fall and one
in the spring, would afford a stimulus
to paying up all debts to merchants
organizations, and classes. A great
many, when they see how they have
let their debts pile up against them
will make an effort to pay them off
more as they go along."
James McClintock, '2fl, managing
editor of the Chimes, believed the plan
good but doubted that ascheme of thiF
kind could be well enough organized
to make it effective.
Cercie Francais
Names ?lay CasI
The cast for L'Ami.Fritz, the French
play to be given April 29, has been
announced by Mr. Eveett L. Hadkes,
director of the Cerele Francais. The
principal roles are as follows:
Fritz Kobus, David Watts, '21; David
Sichel, B. S. Jiras, '21E; Frederic, a
carpenter; A. J. Himmnelhoch, '20;
Hanezo, a student, W. G. Sharp, '23;
Christel, a firmer for Kobus, Renaud
Sherwood, ;'22; Joseph, a Bohemian.
Joseph Freedman, '21; 'a harvester,
H. Ranft, '21; Suzel, daughter of
Christel, Margaret E. Beckett, '22;
Catherine, housekeeper for Kobus,
Bernice Warsaw, '22; Lisbeth, a ser-
vant, Harriet C. Gustin, T22; a woman
harveste. M: Alie 1::Houeh. '22

Proposed Plaits Will be Twice Size
of N-C4, to Cover Distance of
7,616 Mies
New Yoi-k March -8. - The United
States navy is preparing two giant H-
flying boats for the first flight across
the Pacific ocean, according, to an an-
nouncement here tonight by the Man-
ufacturers Aircraft association, which
said that 'construction of the boats,
which are nearly twice the size of 'the
N-C 4, will be begun 'within a few
days. .
First Stop at Honolulu .
The proposed route lies from San
Francisco to Hong Kong, China, a
distance of 7,616 nautical miles. Stops
will be made at Honolulu, Wake Is-
land, Guam, and Manila. 4
The rfirst leg of the Journey, from
San Francisco to Honolulu a dist-
ance of 2,091 nautical miles is the
hardest, and the association points
out that the new boats will be able to
pgegotiate the dista ice easily in 24
Crew Numbers 27
The fiights have been made possible;
the announcement said, by an inven-
tion whereby three Liberty 'engines
are coupled' to one 18'foot propeller.
RThe boats will have three separate
noowe plants, each containing three
high compression Liberty engines or
iine motors to each ship. The crew
will number 27.

Amendments in Effect Are Nuifica.-
tions, 'He Writes to Demo-
oratie Leader
Washington, March 8. - President
Wilson restated for Democratic sena-
tors today his opposition to any peac
treaty ,reservations which would weak-
en the full 'force of Article X or oth-
erwise materially impair the provi-
sions of the late covenant.
'Without saying specifically what the
qualifications h4 would or would not
accept, he wrote in a letter to Sena-
tor Hitchcock, the admninistration
leader, that almost all 'of the res-
vations he had heard suggested were
"in effect virtual nullifcation" of
the treaty articles towhich they ap-
"I hear of reservationists and mild
reservations," the letter added, "but I
cannot 'understand the' difference be-
tween a nullifier ad ,a mild null-
Diftuss' Ardie X
Discussing Article X- particularly,
the president wrote that there was
no escaping olr moral obligations
which are expressed in positive terms
in this article although. there dan be
no objection to 'explaniixj' in an in-
terpretation the constitutional meth-
ods by which such an obligation would
have to' be fulfilled. The "very 'heart
of covenant," he Teiterated, "would be'
imperiled by weakening Article X.
"If we were to 'reject that article
or so to weaken it as to take-its full
force out of it," the president said,
"it would'make us as desiring to re-
turn to-tlie old world of jealous rival-
'ryg and misunderstanding from which
our gallant soldiers rescued us.
Must Choose
"The :choice is between two ideals.
Qn the one hand, the ideal of democ-
racy which represents the rights of
free peoples everywhere to govern
themselves, and on the other hand the
ideal of imperialism wbch seeks to
dominate by force and unjust power,
an ideal which is by no means dead
and which is principally held in many
quarters still imperialistic. Influences
in Europe are hostile to the adoption
of Article X and the covena4 o! the
League of Nations,\ and ts deteat '10w
would mark the complete consumma-
tion of their efforts to nulfy -the
treaty. I hold the doctrine of Arti-
cle X to be the essence of Aerican-
ism. We cannot repudiate it or weak;-
en it without at the same time re-
pudiating'our own principles.
Should Enter Fearlesslyr
"Either we. shouldsenter the league
fearlessly,, accepting the responsibil-
ities and not fearing the role of lead-
ership which we now enjoy, contribut-
ing our efforts towards establishing a
just and permanent base'or we should
retire as gracefully as possible from
the great concert of powers by which
the world was saved.
"Our respnsibiity as a nation at
this turning point of history is, an
overwhelming one, and, if I had the
opportunity I would beg every one
concerned to consider the matter in
the light of what it is possible to ac-
complish for humanity rather-than in
the light of special national inter-
ests."'. x

