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December 02, 1915 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-02

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Why Small Colleges Have Been
So Successful In Football
By Fielding H. Yost

st Football Player
y Must Secure

'Willie" Hestop, probably the
atest football player that Michigan
s ever had, gave a talk at the
Umni football smoker in Detroit on
evening of November 27, in which
outlined the causes for the unsuc-
sful season of 1915.
lis talk, which centers on the ne-
sity of work among undergradu-
s and alumni, was printed in the
troit News, and follows in part:
'The trouble with this year's team
s not the coach, not the trainer, not
team. The team did all it could.
was with them in the clubahouse
ore the Cornell game, and I
>w. I have frequently heard it said
t they did not have the proper
nrt, that they did not fight, they
not care whether they won or
t. That is not true.
I heard the ,several talks giver
t team before the Cornell game.
tch Yost spoke last, and gave them
ronderful talk, and I saw five or six
those big fellows let the tears roll
vn their cheeks, as they listened,
iting for their last game for Mich-
n. A team that feels like that does
it possibly can, and our team cer-
mly did that day. I saw them pla,
t game, and. I know what I am
klng about. Michigan's team had
right state of mind, and it played
best football it could play. Th
ch did all he could, and criticism of
t is as foolish as it is ill advised.r
lust shows ignorance of the critic.
But the alumni and undergraduates
not do all that they could. Until
:higan men get into the state of
id to use every proper effort to
ure athletes and get them to Ann
>or, Michigan will continue to have
a fair football team.
No coach in the world can add
re than 25 per cent to the excel-
ee of the team. The other 75 per
t is in the material. Muchigan must
better material. We have the
ball instruction, we must get the
MVichigan has no scholarships to
r athletes. There are no avail-
e positions for men who must earn
ir own way through college, and
erally the good football prospect
a son of a family in rather poor,
umstances. He has had to work,
. therefore he is in good physical
dition. But if he goes to college
must earn his way, partially, at
st, and naturally enough he takes
best opportunity that presents it-
As long as such conditions exist
higan will not have the great
ball teams she once had, for
pr colleges look at the matter dif-
ntly from Michigan. Other schools
the real football players and
get men who play some football.
not want my remarks construed
reflection upon any of the men
his year's team. We have 8ome
football players-some.
onditions have changed since I
at Michigan. When I was in
ge the alumni, students and head
he athletic association made a
greater effort than at present
t athletes to come to Michigan.
e bodies at every other big insti-
still make the same efforts
gan once made, but in Ann Arbor
ent has changed. I do not advo-
hiring athletes, but I do believe
owing a genuine interest in in-
g men who can play football to
to Michigan. We want winning
and we can have them if we all
is time for the alumni, the ath-

(Copyright 1915 by the Central Press
The small college football teams
have been remarkably successful dur-
ing the season just closed. Colgate
defeated Yale 16 to 0 and trimmed the
Army 13 to 0. Virginia beat Yale 10
o 0, and W. and J. humbled the Elis

with a score of 16 to 6. The Michigan
Aggies showed remarkable strength.
The University of Pittsburgh and
Washington and Lee won their share
of games.
Why is it thatsmall colleges, each
with a meager student body, are able
to defeat teams selected from univer-
sities with enrollments of thousands?
I have been asked this question
numberless times, and believe I know
the answer.
In the first place, the one-year resi-
dence rule and the three-year play-
ing limit of the large universities
keep away natural athletes, the husky
boys who are anxious to make a var-
sity team immediately on entering
Add to these facts the secondary
consideration that the large univer-
sities as a rule have higher entrance
requirements and insist upon a higher
standard of scholarship. The big uni-
versities are in the limelight. Even
if they were disposed to be more len-
ient toward athletes, their prominence
does not admit of any such leniency.
Further, the boy of average means
who has to work for his college
course is apt to feel an easier environ-
ment in a small school, where there
is not much show of wealth or aristoc-
racy. Most of the good football play-
ers have been poor boys, or boys
in very ordinary circumstances. It
is natural that boys of this class
should be attracted to the small col-
leges, where they can work their way
through and still feel no social dis-
But the big thing to emphasize is
this: The ambitious, aggressive foot-

