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February 29, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-02-29

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Coach Liondgren Announces
Men Who Are to

List ofI

Batting practice begins this after-
noon for the Michigan baseball team,
and Coach Lundgren announced yes-
terday that he wished the following
men to report today:
Catchers-Foehm, Moore, Arentz,
Diune, Shutes, Payne, Bowles, Bow-
Iinan, Maggio.
Pitchers-Webster, Dubee, Stuart,
Wright, Toles, Niemann, Gariepy,
Gibbs, McAllister, Barrett, Brucker,
Miller, Robins, Deyo, Cartwright, Da-
vis, Golden, Martin, Getts, Cutting,
Rowan, Honey, Reid, Breitfeld, Ohl-
macher, McNamara, Berns, Glenn,
Ifibbard, Gore, Halstead, Roberts.
First base - - -lopeman, Niemann,
Wehmayer, Davidson, Wolley, Don-
oldson, Birmingham, Childs,, Dixon,
Hibbard. .
Second base---allard, Trost, Jones,
Brown, Cleary, Piggott, Young.
Third base - Hopeman, . Sherwood,
Martin, Reem, Norton, Holt, Johnson,
Shortstop-Pollock, Schermerhorn,
Bush, Lorson.
Outfield-Webster, Wright, Trost,
Shutes, Opal, Levinson, Keffen, Huyck,
Giessing, Donaldson, Reilly, Johns,
Norton, Roskosky, Brietfield, Childs,
Cowlin, Hibbard, Dignan.
Everyone has been ordered to' report!
again tomorrow whether his name is
on this list or not.
Coach Lundgren has omitted the
names of the majority of the veterans
from the list of those who are to ap-
pear today, as he is familiar with their
ability now. Today's batting practice
will bring practically all of the new-
comers into action and will give the
Wolverine mnentor a better line on
some of his new men.
Gardner sustained a bruised finger
yesterday afternoon, although it was
nothing serious and he is expected to
be around again immediately. This is
the first accident of any sort that has
marred the practice of the diamond
athletes thus far.
On Wednesday fielding practice will
'again be in order and the coach ex-
pects everyone to turn out. Another
day's batting may be scheduled for
Thursday, although the coachstated
yesterday that he was a trifle uncertain
now as to what he would do on that
It is probable that a cut in the squad
will be made before the week is over,
although Lundgren is determined to
get a close line on everyone before he
lets any one go. With only three "M"
men back, the biggest portion of the
team will necessarily have to be re-
cruited from newcomers, and the coach
isn't going to let any possibilities es-
'cape if he can help it. The squad is
so large now that it is unwieldy, how-
ever, and the first cut will have to be
made before long.
Cleveland, 0., Feb. 28.-President
Robert MRoy of the reorganized
Cleveland American league baseball
club, announced today the purchase of
"Chick" Gandil, first baseman. from
the Washington team of the - same
league. Gandil will join the Cleve-
land squad at the New Orleans train-
ing camp at once./
He will succeed Jay Kirke, released
yesterday. The deal makes three
players already bought by the new
owners, the others being Catcher Tom]
Daly of Chicago and Infielder Ivan
Howard of St. Louis.
Urbana, I11., Feb. 28.-Arlie Mucks

or Wisconsin broke the western con-:
ferenee shot put record Saturday wit L
a heave of 48 feet 7 inches in a dual
indoor meet which the Bodgers won
from Illinois, 44 to 42, by winning the!
The best previous "Big Nine" record
with the shot was made by Ralph
Rose of Michigan, who on June 4, 1904,
was credited with a put of 47 feet
1-4 inch. Rose's record was made out-

