The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 22, 2000 - 3
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JAinority profs. under-represented at 'U'
By Sara Fedewa
For the Daily
Comparing the experiences of LSA senior Kristie Thelen and
Engineering senior Carrie Grzywa, it may be hard to believe that the
two attend the same university.
While Grzvwa said that she cannot recall having a minority pro-
fessor, Thelen said, 'I dare say that I have had more miority pro-
*sors than non-minority professors:'
With the recent debates concerning the use of affirmative action in
admissions, more attention has been focused on the importance of
diversity at the University, including atnong professors.
According to the Office of Budget and Planning, in 1999, 131 of
the 1201 tenured professors represented minority groups, meaning
minorities made up only about 10 percent of the total number of pro-
fessors at the University. The numbers are higher among those not
yet tenured, as 17 percent of associate professors, 29 percent of
assistant professors and 22 percent of instructors are minorities.
With minorities making up 26 percent of the student population,
some believe that the University should do more to increase the num-
ber of minorities among the tenured staff
Mary Corcoran, a professor of Political Science, Social Work and
Public Policy, said she believes the
University has many talented minor-
ity professors. She said she feels that Minority profs
it is "definitely a good idea to recruit N 10% of tenured profes-
minority professors." sors are minorities.
Corcoran said that minority pro-
fessors "serve as role models and 2 Minority groups repre-
serve as presenting different view- sent 26% of the student
points. We have exceptionally tal- population.
ented professors here - they help
fight against stereotypes that 9 17% of associate profes-
minorities aren't good enough:' sors are minorities,.
Kristie Thelen said, "A lot of
times they relate concepts to person- U 29% of assistant profes-
al experiences about their family or sors are minorities.
culture that I wouldn't have heard of
While the advantages of having minorities as professors are agreed
upon by many, the methods of attaining large numbers are more con-
Corcoran, who is a supporter of affirmative action, said "there are
plenty of talented professors out there, we don't need to cut anyone a
break." Corcoran pointed out that affirmative action can be imple-
mented without relaxing the requirements for a certain group.
Although Thelen said she feels that the requirements should not
necessarily be relaxed for minorities, she said she thinks that in some
circumstances cultural background should be valued in the decision
to hire or tenure professors.
"If a professor isn't as top-notch as another, but has unique expe-
riences, that background can sometimes replace the fact that he is not
quite as top-notch as the other professor," Thelen said.
While they all have had different viewpoints and experiences at
the University, Corcoran, Thelen and Grzywa all agree that everyone
should have an equal chance at acquiring a position at the University.
"I think that minority professors are an asset as they help to relate
to and be role-models for minority students as well as sharing a
diverse background, but if you're a good teacher, you're a good
teacher regardless of your race," Grzywa said.
Continued from Page 1 This is the new feature photo
In addition, all universities would
get a three percent increase in a pend-
ing S45 million supplemental bill.
The House reimplemented the tier WA
system, which ranks schools based on
several characteristics into three differ-
ent levels of tainimnuIn finding.
l ep. Sandy Caul (R - Mt. Pleasant),
subcommittee head, said in a press
release that the tier system removes
politics from the formation of the bud
The tier system was created in the
forming of the Fiscal Year 2000 budget
to prevent favoritism that certain schools
may receive from their Congressional
Rep. Deb Cherry (D-Burton), one of
the five Democrats to vote against
*orting the bill, said the tier rankings
are "based on some false assumptions."
She said that the tier system takes
away discussion and "legislative discre-
tion in the future."
Schwarz, who championed the
removal of the tier system in the Senate
budget recommendations pointed out
that six schools did not actually reach the
funding level of their tier.
It was meaningless then and mean-
Sless now," he said.
But, Schwarz said he will concede NORMAN NG/Daily
on the tier issue in conference commit- Bruce Fields, a PhD student and member of the Ann Arbor Juggling Club
tee if that makes the difference in shows off his Juggling skills in the Diag on Saturday afternoon.
reaching the numbers that the Senate
Schwarz said the House went 583
million above Gov. John Engler's rec-
ommendation. "They kept the cash," he
The House also changed the source D
o the money. While the Senate includ- A
a $36 million supplement from
tobacco settlement revenue, the House
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Continued from Page 1
Awards, National Humanities Center
Fellowship, LS&A Excellence in
Research Award and numerous fel-
lowships and grants from the
National Endowment for the
After teaching at Princeton,
Cantor served at the University from
1983 to 1991. She joined Princeton
again in 1991, returning to Michigan
in 1996 as dean of the Graduate
Her award3 include the
Dissertation Award of the Society of
Experimental Social Psychology, the
American Psychological Association
Distinguished Scientific Award for
an Early Career Contribution to
Psychology and the University's
Henry Russel Award and Faculty
Recognition Award.
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