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May 22, 2000 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-05-22

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0ne hundred ni'z e years of edi~nz~dfreedom

Mondav. Mav 22. 2000


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The Michigan
House Of
Representati ves
Higher Education 2001
Subcommittee Michigan ,
presented its S1.8 Educator
million budget Budget
for the Fiscal
Year 2001 to the full House last week.
The amount of money used in the budget
remained close to the Senate's recommenda-
tion, but some large deviations in the distrib-

ution caused five Democrats on the commit-
tee to vote against it.
While all of the state's 15 universities
received well above the governor's original
2.5 percent recommendation, the University
took a cut from 6.9 percent in the Senate bud-
get to 5.4 percent.
"We're pleased with the overall increase,"
University Vice President for Government
Relations Cynthia Wilbanks said. "I hope
that in conference committee we might
tweak it a little more."
Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek) said
he will fight for changes when the bill goes
to conference committee.
"U of M took the biggest hit. That's not

acceptable," he said.
The figure does meet the number the
University reported would be necessary in
orler to keep tuition increases down to three
The Senate Budget Committee had asked
what each school would need to keep tuition
increases down to 2.8 percent.
The University joined five other schools in
getting the lowest recommended increase
with Grand Valley State reaching the maxi-
mum at 15 percent.
Michigan State University recieved a 10
percent increase -3.1 percent more than the
Senate budget.
See BUDGET, Page 3

Prof. Donald Lopez stands In his Ann Arbor home yesterday. Lopez
a s elected to the National Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Pair elected to
national cademy

Colleges more selective than ever
By Rachael Smith
Daily Staff Reporter

By Ahmed Hamid
Daily Staff Reporter
* The University announced
last Monday that the Academy
of Arts and Sciences elected
two University faculty members
to become Fellows next April.
Donald Lopez Jr., the Arthur
Thurnau Professor of Buddhist
and Tibetan studies and chair-
man of the department of Asian
languages and cultures, and
?rovost Nancy Cantor, who is
also executive vice president of
student affairs and a psychology
professor, were elected.
Lopez, who will serve on the
Philosophy and Theology
Section of Humanities at the
Academy, said he was "certainly
very honored to be elected to the
Lopez and Cantor are among
154 new Fellows and 15 for-
*ign honorary members elected
tn recognition of their disttn-
guished contributions to sci-
ences. scholarships, public
affairs. and the arts. The mem-

bers will be inducted at a formal
ceremony at the House of the
Academy in Cambridge, Mass.
on October 14.
University President Lee
Bollinger said in a written state-
ment that he was "pleased for
both Donald and Nancy, and for
the University."
"This is a stellar honor for
what we value most - out-
standing academic achieve-
ment" Bollinger said.
Candidates are nominated
by incumbent members of the
Academy and are not notified
until they are elected.
"It came as a very pleasant
surprise," Lopez said.
Lopezjoined the University in
1989 after teaching at the
University of Virginia and
Middlebury College and has
authored several books. He is the
recipient of many awards includ-
ing the Templeton Foundation
Award, Levehulme Research
Professor, University of Bristol,
UM Faculty Recognition
See ACADEMY, Page 3

Universities across the country are
reporting a large increase in the num-
ber of students applying. and as a
result, higher numbers of rejected stu-
According to U.S. News Online col-
lege guide section, even those students
with 4.0 grade point averages, involve-
ment in an average of five extracurric-
Ular activities and holding jobs are
being rejected from their schools of
This University is no different,
University spokeswoman Julie Peterson
"We are in the unique position of having
so many well-qualified students applying,"
Peterson said.
"Fifty percent of freshman had 4.0
GPAs as seniors," Peterson said, referring
to the University's applicant pool. "It is
clear to us that we are part of a national
The trend Peterson referred to is the
recent growth in both numbers and quality
of first-year applicants.
"It's a pretty widespread trend," Peterson
said, "because it's driven so much by
As the children of baby boomers
reach college age, the number of appli-
cants has been on the rise for the past
More hirth school seniors means more

Fifty percent of this year's freshmen had a 4.0 GPA In high school, showing the Increased
difficulty of getting in to the University.
applications, but the number of applica-
tions is rising faster than the number of
students accepted.
"More students aspire to college,"
Peterson said.
The greater number of applications has
resulted in demographic changes for col-
leges across the country.
Highly selective institutions have
become even more selective, and less
selective schools have been able to attract
an academically stronger group of stu-
dents. allowing them to also become more

'Greed'y student Electronica Party's over
Sarah Niemiec, an LSA junior, tried her luck on Richie Hawtin headlines the Detroit Softball bows out of NCAA tourna-
he game show 'Greed.' Electronic Music Festival. ment with two losses to DePaul.
N'WS, Page 2 ARTS, Page 10 'PORTS, Page 14

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