Notre Ihme Makes Bigh Score of
,Week With 'Total of 994
Messages have been received from
the National Intercollegiate Rifle asso-
ciation at Washington stating that
Michigan won over the Mississippi Ag-
gies in their last week's tilt by an
"overwhelming score." Detailed re-
ports of the match are expected with-
in the next few days. The resultas
received was fully anticipated by
Michigan rifle dopesters, since they
v-ere contending with one of the low
teams'in class "B", and also because'
last week's scores were remarkably
good as compared with previous marks.
Some of' the. dope was upset last
week when Notre Dame, second high
tean under the Wolverines in class
"B", succeeded in grabbing the high
score for the week, making a total
oP 994 points against Michigan's 989.
Because of this remarkable tally on
the part of the Catholic marksmen,
Michigan's total lead in class "B" -was
ieduced to but 20 points over that
iildup by Notre Dame. It may read-
ily be seen by the past few week's
results that the Catholic school is
Michigan's one and only real rival in
class "B".

Announce List of 1Ien Eligible to
pete ait badison Square
Garden, N. .



.*I* * * 'I * '* * *
* Football manager-John W.
Langs, '17, John C. Robbins, '17E.
(One to be elected.)
Assistant football managers---
Robert H. Bennett, '18, Charles
F. Boos, '18, James E. Driscoll,
* '18,*John D. Hibbard, 'i8E, Ezra
* W. Lockwood, '18, Howard D.
* Nicholson, '18, Charles Y. Os-
burn, '18E. Leland N. Scofield,

Ih;itatons wil ie Sent to Over
High Schools in Whole


Following the narrow defeat which{
the Varsity .encountered Saturday
night at the hands of Notre Dame,
Coach Farrell yesterday posted in the
gymnasium the list of those who are
to compete in the trials for the meet
to be staged in the Madison Square
Garden, New York City, on Saturday,
March 4.
'Trials for the eight-and-one-half-
lap relay races, and the three-lapr
relay race, will be held in the gymna-
sium tomorrow afternoon to determine
who will represent Michigan in the
big meet, as well as trials for those
who are to go to compete in the shot
put. The following list of those elig-
ible to try for these events was pub-
8 1-2 lap race--Carroll, Ufer, Don-
nelly, Fox, Galloway, Dennee, Matti-
son, Meehan, Murphy, Griest, Kruger.
3-lap race-Fontanna, Hardell, Sco-
field, Griest, Smith, O'Brien, Murphy,,
Shot put-Cross,, Smith, Walls, Ed-
wards, Leach, Boyd.
Steve is not as yet certain that en-
tries for these events will be sent
but he wishes to know just what the
different teams can do, in order to
prove whether or not they possess the
calibre necesasry to meet the best that
the country has to offer.
The distance covered by going 8 1-2
laps in Waterman gymnasium is the
same distance as the covering of 6
aps, on the Garden track, while that of
three, laps is about the same as two
over the course to be covered on Sat-
urday. Each man will run unpaced,
and the best time made by each candi-
date will be considered in the make-
up of the team.
Coach Farrell is offering no alibi for
the defeat which the Varsity met in
their curtain-raiser. The meet was
so close from start to finish that the
change of the finish in favor of Michi-
gan in any of the events which the
Catholics won, would have shifted the
meet to the other competitor. It isI
still early in the season to judge justC
how strong any team really is, and
tio one is more aware of this fact that
the coa'2i himself. "Steve" was pleased
with the showing which Cross made in
the shot put. The husky junior hoisted
the 15-pound ball on five occasions
for the edification of the Notre Dane,
crowd, and in those five heaves, he
averages over 45 feet, which goes to
show that his high water mark of 46
feet 6 1-2 inches was no fluke.
All the coach would say yesterday
was that he expected to entertain the
Catholic outfit here in an outdoor meet
during the spring, and that he was
sure that some of his track men who
were not ranked first on Saturday



Fight for Championship of Can-
pits Tomorrow; Are Evenly

Y *,
I 2i

(Four to be elected.)
Intercollege manager-Albert
E. Stoll, '17L, James W. Thomas,
(One to be elected.)
Assistant .intercollege .mana-
ger - Willis Brodhead, '17E,
Ralph W. Harbert, '17, Harold A.
Taylor, '17E.
(Three to be elected.) -
Election Wednesday, March 1,
11:00 to 3:00 o'clock, Univer-
sity hall. Present athletic cou-
pon No. 33.
', * * .i * * -" ', 4' * *

