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April 30, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-04-30

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____________ I5 GREAT SUCC SS


ablished every morning except Monday Turning out to be the largest and
ng the university year, by. the Board in
rol of Student Publications. one of the most important meetings
MBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of university registrars ever held, the
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled American Association of Collegiate
lie ,use for republication of all news dis- Registrars' convention which took
ies credited to it or not otherwise creditedplacelast weeka heUniersity
his paper and also the local news pub- plccatwe t h nvriyo
d heren. Chicago, was an unequaled success,
states Registrar Arthur G. Hall, who
tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, represented the University.
higan, as second class matter.
bscriptionlsby carrier or mail, $3.5e. With the determination of undertak-
fices: Ann Arbor Press Building. ing a survey of the problems of educa-
ones: Business, 6o; Editorial, z. tion, the registrars elected a standing
immunications net to exceed 30s words, board of survey which in turn is toe
gned, the signature not necessarily to ap-sectubtsfrivtgaonndoh
in print, but asan evidence of fat, and elect subects for investigation and to
es of events will be published in The appoint sub-committees to carry out
y at the discretion of the Editor, if left the investigations. An extensive dis-
r mailed to the office.
nsigned communications will receive 'no cussion of the psychology test and itsF
ideration. No manuscript will be re- application to college administration,c
ed unless the writer incloses postage.a
Le Daily does not necessarily endorse the was also made, though no definite con-
ments expressed in the communications. clusions were drawn.a
The registrars were unanimously in
EDITORIAL STAFF favor of the granting of college cred-
it to students who had. taken officers'
ance Roeser............Managing Editor training courses or other equivalents.
ry M. Carey.............News Editor Though the association has ,limited
e Millar...................City Editor legislative powers, all of its 'recom-'
on Marx................Associate Editor mendations are usually accepted and
mas F. McAllister....... Feature Editor
c K. Ehlbert......... Telegraph Editor used by the universities.
d B. randis.............Sport Editor -.t..
guerite Clark ........... Women's Editor"'
he Guernsey...........Women's Editor e eN ews
drick Kimball......Guillotine Editor
Iles R. <Osius, Jr ........... State Editor
A. Shinkman........Dramatic Editor
Apel .................Music Editor Professor Henry E. Riggs has re-b
ard ohi.:.. .. ...Literary Editor ceived letters from various engineer-
ing concerns offering positions to twoa
ISSUE EDITORS instrument men, four draftsmen, and b
.u She r Parl G. W cer two structural engineers. Men witho
W. Hitchcock J. P. Hart experience are wanted. As there area
William Clarkson - no undergraduates qualified for thesel
REPORTERS positions now in the University, stu-E
nas H. Adams John E. MoManis dents knowing of former Michigan
and B. Marshall C. H. Murchison
Ellis Mary D. Lane epgineers, either graduates, seniors, 1
na Schermerhorn John I. Dakin or juniors recently released from theg
uer o nLart Steanr Bruaul service, are requested to communicate h
e Crozier Muriel E. Bauman the information to Professor Riggs.
BUSINESS STAFF Dale Kaufman, ex-'18E, has return-a
ed to Ann Arbor from service int
id Makinson..........Business Manager France. He expects to continue his t
engineering course next fall.a
A. tames...Asst. Business Manager
.LeFevre....Asst. Business Manager C. Good, an instructor in the me-
A. L.eitzinger. ..Asst. Business Manager o'nth e
1d M. Major....Asst. Business Manager chanical engineering department whob
ell R. Schoffner. .Asst. Business Manager has been seriously ill of blood poison- t
SFENIOR STAFF ing during the last few months, is re-
B. Covell Edward Priehs, Jr. covering. He is at St. Joseph's hos-
rt E. McKean . Henr Whiting II G
ge A. Cadweill J3. Duane Miller pital.
ard A. Newton R. A. Sullivan
JUNIOR STAFF An order has been placed by the p
P. Schneider Isabelle Farnum engineering college for a gas furnace t
d P. Lindsay Gno R. Strimbeck, Jr which will replace the coke furnace in
er Moore Arthur L. GlazierD
James A. Kennedy, Jr. the foundry of the shops building.T
This furnace will be installed as soonf
as it arrives. Piping and meter havee
already been installed by the localI

was ordered from his position on the
Loire river into the active zone.
Later when stationed at Maron he
received his captaincy.

Marguerite Clark




Mltusic Notes



Advanced students of the University
School of Music will not appear in re-
cital Thursday afternoon.
The regular private recital exclu-
sively for students of the University
School of Music will be held at 4:15
o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Frieze
Mr. Samuel Pierson Lockw od will
present the University Symphony or-
chestra in concert for the last time
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Hill
Preliminary Prom
Plans Completed

"The Seven Swans"
(The Land of Make Believe)

1000 Popular Copyright Novels
at 49c each, Regular price 75c
Come early and stock your library

Except for the actual decorating of
the Armory, which will be done later
under the supervision of the commit-
tee and the decorator, Flanders, all of
the preliminarybplans for the 1919
soph prom to be held May' 2, have
been completed.
It is expected that the decorations
at this prom will surpass any that
have been used at the previous events
of this nature. Special floral designs,
and novel floor ornaments are on the
lists of the members in charge.
Booths for chaperones, refreshments
for guests, and other matters have
been completed.., The favors to be
given are leather card-cases and bill
Only members of the committee are
authorized to sell these tickets and
all wishing them should see one of
the members when purchasing. Blue
tickets are the only ones that will be
accepted at the door, and all other
colors will not be considered.
In the mattr of corsages or any
other floral adornment, the committee
has decided to follow the policy of
the J-Hop and bar thezp completely.
Chattanooga Gets Camp Equipment
Louisville, Ky., April 29. - Camp
equipment for 1,000 Louisville high
school boys has been shipped to Chat-
tanooga, where cadets of the Fifth
District Federal Officers' Reserve
Training Corps will be given training
or one month, beginning June 15. The
equipment includes 1,200 pup tents,
uniforms and cooking outfits.

