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October 21, 1914 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-10-21

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inittee of 100 High School Boys
and Hayo-Went-Ha Club
Members Will
ntle Parade Of All Delegates
Set For Saturday
.n Arbor will welcome 2,000 dele-
s from all parts of the state of
igan 'to the twelfth annual state
conference of the Michigan Y. M.
which will be held here Novem-
27, 28 and 29. A committee of
hiigh school boys, together with
members of the Hayo-Went-Ha
composed of university students
attend Hays-Went-Ha camp dur-
he summer, will have charge of
e programs for the various meet-
have been completed, and a list
ell known speakers secured for
essions. The principal meetings
be held in Hill auditorium, and
following will speak: Fred B.
h, one of the prominent leaders
ae Men and Religion forward'
ment, New York; Edgar M Rob-
, head of boys' work for the
national Y. M. C. A., New York;.
dent Harry B. Hutchins; Eugene
ster, city secretary for boys, De-
Y. M. C. A.; Coach "Dinnie"'
n, of Grand Rapids Central High'
>f; Arthur Rugh of New York;
W. J. Hutchins, of Oberlin Col-l
e of the features of the confer-
will be a gigantic parade, which
een scheduled for Saturday morn-
November 28. All of the dele-
will be in ine, together with1
iniversity Y. M. C. A. students.
Varsity band will also be in the
of march. An effort is being
to have the annual high school-
pionship football game, between
pper and lower peninsulas, play-
n Saturday afternoon at Ferry1

--Talks on the engineering summer
camp, held last vacation, will be giv-
en at the regular meeting of the For-
estry club tonight in the club rooms
in the new engineering building.
-Committeemen for the 'Saturday
night membership dance at the Union
are Horton Keiser, '15, (chairman),
Darrel D. Alton, '16E, Walter C. Gernt,
'17E, and John W. Codd, '17. Tickets
for the dance will be on sale at the
Union desk after 5:00 o'clock tomor-
row afternoon.
.-Among the students enrolled in thet
graduate department, is a retired cap-
tain of the medical corps of the United
States army, George heath, Jr., M. D.
Dr. feath has elected courses leading
o a M. S. degree in sanitary engineer-
Prof. R. 1. Wenley will deliver a
lecture, under the auspices of the uni-
versity extension lecture service, be-
fore the members of the men's club of
the Congregational church at Sagi-
naw, on Friday, October 23.
-All students of the university school
of music are cordially invited to be
present at the annual reception given
by the members of the faculty of the
school, from 8:00 to 10:00 o'clock to-
morrow evening.
-All students interested in gardening
or flowers are cordially invited to an
exhibition of dahlias, to be held today
from 11:00 to ,3:00 o'clock in Harris.
hall, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Garden club. The display has
been arranged by Mr. White of J.
Breitmeyers' Sons of Detroit.
-Prof. A. q. Canfield, of the French
department, who has been in ill health'
for a number of weeks, has gone to
Vermont for a three week's rest. His
classes will not meet until after his
-Prof. E. W. Jones, of the economics
department, will deliver an address be-
fore the Board of Commerce of De-
troit, Friday, November 6, on "Busi-
ness Ethics.",

o R
0 In herring bone and . . 0
A Diagonal Scotch Tweed A
T $15-00 to $25-00 T

tionists. The Russian government
found itself bankrupt. Money was
loaned by the Kaiser to prevent the
impending danger of Russia's future C







Observatory Possesses
Biggest Instrument
of Its Kind

That the university observatory pos-
sesses the third largest reflecting tel-
escope in the world, is a fact not gen-
erally realized by Michigan students.
The instrument, which was coMpleted
in 1911, was designed by the directors
of the observatory, and was largely
constructed in Ann Arbor. Its superi-
or optical parts and its convenient
mounting make it one of the most
powerful instruments of its kind in the
world. The diameter of the large
mirror is 37 1-2 inches.
Since its completion, this telescope
has been devoted exclusively to the
photographic study of spectra, and for
this reason no sensational discoveries
have been made. More than three
thousand photographs have already
been taken with it.
The observatory also possesses one
of the best installations in the country
for registering earthquakes. The in-
strument, which is called the seismo-
graph, registers every unusual move-
ment of the earth during all the 24
hours of the day. It has kept a com-
plete record of earthquakes in all
parts of the globe for five consecutive
The observatory houses many other
pieces of interesting apparatus. In its
equipment are a 12 inch refracting tel-
escope, an anemometer, which regis-
ters the velocity of the wind, and a
transit, which is used in observing the
time of the transit of heavenly bodies
across the sky.

