Copyriht © 1987 4
TheMichia Dail
1Ninety-seven y:ar o editorial freedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 3S Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, May 22, 1987
City may ass AIDS policy
By JOHN EIN "While I'm willing to go on partment, commended the reso-
The Ann Arbor City Council waiting for this, I think everyone lution's intent, but she cautioned
may approve the city's first policy will see (the policy) as an im- that "there are implications of any
on AIDS for all city employees provement," said David DeVarti (D- action in this direction."
next month. The policy would Fourth Ward) Atwater warned that a city-wide
protect employees who may carry Terry Martin (R-Second Ward), AIDS policy could bring un-
the AIDS virus from discrimination however, warned against rushing expected liability and insurance
in the work place. into a policy on a disease that is problems to Ann Arbor. "There's
At Monday's city council me- still a mystery, and that could have the potential of the city putting
eting, all 10 council members many legal ramifications. "I think itself in a position of being sued if
decided to postpone the AIDS re- we have to have some sort of it exposes anyone with AIDS."
solution until June 15 so that the policy, but it needs the full-fledged Since the policy calls for no
council can have more time to support of the employees," she screening of potential or existing
review the policy. It would also said. employees for AIDS, Atwater fears
enable city employees to voice their John Atwater, director of
opinions on the issue. Washtenaw County Health De- See POLICY, Page 3
Nea to
'U' toughens
Michigan high school coun-
selors have mixed reactions whether
this year's 10 percent increase in
the number of undergraduate appli-
cations to the University has any
bearing on tougher admission
"The number of students
accepted is really down from last
year," said Phil Heyer, director of
guidance at Redford Catholic
Central High School, who believes
that admission standards for Michi-
gan residents have been toughened
to accommodate the increasing
numbers of out-of-state students.
"IT SEEMS like (Michigan)
is becoming a college of the elite.
There really isn't much of a
diversity there," said Heyer. "If
that's what they want, fine, but
they're really disappointing some of
our kids."
Damon Simon, a counselor at
Garber High School in Essexville
noticed a similar trend. "Last year
we were looking at a 3.3 GPA as
the minimum grade point for
admission," Simon said. "We are
using a 3.6 instead this year."
Simon said the school may
change its traditionally tough
grading system so students will fare
better when they apply to the
University. Garber was chosen this
year as one of the state's ten best
public high schools and is currently
under consideration for similar
national recognition.
The University's Director of
Undergraduate Admissions, Cliff
Sjorgren, said that the increase in
applications has unavoidably resul-
ted in tougher admission standards.
ACCORDING to Simon and
Heyer, the University's increased
standards has left many qualified
students as well as taxpayers disap-
"Tax payers of Michigan are the
supporters of this school, yet so
many students have been rejected
who should have been accepted,"
Simon said.
See HIGH, Page 4
forced to
Community opposition to the
homeless may make relocating the
city's Day Drop-In homeless shelter
difficult. The shelter will lose its
lease to Great Lakes Federal Bank
on June 19 and be forced to leave
its South Division St. location.
"I empathize with neighborhood
concerns, but I feel someone has
got to accept us," said Kathy Zick,
executive director of the Day Drop-
In program. "If you want to help
people get back into the main-
stream, you can't just ship them off
Zick thinks it will be almost
impossible to secure another site by
See SHELTER, Page 8
head 'U'
University officials will look to
Homer Neal to repair and rebuild
the troubled Physics department
when he takes over as department
Neal, a top physicist and provost
at the State University of New
York at Stony Brook, will assume
his role July 1 when he replaces the
outgoing department head, Law -
rence Jones.
"When the search committee
first approached Dr. Neal, he
expressed no serious interest,"
current Physics Chairman Lawrence
Jones said. He said Vice president
for Academic Affairs and Provost
See SUNY, Page 8
Everson sweet Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Big Ten tournament MVP Greg Everson and Mike Gillette celebrate Michigan's Big Ten championship
following the final strikeout of Tuesday's come-from-behind victory over Purdue. Everson won two games and
saved another during the tournament held at Ray Fisher Stadium. See story, page 12.
Rising skin cancer rates threaten sun-worshippers' paradise
By LISA POLLAK according to Cristine Cook, executive Skin cancer is the most common cancer Professor of the University's Department of
Tanning has long been a ritual among director of the Washtenaw unit of the among Americans, but Cook noted that Dermatology.
Americans - especially college students - American Cancer Society. The society is Americans tend to view skin cancer as less
who take pride in their bronze bodies during campaigning heavily in an attempt to alert serious than lung cancer because doctors can Dermatologists recommend sunscreens for
the summer months. But, according to the Americans to the damage the sun's ultra - treat skin cancer through early detection. sunworshippers as the best prevention
American Cancer Society, this ritual may be violet rays can cause. against skin cancer, and they stress avoiding
deadly. Of the 500,000 cases of skin cancer each Early detection can mean survival for 80 the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3
The incidence of malignant melanoma, a year, approximately 25,000 are malignant percent of melanoma victims, said Dr. Hoard p.m.
fatal form of skin cancer, has been steadily melanoma - a ratio doctors did not expect Dcbin, Prum ical oi he Michigan pC
increasing by a rate of 3.4 percon a year, to see until the year 2000, Cook said. Dermatological Society and Clinical See CANCER, Page 2