With the definite settling upon Fri-
iay and Saturday, June 2 and 3, as
oAe date for the Michigan Interscho-
h:stic Meet, plans are now being rapid-
ly completed for the big annual gath-
'ring of high school track teams in
Ann Arbor.
Manager Ray Mills announced last
ight that invitations would be imme-
diately mailed out to over 600 high
3chOOls, not alone to those schools in
Michigan but over the entire country.
The mailing list this year doubles that
followed in previous seasons, and it
;s hoped to make this year's meet more
of a national affair than heretofore.
A particular effort is being made this
year to interest the Cleveland high
schools, and entries may be received
from as great a distance as Tacoma,
The invitations this year are more
elaborate than the cards which have
usually been mailed out, being en-
graved and containing pictures of cups
awarded at last year's meet. The meet
this year will cone at a later date
than before, as most of the high
schools begin their summer vacations
iy the first of June, and their track
teans are thus able to come to the
meet without losing time from school
work. The Ann Arbor meet this year
will precede Stagg's meet at Chicago
by just a week, and teams which come
=iom the west to the Chicago meet will
probably enter the local meet as well.
Sophomores who are interested in
the interschola stic managership should
start working at once. Manager Mills
.ias asked that all tryouts for the as-
sistant managerships as well as the
present assistant interscholastic mana-
gers, meet today at 1:00 o'clock in the
athletic office on Maynard street.

Fresh Lits and Junior Lits Get For.-
feits in First Basketball
.-- '
Promptly with the first note of thej
whistle, the first and second year
boilermakers lined up for the first
game in Michigan's interdepartmental
1916 basketball tourney, and played,
a brand of basket burglary such as
has seldom been seen on the local
courts. At the same time the yearlings
of the literary college waited in yain
for the seniors taking their first game
by the forfeit route. Thus the season
was ushered into existence.
The soph engineers succeeded in
besting their first year departmental
rivals to the tune of 18 to 11 in what
was by far the snappiest game of the
first series. Doty, playing right for-
ward for the '18E's, figured in the
stellar role of the evening. Hough
and Ginn, his team-mates, also showed
up well. Howritz, of the yearling five,
succeeded in making five of- the 11
tallies for his side.
In the second game, the architect
team bested its opponents; the fresh
laws, by an 18 to 6 score with a brand
of basketball that is sure to land them
their numerals unless they have some
hard luck before the end of the sea-
son. Hewlett and Meibeyer made most
of the tallies for the architects, and
Baxter claimed all of the points except
two for the laws.
The J-laws, unlike their profession-
al colleagues, turned the trick on their
opponents by a 15 to 12 lead over the
medic five. Lokker proved the in-
dividual star for the lawyers, making
11 of the total for .his team. Pierce,
another lawyer, made the other four
points. Cohen, Coran and Shelley, of
the doctor squad, were about even for
net honors for their squad, making all
of the points among them.
The senior boilermakers proved su-
perior to the J-engineers, succeeding
in doubling their opponents' total with
one point to boot, the final score being
15 to 7. Vonachen proved the indi-
vidual star for the winners, with Iead-
man a close second, whereas Mead
and Kohr divided this honor between
them for the juniors.
Like the ;resn fits, the J-lits got
their first game by forfeit, the third
year men copping the game because
of the failure of the pharmic five to
Today's games will be as follows:
East court:--m
1-Fresh dents vs. senior dents.
2-Homeops vs. foresters.
Breaks World's Indoor Vault Record
Kansas City, Mo., Feb.28.-Floyd W.
Brown, of the Missouri Athletic asso-
ciation of St. Louis, Saturday night
broke the world's indoor vault record
on a board floor when he topped the
bar at 12 feet 8 1-2 inches.
Patronize Michigan Daily Advertiz.

