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May 20, 1992 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-05-20

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2 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - Wednesday, May 20, 1992

Continued from page 1
A search advisory committee will
be established in order to select a new
Vice Provost for Minority Affairs. The
committee will be composed of stu-
dents, faculty, and staff, said Kay
Dawson, Assistant to the Provost for
Academic Affairs.
Dawson said the committee will
first develop criteria and then search
within the University for an internal
In the meantime, Moody will visit
South Africa this summer to meet with
representatives from universities in
hopes of creating master's degree pro-

grams there.
cratic University Staff Associations
conference of South African universi-
ties on reducing segregation andcreat-
ing a non-racial environment.
"One of the reasons for going to
their conference would be to get ideas"
for a similar conference at the Univer-
sity, Moody said.
As Director of the South African
trying to work with departments here
(within the University)to meet some of
the needs that have been presented by
South African universities."
Moody said he hopes a non-racial
environment can be fostered both at the

University and in South Africa.
In his new position, Moody will be
helping to create good academic rela-
Africa, Dawson said.
"He has helped toinitiatethis whole
effort," said Dawson. She also com-
mented on Moody's experience in "es-
tablishing networks on a large scale."
Dawson said Moody's upcoming
position is important to the University
because it is a "crucible for study of
social policy."
Moody said he appreciates the sup-
portof University students, facultyand
staff in helping to make"the University
what it can be." But, he added, "We
have a long way to go."

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Continued from page 1
' presented a comparative study of fac-
ulty in Ann Arbor with peer institu-
The committee found that the
University's full professors were paid
less than thoseatpeer institutions while
assistantandassociate professorsmake
more money.
I "We are not convinced that the
present distribution of financial re-
t sources, which favors junior faculty at
theexpenseof of full professors, works
to the best interests of the University,"
the report said.
"We suggest that the salary struc-
ture among the professorial ranks is
deserving of further analysis and study,
and proposethatCESFand theUniver-
sity administration jointly initiate a co-
operative effort in this direction," it
The committee also expressed con-
cern that the administration has been
considering changes in health benefits
without consulting faculty.
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar-
bor) asked Vice President and Provost


forAcademic AffairsGilbertWhitaker
whether concerns about the advance-
ment of women and minorities were
being addressed.
Whitaker said that because most
women and minorities were hired re-
cently, most of them are not ready for
"The number of women and mi-
norities in the pool have been hired in
the last threeor four years and are not
ready for review," he added. 'The
faculty as a whole in Ann Arbor is 62
percent tenured, which I think is low
for a school of our quality."
Baker tabled a resolution, which
will be co-sponsored by Brown, to
allow the two regents to investigate
the actions of the University of Michi-
gan Alumni Association. Baker al-
leged that the Alumni Association had
beenactivelysearching forcandidates
to run against two Republican regents
whose terms are up this fall.
But Neil Nielsen (R-Brighton),
who is up for reelection, did not sup-
port Baker'sallegations."Just because
Regent Bakersays it'ssodoesn'tmean
it's so," he said.

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b 111 i0
The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly (ISSN 0745-967) is published Wednesdays during the spring and summer
terms by students at the University of Michigan. o-campus subscriptions for spring/summer term are available
for $9. No off-campus subscriptions are available for spring/summer. Subscriptions for fall/winter terms,
starting in September via U.S. mail are $155. Fall term only is $85. On-campus subscriptions for fall/winter are
$35.^"llsubsonions must be prepaid.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327
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Circulation 764-0558; Classified Advertising 764-0557; Display Advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550
NEWS Purvi Shah, Mana ng Editor
NEWS EDITOR: Gwen Shaffer
STAFF: Joey Barker, Hope Calati, Lauren Dermer, Erin Einhorn, Travis McReynolds, Laura Potts.
OPINION Gil Renberg, David Shepardson, Editors
STAFF: Charla Ewing, Reginald Humphreys.
SPORTS Josh Dubow, Managing Editor
STAFF: Meg Beison, Jeni Durst, Mike Hill, Adam Miller, Greg Richardson.
ARTS Alan J. Hogg, Editor
STAFF: Mark Binelli, Andrew Cahn, Nima Hodaei, Scott Sterling, Michael John Wilson.
PHOTO Sharon Musher, Editor
STAFF: Kristoffer Gillette, Heather Lowman
NEW STUDENT EDITION Melissa Peerless, Editor
SALES Laurel Wilkinson, Sales Manager
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Christa Chambers-Price, Katy Kibbey, Lisa McAteer, Mark Tuinstra.
ASSISTANTS: te Aamo. Jennifer Bayson, Jennifer Chapeis, Molin Das.NatashaMoms.
SYSTEMS ANALYSTS Matt McLean, Sean Sweda

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L ........ J

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