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October 21, 1914 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-10-21

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Wc Sell

Imperial Hats
Stein Block Clothing
Arrow Shirts and Collars
Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear
Spalding Bros. Sweaters
Mackinaws all
Lindcnschmitt, Apfcl & Co.

Young Men
VWhatever you pay for your clothing you
cannot afford to overlook this fact; the
big store of Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. can
and does positively give the greatest
value. Whether it is a suit or overcoat,
Manhattan Shirt, Knox Hat, Spalding
Sweater, neckwear, hosiery, gloves, un-
derwear, trousers, fancy vests, slipons.
Everything new and everything right.

efore Buying Your Fall Suit

See W. E. DIETERLE at his Ann Arbor Store,
516 E.Williams St., three doors below Maynard.
All foreign Woolens of the latest weaves and
designs. Come in and see for yourself.




Fresh Roasted
214 S. Main St.


Hamilton, Howard, Waltham, Elgin
WaIdentan Chains from $1.50 te $15

Lingerie Pins
Tie Clasps
Silver Chains

Belt Watch Chains V Pins
Party Boxes Bar Pins
Michigan Pins Fobs

Conklin and Swan Fountain Pens
Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing

State St. Jewelers

-With more than a thousand students
registered in classes in romance lan-
guages this semester, courses in that
department are swollen to their full
capacity. More than 700 students are
studying French, and more thanm208
Spanish, 'while the Italian department
claims only 12.
-Adelphi house of representatives
defeated a bill providing for the re-
call of Supreme Court decisions by a
vote of 20 to 5, and the following
members were added to the society:
L. D. Larke, '17; J. D. McNamara, '18;
H. D. Moses, '18; E. R. Paige, '16;
Reed Smith, '16; Meyer Schlissel, '16;
W. W. Seabury, '17E; Lewis Rams-
dell, '17; E. A. Porter, '16; D. E. Fax-
on, '18; H. Hatch, '18; P. V. Ramsdell,
-"Professor Harry Rosenbush, His
Life and Work," was the subject of
the lecture, Mr. R. W. Clark, of the
petrography department, delivered to
an audience of science students in the
mineralogy lecture room yesterday af-
-Dr. Victor C. Vaughan and Dr. A. S.
Warthin will attend the meeting of the
Michigan society for the Prevention
and Relief of Tuberculosis, to be held
in Muskegon, commencing Monday,
October 26. Miss Walton, head of the
local branch of the anti-tuberculosis
society, will also attend.
-Junior laws will meet In room D,
at 3:00 o'clock today to decide whether
last year's fresh laws, who were also
senior lits, will have to pay freshman
class dues, and men will be nominated
for class track manager to fill vacan-
cies caused by the ineligibility of
those previously nominated. Elec-
tions for all offices have been post-
poned till Friday.
-Coach MpCall of- the soccer team
will give a chalk talk on the game at
7:30 o'clock this evening in Intra-
mural Director Rowe's office. All men
who are interested in the game are
urged to attend.
-Work among the members of the
faculty was begun last night by the
Union membership committee. The
campaign was discontinued last Fri-
day because of the detraction of the
M. A. C. game.
-Special stress is laid on the Har-
vard, Pennsylvania and Cornell games
in the October number of "The Michi-
gan Bulletin," published by Michigan
alumni of Chicago. The issue con-
tains comments on the Harvard game
by E. F. Hughitt, '15E, and a poem
dedicated to President-emeritus James
B. Angell, by J. N. H. Hatch, '92E.
-Plans for; the current year were out-
lined at the first meeting of the Round-
up club held last night. The opening
event of the society will be a get-ac-
quainted smoker, scheduled for Thurs-
day, October 29. Dances, the first of
which will occur in early November,
will be, held every month, and five
or six smokers will figure in the pro-
gram for the year.
-Cerele Francais will assemble in a
business meeting at the Francais
rooms this noon, and a director to fill
the place left vacant by Mr. Rene Tal-
amon will be appointed.
-All men from the south, and espe-
cially all freshmen from that section
of the country, are invited to attend

MON.Oct. 19-The Birth of the Star
agled Banner Historical drama)
TUS ct. 20-Harst-Selig Pictorial
FodDetroit Weekly
FRI. Ot. 23 - Wheat and Tares, with
Dorothy Kelly
BAT. Oct. 24 - Two Brothers, with
Mary Pickford.
A Letter from Home, with R. Travers
Coming Next Week-Lord Chumney


