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February 29, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-02-29

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'Icn s Clothling Saic,

Cabinet and 12 Selections

Divided into three lots

W/4a.m./3 ear m '/2 F
Spring Hats, and Caps
are now on display




Absolute tone

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VDocas ter
Shows over the coat in back;
low sharp, smart curveaway,
front; good knot and slide space
2for 25c
CL.UETT. PEABODY &$C0.. Inc~. Makers. TROY. N.Y.

and gain the aditiration of all
by having your next sit
Custom Taallored
'Campus Tailior
516, East Wilia~m St. Flione 1422-3

F RATERNITITES wishing. to mac~e use of
the Tea Room for Initiation or ot her Special
Banquets are urged to make the necessary ar-
rangements immediately,

1 't"' _ i

:1 p3lalO i~i e f {Iobei F 'I ''frs;;ibzps{ ,
Robert F. Thiompsw, '2-9 i a's
_ust been alpoilnted justice of_ the
New' York State Sp~i. orGov-
ernor W1hitman made iublic thie an-
110oncemlent Of, the :appointment so 'w -:
2t, day ag, and till New York StateL
senate has coniin ed the ~vrc'
action. Justice IllThiopo's apit
jnenti is to the Seventh JIudica:i Dis-
trict of the State. He succeeds the
Late J)Ustie A. 1Rob1son. The newju'i
tIce' sat in the Sunrer ne 'Cou ;. for t[!1
itme at Li,v N. Y.. latFidy
J u tice 1-hompsoi...was tf o ie
~comity judge of Oetarcoay w

more than 70 languages and dialects.
}The introdiictio7 i t d'i ;iscusses " .'1{
1vaueofprvebsnot only in? r',,1ari
to thleir illpor'~1C11tanc 117conec'tiolN with
also 'aS a reve'laition owthe idals an
, ci'fll',ti1nda"rd~s of Cthe peoples;. Tho!se
9.ayin gs 1lx h ihave been handed down "T
rromu gJeneration to generation are
not only condensed philosophies bu)ii
YeU.S'. conlaearetaointaoinaoinwup
also an index to the thoughts and in-
ner lives of men.
When the romance underlying pro-
verbs is revealed to us, we turn with
interest to the curious sayingls which
'Mr. Marvin Ihas collecked froni na-
bions and trib.es all over the world.
Ti.he occupationi of men in far-off coun-
tries, their social usages, their super-
stitionev, evon the animals and atme-
spheric conditions of. the community
aret indicated to a large extent in th~
p)'),rovers of c,_ ta in ag-es and countries.
Naina swela local characteris-
tic',are1't cogn 111inthese sayings.
-Most people are astounded to know

p . Low-s DP insfm W41ill Lecture oi
I( nte at ion iRec ostr utin
!fter the lar'
G. Loves Dickinson, Esq., recog-
nized authority on international r'1
lations, lecturer and follow of Kings
College, Camnbridge university, nd
lecturer at the London School of Eo-
nomics and Political Science, has
been secured to speak in Ann Arbor
Thursday, March 9, on the subject:
"International Reconstruction After
the War.'" This lecture wil be un-
de. the auspices of the World Peae
Foundation, in whose interest ex-Presi-
dent Tat recently spoke in Hill A-
ditori um.
Mr. Dickinson is a member of the
League of Nations society in England,
and has been intimately associated
With Viscount -Bryce who with the
other members of his grup is muh
interestedl in p roposed plans for fu-
ture world, peace. On two previous
occasions, in 1899-1900 and in U019,
Mr. Dickinson, toured this country,
lecturing at mnany of the leading uni-
versities. These lecture, together
wmith his two best known boos, "Let-r of J h Cin m ," a d A
1V odrn Symiposiumi," attracted mnuch
favorable comment on this side, and
ren dered th e author rat her well kow
the country over.
Since the outbreak of the war he
has been a frequent contributor to
the Atlantic Monthly on such topics
as "The Wi4ar and the Way Out," and
"After the War."
Mvar ie Antoinette Fsk who ied la4t
week at Pasadena, left between $50900
and $100,000 to Princeton university
:or the construction of a dormitory.
t'he University of Pennsylvania will
sead a veterinarian to England and
France to study the practice of ani-
atnl surgery in the theatres of war.
A subscription fund for sending to-
bacco to Belgian soldiers is being sub-
scribed to by Yale students.
'Twenty dental undergraduates of
Tufts college will enlist soon in the
armies of the Allies in Europe.
The University of Colorado has re-
vived the game of horseshoes as an
intra-m~ural sport
H-arva rd medical students have
formed a medical corps which will
:frill with the Harvard regiment.
Statistics from the University of
Virginia show that the net earnings
per year of 250 students who work
while in the university amount to $88-
892 or an average of 8452 per man.
Mrs. Roxana A. Knowlton, mother of
Prof. J C. Knowlton of the law de-
partment, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. V. H. Lane, yesterday.
Thg deceased was 85 years old.
Mrs. Knowlton was one of the old
residents of Ann Arbor, having lived
here for 49 years. Shortly after the
death of her husband, E. J. Knowlton,
who dlied in 1899, Mrs. Knowlton made
her home with her son-in-law, Prof.
V. H1. Lane, 715 Forest avenue, where
her (death occurred.
Funeral services will be held at the
home on Wednesday afternoon at 3 :00