ball player just out of high school
is attracted to the small college be-
cause he stands a chance of making
the varsity immediately and playing
all of his four years. He is a bit
afraid of the entrance requirements
of the big universities--in fact, he
often knows that he couldn't get in
without conditons. He also knows
that eligibility rules are not very
strictly observed, sometimes, in the
small schools. He knows that he has
a chance to play summer baseball
without being barred. Why? Because
nobody takes the trouble to question
the eligibility of the men from small
The small colleges are spared the
limelight of eligibility inquiry that
Hloods the big university teams. The
past season furnishes plenty of illus-
trations. Yale lost LeGore, star full-
back, Galvin of Wisconsin, star full
back, had to drop out, and Minnesota
had to give up Solon, its fullback
and captain, all because they had play-
ed summer baseball. In the meantime,
nobody bothered to inquire whether
any small college men had played
baseball or not.

. A four-year football player has the
wonderful asset of experience. The
team playing four-year men has more
of its old team left over from the prev-
ious season with which to build a new
team than can be the case in the large
The small colleges usually play
longer schedules, which also helps
materially in training and seasoning
men. The man who gets a chance to
play in a maximum of not overafifteen
or twenty games in his whole college
career has not the opportunity for
development afforded the man who
plays in eight or ten games every
season for four years.,
Briefly, the ambitious preparatory
school football player finds it easier
to get into a small college, easier to
stay there, easy to make the team the
first year if he is a star, and easy- to
escape too searching inquiry about
his eligibility. Ie has a chance to
play four full years.
My own opinion is that young men
should find it far preferable to master
the higher scholarship requirements
of the large universities rather than
take the easier way. They would be
much better off in the end, in com-
pensation for the greater effort. As
further reward, they would gain the
greater prestige that the large univer-
sity affords.
Football men are born, and then de-
veloped. It is impossible to develop
some men, as they do not have the
native ability. As good a coach as
"Pop" Warner found this out when
with poor material at Carlisle during
the season of 1914 he lost nine games.
The size of a student body has very
little to do with the success of a foot-
ball team. The number of first-class
athletes who choose to enroll them-
selves determines results.
Give me fifteen men naturally fitted
for football, and the student body can
number 200 or 10,000 without affect-
ing the outcome.

With a view to fostering good fel-
lowship among the members of the;
football squad, a series of "M" club
dinners to be held at the Michigan
Union has been planned during the
year. Those whose names were placed
on the indoor training list will be in-
vited to attend.
At the dinners efforts will be made
to keep before the men the op'por-
tunity, and at the same time the task,
which is theirs, in molding the ma-
terial which is Michigan's hope for
next fall.
The men who have been chosen to
go through the winter training at Wa-
terman gymnasium have spent a long
season, and it is no light task to con-
tinue the grind of training through-
out the year. These dinners will be
in the nature of miniature mass meet-
ings for the football men alone.
Roosevelt Keeps Out of 1916 Race
New York, Dec. 1.-Colonel Roose-
velt has taken steps to undo the action
of the Progressive Republican state
committee which placed his name at
the head of the primary ballot. At
his office today it was emphatically
made plain that the Colonel is not
seeking the office of President.

An exhibition shoot is to be stage
at Ferry Field at 3:00 o'clock FridE
afternoon, December 3, by member
of the Michigan Rifle club.
John R. Cole, Jr., and W. F. Evan
are to be the main features of tb
shoot, and the reputations which thei
two cracksmen have built up for ther
selves gives promise of an interestir
Mr. Evans holds the title of char
pion one arm shot of the world, an
his feats are said to approach th
marvelous. One of his favorite stun
is to shoot at a 22-short thrown in
the air, and attempt to explode ti
The exhibition Saturday will not I
restricted to members of the Rif
club, and all others who are interes
ed in marksmanship are invited 1
that organization to be present.
Prof. lI. W. Aigler Talks tq Jr. Lai
An informal program and smok.
was held at the Union Tuesday nigl
by the junior law class. Prof. Ralp
W. Aigler of the law faculty gave


