The following is an extract from the
late Dean Guthe's report on the work
of the Graduate School during 1914-15:
The Graduate School continues to
grow at a rapid'rate. During the past
year 512 students were enrolled, an
increase of 84 over last year. During
the year 26 degrees of doctor of phil-
osophy were conferred.
At Michigan as in all graduate
schools, many of the students are em-
ployed as. assistants in the university
or hold fellowships. Last year over
one-fifth of the whole number efiroll-
ed, were instructors or fellows. In
comparison with other graduate
schools, Michigan has a relatively
large body of students who pursue
graduate work without receiving
financial support from the university.
An assistant receives his salary in
recognition of some service which he
renders the university. This service.
demands -usually at least a quarter of
his time. Now, the Graduate School
demands from its students their full
time for, an academic year after grad-
uation before a master's degree can
be conferred. Therefore, as a general
thing assistants cannot expect to com-
plete the requirements for this degree
in the same time as those students
who have no other duties. Consider-
able difficulty is frequently found in
convincing the student that in the
Graduate School more emphasis is laid
upon'the quality of his work than up-
on the number of hours he has earned.
At The Theatres
David Belasco will present Frances
Starr in the latest Edward Knoblauch
success, "Marie-Odile," a three-act
play full of girlish charm and sim-
plicity, at the Whitney theatre next
Thursday. The role that Miss Starr
assumes is that of a novice in an Al-
satian convent who has never been
outside its walls. The only men she
has ever seen are an aged priest,
Father Fisher, and old Peter, the con-
vent gardener. In her day-dreams she
has wondered if all men are like these
two, only to find out that they are not
when the convent is invaded by a
squad of pillaging Uhlans, for it is
during the period of the Franco-Prus-
sian war of 1870. The play then pro-
ceeds to show the development of the
young girl's character when she is
brought into contact with these out-
siders. It is a story which is said
to exert a deep emotional appeal and
sends its audience away from the the-
atre with a broader, more wholesome
view of life. The nature of the play
and of Miss Starr's role is a decided
departure from anything she has ap-
peared in during her career under Mr.
Mrs. Eva Fay forms the main at-
traction at the Majestic the last half
of the week in a clever mind-reading
act, which is reported to have been
favorably received at other places
where it has been shown. Mrs. Fay
has been most successful in develop-
ing her mind-reading powers for en-
tertaining purposes, making her act'
at the same time amusing and mysti-
In addition to Mrs. Fay, a most
pleasing singing and comedy act will
be presented by Hulford and Chain in
a piece called, "The Culled and Par-
son." Their songs are all new, and
they are known as the two loose pages
from a book of fun.
Miss Florence Lorraine, who is well
known for her Swedish impersona-
tions, will present a comedy sketch
called, "The Way to a Man's Heart,"
assisted by Harry Codaire. Plenty of
laughs are promised through the en-
tire piece.
Adolfo, a player of the accordeon,
who introduces some clever whistling
3nd dancing, and Mlle. Asoria with
aer company of thespians, who intro-
duce society and acrobatic numbers,
complete the program.
"Damaged Goods"
Variety and interest will feature the
program that will be offered at the
faculty concert in Hill auditorium this
afternoon. This concert will mark
the first appearance of Theodor'e Har-
rison, head of the vocal department of
the school of music. Mr. Harrison is
a soloist of wide reputation, having
won praise in the larger cities of this
country on his tour with Madame
Rappeld of the Metropolitan Opera
Mrs. George B. Rhead will also make
her appearance for the first time this
year, contributing two groups of pi-
ano numbers. Mrs. Rhead recently
evade a tour through Illinois and Mis-
souri and was splendidly received by
I music lovers as well-as critics.
Mr. Anthony J. Whitmore, violinist,
whose playing is .of exceeding merit,
will render some selections on the
violin, accompanied by Mrs. Okelberg,
who will be remembered as Miss
Maude Hagberg, a former member of
the school of music faculty.
What lo! A Real
Gent Is wih Us
At last! Some one, who calls her-
self "Anxious," claims to have found
an Ann Arbor student who is "a real
gentletnan in every respect!" He is
really dwelling among us! But our
"real gentleman" has fallen before the
same temptations which beset the
rest of us, who are mere men. That
is to say, he has enjoyed the acquain-
tance of the female of the species.
Listen to this tale of woe found in
the "Advice to Lovers" column of a
Detroit newspaper:
"Dear Miss : Last year I flirted
and became acquainted with a young
man le proved to be a REAL GEN-
TLE\IAN in every respect. He is
gcihn to Ai Arbor. During his va-
cation this summer he came up at
least once a week, sometimes twice.
lie left for Ann Arbor when school
sterted. The other day I received a.
j)tcard. H.i didn't ask me to answer.
OGly Put hs address at the bottom of
the carol. Would it be proper to write
a l:tter 1o him or drop him a card, or
shall i net write at all?
Th' ctiswe1i '? laybe we'll publish
it 2cmn otih i'w' Meanwhile, think
it over.
Word has been received from Mrs.