L. B. Molseyeff, '15E, Who Took Part
In A Russian Uprising, Finds
Hope In Conflict
Leonard B. Moiseyeff, '15E, who took
an active part in the Russian revolu-
tion of 1904-5, and was later exiled by
the government, believes that the
European war has much hope and
promise for the peasant classes in
Russia. He is of the conviction that
the Kaiser of Germany cooperated
with the Russian bureaucracy in the
suppression of the Russian people.
"I am of the opinion," said Mr.
Moiseyeff in speaking of the present
European) situation, "that Russia did
not gain her liberty at the time of
revolution in 1904-1905, because Ger-
many, represented by the Kaiser and
the military party, supported in every
possible way Russian bureaucratic
government. The Kaiser does not
want to see Russia a free country, be-
cause he realizes that Russia's enor-
mous population of 71,000,000 would
be of great danger to Germany, com-
mercially and politically, if the Rus-
sian people were made free.
"I am not identifying the Kaiser of
Germany and the military party, with
the brilliant, progressive people. In
the time of the . Russian revolution,
people withdrew their money from the
banks. at the instigation of the revolu-

"The' reasons for the present Euro-
pean war are many and complicated.
The conflict had to come sooner or
later. It was commonly stated that
the cause of the present war was the
murder of Arch-duke Franz Ferdi-
nand, the heir to the Austro-Hungar-
ian monarchy, by a pan-Servian fana-
tic at Saraevo. In other words, war
was due to the death of the most hated
royal person in Europe. Neither the
Kaiser nor the German war party
believe this to be the cause. They
know, and we know, that Saraevo was
the pretext and not the cause. The
Kaiser thought it an advantageous
time to strike at his political enemies,
Russia and France.
"It makes no difference who wins
the present struggle, for Russia will
gain greatly in regard to her liber-
ties. The Russian people, as well as
the Russian government, see plainly
that in order to' withstand the pres-
sure from the west, they must be on
a level with all Europe. Russia is on
the dawn of a new era. Her bureau-
cratic government will have to live
up to the principles of her republican
Dr. Norman E. Richardson, professor'
of religious psychology and pedagogy
in Boston University, will be the
speaker at the next "Y" meeting Sun-
day night at 6:30 o'clock at the Majes-
tic theater. -
Dr. Richardson studied for three
years at several German universities,
and is considered one of, the leading
professors of Boston. Aside from his
connection with Boston University, he
has 1,200 outside pupils.
Y. M. C. A. to Meet in Battle Creek
"Relationships" will be the general
topic for discussion at a state meeting
of city Y. M. C. A. board members,
committee men and constituents, to
be held at the Battle Creek Sanitari-
um, October 28 and 29. The associa-
tion's relationship to the schools, to
civic affairs, to industry and to the
church will be considered. Prof. A. G.
Hall, registrar of the university is one
of a commission of six to report on
the church phase.