Thursday, 7:15
Tax? ".'s You Like It"
I ~women
Y. W. C. A. vesper services will be
held at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
in Barbour gymnasium. Officers for
'19 and '20 will be installed, and Miss
Constance Ball will address the meet-
Final appdratus practice examina-
tions will be given from 9 to 12 Wed-
nesday morning and from 2 to 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, in Barbour
gymnasium. This will be the last op-
portunity to take these examinations
and so finish the work of the first sem-
Senior baseball practice will be held
at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon on
Palmer field or opposite the gymnas-
ium. See the notice posted on the
basement door of Barbour gymnasium
in regard to this.
Athena Literary society will hold
the final elections for this year at the
next to the last meeting before final
examinations in June. Members elect-
ed at that time will enter the organiza-
tion next fall.
U. S. and Canada Establish Time
United States and Canada were the
first countries to establish standard
time, Nov. 18, 1883. European coun-
tries began to adopt it about six years
later, Belgium and Holland being the
first. The railroads took the lead.
Breakfast Steaks
$4.60 $5.50
539 Forest Ave.


For~ Traveling Anywhere .Anytime
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Farmers & Mechanics Bank
101-105 S. Main 330 S. State St.
(Nickels Arcade)
McGregor Golf Clubs
Lee, Wright & Ditson and Spaulding



Rackets Restrung

SGRAHAM! formerly Sheehan & Co.
Just Received Shipment of Caps
711 N. University

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1919. gas company.
It is expected that quicker job work
Issue Editor-J. E. McManis can be done with less expense by the
-___ ue Edi__r-J. E. Mc __a _ new furnace. It denotes a movement
throughout the engineering world to
TURN OUT, FRESHMEN! replace hard burning fuel furnaces
With the .interclass track meet less with soft burning fuel furnaces.
than two weeks -away, Coach Farrell
has hardly any entrants, and in five Following is a list of pamphlets, now
or six events none at all. This is a very on sale at the Technic office for use in
discouraging state of affairs. the engineering courses: E. M. 1, 2, 3
It is not that there are no athletes and 4 Problems, "Shear and Bending,"
on the campus. Other years have pro- "Answers" (Mauer), "Introduction to
duced good turn-outs for the meet, Theory of Water Turbines," "Strength
and this year should be no exception. of Materials," "Deflection of Beams,"
The lack of interest is due to the lack "E. E. 2," and "Report on Concrete"
of spirit. Of freshmen especially is (A. S. C. E.)
this true.
In past years it has always been the CAPT. W. W. WILLIAlS, EX-917,
first year men who play an import- NOW VISITING IN ANN ARBOR
ant part in the interclass meet, and,
in fact, the meet, is held greatly on Captain William W. Williams, ex
their account. '17, one of the youngest captains in
It is the freshmen whom the coach- the service, is now in Ann Arbor,
es wish to know. They will be here having been discharged from the
for some years to come, and they Army.
should be started on their track car- Captain Williams had spent a part
eers early. of the preceding summer at the
The coaches want to see the fresh- Plattsburg training camp and was ad-
men. They want the upperclassmen mitted to the first officers' training
to come out too, of course. But they school at Fort Sheridan in May, 1917,
are particularly anxious to see what where he received his commission as
the younger men can do, and whether second lieutenant. He was then as-
there is any Varsity material among signed to the headquarters company
them. of the 337th infantry at Camp Custer.
Turn out, freshmen! Show what In the fall of 1917 he was sent to
you can do for your University. But the school of arms at Fort Sill, Okla-
most of all, show your spirit! ' homa, as a student of the machine gun
company, and early in 1918 was pro-
WORTH WHILE CONCEIT moted to first lieutenant.
Conceit is a dangerous thing: It Is He sailed for France on the Canopic
likely to make bad friends and a poor with the 85th Division. After further
impression. An egotist is the worst course of instruction at Chalons-sur-'
kind of bore. Seine he was left in command of his
On the other hand, conceit can go a company by the transfer of his captain
long way toward making success--not to another unit. On October 28 he
the conceit that is spoken aloud, or
acted, but that which is inside.
It is usually spoken of as self-con-
fidence, or self-assuredness. But what lagest sellina
is it but a strong conviction of our p!
own worth, a feeling that we are bet- cJU(24U11 penCL ito
ter than our neighbors, a belief that the worlci
we will ultimately succeed? In oth-
er words, what is it but conceit?
It is this kind of conceit that has
made some of the greatest men. They
know they had greatness in them, and
were not afraid to believe so--only
they didn't go around telling every-
body about it.
It is worth while to be conceited-
but keep it to yourself.
Prices fall hard in, food markets, b dg
according to a headline. It it's true 17 black degrees
that "the higher they are the harder and 3 copyin
they fall," we ought to have pretty
cheap food soon. FREE
Trial samples of
Germany's leading aviator wants to VENUS pencils sent
tour America. He may "ace high" in free on request.
his own country, but he is likely to
fall in wrong over here. American Lead Pencil Co.
215 Fifth Ave., Dept. D N. Y
At that, Taft would be a good man Ofall stationersandstore througot heworld.
to sit in iudgment on the kaiser.

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