Adds New

"Cec" Cr
last Saturd
So says(
Clarence ou
putter has<
ary 26 as1

As a result of the scores piled up
in yesterday's hockey clashes, the soph
engineers and the junior-senior lits
will fight tomorrow for the campus
championship. Counting yesterday's
games, both teams have a total of
three games to their credit, without
a demerit.
In yesterday's games, the soph en-
gineers piled up eight points against
the weaker science team, Weston
proving himself the one best bet of
the second year men. Weston was
injured in Saturday's game, having'
an eye nearly put out, and he used
but one eye iii defeating the scientists,
the other being covered with a band-
The junior-senior lit team also
cleaned up their opponents, the first
year lits, shutting them out with seven
points. Cohen starred for the upper-
classmen, keeping the puck in his op-
ponents' territory the majority of the
Campus dopesters are having a hard
time in predicting the outcome of the
deciding game, for both teams are
most evenly matched. In the aggres-
sive style of the game, the soph engi-
neers have perhaps a shade on the
lits, but the lits have a defensive ag-
gregation that is without a par at
The game will be played at Wein-
berg's rink some time tomorrow, the
exact time to be announced in to-
morrow's Daily. The winning team

oss had a -v
Clarence, th
ight to know
insists that
already desi
the red lett

'Cec 'Cross

Clarence ought to kno
In the first place, "Cec
shot about a foot farther
did before in his life, a
this modest little acc
didn't make him particu
disgruntled with either h
world in general.
But this titanic ac(
fades into the merest :
besides another notewor
nent with which.Mr. Cro;
At least Clarence says s
Clarence ought to knov
On the way back from
"Cec" won a victory th
pa: ses his efforts at heav
He walloped "Steve" Farr
of checkers, and it was
in his life he ever turne<
At least Clarence says
ence knows.
According to this sat
when "Cec" - finally beca
what had transpired, he
: point somewhere in tL
the top of the car and
system from a series of
yells that were distinctl
even a sleeping man wY
in the other end of the
Clarence says so at lea
ence ought to know. H
"Cec" has been strivi
"Steve". at checkers for
but he never realized his
til yesterday. Mr. Cross
ing right then. He insists
play "Steve' again until
present shot iut mark
Clarence says that v
Clarence ought to know
Philadelphia, Pa., Fel
vard in its palmiest days
have taken on such a
faces you next year," said
the new coach of the
football team, at a mas
the Quaker football enth
spite this, however, you
going to win every game
and I stand or fall by tha
While at Washington ar
won 7 games and lost 1
material there was far I
know it is here, and I s
why we can't do even bet
at Penn, even though th
-The ichigan Daily th

would be among those present. will receive numerals as awards.
Patronize Michigan Daily Advertiz- The 3lichigan Daily for the rest of
ers. ** year-$1.50 **



"I Count This Thing
To Be Grandly True"

A lazy liver that's tired of its job will do more to put everything into that sad pluperfect
tense than anything else we know of. The finest brain in the world simply sulks along on
low gear and finally shuts down the whole works until your liver gets back on the job.

Blake Miller, captain of the 1915
M. A. C. football team, has been offered
a position as coach following his grad-
Miller has been approached by the
Massachusetts Agricultural college
and overtures made toward retaining
him as football coach. There is a
possibility that he may be given
charge at the other branches of sports
in addition. -,
Miller played four years at M. A. C.
and was one of the greatest players'
ever developed at East Lansing. He
is a good baseball player in addition
to his work on the gridiron.
Announce Engagement of (C'lhy," IS
The engagenteut of Ulysses S. C.
Cherry, '18, -to Miss Gladys Griffith,
of Warren, Pa., was announced Sun-





and just that touch of class and individuality which makes its perfectly prepared dishes ap-
peal to the jaded appetite. You want to eat-,4ou relish what you get-your liver wakes
up and takes notice-your digestion approves and shoots the pep into your thought-genera-
tor-your mental voltage rises-your frequency hits normal and there you are "every inch a
Some snappy little word picture that, but 1 honestly belleve that most
s of our indispositions are a direct result of improper -eeding.


o J

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