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February 29, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-02-29

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We ter to Those Wh -Dmand the BEST in L

and Service




The Famous Shoe Repal


301 South State






satisfactory bill is opened
xroe Weber Girls, who intro-1
vel and clever acrobatic act.
_and Mason, a couple of
:ers, warm up the audience
start. They have a lot of
gs and stories that they put
n original manner.
~eMusical MacLarens.. one
four womnen in Scotch cos-.
inoti lively singing, instru-
us ic, a~nd dancing. Each of
mino Macbarens presents r
{Mialty, the feature of the act
drum imitationis by Missj

Mr. Tully, who not only ba maintain- (
ed a high literary flavor throughout,
his work, but who has been able to;
infuse in it elements of humanity and
universality understandable and ap-
preciated by every sort of condition
of playgoer.
Cyril Maude Has Had ThrWe"Coin1-
mnand" Performances
_1ra. Cyril Mlaude, the distinguished
actor, who brings his Internationatr u p , " r m y " o t e W i n y
~theater, Monday, March 6, has been4
honored by three* "command" per-
fo, mances. On the first and second
occasions he appeared before King
Ldward and Queen Alexandria, at
Sandringham. On November 9, 194-,
hie acted~ Peter in "French As She Is
Spoke," and Lord Ogleby. in the dress-
ing; room scene from "The Clan de-
stine Marriage." On November 11, inl
the following year, he appearedbe
b-fore their Majesties as Richard La-
celles in "The Flag -Lieutenant." Dur-f
in~' a brief farewell tour of the larger
cities of Great Britain in the autumn
of two years ago he was honored with I
a royal command to appear at Bat-

have been achieved in the domain of
hsigh comecdy, for like all actors of
genius Mdr. Skinner is amazingly ver-
s-tile and is equally at home in the
Iptortrature o f modrn types and ro-
natcand classic characters.
Co k oc' the Wialk" will surprise
a cndl delight AIr. Skiner's admirer's,
linsmuch a it will afford him an
opportunity to reveal new phases of
his gift for characterization..
j"Cock( o' the W all,", Mdr. Skinner's
new vehicle, ks a -modern comedy of
thoatrical life in: London, aind, satir-
izes some of the traditions and con-
Mentions of th~e contemhporaneous Eng-
lish stage.
"Bilack as the Pit
t FTrom Pole to Pdole"
T'o T , A.I
i have made for you a song,
And it may be right or wrong,

to you.

among other things whichi should
be mnentioned in a humor colutmn L,
the letter of D. H. Fink, '18L. But-
pardon us--there they are creating
leaders in the profession in that de-
Score One for the 1Eughweeis!
Dear "Gee"---May we suggest that
the French for Lit is "bed" or "couch,"
wvhich f'rom observation, we i;?now lit-
erarc students occupy all the timeĀ°
fexcept when they are "fussing.'"
From the inimitable way is which
the above was toldi, we did not have
to read more than a line to nake us
expect it to be signed "Engineer.":
But if! he'll come around to the office,
we have a better one than that on the
Z its!
One thin; makes us suspicious of
this year's Opera. According to The

th~e younlgest
ed momber of



one, and all for
ale and Mack's de-
Ae of Italian organ
after is funniy and
,ne very acceptab'e


y s of recent seasons prov e
rabI'; to every ty-pe of
r -,s does "'Omar, the Tent-
whi( li will return to the
heater- for one performance,
~nnMarch 3. Unquestion-
fu aiyat of Oinar Khayyam
the most popular heritages
rary worlA, -but merely tle
"Omiar, the T entmaker" is
ui the life, times and Rbl
a.r Khayyam would riot in iti-
it to,- the immlenise vpgnie
.y. ucho cre;dit must go to

'' ;

moral Castle,. where King George and
Queen Miary were in residence. The
play chosen was "The Headmaster."
Otis Skinner will be seen at the
Whitney Theater Thursday, Mlarch 9
in the new comedy entitled, "Cock o'4
the Walk," wvritten especially for him
by Ilenry Arthur Jloner. the eminent
~nglish playwright. Some of M-Ar.
Skinner's most notable stage triumnphs

But only you can tell me if it's true; I Daily, everything in it is better than
i have tried for, to explain has5 ewer been shown before.
Both your pleasure and your pain,
An d, Thomas, here's my best respects HIe's the Other Four
to you! Hully Gee--That editorial said
Oh, there,'ll surely come a day "five." Mr. Fink leaves only three
When they'll granlt you all your pay uinknown to us.
A _nd treat you as a Chrstian &ug ht to Yours truly,
do ; J. Burt Jones..
So, until that day- comes round, --
Heaven keep you safe and sound, In explanation-he (the writer) is
A Rad, Thomats, here's my best respect.sjreferring to the statement in an edi-



0 & M," 0 * I'l 0 .0
ffla I - or znicnisaim eiLnnounces
V qc ,s Crip ty



v '


pm) t%"d

yAubrey Stauffera Special Seen ery designed by the Chicago- Artist, Arthur V. Fraser,
by the New York _Costume Co. Lighting by the Chicago Stage Lighting Co.
Orchestra of Fifty Piecesunder C ati Wilson

~ert~ina Ra cli
ansvuse, Metropoltan Grand Opera Corm-
Li -Opera, Vienna; Panama-Pacific Exposi-
al Costumoes designed for this Act.

D orothy Coi
AND CHORUS OF SIX, Interpreters a
Direct from Detroit

,AFew of the 'scenes in the ""All Nation Revue"1

mle Trails Divide"

"tThe Open 'Door"

**The Daughter of the Nle"

"tSong of the Saniudi"

Ind' an
-B'ne Water"

Great Britn
"tMr. Bull, of London T, wn"
"~Twilight in Barakeesh"

ttSpell of the Marsellaise"


earl of Pctrograid"

"Echo vs of Seville"


But o. Vrd fl ed Ar-tistic anid Damati6 Poduction~



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