Swinburne Hale, nee Beatrice Forbes-
Robertson, who is to speak in the high
school auditorium Friday night on
"Woman and Democracy," that she
will remain in Ann Arbor Saturday
morning to hold a reception in New-
berry hall for women of the univer-
sity who are intereste4 in her sub-
ject, which, she says is not restricted
to feminism or woman suffrage, but is
much wider in its scope. She leaves
for Detroit at 11:00 o'clock, and will
deliver an address there Saturday
As a speaker, Mrs. Hale is said to
be charming. Although she was for
years upon the stage, her style is not
dramatic, but clear, forceful, direct,
conversational, and very impressive.
Contrary to the general opinion
about such speakers, Mrs. Hale is
fondly attached to her home. She has
three small children--including a
pair of twins and, except for the few
lectures which she delivers, spends
all of her time with them. In 1914,
she published a book, "What Women
Want," which contains a history of
the position of women in the past, a
survey of their position at present,
and a prophecy of what it will be in
the future. This furnishes a very
good outline of the feminist move-
nent. A novel which Mrs. Hale has
recently written is now in the hands
of the printers. Its name has not yet
been made public.
Tickets for Mrs. Hale's lecture are
now on sale at Wahr's and Sheehan's
at 25 cents. They may also be pro-
cured from women of the University.
The capacity of the high school audi-
torium is about 700.
"Hello! Is this the Y. M. C. A. em-
ployment bureau? We want a young
man to take care of our baby tonight
while we go down-town. Can you help
us out?"
"Yes, ma'am, we'll send a man up
there at once."
And then Philip C. Lovejoy, '16, Y.
M. C. A. secretary, entered in the em-
ployment record - "Positions filled,
baby attendant."
This and many other strange jobs
have been found for students during
the last month. In one case the asso-
ciation furnished four pall-bearers for
funeral services and it is a common
event to find positions for tutors and
One fellow is paying for his room
and board by washing a poodle, while
another is making the necessary ex-
pense money catching rats in a Main
street department store. There are
scores of legitimate jobs of a peculiar
nature-but they all serve their pur-
pose, as far as the students are con-
The increase in the number of stu-
dents should not always be considered,
a sure indication of advance. The ex-
ecutive board favor a reduction of
the courses for which graduate credit
should be given and a strengthening
of the. remaining courses rather than
a further expansion of courses. To
prevent undergraduates from filling
up the courses recommended as suit-
able for candidates for higher de-
grees, it is provided that in case a£
subject lends itself to graduate as
well as undergraduate instruction, a
separate graduate course be arranged
in- this subject. Also on account of
the increase of the number of courses
the executive board adopted the fol-
lowing resolutions:
1. That in the future only such
members of the faculties be permitted
to give graduate work as have been
recommended to the executive board
by the departmental graduate com-
mittee and have been approved by the
2. That no new courses, for which
graduate credit is to be given, shall
be announced without the approval of
the executive board of the Graduate
In order to allow properly prepared
students to enjoy the facilities of the
university even if circumstances pre-
vent their regular attendance, the
Board of Regents have provided that
teachers in public or parochial schools
may elect not more than five hours a
semester. This arrangement is of
great value for graduate students who
teach either in Ann Arbor or in neigh-
boring cities. This privilege to regis-
ter in the Graduate School as a part-
time student has also been bestowed
upon practicing engineers and physi-
Perhaps, the most important part
of the work of the Graduate School is
the instruction of candidates for the
doctor's and engineer's degrees. As
these degrees should be considered of
equal standing, it was decided that, as
a rule, a candidate for the degree of
engineer should take a final examina-
tion to defend his thesis.
Illinois Fraternity Houses Robbed
Champaign, Ill., Dec. 1.-Robberies
in fraternity houses have been occur-
ring recently and the local police
force is at a loss as to the identity of
the miscreants. Their last haul netted
the sum of $290 and a suit of clothes.
hole in Harvard Backfield Next Fall
Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 1.-Only
four Harvard regulars will be back}
for the 1916 football team. Mahan,
Watson and King have gone, leaving
a hole in the backfield which will be1
Just as the novel, "Damaged
.ruods," was feeble compared to the
drama produced on the stage, so is
that spoken version feeble when com-
pared to the seven reel photoplay
which opens Monday matinee at the
Majestic for a three-days' engagement.
rhe lesson that Eugene Brioux teaches
is gripping and strong.
Richard Bennett and his co-workers,
whose farsightedness first brought the
story of the ravages of sin to general
American attention, posed for this pic-
ture. Their clever work added the
wizardy of modern camera effects,
make this an attractive offering.
New Publications
and Their Auth os
SCRIPTS, by E. F. Barker. Frye
Publishing Company. Price $1.10
Mr. Barker has compiled, after care-
ful study a book that should prove of
great interest to writers. In it are
listed the names of 2500 publishers,
not only in the United States, but al-i
so abroad, who pay for manuscripts.
In the little volume the story-writerI
is given ideas of what to write about
and is told how to do actual writing.
Nor is this all. In addition to telling
the penman where to sell his stories,
essays, songs,-anything, it also gives
information regarding book publish-
ers, their wanes and "don't wants."
"Where to Sell Your Manuscripts" is
one of the best handbooks for writers
of its kind ever published.
L. J. McEwan to Lead '16 Army Eleven
West Point, Dec. 1.-The victorious
Army eleven elected Lohn J. McEwan
captain for the next season. He
starred at ceter this year, and has
played on the Army eleven for three
Schwab Joins Cornell Trustee Board
Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 1.-Charles M.
Schwab has accepted membership in
the Board of Trustees of Cornell Uni-