619 E. Liberty St.




The University of California requir-
es individual punch glasses at college
When University hall of Columbia
University burned, early last Saturday,
the Columbia Spectator had an extra
on the campus at 5:00 o'clock in the
morning. Among the university or-
ganizations which will suffer as a re-
sult of the fire are the University
band, which lost a large number of
instruments; the 1916 Columbian, the
cuts for which were burned, and the
crew, which lost some of its apparatus.
Goethe's Faust had been at. one .time
translated in the burned hall by Prof.
Calvin Thomas, but as far as can be
learned no manuscripts were in the
building at the time of its destruction.
The Cornell Architect is the name of
a magazine which will be' produced
shortly by students of Cornell's col-
lege of, architecture. At recent elec-
tions H. W. Nolker, '15 was elected
editor in chief and William Schultheis,
'15, business manager. The, first num-
ber will be dedicatedrto Jean Hebrard,
formerly head of the department of
design, who was killed several weeks
ago while serving in the French army.
Seniors at Transylvania wear canes
and monacles.
The school of commerce of the Uni-
versity of Illinois has increased its en-
rollnment 54 per cent over the past
year. Four year students in the de-
partment number 393, while 1,500 are
enrolled in its courses.
Cornell has followed Princeton's
lead in numbering its football players
during the games. Kansas also la-
bels its players.
Overtures have been made by the
West Point athletic association to the
Navy management, and it still is con-

Are you thinking of
having your portrait
Hoppe is making a special
offer. Two-of his regular
$25.00 per doz. portraits
for $1.50. There is noth.
ing better.

200-202 So. Main St.

Regents of the University of Wis-
consin have adopted the recommenda-
tions of the faculty to the effect that
intercollegiate rowing be discontin-
uqd until the further development
of intramural athletics. This will
mean the withdrawal of Wisconsin
from the Poughkeepsie regatta for the
time being.
Amherst has four more students than
last year, its present registration to-
talling 410.
Yale's freshman class members 741,
or six more than last year. Andover
is represented with 77 freshmen, New
Haven high school 56, Hill school 51.
and Hotchkiss 48.
Freshman night at Texas Universi-
ty is celebrated by a parade of first
year men clad in nightshirts, mother,
hubbards, track suits, and other un-
conventional costumes, followed by a
bonfire and war dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas to Chaperone
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Douglas will act
as chaperones at the Wright Saxo-
phone Trio party .to be given at the
Michigan Union Friday night. This is
the first appearance of the Trio this
year in Ann Arbor, and a large as-
sembly is expected. The dance will be
informal, and tickets may be secured
by calling 236 or 1016.
SHORTHAND-Anyone interested in
taking private lessons in shorthand
from experienced teacher please
767-J. Special rate if work is begun
before Oct 23.
FOR RENT-Large suite suitable for
three. At 1116 Washtenaw Ave.
LOST-Will person who found purse
in Whr's Book Store Monday call
phone 1697-M. 20
TO RENT-Large front suite. Furnace
heat. Light. $2.50 per week. Ad-
dress 418 E. Kingsley St. 19-21
Grace Cameron coming to the Ma-
jestic is the biggest single act ever
booked on the "Butterfield Circuit." tf

Watch for solicitors.

Reule, Con in, Fiegel Co.

the best because they are manufactured of the
best materials and under our supervision.
We give you quick service in our fountain drinks and

p. ~~rrrrr .

the next meeting of the Dixie club, to
be held at 7:30 o'clock Friday night
at the Union.
--C. Rufus Osborn, '16 will address the
state convention of Baptists at Kala-f
xpazoo, October 23, on he guild work
in Ann Arbor.
Office hours of the attendance com-
mittee for the coming year were an-
nounced yesterday by Registrar Ar-
thur G. Hall, as follows: . Men, Mon-
day 3:00 to 4:00 o'clock, Tuesday and
Thursday 11:00 to 12:00 o'clock; wom-
en, Monday and Wednesday, 11:00 to
12:00 o'clock. The committee will be-
gin its work today.
Prof. Hugo P. Thieme has been chos-
en to take the place of Prof. J. G.
Winter on the attendance committee
for the ensuing year. As formerly, it
is expected that all absences will be
explained within one week, and in,
case an absence is not accounted for
inside of two weeks, it goes down in
the record as unexcused.
New quarters will be dedicated by,
the Cosmopolitan club at its next meet-
ing Sunday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock.
The club has taken over the old re-
portorial rooms of The Michigan Dai-
ly in the Press building.
Plans have been formulated by
Pres. W. C. Achi for co-operation with
the Chinese students' club in present-
ing the second of the Cosmopolitan
club's series of international nights,
the subject of which will be China. A
diversified program is promised.
Forestry Camp Fire Will Come Friday
Cascade Glen will be the scene Fri-
day evening of the annual camp fire
held by the students of the forestry de-
partment. The students and members
of the faculty, 100 in number, will leave
the new engineering building at dusk,
and go to the glen, where a supper of
steak, potatoes, doughnuts and cider
will be served. A program will be giv-
en, with Prof. Filibert Roth as the
principal speaker.

