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March 06, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-06

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mind that the value of applause depends on the way
in which it is employed.

13 f J-/x--11L t

ery morning except PMo dric the Unive
Board in Control of Student Publications.
ed Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
aper and the Iccal news publish-ed therein
he postoffice at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second
by carrier or mail~, $3.50.
Arbor Press building. Maynard street
ness. g6o; Editorial: 2414.
>ns not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
sarily tp appear in print, but as an evidence of
sof events will be published -in The Daily at the
Editor, if left at' or mailed to The Dailyv office
nications will receive no consideration. No man
eturned unless the writer incloses postage
los not necessarily endorse the sentiments e .
Telephone 2414
ITOR.....................HARRY M. CAREY
K. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice
Campbell Joseph A. Bernstein
Brophy HughHitchcock
.......H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff
. . .. . . .. .. .Renaud Sherwood'
.John I. Dakin
.~Brewster Campbell
.~Robert C. Angell
.Marguerite Clark
..Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr.

It is not necessary to repeat 'in advance what
others have said of Strickland W. Gillilan's per-
sonality and humorous genius, to bring a crowd to
hear "America's foremost humorist."
When Stephen Leacock, Canadian humorist-lee-
turer, who was himself enthusiastically received by
an Ann Arbor audience some weeks ago, adds the
assertion that there is no man living who has a rep-
utation equal to Mr. Gillilan as a humorist, then
surely one needs no further urging to hear for him-
self the author of "Finnegan." But is such worthy
recommendation necessary? One need only be ac-
quainted with the compositions "Sunshine and Awk-
wardness," "A Sample Case of Humor" and the
popular "Off Again, On Again, Finnegan" to obtain
an. adequate knowledge of Gillilan's genius.
It is significant that besides being a frequent con-
tributor to magazines, Mr. Gillilan has spent twen-
ty'five years of his life in newspaper work. It was
in this extensive school where he received his early,
training by "writing for the common people." In
Mr. Gillilan the Oratorical as'sociation will present
a truly great 'American to the University and to
Ann Arbor.



, r..


(Oct. 26, igig)
Between Detroit; Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6 :zo a.
and hourly to 9:io p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars 48
x. in., and every hour to 9:48, P. m. (Ex-
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound- 4:os a. in., 9 :05 a.
rn. and every two hours to q:os p. in., 10o:5o
iM. To- Ypsilanti only, z: p. im., /:zo
a. m., and- to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound--7:48 a. m. and
'2:20 a. i.M
Excellent CHOP SUEY from
11:3) a. m. to midnight
Steaks and Chops 814 5. State

1111111r111r11[tlu ill III I IIIII I k il II I11 111111111 111111611111 [11iliU111111 llII I
- Have you seen the "Rust" Lettering Scale?
A Great Time Saver.
- X 1.25
111l1 1nn11 111 11111111111111111111 i rj, 11i itiliilliM IN 111111111 l1111

G. E. Clarke
Thomas J. Whinery
R. W. Wrobleski
George Reindel
Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt

winefred Biethan
Rob. Sage
1. I 'Tvejoy
Marion Nichols
Frances Oberholtzer

Astronomy classes
ment this semester.
certainly provide you
for seeing stars.

report an increased enroll-
Ann Arbor's icy sidewalks
with unnecessary telescopes

Telephone 960
lAGER..................PAUL E. CHOLETTE
.....LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
ifled Ads.................. ....Henry Whiting
. . , , ,. ,- - ' ' . . ' , .; .' ' 'E d w a r d P r i e h s
...............Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan

D. P. Joyce
nstadter Robt. SomIerville
ay Arthur L. Glazer,

wishing to secure information concerning news for any
Daily should see the night editor, .who has full charge
o be printed that night.
ght editors for this week are Mark Ehl-
aday night; Paul Shinkman, Tuesday
ugh Hitchcock, Wednesday night; Edgar
Thursday night; Chess Campbell, Friday
seph Bernstein, Saturday night.
Hahn, '04, new varsity trainer and as-
ck coach, will come into no sinecure when
es his duties at preliminary football prac-
building and sustaining of morale) that
ant gridiron item, the ; trainer's work
rth as a first essential. Behind the fight-
there must be physical stamina ; and be-
lie the expert warning and watching of
I trainer, the ever-vigilant care of inju-
:. and small, the authoritative word that
v of the training diet.
york that, demanding for every major
personal care, advice, and surgical at-
at only a specialist can properly 'give.
, the job demands a man whom athletes
who knows them and their ways. and can
their friendship while he inspires a spirit
ice. Hahn would seem, if a study of his
ords ground for judgment, a worthy suc-
Harry Tuthill. His record as Olympic
>ach at Whitman and Brown; and finally'
. for five years of the Brown football
hen they w-re among the cream of the
s the stamp of wisdom on Coach Yost's
dation and the action of the Board in Con-

