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January 20, 1920 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-20

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ago, and Indiani
'feated In Court


Conference Standing

is . .. . . . . . .. ..
go ...........
n a ...........
esota .......
)nsin .......
State ........
western .....
e . ... . .... . ..

Won Lost
. . .3 0
...2 0
...2 0
...2 1
...1 1
...1 2
...1 3
...0 1
...0 2
...0 2


Four games will be played on
Tuesday night by teams left in the
running of theinterfraternity bas-
ketball league. Theta Chi will face
Kappa Sigma, Psi Omega will scrap
Alpha' Tau. Omega, Phi Sigma Kappa
will have it out with Delta Chi, while
Sigma Nu and Kappa Beta Psi will
furnish the fourth attraction of the
The departmental league will be
started this week-end as the Varsity
five is scheduled for a trip and the
gym will be available for several
games each day. By Saturday after-
noon the fraternity league wil be play-
ing its finals and the other two leagues
in the midst of their activity, making
that day a full one on the Waterman
gym court.
Play will open in the society league
at 8 o'clock Wednesday when another
quartet of matches will be started.
The Bayonne club will play the New
England club, Scalp and Blade 'op-
poses the Kentucky club. The West-
ern Normal club meets Les Voyageurs
while the Craftsmen face the Grand
Rapids club.
On Thursday night the Western
club will meet the Up-Staters and
Griffins will play the Failing club.
Play on this tvening will start at 8:30
Leaves Detrot

, y . flt mf LS
bruster has developed 18 first-rate

r. ,or c~apus UnewsD IV a Laos m1Wu
igan Daily.-Adv.


IOWA ENTERS REPRESENTATION swimmers and has great hopes for'a
IN CONFERENCE TANK MEET successful season.
Iowa City, Ia., Jan. 19.-Iowa Uni- Harness Race to Re Held on lee
versity will participate in the Big Ten Mt. Clemens, Mich., Jan. 19.-Harn-
swimming meet, March 19 and 20. The ess racing on the ice will begin at the
Clinton View park here' on Jan. 27.
team, which is captained by J. F. The work of icing the track has been
Weidman, is one of the best in the begun, and a number of the star per-
history of the school. formers of the minor circuits are
Meets with Chicago and Northwest- quartered in the stables
ern have also been scheduled for Feb.
13 and 14. respectivel. (Conch Ar rn. -..w - .....fA

I Trubey'S
Dinners. Lunches Confect
Ice Cream,' Delicious Sod
We Make our own Ice Creo
Orders solicited from Fraternit
Sororities. 218 S. Main Pho

(By Bob Angell)
With two weeks of the Big Ten
basketball season past, some idea may
be obtained of the caliber of the sev-
eral teams. Twelve contests have
been played .thus far, Illinois leading!
the race with three victories and no
defeats. l
Chicago and Indiana also have clean
slates, although they have each par-
ticipated in but two contests. All the
other seven teams have gone down to
defeat before one of the three leaders.
Leaders Even
From what little can be gleaned
from the results of the games so far,
it appears that the three teams who
are now in the lead are of nearly equal
strength and that one of them should
carry off the Conference flag. Illin-
ois beat Minnesota 31 to 19 Saturday,
and that team in turn was just able
to nose out Iowa 21 to 19, while Chi-
cao odefeated the Hawkey s 35 to 18.
According to comparative scores, this
places Illinois and Chicago on an
equal basis. Moreover, Indiana wal-
loped O. S. U. 22 to 11, while Illinois
turned the same trick 40 to 22, indicat-
ing the equality of the Hoosier and
the Illini.
Carney, the Illinois football star, is
also one of the main cogs of the Ur-
bana basketball five. He is a fast
center and a dead shot from the foul
line. Vail, left guard, is also- one of
the principal reasons- for Illinois' suc-
cess on the basketball court.
Maroon Captain Fast
Captaii Hinkle of the Chicago quin-
tet, is one of the best 'guards in the
Conference. In last Saturday's game
with Wisconsin he caged six baskets
from the field, the largest number of
any one man in the game. Birkhoff,
the other Maroon guard proved so
fast in the Badger game that he was
able to dribble almost the whole length
of the floor repeatedly.
The Indiana team needs no intro-
duction to Wolverine followers of the
court game. The work - of Schuler,
Dean and Byrum in the game last
Saturday night spoke for itself. This
veteran team is remarkable for its
accurate shooting and clever passing.
It will be a good 'team which can take
the Big Ten laurels from this combin-

