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May 22, 1987 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-05-22

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eases job
Recent University graduates are
currently reaping the benefits of an
expanded job market and falling
unemployment rates, but some
economists do not expect the
employment boom to last much
Michigan's jobless rate dropped
by half a percentage point from 8.9
percent in February to 8.4 percent
in March, according to George
Mechem, an economist at the
Michigan Employment Security
Washtenaw County experienced
a 4.4 percent rate of unemploy-
ment, the lowest rate in the state.
Some economists, however, are
forecasting a decline in production
that could hurt workers, especially
with the increased presence of
Japanese automobiles in the coun-
try, said Dan Luria, an economist
for the Center for Social and
Economic Issues. Luria added that
GM, Ford, and Chrysler will sell
fewer automobiles, decreasing
overall production in Michigan.
The job market will remain
plentiful for University graduates in
the near future, according to Debo-
rah May, director of the Univer-
sity's Carecr Planning and Place-
"The last few years have been
tough on LSA students, but those
employers who previously didn't
look for them are hiring them
Ninety-one percent of last year's
LSA graduates responding to a
questionnaire said they had either
found jobs or begun graduate
school, according to May. She
expects similar results for this
year's graduating class.
Donald Peterson, director of
Engineering Placement, said that 80
percent of the engineering graduates
See 'U', Page 5

The Michigan Daily-Friday May 22, 1987- Page 3
'U' hospitals
may add clinics

Four health clinics established
by the University last year as part
of a health maintenance organ-
ization will become part of the
University hospital system if the
state Department of Health
approves the transfer.
According to financial forecasts
by medical school officials, Ann
Arbor's MCare clinics could lose
more than $1 million in the next
three years if the transfer does not
occur. A transfer of assets from the
HMO to the hospital would make
the University responsible for any
profits or losses rather than the
"If there are any losses on the
operation, they would become
chargeable to the whole customer
base at the hospital," said Vice
president and Chief Financial
Officer James Brinkerhoff.
According to Brinkerhoff, the
current losses were financed through
a grant from the hospital budget and
cannot be recovered by charging
hospital patrons.
The University Board of Regents
endorsed the medical school request,

but Regent Veronica Smith (R-
Grosse Ile) said the transfer would
not solve the financial problems at
the MCare clinics. "I think the cost
problem will be buried in the
hospital," Smith said. "I have a
very strong problem with it."
Regent Thomas Roach (D-
Saline) said the transfer will not
cost the University or the public.
"In effect, the hospital underwrites
MCare anyway," Roach said. "It's
just a question of what account the
money is written from."
The MCare clinics at Briarwood,
Northville, Plymouth, and Nort-
heast Ann Arbor were built in 1986
to provide easier access to medical
care for MCare subscribers. Ac-
cording to Brinkerhoff, the hospital
would have had to wait a year for
state approval to build the centers,
but an HMO can open clinics
Under HMO management, only
25 percent of medical care could be
given to patients who are not
members of the organization. Ac-
cording to John Turck, director of
public relations for the University
See 'U', Page 8

Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Radiographer Lauralee Goebel studies slides at the Briarwood MCare
health clinic. With State Department of Health approval, the clinic will
become part of the University hospital system.

Petition drive may outlaw Medicaid abortions
By LISA POLLAK law if both the House and Senate The Right to Life petition states abortions for victims of rape and
If the Michigan Right to Life approve it within 40 days of its that "an abortion shall not be a incest.
campaign receives no challenges to first review. If the legislature does service provided with public funds The Right to Life petition would
its 450,000 signature petition drive not approve the petition, it will to a recipient of welfare benefits not end all tax-funded abortions in
by June 5, a bill to discontinue appear on the November 1988 unless necessary to save the life of Michigan. State employees, inclu -
state funded Medicaid abortions will ballot as a referendum. the mother." In addition to amen - ding University personnel, could
be presented to the Michigan legis - But the People's Campaign for ding the Michigan Social Welfare still have state-funded abortions.
lature by mid-June. Choice, a coalition of about thirty Act specifying Medicaid services, According to Listing, efforts to
If no challenges are made to the organizations opposed to the initi - the petition would not allow Medi - address these other groups would
petition's legality, the Secretary of ative's adoption without an electo - caid abortions for victims of rape or require a constitutional amendment,
State's office will validate it as a rate vote, plans to petition immedi - incest. which currently does not have
bill soon after the June deadline, ately for a referendum to reject the WHILE collecting signatures, enough support in the legislature.
according to Barbara Listing, presi - law. "If the legislature succumbs to The Right to Life petition SUPPORTERS of the Right
dent of the Michigan Right to Life the pressure and approves the campaign acquired over twice the to Life petition argue that the law
campaign. initiative, it will be time for us to amount required to demonstrate to will save state money. Listing
UNDER the state's initiative take action," said Judith Frye, the legislature that 2.1 percent of points to a study by the Alan
process, the petition will become Director of the People'sCampaign. the population supported the initia - Guttmacher Institute in Washing -

Policy would protect AIDS victims
(Continued from Page 1i "This month will be crucial, so Gerome Strong, executive offi
that the financial cost of the AIDS that the council can iron out many for the Michigan Department
(epidemic might fall on employers of the problems that Dr. Atwater Civil Rights also endorsed
who unknowingly hire people who presented," Martin said. policy and "strongly opposed a
could acquire enormous medical All experts who addressed the previous testing for AIDS" as
bills. council felt the resolution was a violation of employees rights.
"Until those problems are positive step for the city to take.
solved, the council members are Jill Jacobs, an assistant professor at
opening themselves up to some the School of Public Health and Problems with
potentially unmanageable pro- AIDS specialist, said the policy curly or wavy hair?
blems," Atwater said. would help educate employees It so, try a dry cut by our talentet
However, as a representative of which could quell hysteria e dry
the city's health department, he stemming from the disease. "We do experienced barber stylists
thinks the policy's statement of not need public fear. We do not DASCOLA STYLIST
medical risk is accurate, and the need mandatory testing. We do not
insurance problem can be worked need to drive this epidemic into the Maple Villa . . .. ...1242
out. g d," Jacis sai ' erty off atet . .... ' 9

tive. Wayne, Kent, and Macomb
counties had the most signatures,
Similar laws placing some type
of restriction on tax-funded abor -
tions have been passed in 36 states.
Of these states, six continue to fund


ton, D.C., which found that the
number ofabirths decreased after
Medicaid abortion funding was
stopped in the states studied.
"Women were forced to find other
birth control methods than
abortion," Listing said.

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