Jury of 12 Landlords Acquits Tenant.-Head-
line. We would rather believe Professor Porta,
The Telescope
Editor's Note - The spring poem which we pub-
lished yesterday, while a little premature, seems to
have opened the floodgates of pent-up genius of.
some of our contributors. 'k nameless bard has
sent us the following with the notation that it is
his latest "brain child." A perusal of it inclines one
to the belief that he must have been laboring under
the delusion that we are conducting an orphan or
foundling asylum.
Cold, wet drops ooze from thi sombre Heavens * *
And drizzle upon long ridges of soot-splotched
Augmenting the slushy ptdddles through which
The lady-learner, with meloncholy splashes, slowly
Galoshes her boarding-house way. * * * *
Sopping toque pulled low, the yearling,
With sagacious intent, picks bis dreary* way
Along the shallow side of the walk. * * * *
A student ducks his snow-incrusted cheek behind
Upturned collar, and trudges with expectancy to-
The cheerful warmth of Polly Little's tea parlor.
Wanted, a canoe, write 309 14 Street.Daily ad.
Somebody else who probably realizes the unex-
celled opportunities for boating on the sidewalks of
Picturesque State Street.
And Now He Wears a Black Ego
Instructor-What's the meaning of alter ego?
Bright stude-Other eye.
Instructor-Correct; now give a sentence illus-
trating its use.
Bright stude--She winked her alter ego.
Dar Noah:
I find that I am unable to sleep Sunday morn-
ings. Can you suggest some relief. H. R. A.
You mighf try suggesting to your pastor that h6
ref rain from pounding the pulpit. so hard during
'he course of his sermon.
Today's nomination for Chief Oiler of the Royal
Order of Oil Cans goes to the bird who offers as.
'his excuse for not keeping on the campus walks
the fact that "he's in' a hurry," and then turns
around the next minute and shoots' the breeze with
some member of the fair sex for half an hour.

Asked At Random

(Editor's Note-Every day four per-
sons connected with the University,
either students or professors, are ask-
ed at random their opinion of some
current topic by the "Asked At Ran-
dom" reporter.)
Today's question: "Do you think
it would. be practical to form a soci-
ety, Composed' of students, to estab-
lish and run a co-operative laundry t"
Prof. John W. Bradshaw: "I know
of a similar organization at Harvard,
which has been working very success-
fully for a number of years. If started
on a small scale, I see no reason why
it, would not work out well at Mich-
igan. Before starting such a thing, I
would advise that the promotors thor-
oughly investigate the present prices
of the local laundries."
George D. Anderson, '22L, member
of the Student, council: "This seems
to me like 'a good idea. If the right'
men are secured to get behind it,
work, and do the business, I see no
reason why it shouldn't succeed.",
Lloyd Johnson, '22E, associate ed-
itor of the Chimes: "If other schools
have seen it advantageous to support
a co-operative laundry, I see no rea-
son why it would not be equally ben-
eficial for Michigan. It is a great
idea, and should, In my opinion, be
carried through."
Charles Eades, '22, president sopho
more lit class "I have not given the
,subject much throught and consequent-
ly would not like,-to p:'Nedict its suc-
cess. It seems. to be a very sound'
idea. If successful, It would, besides
giving employment to many students,
enable all of us to save money."
Tomorrow's question: "Who, In
your opinion, is tie greatest moving
picture actor and why?"
Newark Club to (fold Meeting Tonight
There will be a meeting of the New-
ark, N. J., club at 7 o'clock tonight In
room 306 of the Union.
All members are urged to be pre-
sent, as important business is to be


' 1ro cr- rp ar,4vnd soft drink

For college men, busi-
ness mein, professional
men, m en of sports-
baseball, football, golf,
tennis, shooting, riding.
For everybody,.every-
where, the year 'round,
Bevo is hale refresh-
ment for wholesome
thirst -an invigorating
soft drink.. Ideal for the
atlete or the. man in
physical or: mental train-
ig-goon to train on
and gain on. Healthful
and appe.ti1ing. It must
be ice cold.
ST. Louis

Serve it cokd


>plause is often insincere, its real purpose fre-
tly forgotten, and it thus loses most of its.
when employed legitimately. This one con-
onal means of expressing our approval is
ghtlessly abused when used for other purposes
'om othtr motives than those which it was de-
d to express.
applause merely the result of the common feel-
f' ecstacy, a contagion which spreads over the
regation ? Intelligence is irpmune to such an
al of emotional fervor, yet we seem "readily
d, resign our individual inclinations, and allow
mind of the audience to guide our decisions.
ause in such circumstances is spontaneous, but
bless; the'handclapping loses its real meaning,
becomes merely a refined sort of "Amen,
>wever, there is another sort of abuse far more
cable than this: that affectation of approval
[ is based merely on a cowardly desire not to
a lack of understanding. ,This insincere ap-
e is as unfortunate in result as it is unworthy
otive. It gives an entertainer a wrong esti-
of his audience, for -he can regard only the
>bation which is uttered, notthat which is felt.
more important, when really sincere appre-
>n is expressed, there is no more significance

For Campus news read the Mic h. Al0
igan Daily.--Av.
h ~



McDuff is a.chap most able;
He can read a D. U. R. time table.

In our qpinion, the z year old Chicago boy who
has written two dramas, a 35,oo-word novel and
numerous short stories, is a new kind of a boy.
Yes, Clarice, you are quite right in stating that
marriage prolongs life. We have several friends
who would probably have died long ago if it hadn't
been for their wife's income.
A Sure Cure
Baby won't suffer five minutes after you apply
Dr. Thomas' freight train.-Ad. in Lake 'Chas.,
American Press.
Another advantage of drinking
Is that, when you are at Death's
- Door it will probably take you
Longer to find thekeyhole than
If you were sober.
I thank you.
Famous Closing Lines
"Ha! Another veiled threat," sneered the sultan
when his ex-favorite threatened to kill him.

The season of nature's or less apparcnt. The needs
awakening, is also the time and desires of 'humanity Lire
for renewed effort on the affected by it in a thousand
part of every wide-awake and one ways. We are pre-
person. In every line of pared. to satisfy your wants
business activity the effect for we are headquarters for
of seasonal change is more


and all that goesN
stay young.

t.. _

with them for young m n and m
(Next to Wuerth Theatre)
322-324 S. Main Street

aen who

> risk a display of provinciality,
than to lower the standard of
:xert the slight mental effort that

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