THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1919. REGISTRAR'S MEET ____________ I5 GREAT SUCC SS E )FFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E ablished every morning except Monday Turning out to be the largest and ng the university year, by. the Board in rol of Student Publications. one of the most important meetings MBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of university registrars ever held, the he Associated Press is exclusively entitled American Association of Collegiate lie ,use for republication of all news dis- Registrars' convention which took ies credited to it or not otherwise creditedplacelast weeka heUniersity his paper and also the local news pub- plccatwe t h nvriyo d heren. Chicago, was an unequaled success, states Registrar Arthur G. Hall, who tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, represented the University. higan, as second class matter. bscriptionlsby carrier or mail, $3.5e. With the determination of undertak- fices: Ann Arbor Press Building. ing a survey of the problems of educa- ones: Business, 6o; Editorial, z. tion, the registrars elected a standing immunications net to exceed 30s words, board of survey which in turn is toe gned, the signature not necessarily to ap-sectubtsfrivtgaonndoh in print, but asan evidence of fat, and elect subects for investigation and to es of events will be published in The appoint sub-committees to carry out y at the discretion of the Editor, if left the investigations. An extensive dis- r mailed to the office. nsigned communications will receive 'no cussion of the psychology test and itsF ideration. No manuscript will be re- application to college administration,c ed unless the writer incloses postage.a Le Daily does not necessarily endorse the was also made, though no definite con- ments expressed in the communications. clusions were drawn.a The registrars were unanimously in EDITORIAL STAFF favor of the granting of college cred- it to students who had. taken officers' ance Roeser............Managing Editor training courses or other equivalents. ry M. Carey.............News Editor Though the association has ,limited e Millar...................City Editor legislative powers, all of its 'recom-' on Marx................Associate Editor mendations are usually accepted and mas F. McAllister....... Feature Editor c K. Ehlbert......... Telegraph Editor used by the universities. d B. randis.............Sport Editor -.t.. guerite Clark ........... Women's Editor"' he Guernsey...........Women's Editor e eN ews drick Kimball......Guillotine Editor Iles R.