Faculty Men Act as Pallbearers at
Funeral Services
Willard Barbour, '08L, professor-
emeritus of the University Law
school, was buried yesterday after-
noon in the Ypsilanti cemetery.
The funeral was private, only a few
'attending, and the following acting
as pall-bearers: Dean Henry M. Bates
of the Law school, Prof. Edgar N. Dur-
fee,,of the Law school, Prof. Claude
H. van Tyne of.the history depart-
ment, Prof. Arthur E. .Boak, .of the
history department, Wilfred B. Shaw,
secretary of the Alumni associktion,
and Itwin' W. Long of Detroit, a for-1
mer' classmate of Professor Barbour.
Willard M: Barbour graduated from
the University of Michigan in 1905.
Further'work earned an A. M degree
and he graduated from the Lawschool
in 1908. Distinguished work abroad
followed his graduation, and on his re-
turn in 1913 he came to the Michigan
Law school as an assistant professor.
In 1915 he was made a full professor,
shortly following which he accepted a
professorship at Yale university. It
was during a year's leave of absence
while lecturing at Columbia univer-
sity that he died.
Will Ultimately Become Republic Like
United States, Says Prime
Mover of Project
Copenhagen, March 8.-The ultimate
development of Germany into a repub-
lic of federated states like the United
State's of Ameria is predicted by Dr.
Rudolph Musz, one of the prime mov-
ers of the project to separate from
Prussia that part of Sschweswig-Hol-
stein which shall remain German aft-
er the plebiscites.
Move Opened Last Year.
The Schlweswig-Holstein movement
began last August, and according to
Dr. Musz, now has approximately 75,-
000 adherents.
"We are Schlweswig-Hosteiners,"
Dr. Musz declared, "an desire to ad,-
minister our own affairs .as far as
possible' and have our own judges,
teachers, and clergymen..
Delegates Agree
4"All of the 200 delegates who at-
tended the recent m'eeting at Rems-
burg, were agreed that our territory
wopld always remain a part of the
German nation, but I believe all the
German " nationalities will demand
home rule and that Germany will
gradually develop into a federated re-
public like the United States of Amer-

Lawler and Oss, Minnesota Stars
of Contest on Account of
Michigan continued the wir
streak set in the Wisconsin gam
defeating the University of Minn
30 to 16, Monday night, in a
that approached the Badger enco
in point of speed and team play.
Gophers Crippled
The Minnesota team was crij
by the loss of Captain Lawler
Oss, star forward who has beer
leading score maker of the 'Goj
this year. Arntson was the high
maker of the visiting team, findin
basket three times and securing
foul goal ,for seven points.
MacDonald who was the vis
star, opened the scring by thro
a short shot at the- end of the
minute. Karpus dropped a field
and followed this with a shot
the foul line. In the middle o
half Minnesota pulled into the
but Michigan was able to over
this advantage because of Ka
brilliant shooting.
Karpus and Williams Star
At the end of the first half Mih
led 21 to 10. Karpus, who mad
poit4s in this period, an' Will:
'whose floor work was easily the
standing feature of the game,
responsible for the substantial I
iganl total.
The play in the second half
noticably tighter, ass innesota
able to throw only two baskets
.the field. Enke, guard of the Gop
followed Karpus every minute o
last period, and held the 'Midl
star without a basket. Dunne wa
feature performer of the ,pd
throwing three field baskets.
with his one long shot, complete
Maize and Blue scoring from the
Wilson Strong on Defense
Williams and, Wilson, as i
formed a powerful defense for
Wolverines, and the floor playir
the former, coupled with his two
baskets, 'made him the star of
Michigan outplayed the Gophe
every ploint of the game, and wc
(Continued on Page Six)
"The Hertage of France," whi
to be given at 7:30 o'clock Wedne
evening in Hill auditorium, unde
auspices of the Women's league
companied by a lecture by Miss C
Parker, noted war-worker, was
duced by the American Committe4
Devastated France with French
ple who have suffered under the
ditions of/ the play acting for the

