2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 22, 2000
Student to appear on 'Greed'
By Jodie Kaufman
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA junior Sarah Niermiec recently
tried her luck on the hit game show
"I was just trying for fun," Niemiec
Niemiec was on her way home
from the Harlan Hatcher Graduate
Library when she saw the auditions
taking place at Rick's American Cafe
and stopped in.
She was given a test, as were all the
other potential contestants. The test
was then graded and those that got a
certain score or higher were granted
Out of the 50 to 60 students who
were granted interviews, Niemiec
scored the spot on the game show.
"We loved her personality and
thought she would make a great contes-
tant '" said Head Contestant Coordinator
for Greed Haley Blain.
The show that Niemiec will be seen
on is a college special, Blain said.
It is called College Rivalry, "because
we want to see what happens," said
The contestants are all undergrad-
uate college students from Big Ten
On the show, contestants answer a
variety of trivia questions, and depend-
ing on their answers are given ranks.
The contestant with the highest rank
is named captain and can accept or
reject the other contestants' answers.
The show has seen college students
before, but has never devoted an entire
episode to them.
Niesmiec said the best part of her
experience "was meeting people from
all the different schools."
Niemicc was flown to Los
We loved her
personality and
thought she would
make a great
contestant. "
-Haley Blain
'Greed' Head contestant coordinator
Angeles, put up at a hotel for two
nights and given a S45 stipend for
She spent eleven hours on the taping
day at the show.
"It was a long 'a,: said Niesniec.
But was it worth Ii?
Niernic is not allowed to tell until the
show airs May 26 and June 2.
Bush may have hit
home run with
social security plan
ORLANDO, Fla. - To thechagrin
of the most powerfoUl lobbv for older
Americans, Republan George W.
Bush appears to have struck a vein of
political gold with his call to allow
workers to divers some of their Social
Security payroll taxes into personal
investment accoits in the stock mar-s
At the AARP convention here, the
appeal ofthe stock market as a partial
substitute for Social Security received
a surprisingly positive response among
the very constituenc that once feared
any change in the program.
Of course, the seniors' monthly
Social Securit ChCks.wouldn't be
touched under the Bush plan, which is
likely to be aimed at workers 45 and
younger. But some retirees, rather
than being fearful., s-mcd willing to
encourage their childre and grand-
children to risk a portion of secunity
for a bitof indpendent wealth--
even in a trOUbled stock market.
Lazio takes over
for Guiliani in NY
WEST ISLIP, NY.- Convinced
he has no time for the pleasantries that
typically launch a campaign, Rep.
Rick Lazio Saturday kicked off his
Republican race for she Senate with a
blistering attack on first lady Hillary
Rodham Clinton as a liberal outsider
who takes advantage of governmcent
'You can tell fros my accent sias I
am a lifelong New Yorker," Lazio told
a cheering crowd at West Islip High
School, where he once ran track and
played basketball. " I've never needed
an exploratory commiteeto help me
figure out whereI wantsd to Iive
Lazio's strategists sid he annot
aff, Ord to be subtle. Clinwon-ho was
fiormally nominated by, the Dem-ocrats
this week, is months ahea d in travel,
money and orgaization ind Lazio
is scrambing to catch uyp everywhere
at once, after New York Cty Mavor
Rudolph Giuliani's announcemnent
Friday that he was dropping out
because of his prostate cancer.
privacy pol se, fr oh
privacy c pce"anvslbsieTC
WASh NGTON p- Republican
lawmakers this weekend assailed plans
by the Federal Tso de Commission to
ask Congreass for ncwk stion Iterto
protect consumer pDriacy,
An FTC report is to Include a new
surveyv of online privacv, praiciices that
suggests that about 90 per-cent of the
most popular Websites now display
privacy policies, far more than just a
year a year ago, but that only 20 per-
cen" of sitsfulycorn*i* kvth"fair
privacy practices" devised by the FTC.
Though the plan won't be
announced until Tuesday in a report to
Congress, and lawmakers said they do
not yet know specifics, their reaction
augured a bad reception for the pro-
- Compiled-fi-om Dai/i-wire, reports
Children of inter-faith families
are twice as likely to get offended
by a rabbi and pr iest jokes
Tell us how you feel.
v.r Misogas Doly (1555 U045tOll 5 p555 5 d Moe ys do,,rc tSr se,,rg ard roe, or rrr Os rod Otto,
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