By Cyril Harcourt (822.8 H26p)
The independence of modern youth,
intensified by impertinence, gives the
playwright an opportunity to con-
struct an impolite comedy of the man-
ners type. There is, in the first place,
one family which -contributes two
children to the action, while, on the
other hand, there is a second family
which offers up two more children
and the p a r e n t against whom
the essence of present-day youthful
disagreeableness is splashed. The
four children fall in love in more or
less disapproved fashion, the father
becomes sputteringly indignant, and
there is no end of trouble until the
unseeing parent is induced, at the
finish, to admit that modern youth are
But the reader may not agree with
the conclusion extracted for him by
Mr. Harcourt. If he is a bit old man-
nered, and still thinks that even a
gouty parent has his rights, he may
climb through the lines, take the mak-
ing of the moral into his own hands,
and end up by insisting that the father
is the victim of a tragedy. In trying
to dazzle the beholder with the inci-
sively brilliant impertinence of youth,
the writer carries his illustration too
far, and the result is that his fool is
made his hero.
Sentimentality is excluded, and the
love-making is breezy but determined.
Everybody says what he thinks, es-
pecially if it happens to be. In the na-
ture of an assault on the father's old-
styled notions regarding young people.
The dialogue is ' sharp, but cruelly
sharp, and the farcicial situations get
most of their poignancy out of shock-
ing the wholesome ideas of propriety
still extant.
Union Bureau Provides Work for Two
Work at ushering has been furnish-
ed two students, and a few have been
sent out on odd jobs during the last
few days by the Michigan Union em-
ployment bureau. Jobs at soliciting
and canvassing, and a job of waiting
table for board with a room-renting
proviso remain open.


cy Students' Smoker Postponed
ding to the original plan, the
for pharmacy students was to
en held at the Union Friday
October 23, but the Prescott
Zder whose auspices the affair
e given, was unable to secure
on for that time. The future
indefinite, because it is feared
smoker will have to be post-
intil after the Harvard game,
of the men in that department
g east with the team, and the
their departure is not known.

-Prof. H. R. Cross, of the literary de-
partment, has returned from Brown
University, where he was the rep-
resentative of the University of Mich-
igan at the one hundred and -fiftieth
anniversary of Brown. He bore greet-
..ngs and cngratulations to Brown at
the official meeting last Thursday
where representatives from both the
United States and Europe were pre-
-Alpha Nu society meets tomorrow
qight at 7:30 o'clock in their rooms
on the fourth floor of University hall.
Talks will be given by R. S. Kidder on




"he Michigan Daily
To Germany
On account of the War

"The Cotton Situation in the South,"
and H. T. Cohn on "The Week's
Events," and the Hague Conference
will continue its deliberations.
-Prof. E. E. Ware, of the chemistry
dlepartment, read a paper on "The Re-
lations between Chinawood Oil and
Modern Varnishes" in the meeting of
the Michigan branch of the American
Chemical society, which was held yes-
terday afternoon ip room 151 of the
chemistry building.
--Owing to the large number of stu-
dents enrolled in the class in Euro-
pean history, two divisions were made,
one of which is in charge'of Dr. M. B.
Garrett, and the other in charge of
Dr. J. F. Scott, of the history depart-
ment, during the leave of absence of
Prof. W. A. Frayer.
-Friday night loungers at the Union
will be started some time next month.
The committee will be appointed soon,
and plans are now being made to im-
prove them this year.
-Norman H. Hill, '11, former business
manager of The Michigan Daily, will
be married to Miss Zoe Edna Oven, of
Petoskey, Michigan, on October 31.
They will reside in Detroit.
-"The Bodelian Library at Oxford" is
the title of an article by Mr. Theodore
W. Koch, university librarian, which
appeared in a current issue of the Li-
brary Journal. The journal also con-
tained a report on the summer school
session to the effect that 33 had taken
the library course.
-Prof. R. M. Wenley, of the philoso-
phy department, will give a talk about
Professor Morris, former professor of

However, we can mail THE MICHIGAN DAILY
to any place in the United States, Canada, or
South America, for $2.50 for the entire college
If you appreciate the DAILY when you are in
school, think how much more those who are out of
school will value the news, No matter what line
they are interested in, whether Athletics, the
Union, Dramatics, Oratory, or anything else, the
DAILY covers it.
We invite you to see our new offices on the first
- floor of the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., on Maynard

philosophy in this university, at the
meeting of the research club to be held
at 8:00 o'clock tonight, in the histo-
logical laboratory.
-Because the mortar has been washed
out from between the bricks in the
library towers, the towers are being
painted this week.
Bids For Michiganensian Called In
All printing and engraving bids for
the 1915 Michiganensian were called
in yesterday by the managers of that
publication. Until these contracts are
let, little work of arranging and plan-
ning the book can be done, but it is
expected that both contracts will be
let within a few days.

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