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May 22, 1987 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-05-22

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Pdge 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 22, 1987

Students and Ann Arbor residents flocked to Fuller pool last summer to tan themselves on hot afternoons. The
pool opens for the summer this weekend.
Cancer society to offer free screening
(Continued from Page ) Even worse, said Cook, people The American Cancer Society,
Dubin advocates seeing a demo- are "just not taking the trouble or along with the Michigan Derma-
tologist at the first sight of any time to protect themselves against tological Society, will he con-
abnormal growths or moles that thetdisease." ducting their second annual free
have recently changed in size, color, skin cancer serecnmg program at 29
texture, or sensation.skncnesceigprraat2
Yet Dubin admits that the "All the evidence and studies Michigan locations, including Ar-
"tremendous premium" Americans point to excessive exposure to sun, borland Mall, on Wednesday, May
place on bronze bodies makes it especially for people with fair skin, 27 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., as part
difficult to change sunbathing as a major cause of skin cancer," of their program to increase skin
habits. said Dubin. cancer awareness.

'U' research panel
discusses new policy4
By MELISSA RAMSDELL non-classified research proposals.
Some members of the Research UNDER the new policy, the
Policies Committee expressed dis- RPC will retain some of its
may toward their reduced role in advisory privileges. Carignan said
decision-making to the Vice press- he felt members should use their
dent for Research, Linda Wilson in committee positions to advise the
a special session of the RPC on vice president in a way that would
Wednesday. The committee also lead to the best results.
discussed ways to implement the During Wednesday's meeting,
new research policy the Univer- Wilson expressed a need to build up
sity's Board of Regents adopted case histories by which to judge
during its April meeting. proposals under the new policy.
T HE POLICY has reduced the Committee members also talked
RPC's role, transferring the review about their mixed reactions to the
mechanism to the department heads, guidelines.
deans of the schools and colleges, "I'm not pleased with the new
various institutes, and the vice
president for research. 'The new policy is more
"I have some sense of disap- permissive and reduces
pointment with the new policy and the role of the RPC.'
the procedure that was used to put it . RPC Chair George
into place. The new policy is more --R CCarG rg
permissive and reduces the role of Carignan
RPC," said RPC chair George
Carignan. policy. It's pretty different from the
Carignan added that the more policy that was recommended by
permissive guidelines may cause the ad hoc commitee, RPC, and
department heads to approve some (the Senate Advisory Committee on
of the proposals that would not Ulniversity Affairs)," said Rebecca
have been approved under the old Eisenberg, RPC member.
policy. Eisenberg supports the elimi-
But Wilson disagrees. "I feel nation of the RPC's role, however, 4
comfortable saying this new policy in reviewing classified research
should be interpreted by us as a way proposals. She called it a "cumber-
to move forward." some mechanism."
ACCORDING to the previous Student, faculty, and community
research policy, passed in 1972, the members opposed to the new policy
RPC was responsible for reviewing continue to work against it. The
classified research proposals before Michigan Student Assembly has
they were accepted by the Univer- established an independent review
sity. Rcommittee of faculty, student, and
The RPC will now consult with community members to obtain lists
ofresearch proposals and dis- 4
the Vice president for Research, seminate information to the public
Linda Wilson, in her annual report a peofsarthe
to the Regents on the implemen- about the type of research the
tation the nts o im n University is conducting.
tainof the new policy. " h
The new guidelines eliminate the I think this is a positive
"end-use" clause that forbids classi- reaction to the Regental decision to
fied research that could kill or maim eliminate the end-use clause in the
new policy," said Jackie Victor, an
human beings. The policy extends RPC student member and MSA
review power to both classified and member.
Vol. XCVI-No. 3S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Fridays during
the spring and summer terms. Subscription rates: May through
August-$5 in Ann Arbor; $7 outside the city.

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