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January 20, 1920 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-20

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A Lj tIaI

us jM. Boynton, '23, are quarantined at
V eW s 1their homes with the diphtheria. I
Wome n \
is, '19, of Lupton, was Have you arranged with the Sped--
ids here over the week ding Studio for your Michiganensian All those taking required gymnasium
" sitting? Sittings must be made -be- work should sign up immediately on
fore Feb. 1.-Adv. . the bulletin board in the dressing
t,'8, of.Detroit, spentroom for posture examinations which
,y 18 of nn spentor Razor Blades sharpened, any make. will begin Tuesday, Jan. 27.
unday in Ann Arbor Single edge 3c, double edge 4c.
friends. \ Blades called for and delivered. Olmix- Wyvern will meet at 7:30 o'clock
stead & Barta, 203 S. Thayer. Phone Tuesday evening 'at the Chi Omega
churz, '23, and Lucille 1317-J.-Adv. house. At this time the new .initiates
will entertain with a stunt.
and satisfactor , * 1 Junior girls who have talent for
' to every custom- Lunches drawing are urgently requested by the
e account be large Lu c e
play commiitee to make up a cover that
Soda s . may be used on the program and song
or Savings Bank " - book. Anyone interested will please
iorated 18$69" CandCies see Marcella Moon, '21, at once,' to
Orr'a" ,p (SUGAR BOW L talk over plans.
No Y. W. C. A. vesper services will
r. Main & Huron, = 109 S. MAIN ST. be held until next semester. It is
UnIversity Ave. thought that students will be occupied
- i11111tIitf11111111 I111111111111iIItIII I with studies until after, exams. A
number of features are being planned
for the services next semester.
The finance committee of the Y. W.
C. A. will meet today at 5:30 o'clock
ers F0Uoristsnielegrapv D0fVery at Newberry hall.
G IM3 S. UnIVi.
Masques will hold a meeting at 4
o'clock today in Sarah Caswell Angell
,hall. Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, direct-
or, will speak upon problems incident
to staging and costuming "Alice-Sit-
By-The-Fire," the Comedy club play
which he is now directing.
Regular rehearsal of the University
Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:30
o'clock Tuesday afternoon' in Barbour
Stylus will hold a meeting at 7:30
o'clock tonight at Martha Cook buidi-
17 black degrees and 3 copying -
La Sociedad Hispania will meet at
Not Sometimes - 7 o'lock tonight in room 304 in Uni-
b A lw ay s versity ha ll. .
in every degree ADDRESSES D. A. R.
American lead Pencil Co
$ Fifth Ae.,D1 i'w York - or Mrs. George Maunard Minor, chair-
man of the national committee of the
.___________________________ Daughters of the American Revolution
A____magazine, was a guest Monday of the
1 rSarah Caswll Angell chapter at a 1
o'clock luncheon in the Michigan Un-
r Saisfactdry Amateur in.
Mrs. Minor has been vice-president
ishing lerve your Film s general of the national convention of
D. A. R., and -is a candidate for the
office of president-general of the Na-
tional Society of the Daughters o the
American Revolution for 1920. She
was one of the leaders in obtaining
Sg . torethe reformatory for women at Cnnect-
irr 's Dr g S tore icut; which is her home state.
Mrs. Minor was a guest Sunday at
AI do th orksupper at Martha Coo dormitory and
Ce SWAIN do the work - _"______thuE***"
gave 'a little talk to the girls.
leave Cpy
at Among the pictures now being ex-
Qars a n hibited at Memorial hall are a num-
he ffea ber of water colors by Helen Hyde, one
A D V E R T I S I N 0 of the foremost painters of Japanese
pictures in this country. As a result
of several years spent in Japan, Miss
LNTED LOST AND FOUND Hyde has caught the true spirit of
that country's art.
student, who can P- LOST-On State St. between West Another interesting feature of the
t and wishes to as- Hall and Nickels Arcade or on cam- exhibit is a number of wood blocks
iiring spare time for" pus .walk In front of Law building, illustrating the steps in reproducing
gain by experience. -1'Laughlin fountain pen with gold pictures by wood cuts. The remainder
I, 21 Ann Arbor SaE- band top, and ring. Finder please of the pictures consist of several post-
g. Phone 472-Fl. leave at Daily office. impressionist works, pastels by George

nt desires furnished LOST-December 20th, black silk bag, of Chinese gods and goddesses pre-
t housekeeping. Will with small sil er initials containing Cented to the Library by Prof. I. Leo
1 immediately or be- ' money and eye glasses. $10.00 re-
mester. Write E. H., ward for return to 832 East Uni- Sharfman.
call 1298-R between versity. Phone 1508-M.
LOST-.A gold watch and chain on TO BE' GIVEN BY GRkAHA1