It is understood that a few of these
critics who have been selecting All-
American elevens, actually saw some.
of the men that they picked, in action.
Burglars robbed Illinois students of
$30 which the undergraduates had
won by backing their football eleven
during this past season. However, it
is safe to say that there have been no
such dire calamities in the vicinity of
Ann Arbor, Mich., -New Haven, Conn.,
or Philadelphia, Pa. At least none
have been reported to date.
Vanderbilt comes to bat with the
suggestion that Michigan play Yale,
the entire gate receipts to go to the
loser. Thanks, "Vandy," old pal, we'll
keep your timely little advice ,in mind,
and we might challenge Yale under
those stipulations, except for one fact.
We need the money.
Willie Hoppe won the recent billiard
tournament with ease despite the lib-
eral handicaps that he conceded to
every one of his opponents. It has
been suggested that in all future
matches, Hoppe's opponents should be
charged the regular price of admis-
sion, the same as are the rest of the
Michigan baseball authorities are

busy with the schedule, and many
students are wondering whether the
1916 team will win as big a percentage
of their games as did the team of
1914. They may, and here's hoping,
but one contest can be officially chalk-
ed up as "lost" right now. It is as-
sumed that the annual alumni game
will be booked, as usual. It doesn't
make much difference who play the
other eight positions, but if one,
eorge Harold Sisler pitches, the only
question is just how much to nothing
the score will be.
The name of T. Hawley Tapping has
been suggested to this column as
worthy of consideration for the
Sportoscope's All-Campus eleven. The
argument is advanced that Tapping
is a close friend of "Germany" Schulz,
and thus after the .game had started,
he could sneak out behind the stands
and persuade Schulz to disguise him-
self in Tapping's outfit and finish the
game. There is only one drawback to
this, and that is the fact .that we do
not see how any of the present stars
could be displaced. The only solu-
tion would be to play 12 men, and
this could easily be arranged for, un-
doubtedly. This Tapping goes on the
Roll of Honor.



Director Rowe Holds Out Promise
Class Insignia if Sufficient
Interest is Aroused


Phoenix Club to Give Smoker Tonight
Phoenix club, an organization of
men from Detroit Western High
School, will give a smoker at the
Phoenix house at 8:00 o'clock tonight
in honor of the Totem club, an organ-
ization of men from Eastern High
Douglas A. Graham, '16, and Mr.;
Matthai, a Detroit attorney, will speak.
Many Detroit alumni will be present
and plenty of eats and a general good
time is being arranged for.

Forty Miners Killed in Boomer Mine
Charleston, W. V., Dec. 1.-Officials
o fthe Boomer Coal & Coke Company
announced this afternoon that at least
40 miners were killed in the Boomer
mine, trapped more than a mile from
the entrance by explosion this after-
noon. Ten miners, rescued from the
sub-entrance to the mine at 6 o'clock
this evening, reported having seen
many men apparently dead lying a
short distance from the scene of the

Interest in interclass indoor base-
ball has soared above par with the
announcement from the athletic as-
sociation that numerals may be given
for this sport.
While it was at first understood that
class insignia would not be given for
the indoor diamond series, the num-
ber of classes sending teams into the
league may cause a reversal of this
decision. Director Rowe yesterday
advanced the statement that in case
sufficient interest were shown by the
classes to make the competition of
such a nature as to place indoor base-
ball on a level with the other inter-
class sports, that numerals would be
awarded to the high teams in much
the same manner that they are won
in baseball, basketball and football.
Those class teams which still wish
to enter the league, should make ap-
plication to the Intramural office at
once, as the complete schedule for the
indoor season will be arranged so as
to start with Monday night's games at
Waterman gymnasium.
The practice sessions on Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday nights, from
7:00 to 9:00 o'clock are affording an i


Possibly you fail to see the connection but if the foregoing combination is over

your head you will soon get the vital spark if you eat at




I honestly believe that there would be more laughter in this world and hence it
would be a lot better place to live if more of its people could command Renellen Service.


ssociation and the students to
in taking an active interest,
proper lines, in inducing prep

N. B.-Ellen Young has promised us something special for tomorrow Dinner.

athletes to come to Michigan. excellent opportunity to the managers
we will get the material that to get their men on the floor before
schools get, and because we the opening of the series, and from
Cost and because we are Mich- the showing made to date it is ex-
aen we will again whip every- pected that 'the rivalry will be keen
off the map." from the time of the opening clash.

Drop in and see what she has for you.

R. V.

i Ze



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