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August 09, 1985 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1985-08-09

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 9, 1985-- Page 7

nold Schwarzenegger pursuing a
woman who will give birth to a son.
the reason that Arnold wants her dead
is that he comes from the future wher
the son will grow up to lead a bloody
revolution. A muddled plot, but
lots of well-executed action scenes.
Mich., 7:20 p.m., 9:30 p.m. $2.50.

Scary sequel to The Wizard of Oz
has Dorothy returning to the land she
left over forty years ago. Not exactly
charming stuff but quite ad-
mirable in its own right.
Mich., 4 p.m., 7 p.m., 9 p.m. $2.50.

16th Annual Ann Arbor Medieval 16th Annual Ann Arbor Medieval
Festival Festival
Medieval theater, dance, music, More medieval fun. 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
food, and crafts highlight this time at the School of Music Grounds. See
warp event in which chivalry returns, Saturday's listing.
kings rule, and you get your chance at
serfdom. 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. at the Starbound - University Exhibit
University School of Music grounds, seu netariu m
:North Campus. Call 663-0681 for more Starbound shows at 2 p.m. and 3:15
information. pm See Saturday's listing.

Black American Music Symposium
Orchestra - University Black
American Music Symposium
Local and National talent highlights
this performance of works by a
variety of black American com-
posers. 8:30 p.m. at the Power Center.
Free. Call 764-0586 for more infor-
Campus Cinema
Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger,
1969) MTF
A two-bit cowboy comes to New
York to make his riches satisfying
wealthy Manhattan women. But the
life of a modern gigolo isn't nearly as
easy or glamorous as he thinks. With
John Voight as the stud and Dustin
Hoffman as his sleazy pal. Mich., 7:30
p.m., 9:40 p.m. $2.50.

Bars and Clubs

Bars and Clubs

Main Street Comedy Showcase -
(996-9080) - Open Mike Night.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
Stomp with Swing Shift.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133)
Stuart Mitchell.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
5436) - Dance Party with DJ Lee
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
- Psychedelia from I.
Andrew Anderson - First Unitarian
Local pianist Anderson performs
works by Gluck, Liszt, Schmann, and
others. 4 p.m. at the Church, 1917
Washtenaw Ave. Student admission is
$3. Call 769-5655 for more information.
Ann Arbor Summer Symphony

The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Local
All-stars from SLK, Non-Fiction, and
the Watusies make up the Substitutes.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville, piano wizard.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
Ypsi's own rockers ... Strider.
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
Beat a path to Fast Tracks.
Heritage String Quartet - University
Black American Music Symposium
Works by Nunez Garrie and Eermit
Moore will be featured in this concert
by the New York-based quartet. 8:30
p.m. at Rackham Auditorium. Free.
Call 764-0586 for more information.
Campus Cinema

Bars and Clubs
Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) -
The Ron Brooks Trio.
Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) -
Jazz from the Ron Brooks Trio.
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Stric-
tly Reggae Music with Brian Tomsic.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville, keyboard artist.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
More silliness with Stuart Mitchell.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
54) - Los Angeles Skarockfunk-
masters fishbone. See Arts, Page 9.
U-Club - (763-2236) - Leizer the
Amazer spins the dance beat discs.
Campus Cinema
Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock,
1954) MTF
Classic Hitchcock. Jimmy
Stewart's got a broken leg, and so
spends his nights gazing across the
way into the windows of his apar-
tment neighbors. He sees family
squabbles, loneliness, despair, good
times, and even a murder. Mich.,
7:30 p.m., 9:40 p.m. $2.50.
The Sorrow and the Pity (Marcel
Ophuls, 1972) AAFC.
This four-hour documentary of
French citizens living under the grip
of Nazi tyranny is a compelling ex-
ploration of the human condition.
MLB 4, 7:30 p.m. only. $2.00.

William Ragsdale figures out that his next door neighbor is a vampire,
and decides to be prepared, in Vistar Film's new movie, 'Fright Night.'

Volunteers directed by Harvey
Felder perform works by Bizet,
Schubert, Strauss, Wagner, and Death Race 2000 (Paul Bartel, 1975)
Sothers. 3 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. MTF
Free. Blood, guts, and fast cars. What
more could an American movie

Black American Music Symposium
Orchestra - University Black
American Music Symposium
Carmen Moore's choral work,
Gospel Fuse will be performed by
this ensemble, which features local
talent. Also, performances by
clarinetist Alvin Batiste and pianist
Billy Taylor. 8:30 p.m. at the Power
Center. Free. Call 764-0568 for more
David Murphy and Garth Garber -
Ann Arbor Council for Traditional
Music and Dance House Concert
This local duo specializes in vintage
country music on guitar, banjo, and
Emandolin. 8 p.m. at 702 Linda Vista.
Small donation requested. Call 662-
0267 for more information.
Campus Cinema
Return To Oz (Walter Murch, 1985)

audience want? When combined with
a modicum of movie-making taent,
the results are fast-paced, mindless,
entertainment.Mich., 7:30 p.m., 9:10
p.m. $2.50.
Bars and Clubs

Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) -
The Ron Brooks Trio jazzes it up.
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Map
of the World paws around.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
"The Man" Manderville.
Main Street Comedy Showcase -
(996-9080) - Laugh with Ross Ben-
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
Fast Tracks dashes into Flood's.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
Stuart Mitchell.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
5436) - Dance with Domino.
Rick's Anterican Cafe - (996-2747)
- From the Cherry Capital of the
World, the Microtones.
U-Club - (763-2236) - Reggae
Dance Party with WCBN's Tom
Barbara Weiss - Michigan Union Ar-
ts Program Summer Music at Mid-
Harpsichordist Weiss performs
works by Bach and others. 12:15 p.m.
in the Pendleton Room of the
Michigan Union. Free. Call 665-9188
for more information.
Campus Cinema
BodyCHeat (Lawrence Kasdan, 1981)

Kasdan's evocation of '40s film noir
is right on the mark and full of inven-
tive plot twists and wonderful movie
magic. MLB 3, 7:30 p.m., 9:40 p.m.
The Lady Vanishes (Alfred Hitch-
cock, 1938) CQ
Early Hitchcock thriller about a
mysterious disappearance in media
'res. MLB 4, 7:30 p.m. only. $2.00
single. $3.00/double.
Ministry of Fear (Fritz Lang, 1944)
From the director of Metropolis. Ray
Milland gets out of an insane asylum
and into the hands of the Nazis. MLB
4, 9:20 p.m. only. $2.00/single,
The Seven Samurai (Akira
Kurosawa, 1954) MTF
Kurosawa's magnum opus features
Toshiro Mifune as the leader of a
band of batteredsSamurai warrios
who are called upon to defend a
helpless village. Mich., 8 p.m. only.

The Blind Pig - From Marietta, THURSDAY
Georgia, not Athens, it's Guadalcanal
Diary. Diary drummer John Poe is
interviewed on today's Arts pages.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry Bars and Clubs
Manderville on the '88s.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
More fun with Stuart Mitchell. The Apartment - (769-4060) - Jazz
U-Club- (763-2236) - Jazz Life and Jam Session with the Robert
jams. Lowe Group.

-Compiled byRichard Campbell
and John Logie,

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