Yost follies And
luleAttend Ball
Alumnae House, as "The Follies,"
won honors for being the best group
at the Womens' Fancy Dress party .
which was held Saturday evening in
Barbour gymnasium. The freshman
class took first place in giving
"stunts;" Edith Staebler, '23, dressed
as a fairy, was considered the pret-
tiest individual; Helen 'Croff, '21, and
Mary Groff, '20, as Pierrot and Colum-
bine had the cleverest; and the Kappa
Kappa Gamma mule "kicked across"
with the most ridiculous costume.
There were two grand marches, each
led by the Board of Directors of the
Women's league, followed by the va-
rious groups. Chi P3mega sorority,
represented Heinz 57 varieties; Kappa
Kappa Gamma and Martha Cook build-
ing went as gypsies; 'Helen Newberry
residence as convicts, dragging bal-
loon weights on thir ankles; Alpha
Chi Omega represented the "Ad" fam-
ily, featuring even the Gold Dust
twins; Kappa Alpha Theta were
wonderful creations from the "Hat
Shoppe;" the Tri-Delts went as the
football team with Coach Yost; Theta
Phi Alpha were a,complete harem;'and
Pi Beta Phi were a deck of cards.
There were an extraordinarily
large number of clever individual
costumes, among these being two lit-
tle devils, a bottle from the Health
service, a Spanish dancer, a bridal
couple, and others.
The Advisory board of the Women's
league acted as judges.
Excellent CHOP SUEY from
11:30 a. m. to midnight
Steaks and Chops 314 5. State


There's a Big Satisfactiol
In buying your
Drug Store Necessities

The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. LIBERTY ST.
'NO11=111 m w"


Nickels Arcade

Up the Stairs

Hey Boy! Have You Tasted The Good

Food At The ARCADE?

Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts.
Everything displayed on our forty-foot steam and
serving tables.
Select just what appeals to your own individual
Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens.
Delicious cofee- with rich Jersey cream.
Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail here.

" r~~..-[

Any Lfnses Duplicated


A M n

Three Days Commencing Today

Alioe Brady


"The .Fear



Double room north or east
s beginning next semester.
warm, light and comfort-
dress Box B. C., Daily.
Young mne'n desires single
rate family, near the cam-
session after February 7.
- A few students for
d at reasonable rates.
L-R. 1021 E. Huron St.
-Apple wood very desir-
Ireplaces. Leugth to ord-
. Thornton, Geddes Road.
-Dress Suit, size 38. Lat-
Call at 1333 Wilmot St.
-Two Airedale doges. Fred
nidt, Saline. Phone 197-F22.

Washtenaw Ave., between South Un-
iversity and Dent building. Reward.
. Phone Michaels at 319 between 12-
1, 6-7.
LOST-In or near the Law building on
Saturday, Jan. 17, Conklin fountain.
pen with a spring clip. Return to
or phone Layle at 2619.

LOST--Gold watch on Fridaya
noon, between Delta Gamma -
and Barbour gym. Call 452.


LOST- Hudson Seal Coat Cuff, be-
tween 815 E. Huron and Ingalls.
Finder please call 496-F2 or return
to said number and get reward.
LOST-Leather bound loose-leaf 'note
book, with name, Karl W. Guenther
in lower corner. Please call 1832-J.
. Reward.
LOST-On State St., gold Eversharp
pensil, engraved. Reward. Leave
at Calkins Drug Co.

A lecture on Christian Science will
be given by the Rev. Andrew J. Gra-
am, C.S., at 8 o'clock Tuesday eve-
ning in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Reverend Graham is a member of the
board of lectureship of the First
Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston.
No admission will be charged to the
Miss Roxanna Vivian, head of the
hygiene and physical education de-
partment of Wellesley college, who is
making a tour of all universities where
graduates of their department are
teaching, is a guest of the University
The Michigan Daily, the only morn-
ing paper in Ann Arbor, contains all
the latest Campus, City and World

W O Yl P y
- WHY DOES SOCIETY Fear the Pitiless Publicity of Its Own Favorite Pubilcatloni

Carried away by the ardent and persistent love-
making of the artist, Sylvia has rashly consented
to elope with him and a week later-

A drama of New York's well dressed, self-satis-
fied Society and the parasites who prey upon its
pleasures and feed on crumbs stolen from the
tables of the rich.

Star Comedy "In the Good Old Days" and We


Chocolates in

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