is now working toward the same end
as suggested by the Michigan Union.
Minnesota holds chapel exercises
three times each week.. Missouri and
Iowa have nothing definite to report
In spite of the fact that interclass
football teams are not yet officially
under way, four classes had teams,
running up and down south Ferry
field yesterday afternoon, the senior
laws, junior, soph, and fresh lits hav=
ing full contingents.
With the schedule due to begin at
the end of the week, lockers in the
interclass field house are going fast,
and those who want space must hurry
to secure it from Intramural Director
Any members of classes which have
not yet organized their football team,
will receive individual atteition if
they appear at south Ferry field, and
report either to Coach Crawford or to
Director Rowe.
Lansing reports regarding the pos-
sibility of a game between the Aggies
and the Varsity on Ferry field Thanks-
giving day are absolutely without
foundation in fact. No possibilities
of such a game exist, as the M. A. C.
authorities refused overtures for a
similar game last tall, setting a pre-
cedent which Michigan would not
break, with everything to lose and
nothing to gain.
Michigan had some grounds for her
desire to meet the Farmers a senond
time, as she played with but one
backfield regular, and several line
substitutes. M. A. C. had her full
strength this season, however, and
there seems no adequate ground for
such a game. If the Aggies won,
another contest would be necessary
to play off the tie, which would be
impracticable, even granting the first
could be arranged.
Michigan did not have her full
strength last Saturday, and has since
lost another veteran. With four hard
games ahead, another stiff tussle is
hardly alluring to Yost.

Replies have already been received C hubb H ou e
from a number of universities in re-
gard to the proposed college hour; O year
which was brought up for considera- en
tion at the last meeting of the Union round
board of directors. Every one of the
seven institutions heard from express- RATE $4.25 per Week
es a hearty interest in the plan. Only
one now has similar meetings, that
being the University of Illinois where G. S. CHUBB, Proprietor
four or five convocations are held each J. A. NEELANDS, Steward
year, with one on the first day of - -
school, convened exclusively for fresh-
Cornell has plans for a college hour-
that have been approved by the facul- Engineers Will deceive Mentor Cards
ty and will probably be put into oper-. At First Meetings
ation this fall. The Wisconsin Union Class officers will be nominated by

freshmen engineers at their assembly
at 11:00 o'clock today in room 348 of
the engineering building. Dean Cool-
ey will address the first year men, and
the mentor cards will be distributed.
Sophomore assemblies will be held
on Thursday, October 22, at 11:00
o'clock, November 19 at 9:00 o'clock,
and Friday, December 18 at 10:00
o'clock. Junior assemblies will be
held on October 22 at 10:00 o'clock,
November 19 at 11:00 o'clock, and on
Thursday, December 17 at 9:00
4t the first assembly, the mentor
cards will be given out. The mentor
system has been changed this year so
that there will be no mid-semester
report cards, and the mid-semester
report will be made up by the mentors
from the mentor cards. Students will
be excused from classes to attend
their assemblies by the faculty, and
the assemblies will be held each
month at a different hour so that the
students will be absent from one class
only once. Prof. C. T. Johnston will
be in charge of the junior assemblies,
and Prof. J. R. Allen in charge of
those of the sophomores.
In order to keep a complete record
of the men engaged on committees at
the Union, a system of card indices
has been installed. It has been felt
by the officers of the Union that a
few men have been doing most of the
work on committees, and the purpose
of the new record system is to find
those few men, and give them appoint-
ments according to their ability.
Chairmen of all committees will be
required to render a report to Francis
F. McKinney, '16L, who is in charge
of the bureau, which will contain a
statement of the kind of work done
by the members of their committees.
This record will includeall1committees
which have been appointed from the,
first of this year. It is hoped by-those
in charge that they will be" enabled
by this system to maket a more fair
distribution of appointments, and also
to allot the most important chairman-
ships to those best fitted to handle

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