31&N]'{ A\1 ''IIAt TQ'IE POES iOTI
I thought that all argunment with ref-
crence to "Ku Kl x Klannism" as
:yet %t by Mr. F. A. Klann in your
issues for February 22 and 24 had
been ended, but a communication from
Mr. F -ink in last Sunday's Daily criti-
cizing youlr edlitorial on Mr. Klann's
article brings forth this reply to
both Mr. Fnk and Mr. Klann. The
tone of Mr. Fink's communication in-
dicates that lie is ini sympathy with
Mr. l~ann. Why? In the first place
hie asks the samne quetion as to what
is patriotism, and secondly, there is
an old, old saying that a dog never
howls uless he is hurt.
Mr. Fink says hie knows what pat-
riotism is, and then proceeds to ask
what it is. There is about as much
consistenicy in this attitude as .there
was is _Mr. Klann's attitude when he
said that "he would rather live un-
dor the paternal socialism of the hated
kaiser, than uinder our own corrupt
and inefficient government," and, when
invited to move to Germany, answered,
"I am not, nor do I want to be, a
citizen of Germany." In his answer
to the criticisms of his communica-
tion, Mr. Klann took the stand which
a ,weak arguer always takes, when
backed against the wall, by saying,
"You misunderstood the argument that
I off ered."' If the readers of The Daily
ill compere the two statements which
I hiave quoted as to Mr lann's opin-
ions wv1ih reference to Germany they
will see that lie does not even under-
stand himslf.
A few words with reference to Mr.
lilann's ittituide toward our "corrut
antd inefficient government" might not
be amiss. I would like to have Mr.
Mlann by spocific in his charges. Cor-
rupt in =Mit way? Slow inefricient?
Let himt back up his argument by fats.
If I said the moon were made out of
a<:en cheese, my mere opinion would
not prove it to be so. Further, ad-
mnitting for the sake of argument that
the governmenit is corrupt and inefli-
Mient, is it going to help matters any
by advortising this, without oflering
any remedies? If- Mr. Klann can
show President Wilson wherein the
government is corrupt and inefficient,
and how to remedy such corruption
and inefficiency, I am sure Mr. Wilson
would be grateful for such help from
.a superior inds. I do not object to
just criticism of the government.
bat xvhat I do object to is criticism
which takes corruption and inefficiency
for granted without offering some ben-
eficial remedy. A doctor might show
positively from the symptoms that his
patient had the small-pox, but a mere
description of the symptoms would not
help his patient if he gave no ree-
dial medicines.
I think Mr. Fink andl Mr. Klann
make a false assumption when they
say that advocates of 'Preparedness"
are worling only for the benefit of
the wealthy or capitalistic class. They
forgot that a destructive war would
lessen the wealti of the capitalistic
class, and, by thus lessening their
power to demand goods, directly affect
the laboring class. They forget that
thie two classes are mutually depen-
dent, and that an injury to the one
would be an injury to the other. The
capitalist cannot increase the demand
for laborwithout capital. The la-
borer ean not buy goods without the
nioney which he receives for his labor
from this same capitalist. Further,

m Mr. Fink and Mr. Klann believe
"it "Preparedness" protects only the

i ,
mss; .
r ti

A '1.