Harry Tuthill, for the last 12 years
trainer of the Detroit American Base-
ball club, and for several years care-
taker of the Michigan' football war-
riors, has quit the Tigers and expects
to devote all of his time to the posi-
tion which he has at West Point.
He was the first trainer of the New
York Giants, going from that team
to the Tigers, where he has been
since. Previous to that time he be-
came noted for his handling of noted
prize fighters, Jim Corbett, Bob Fitz-
simmons, Tommy West, and Young
Corbett among others.
While at Michigan the Wolverine
teams were in the best shape that they
have ever been, and it is characteris-
tic of his teams to be more free from
injuries than any other elevens in the
His plans for the future are indefi-
nite, but it is thought that he will con-
tinue to train the West Point grid
team, as his contract there has two
years to run. Tom Daly, trainer of
the Toronto club of the International
league, will suceed Tuthill at De-
Ehmke to Remain With Detroit
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 19. - Howard
Jfhmke, one of the veteran pitchers of
,the Detroit American league club, has
signed his 1920 contract.
will appear Thursday.-Adv.
Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv.

Some s Mor
wvhy Kuppenheimer clothes prove
their Dorthiness in wvear
These comments will interest any man who seeks th
faction in the clothes he wears.
Kuppenheimer Clothes
are made with your interests as the prime considerati
made to meet every requirement of appearance, fit an
Every detail in a Kuppenheimer suit or overcoat is iml
stitch, every seam, every trimming, every button, e
ment, must be approved under rigid examination.
woolens are cold water shrunk, and tested to sun
climatic conditions; to insure fastness- of color an
This Pore is the House of Kuppenheimer C
Cut prices upon Overcoats Now
Spring Suits Arriving Daily
N. F. Allen
The House of Kuppenheim
MOZn Ann Arbor



'. . _


he utmost satis-


rr. r.

ion. They are
d wear.
portant. Every
very reinforce-
, moisture and
d durability in

("IpyrIght 1519
The House of Kitppsuhi



ner Clothes



Harley Stars
Although Harley is playing with the
Ohio State quintet, that team seems to
have little chance for the Conference
championship. The beatings adminis-
tered_,y Indiana and Illinois leave
the Buckeyes little hope.
Oss and Arnltson, wh~o were members
of the wonderful Gopher backfield last
fall are the two forwards of the Min-
nesota court team. The thrashing
which this team received at thehands
of the Illini, however, put a serious
crimp in its championship hopes.
Michigan Is the only one of the Big
Ten teams that has played but a single
game. Little can be told of the way in
which the Wolverines will stack up
against the other Conference quintets.
The shooting of the Michigan team in
the Indiana game was so off color
that it would not surprise some to see
the Maize and Blue teamdome back
strong in future contests.
Tigers Sign Yelle for Fourth Term
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 19.-Archie Yel-
le, catcher, has signed his 1920 con-
tract with the Detroit American league
baseball club. The coming season will
be Yelle's fourth with the Tigers.
Read the Daily for Campus News.

Annou lice ment


Wilson's Orchestra

"-Makes Jack a
Dull Boy!"

can be engaged for

Jack and Tom and Harry get
to be very dull chaps, indeed, if
they believe in all work and no
Men who want to keep their
minds keen and their wits
sharp, know that they must play
to keep fit for the terrific strain
of modern life.
If your "prof" is wise he will
heartily approve of your play-
ing an occasional game of bil-
liards. Come in tonight--get a
good cue in your hands again-
and see how soon your former
skill comes bach to you.
Billiards and Bowling, Cigars
and Candies. Cigarettes & Pipes.
"We try to treat you Right"







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556 South State

' U,


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. M .


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