SUMMEtr ree
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
and wire reports
Ann Arbor
Splish, splash
Ann Arbor's outdoor
swimming pools, Fuller
Pool, Buhr Park Pool, and
Veterans Pool (with its 125
foot waterslide) open for
business this Saturday, just
in time for Memorial Day
weekend. Season passes
can be purchased at any of
the pools. For more
information, call 994-2780.
Big Ten Championships
The Michigan men's golf
team finished tied for
seventh at the Big Ten
Championships last
Hockey News
The Michigan hockey team
received a letter of intent
from Kevin Hilton of
Monroe, Mich. Hilton, a 17-
year old center scored 77
points in 39 games for
Compuwam of the NAJHL
and received rookie-of-the
year honors. Also, assistant
coach Dave Shand
announced his resignation
to pursue a law degree at
Michigan Law School.
Shand has been an
assistant for Red Berenson
for three years and lettered
for Michigan in 1973-74;
Coaching Moves
Long-time Michigan
assistant football coach
Jeny Hanlon is now
Assistant Director of
Development and Alumni
Relations for the Athletic
Department. Hanlon has
been at Michigan for 23
years coaching both the
offensive line and
quarterbacks. He
developed 18 All-Amercan
lineman during his tenure
at Michigan.
Baseball Awards
Michigan second baseman
Scott Timmerman was
recently named to the first
* All-Big Ten team.
Centerfielder Steve Buerkel
was named to the third'
Injunction threatens tent cit
by Joey Barker the Homeless Union, on the ba-
Daily Staff Reporter sis that Salvation City is apublic
While tent city's organizers nuisance and threatens public
rallied to protest homelessness health and safety.
and expound their determina- The injunction would pro-
tion to stay on the site one hour hibit park use for residential and
before Salvation City's permit sleeping purposes and tent setup
expired Friday, Washtenaw and maintenance. If the injunc-
County refused the permit ex- tion is issued, the Homeless
tensionand mademotionstofile Union will have two days to
a preliminary injunction. remove the tents from the site or
Robert Gunzel, of the the County will be granted the
County's Corporation Council, authority to do so.
said the extension was denied During the rally, about 100
because the site was used for people gathered to listen to the
sleeping and shelter purposes, speakers and show support for
which the Homeless Union had Salvation City."Housing isnota
explicitly agreed not to do under privilege, it's a right," speakers
the conditions of the original said repeatedly.
permit. Homeless activists alleged
In addition, the County has the County has spent more
receivedseveralcomplaintsfrom money on animal shelter -
local businesses and residents $159,000-than on human shel- uKASoN M55 d
regardbins public icationder -$4,0-n1992he (Housing activists Ruth Williams, Harlene Harris, and Safiya Khalid laugh and beat a drum as
regarding public intoxication, ter - $64,550 - in 1992. OnethypriptenthrayatSvtonCyFrd.
urination, defecation, vomiting, speaker, who wore a cat mask, the rally at Salvation City Friday.
and harassment of passersby joked "I thought that if I wore Ann Arbor homeless problem ford to have them in office any- for County Commissioner in the
from people gathered at Salva- this mask, Washtenaw County during the next elections was more," speaker Rhonda Sweed 12th district during the rally.
tion City. would find me a home." another rally theme. said. Dolgon said, "I'm running for
Over the weekend, County The idea that County offi- "They keep telling us that In response to the County, County Commissioner because
officials prepared a motion for a cials must be held responsible they can't afford to have us in RackhamgraduatestudentCorey people know they need a
preliminary injunction against for their alleged neglect of the their budget. Well, we can't af- Dolgonannouncedhiscandidacy change."
S. Africa
by Laura Potts
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Board ofs
Regents approved the tempo- _
rary reappointment of Dr.
Charles Moody as Vice Pro-
vost for Minority Affairs Fri-
day, pending the selection of a
Moody, who has served as lease.
Vice Provost since the office Duderstadt
was created in 1987, has re- have establishe
ceived acclaim for being in- nority affairs I
strumental inretaining students Chuck's leade
of color on campus. now need somr
More than 20percent of the not only be ab
University'sstudentpopulation thatvision buth
this year consisted of students - for the bet
of color, with the number of only our studer
Black students at its highest staff of color, b
point in 16 years. After leavin
"I hope we will be able to Minority Affai
attract to the position a faculty direct the Uni
member at the University who African Initiati
can expand on the strong foun- signed to foste
dation Dr. Moody has built," tweentheUniv
University President James African univer
Duderstadt said in a press re- See I
x added, "We
-d a strong mi-
program under
rship, and we
eone who will
ble to continue
elpusexpand it
terment of not
nts, faculty, and
ut for all of us."
ng the Office of
rs, Moody will
versity's South
ve, which is de-
r closer ties be-
MOODY, Page 2
Regents approve new
construction projects
More than $100 million to renovate campus buildings
by Melissa Peerless takes some of its money from vating these academic buildings
Daily Staff Reporter student tuition. will help the University attract
and Purvi Shah "I have objections to the use and retain high-quality faculty.
Daily News Editor of student fees for these items," Regent Veronica Smith (R-
The University Board of hesaid."Iam verydiscomforted Grosse Ile) abstained from the
Regents approved more than by this." vote after Duderstadt said that
$100 million worth of renova- But University President the budget was still in the plan-
tions and construction to several James Duderstadt said the reno- ning stage and numbers were not
campus buildings at its monthly vations will not play a signifi- yetavailable. Baker suggested a
fundraising campain to finance
'These (renovations) are needed. They have the renovations.
been needed for a long time. Our students, "People want to give to
eur faculty, the Citizens of Michigan need it people - not facilities,"
Duderstadt said.
so that the University can contintue to excel. Regent Paul Brown (D-
- Paul Brown Petoskey)supported therenova-
Regent (D-Petoskey) tions.
"These are needed," he said.
meeting last week. cantrole in raising tuition for the "They have been needed for a
Money alloted for renova- 1992-93 school year. long time.Our students,our fac-
tions includes $27.5 million for "Because of the infrastruc- ulty, the citizens of Michigan
EastEngineering, $21.4 million ture maintenance fee putin place need it so that the University can
for the Randall Laboratory for last year, some of the fundsnec- continue to excel."
Physics, and $6.8 million toadd essary to do these renovations In otherbusiness,theregents
totheUGLi. are already in place," he said. heard reports from the Commit-
Regent DeaneBaker(R-Ann "Because Michigan has fallen tee for the Economic Status of
Arbor) questioned the necessity behind in funding its higher edu- the Faculty (CESF) at each of
oftherenovations,whichwill be cation institutions, the students the University's three campuses.
paid through the University's willhave to support thisin part." CESFChairFredrick Beutler
. Mi ,,;,..Ri Duderstadt added that reno- See REGENTS, Page 2
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