Hitting U The Pace
When the pace grows hot and the play be-
comes desperate you can pick out the men who
are in good condition. It is not only a matter
of brawn and muscle but also of lungs and
stomach. The best way to keep in proper
trim is a daily diet' of good, clean, wholesome
Shredded WhVVeat
For years it has been used by men who have done
big things in the athletic world. All the health and
vigor of the sun and soil are packed and stored in
every shred of this easily digested, palatable, whole
wheat food. The maximum of, nutriment without
overtaxing the digestive system.;
Alwc-'.s fresh, always delicious, you never tire of its
refreshing flavor. Try it with fruit or berries or alonie
with milk or cream.
"There is health and strength in every shred"

122- E. Liberty -Street


All endinger M~usic Shop


Made, only by
The Shredded Wheat Company,

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hiow ai(' rit some of' the proverbial
R En 1bNlavph rse ssuin c ho a se oay are.
BOOKS WORTH~ EON ay aissc a Wlshv
_ '~ars" and1","one should. inot look: a gift
n rhorse in the mouth" date their origin
CURIS1TIS iNPROVRBS-Ar-hundreds or' years before the corning
rangexd!byvDightEdars ari . lCrh t.
--C.PI. Putnam'is Sons. llrico.$1.75 The notes and extIlanations allow
not.) nlo misunderstandings as to the mean-
- ijugs of the proverbs, and the contents
This book, which is an irterosting are classified by a topical anld alpha-
3t udy of prov erb-lore, continsr more ! betical indcx so that any desired uro-
that 2,000 folk sayings traynsiate(I from verb mnay be ieadily located.,

rich, let them look to Belgium. for the
answer. And Mr. Klann might ask
Belgitum what she thinks of the "pa-
ternal socialism of the Kaiser."~ And
then let theum contrast, as dlid General
Wood, the conditions in Belgium and
Switzerland. In closing I wish to say
that I hope I have made my posi-
tion do clear that "I will not be mis-
JOHN Q. ADAMS, '16-'18L.
A'. W. C. A. 10TO LD r; IIECTYION-
The Y. W. C. A. has Mrace the fol-
lowing nominations for officers for
1916-1917: President, Josephine Ran-
dalI, '17, Lillian Carnegie, '1r7; vice
president, Clarissa wVyn, '18, Ethel
atil, -17; secretary, Frieda McLellan,
'18,° Jeannette Armstrong, '17; treas-
urer, Jessie Fleming, '18, Pauline
Champlin, '18. The election will take
place March 7.
Members are urged to see that their
dues are paid at once, as only members
in good standing will be allow~ed to

linnesta Worn
Offer Iducem
iDon!'ui~l ITIcoUm of About $1601
for HuIsband1
The -M~innesota Dilthe
nxewvspaper of the Universityo
nesota, when it asked the wome;
eats of the 'institution: "Hlow
sal.ary must a man receive befc
wvould consent to marry-?" has r(
re;,lips ranging from $800 to
M'- ot of the girls were copse
i thir demnands, however, a'
ge°eral- average was about $16(
girlroe: "WAhat is money
"lv mea true lov ing; husband



ANTED-Copies of
of Jan, 22, 27, 28.
copy will be paid

Daily cf ssue-
Five cents per;
at daily qfllce.

WA NYED-Rooma toto share suite.-
Ver derab e m fcb"veni z -

LOST-Log-log, ld rule on second
floor of Old II:iocr:Iing L;building
Oilr0room 402 New Engineerinig
I-hOne :t74, anod ask for St ephen.
LOST--Waitch wthl gold hunting case.
Engraved on back Cheney 1892. Call
14X78-Mf. Reward.
l. STl"-Draing 11 set comp1~ason a csh-
teiiaw, Feb. 22. Finider please ca


!K yr

FOR ZE NT-Suite of r'ooms ,liriv'ate
lavatory; private entrance; for one
or two. 5":3 E. . niversity, opposite
engineering- building.- Call 267-,T.
F'ORt REN T-Suite, of rooms three
blocks fro.nt camipus. Call at 605
Church street after 7:00 p. mu. 17-tf,

O ners fficor Victrolas
Can have a selection of ten to a dozen
Latest -Up-to-Date Records
Sent to their home'on our
Twenty-four Hour Approval Flan
- Call us up-PHONE 1 707-cr mail list of numbers

S n'ior relai t t etn 's
'tl l -1c l t~ _; . , e ~ ,te rd(ay after no ( o e le ted the )filo -
studen t coancilman; i . E. A. Camrer-
ont, '16A, athletic manager.-

A. ilarioe number of'-the
c-irnandd that their future hue
good, dancer s and one stated
wo uld marry only a m~an wv
~a okngwould be perrm'
demandRed by some; but
w ould be prohibited. Those
1-~ t d c r e a i g sid-b a si rt d frthougt h one girl conceded h
':unband one night a week fc
ter gamne

Grinnell Bros.

I 6S Sowith Main St.


Shoes repaired while you'-wait.
G. Andres, 222 S. State.


. .

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