This picture and lecture are a
of the committee's campaign to r
a fund of $2,000,000 for rehabiliti
work in 100 towns and villages
France. The work of the comm
and particularly this campaign
been highly commended by noted
and women both in Europe and A
General Leonard Wood says
know how tremendous and vast
devastation is and how great a
confronts that bravp and much
fering people. I din sincerely
you in all your efforts."
General Pershing gives- this,
ddrsement: "This cbmmittee is
only extending timely and much ni
ed assistance to the impoverished
habitants of the devastated reg
but it is doing much to foster
continued growth of the good will

"Symphonic Poem" Featured
Beethoven's "Symphonic Poem,'' No.
3, introducing a fortissimo passage of
chords sustained by the strings, giving
the 'effect of a single instrument, was
followed by numerous peculiarly grog
tesque harmonies, later bringing in
Florestan's aria, "In Life's Springy
"time." This was succeeded by enrl
trancing string sections alternating
with brass and wood wind melodies
and a short oboe and flute theme.
ringing trumpet solo, clear and true
was the climatic element.4
The D minor, Chopin symphony,
with its strong contrasts, buoyancy,
and exuberance, wasinterpreted witn-
out pauses as if it had all been writ
ten in one long' movement. Schumann;
somewhat defied convention in the
writing of this work, by breaking
away from the basic chatacteristic
symphonic form, and by paying lit-
tle attention to the second subject.
In .this number, the concert-meister's
solo was- beautifully set.' off by a
rhythmic violin. and 'cello obligato,
closing with the full orchestra.
The reappearance of Wagneawas an
interesting factor of the program
which lent dignity and reminiscence
for the Prelude and "Love Death"
from "Tristan and Isolde," and the
"Tannhauser" overture closed the pro-
Oera Committee
Mrembers Changed1

Memnbers of the 1923 football team
will give a dinner at 6 jp'clock tomor-
row night in room 321 of the Union.
Coach Lundgren, of the Varsity base-
ball squad, Capt. Angus Goetz, "Duke"=
Dunne, Hugh Wilson, 'and several
other members of the Varsity football
team will be present to give the first
year men pointers and advice as to.
preparation for next year.
The feature of the dinner will tbe
the presentation of sweaters and nu-
merals by Coach Mather to those who
made the All-fresh team. As usual,

When questioned in regard to tie
record of Dr. Clyde B. Stouffer, whose,
resignation from " the Health service
was recently announced, a prominent
University physician said yesterday:
"He has been one of the most popu-
lar and bestsloved men on the campus,
and always has been held in high es-
teem, both by the faculty and students
of th University ever since he be-
came connected with the Health serv-:
ice seven, years ago.
"I have often walked across the
campus with him,* when he was con-
tinually greeted by the passing stu-
dents. Before coming to Michigan to
study medicine, Dr. ,Stouffer was the
principal of one of the high ,schools
in Hagerstown, Md., which gave him
considerable experience with stu-
Dr. Stouffer was the physician of
the summer encampment of engineers
at Camp Davis for five years, and also
gave courses at the engineering col-
lege on first aid and hygiene.
Syracuse Advaces Tuition Rates
The new catalogue of the University
of Syracuse will announce an advance
in tuition rates. The increase will ap-
ply to most of the colleges. The an-
nouncement of the School of Business
Administration will appear for the
first time. -

Due to ineligibility and the fact th
some men have gone into the cast
chorus, three changes have been ma
in the committees for "George Did It
Stuart Smith, '21E, has been a
pointed master of properties a


the dinner will be $1 per plate. Clarke Boothby, '22, one of his as-
sistants. Durbin Longnecker, '21E,
Ehlers To Address Botanists' has been transferred from the public-
A paper by Prof. J. H. Ehlers of it'y committee to the electrical commit-
he Botany department will feature tee.
he v'ekjy meeting of the Botanical A picture of all opera committees
club to be held at 8 o'clock tonight in will be taken at 12:15 o'clock today
ooim 173 of the Natural Science build- at the Rentschler'"tudio. Members of
ing.. Other members of the club committees as well as the chairmen
will also present report. Iwill be included in the picture.

,Mrs. Kate Earle Riggs, mother of
Prof. H. E. Riggs of the' civil engineer-
ing department and wife of Judge
Samuel A. Riggs, died at 6:30 o'clek
last night at Professor Riggs' home at
1319 Cambridge road.
Mrs. Riggs and her husband have
made their home with their son for the
past six years. Mrs. Riggs was '83
years of age.
The burial' will' take place at. their'
'old home in Lawrence, Kan. Brilf
services Will be held at 8 oclock to-
night at 'the Ann Arbor residence.

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